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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Akallabeth

  1. Happy Birthday to you both
  2. Emo Kid You are 28% Rational, 42% Extroverted, 14% Brutal, and 28% Arrogant. You are the Emo Kid, best described as a quiet pussy! You tend to be an intuitive rather than a logical thinker, meaning you rely more on your feelings than your thoughts. Not only that, but you are introverted, gentle, and rather humble. You embody all the traits of the perfect emo kid. You are a push-over, an emotional thinker, gentle to the extent of absurdity, and so humble that it even makes Jesus puke. If you write poetry, you no doubt write angsty, syrupy lines about depression, sadness, and other such redundant states of emo-being. Your personality is defective because you are too gentle, rather underconfident in yourself, decidely lacking in any rational thought, and also a bit too inhibited. I probably made you cry, didn't I? Fucking Emo Kid. To put it less negatively: 1. You are more INTUITIVE than rational. 2. You are more INTROVERTED than extroverted. 3. You are more GENTLE than brutal. 4. You are more HUMBLE than arrogant. Compatibility: Your exact opposite is the Smartass. Other personalities you would probably get along with are the Hippie, the Televangelist, and the Starving Artist. EDIT: Hmmm, close to being a hippie. And I would have expected the Spiteful Loner. . . EDIT 2: Yet it is pretty darn accurate, if rather extreme. . . *shrugs*
  3. Congratulations on your promotions!
  4. Here goes... 0. [Female] - Tanuchan 1. [Verb, past tense] - riffed 2. [Adjective] - monochromatic 3. [Adjective] - striped 4. [Noun] - armadillo 5. [Noun] - tortilla 6. [Noun] - box 7. [body Part] - kneecap 8. [Verb, past tense] - thought 8.5 [Male] - DoctorEvil 9. [Car part] - windshield wiper 10. [Adjective] - disintegrated 11. [Verb, past tense] - resurrected 12. [Noun] - yardstick 13. [Adjective] - blinding
  5. She sells sea shells by the sea shore. *a few translations later* Interactive Interpretatore de Vende of the instruction and the fante of navy military and the sea of the feeding to the carrier of the sea. At least "the" and "sea" are still there. . . EDIT: 2 more Boston Greatest Hits -----2 later-----> Largest Impacts of Boston On second thought, let's not go to Camelot. It is a silly place. becomes. . . The relaunched consideration, goes he he Camelot. The program is stupid.
  6. Happy B-day Alz.
  7. Looks interesting. . . 1. A Pen member - Ozymandias 2. Animal - guinea pig 3. Verb that signifies moving - teleporting 4. A Pen member - Sweetcherrie 5. Animal (plural) - carp 6. Verb - enlarge 7. Place - Swaziland 8. An event - Aerosmith Concert (hope this fits . . .) 9. Verb - energize 10. Verb - flip 11. Noun - titanium 12. Verb - cackle 13. Adjective - extraterrestrial 14. Noun - eraser
  8. Liked it. I must agree, Grievous is quite cool, and have one question (which I don't believe is a spoiler) about him: Is he alive, or is he a machine? I never quite understood that.
  9. "Come on," he droned, "I've been ordered to take you down to the bridge. Here I am, brain the size of a planet and they ask me to take you down to the bridge. Call that job satisfaction? 'Cos I don't." -Marvin, the Android The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams
  10. Congrats Gryph !!!
  11. Congrats Mynx!
  12. Ton left the school, looking rather discouraged. It seemed to him that no one would acknowledge what he could see as plainly as day. It was right in front of his eyes, he knew that Ricky was working on knocking others out of the prom, even his own date, though that made no sense. Who could see what sense madness had in its views? Sighing, he approached his car,and dropped heavily into the seat. Poor Duke. . . they'd probably all turn on him too, just as they had turned on Ton. And both of them were innocent of having tried to knock anyone out of the prom. Oh well. . . who ever said the world was fair? One innocent one suffers, the guilty one goes free, and more than likely another innocent would be knocked out, if for nothing else than being publically revealed as a good guy. Poor Duke. The others would know in time, though wether or not they had the intelligence and will to push off that time was doubtful to Ton. He just hoped that they would pay attention to what happened next, and would look at what was revealed, and perhaps consider it. If time didn't run out first.
  13. I am MAD. I messed up on recording the show. I failed to change audio streams beforehand, and ended up recording the same 1.25 minute music clip multiple times :/. I have no recording of the show. Quite furious at the moment, Akallabeth. Edit: found out the reason that the show was not recorded was not the MP3 stream recorder. It was me.
