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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Akallabeth

  1. Happy Birthday!
  2. By the time Ton went out to his car, the parking lot was mostly empty. Since he was feeling relatively happy and bored at the same time, he decided that he had an excellent time and place to do some doughnuts and burnouts. Hopping into his Trans Am, he started her up quickly, and gunned the engine to get her warmed up quickly. Shifting into reverse, he revved the engine, and burned out backing up, sliding the car's front end around in the process. Popping her into second, he let her go, and crushed the gas flat to the floor. As if swaying upon her back tires, the car slid from side to side, slowly moving forwards and splattering the principal's car with hot rubber bits. She got moving quickly, and he ran most of the way across the big, mostly empty parking lot before going into a braking slide, turning the car sideways. As she began to turn, he gunned the engine once more and began doing doughnuts, slowly at first, but speeding up as he got the engine's full power into spinning the wheels. After a minute or two of this, he turned the wheels in the opposite direction, and as the car fishtailed wildly, he got her moving straight, and headed out to the track to see who might want to race tonight. No one had challenged him last night, and he was just forced to do a little practice. (OOC: Feeling quite energetic and happy about promotion Had to release it somewhere other than IRC and MSN )
  3. Er. . . late. Happy Birthday to y'all!
  4. Happy Birthday to you both!
  5. Page! Wowzers! (moment of joyful silence and amazement) I don't think enough can be said, but thank you, and I just love being here to write, to read, and to meet new people! Again, thank you, and I am tremendously glad to be here! I think I'll be in a daze for a while now!
  6. Ton comes to school in quite a good mood. While watching the most classic film of all time, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, he fell asleep and had a most marvelous dream. In it he was sitting upon a throne of shrubberies, surrounded by short knights. Unfortunately, in the midst of all this, his kingdom was invaded by a large, wooden badger. Though it caused little harm on it's own, it's speech was most impolite. Fortunately, he was able to use his magician's staff to burn the badger to a crisp, thus saving his kingdom, and causing his many short knights to shout "Nu!" appreciatively around him. Then he woke up, and had to rush slightly more than usual to get to school at a decent time. Upon arriving, he found out some evil news, at least in some ways. Brown's car had been totaled. And nearly topping that, Brown had been killed in the process! Strange events come in twos, he thought. Throughout the rest of the day, there was little talk of anything except Brown's car's destruction, his death, and the prom. Of course, many of the prom canidates seemed to be trying their best to knock each other out of the running for prom king/queen with their accusations of foul play. Oh well. . . Continuing through the day, Ton tried to keep a sharper eye out than normal, searching for a decent date to prom. Of course, no date would be preferable to a bad one. . . (OOC: No accusation this round.)
  7. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! *Walks away laughing*
  8. Heh, not a problem. Illness (and, of course, the wonderful side effects of perscribed medicines) is more than enough .
  9. Ton spun out of the high school parking lot, t-tops left in the Trans Am's trunk. Roiling clouds of burnt rubbur followed him as he got onto the highway and headed home. Though he certainly wasn't suprised that he was selected as a canidate for Prom King, he was slightly disappointed at not having found a date worth taking to the prom yet. Not that any of the gals that he knew at his high school were even worth the expense. Quickly stopping by his house, Ton donned his typical racing clothes, which were black with a thin gold stripe running diagonally across the chest. Exiting again quickly, he drove his black lady out to the drag strip just beyond the city limits. Though there was still an hour til the races began, he wished to be early. Lateness was always so annoying. . .
  10. *looks awkward* I thought that would be one looooong prom. Or at least alot of deaths in one night :/. Oh well. . . *deletes original post and submits edited version*
  11. How did the prince get on the ship, had he come to save his princess?
  12. Akallabeth walks into the middle of the commotion, and gives Tanny small, nondescript card, and a friendly smile. Inside of the card are these simple words: Happy Birthday Tanny!