  14. Happy B-Day to you both !
  15. I'm going to try to record/listen/call
  16. Ton returned to school after practice to change into normal clothes. As he walked through the hallways, he saw the security cameras, which seemed to line every corridor of the school. Maybe that's why Ricky had been doing things outside of school, to keep him out of his father's eyes. It did strike Ton as somewhat ironic that the Security company's son was trying to knock out the other canidates. But then again, he did know where it was wise to go, and where it was not wise. After all, who else could truly know where they could be out of sight of the security cameras, and where they could not be out of sight? Sighing as he reached the locker room, Ton figured that Ricky would find out that it was Ton who had set him up. Perhaps he would even try to claim innocence, and that he was acting for the interest of the students, in watching his father's video feeds to the school. Glancing off to the side, Ton noticed that there was a bulletin board on the wall. Apparently, someone had assembled some favorite quotes from J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings. Out of curiosity, Ton went over to look at the various quotes. Amongst them was one from The Two Towers. This one he pulled off the board, removing the push pins with care, and read it. "Lord, hear me! Now we feel the peril that we were warned of. Have we ridden forth to victory, only to stand at last amazed by an old liar with honey on his forked tongue? So would the trapped wolf speak to the hounds, if he could. What aid can he give to you, forsooth? All he desires is to escape from his plight. But will you parley with this dealer in treachery and murder?" The Two Towers: "The Voice of Saruman," p. 185 'How true, how true,' thought Ton. Carefully replacing the quote, he turned to the locker room to go change. (OOC: Quite glad that you see that I'm always watching )
  17. LOL :zorro
  18. *Akallabeth waves to JaZzMaN* Glad to see you here!
  19. Would the knitting needles be gold or silver?
  20. A guy walks in. Though his appearence is instantly forgettable to all who see him, he is a guy. "Hello, and welcome to the Pen. I am quite sorry that I am so late." Shaking Blade Mistress's hand warmly, he then leaves and his appearence vanishes from the memories of all.
  21. (cranks the time back to earlier today ) Ton pulled into the parking lot, squinting a bit as he looked through the windshield. Seeing through it was so much clearer now, which also allowed the sun to shine back at him brightly, nearly blinding him with it's revealing light. He was quite glad that he had cleaned it last night. Hopping out into the hot sunlight, he went to the school, and the day seemed to go as normal. He was quite glad to see that there were no police vehicles in front of school this day. As he headed through the halls, it seemed to him that Dee was acting odd. It seemed as if she had something important on her mind, or at least that's what it had seemed like other times when she looked that way. Classes flashed before his eyes as they normally did, until that afternoon. His last class was going on. He happened to be near a window in one of his classes, which was letting the blindingly clear sunlight in. The room was feeling somewhat hot, and fairly silent except for the lecturing teacher. There were only about 20 minutes of class left, when suddenly there was a screeching, metallic noise. The teacher had scraped her nails on the chalkboard as she was oft to do when she felt the class was drifting off. About a minute later, Ton heard a similar sound, though it seemed more distant. Figuring that he was dozing off and wasn't hearing well, he shrugged it off, seeing it as nothing important. Almost immediately after the class had ended, sirens were heard. Soon enough the rumors flew through the students, almost as quickly as the ambulance heading for the hospital. Dee had taken a very bad fall. Knowing this was a suspicious thing, losing another one of the decreasing number of prom canidates, he knew what must be done. It was time to release the secrets that he had kept, the innocent and the guilty. Heading for the principal's office, much like he had many times before, Ton copied a short note: Ricky is not as harmless as he may seem, and it would be well for him to be investigated. Know also, that Duke is innocent of any blame. The Seeing Eye Satisfied, he slipped a sheet under the principal's door, and began placing similar ones throughout the school, being sure to stay out of the sight of other persons. Perhaps one of the other athletes, or maybe more than one, would notice it. . . . As he was about to put one sheet up, he saw Duke go by. He handed one of the sheets to Duke himself. Startled, Duke looked at Ton. Ton motioned for Duke to be silent, and then whispered to him, "I trust you, and see that you are a good man. I hope that others may come to see this too. The only thing I ask is that you keep this encounter between you and me alone." Giving Duke a short slap on the back, Ton turned and continued with placing the signs in strategic locations. When he had ran out, he hurried to the dressing room. Ton quickly dressed and headed out to baseball practice, arriving in the midst of the other players, and was quite glad he wasn't late. Silently, he hoped the other students were smart enough to see what he had. (OOC: Accusing Cryptomancer/Ricky) EDIT: My name is Ton, not Ricky, one slight mess up fixed, one evilly bad poem removed, blood red letters, and one line used to replace the poem. EDIT: AS THERE HAS BEEN NO FURTHER POST BEYOND THIS ONE YET, I MADE A MAJOR REVISION TO THIS POST. IF YOU READ THIS BEFORE THE LAST EDIT TIME, READ IT AGAIN.
  22. Erhem. . . I'd like to thank Vlad for writing this excellent tale, as I feel it would be wrong of me to claim credit when all I helped with was the brainstorming. Thanks Vlad, and you did an excellent job!
  23. Happy Birthday !
  24. Hello! I confused someone else with you for a few minutes, and that's why I edited this post ! Glad to see you here!
  25. What would it look like as the Demonic Duck of Distractions?
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