  13. Happy birthday Rev!
  14. Have a happy birthday, Gryph!
  15. Elanor
  16. I'm in! Anton Johannes, or Ton for short, is a center fielder for the high school baseball team. Not a particularly stellar player, he is, nevertheless, quite decent at his position, and a good batter. He doesn't really belong to any circle of friends, though he can fit in with most of the groups when he wishes. A twelfth grader, he has not yet decided what he's doing once he leaves school, though racing is certainly appealing to him. Ton's got blond hair, which is generally mid length, not short, not long. About the lowest he's ever let it go is midway down his neck. He has no facial hair, and blue eyes which need no visual correction. A lanky, but strong guy, he's 6' 2" tall (1.9 meters) and weighs about 160 lb (72.5 kg). Drives a '77 Pontiac Trans Am, black with gold trim, that has T-tops on it. She has a 400cc W72 engine, manual trannie, and is in beautiful condition. (Here is a set of excellent pictures of an example car) He hasn't modded her much, other than replacing the exhaust system, and putting in a bigger carb. He loves that girl as much as life itself, and enjoys drag racing with her. Bull headed in competition, he gets stubborn when pushed, and will do his best to end up in front of his competitors. As long as you don't push him, he won't be pushing back. Also, he has a great dislike for football players, believing them below his intelligence, and generally regarding them as dumb muscle. At various parties he has attended before, this bias has generally been enforced. As of yet, he has found no girl that he believes worth dating.
  17. I think I'll join in. I'm available for partnering, if someone would like.
  18. Do pirates have stationary homes, or do they merely live on their ships?
  19. But do pirates and the their wenches take showers?
  20. Corwin continued watching the prisoners as the thought over his lost (placeholder). Bah, more yelling again from that crazy Spike! Definitely a murderer if he'd ever seen one . . . (Accusing Spike/Gnarlich again. Corwin forgettest not. )
  21. Tremaine listens to the annoying yells of Spike, as he continues to rant and rave over having landed himslelf in the cooler. Why was he there anyway . . . ? OOC: vote for Gnarlich/Spike. Just a friendly reply
  22. I doubt I'll be as active this game. Didn't think that I'd be away from dependable internet for the next week . I'll try and get posts in anyway though.
  23. Corwin Tremaine is from Glasgow, England, and is the son of a duke. He is a guard at Annisberg, and has been for the past 4 years. He will probably stay here until the end of his life, mourning his Lady Lilah LeCureux and their love. He initally came here when Lilah was arrested with a number of others for having plotted to topple the British government. The day he heard the sentance, he knew that he couldn't help but follow, and he became a guard at her prison, so that he might watch over her, try to protect her, and comfort her. Throughout the following three years, he did what he could for her, though he knew she could never leave. Their love never lessened, but she believed that he should move on, find someone who had more of a future than her. However, perhaps due to the German in his blood (from his mother's side), he was too stubborn to do this. Then almost a year ago after yet another night on this Isle of Hell, she was found murdered in her bed. The killer was never found. The first anniversery of her death is coming up within days. And though she is dead, he can't help but feel that she has not entirely left, that more of her remains than the body that was buried within the soft earth. Until death reunites them, he will continue to be a guard, dealing out punishment for any trouble with an iron fist, and keeping his ears open for anything that might tell who Lilah's murderer is, or was. For once he knows, and knows for certain, that one will be crushed mercilessly, ground into the dirt by the heel of his boot. And woe to any murderer who dares to kill another, innocent or otherwise. (Thanks to Tanny for the character idea! ) Edit: Additional details added
  24. Doug stood on the ceiling of the locker room, watching the various cast and crew members going through his locker. The injustice of it all . . . using his own hacksaw to remove the lock, looking around inside it with his flashlight, prying open the place where he kept his journal with his screwdriver . . . gah! As he looked down, he watched them look through his journal, reading of the offer given to him by Mendacious Studios. It would have been so great to have been in control of the materials department. . . making real sets, good sets. Not the flimsy pieces of junk that he had been forced to work with here. Sighing, he floated down from the ceiling, and flipped over, trading his feet for his head in a remarkable amount of time. At least the physics of things were more interesting . . . (OOC: Feel free to take whatever you want from the mysterious contents of my journal.)
  25. Congratulations!
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