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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Equester

  1. Real life finally releases it's terrible and harsh grip upon my erm...wrist I suppose. And I'm a Page! Now I just have to find some way of apologising to the people in Zariah's roleplay without sounding like I'm apologising
  2. Equester jumped slightly as Stropha materialised beside him, accompanied by a collection of other creatures from the other place, all dressed in Tuxedoes and carrying a mixture of musical instruments. "Alright boss, where's the party? And wht you still doing out here?!" "Er...I was was just going in...yes, bit of trouble finding this place. If you go on in and start playing, I'll join you in a moment. Stropha, I need you to do something for me." Quickly Equester muttered some commands to Stropha, who then dissapperead in search of Appy. The rest of the "band" all raced to the door, fighting amongst themselves over who would be playing the sax. As he watched them, Equester couldn't help thinking he might have made a mistake. Inside the hall There was a brief but short lived sound of violence as the Dimensional Band prevented the muisicians already playing from carrying on, and then they were set. A sign was set up on the stage announcing the acceptance of requests, and without further ado they launched into a tune of thier own making, slow and romantic with an overtone of Jazz. Wherever Appy is Stropha materilised infront of Appy, his Tux not even out of place from his rapid search of the area. "Ah there you are madam. You are required at the Valentines ball, if you'll just follow me we can be there in a sec!" Gesturing he indicated the portal behind him, and waited for Appy to comply. He hoped he wouldn't have to tie her up to get her there, the boss might get upset about that.
  3. From across the entrance to the Cabaret room, Equester watched. In honour of the occasion he had donned his dress robes, ceremonial robes that were worn by the Templars only on special events. Emblazoned on the black silk of the robes were many runes of power and protection trailing up the arms and around the hem and hood. Upon his chest was a large red cross, the symbol of his order. Frowning slightly within the shroud of magic Stropha had conjoured up to keep him hidden, Equester struggled within his mind to find the courage to enter the Cabaret room. It wasn't the same as the fear before battle, he was used to that and could handle it. It always passed when the first blow was struck, replaced with the emotional vacum that all soldiers must posses in order to kill thier enemies. Nor was it even the same as when he had first crossed his Order and performed his first summoning, for then he had known what he was doing and firmly believed he was right. This was a different kind of fear, insiduous and cruel, eating away inside of him. To be surrounded by so many people, all talking and laughing and mingling. For one such as himself who had spent most of his time in isolation, the thought was terrifying. He had almost made it through the door once already, but then he had failed and withdrawn to gather his courage and try again. Maybe when Stropha returned from his errand, maybe then he'd go through. Maybe then he'd find the courage...
  4. ***Grins at Ayshela-man of many surprises, me *** Sleepless, wish I could claim that I wrote it intentionalyy, but I can't. That's the problem with most of my writing-they just happen. Whenever I try and write something that doesn't involve my feelings in some way, it generally falls flat on its face .
  5. Silence chokes like a lumpy quilt, The dark pestered by a permanent light Poking calmly through the thin gap Between the blind and the window. Pain is here, and the usual guilt, And that old, familiar friend, Sorrow, His cotton-gloved hand so slight In its touch, yet so warm to the soul. Lying awake at night never used to feel empty. Remember when it used to mean Rolling from side to side, punching pillows, Pulling off then putting back on Stupid, hot, stripey pyjamas? It’s funny, But sad, too: how we all of us lie on In this humbled, hollow state, never seen By others; each one of us pondering his role.
  6. I'm glad you put these three in the same topic...it makes each individual poem seem somehow more. The third one definatly seemed the easier to read, for me at least.
  7. Thankyou
  8. A great laugh...can't wait 'till I make it to page and can read the rest of it...
  9. Looks like I better create myself a character that doesn't collapse when surrounded by people
  10. Equester staggers into the room, burdened heavily by fireworks of all sizes and descriptions. Behind him followers his djinni, Stropha, who was carrying an immense chocolate cake that he had only just been restrained from eating. Thanks for your help people, now prepare to learn the long dark history of my evil character...just as soon as he has one
  11. Equester shuffles respectfully into the forum, hat held between hands and voice little more than a mumble. "So um...how do I link to another post in the same topic? I'm trying to do a description of one of my characters and I need to do that thing where clicking on the physical description and whatnot takes you to the right place in the topic."
  12. ~Physical Description~ Ebulum is slightly taller than the average dwarf, standing roughly five feet tall. His head is bald but he sports a wiry grey beard tinged with red streaks. His skin is rust coloured and seems to radiate an almost palpable heat, and his figers end in wickedly sharp claws. His face usually bears an expression that is a mixture of cruelty and hatred at those he considers inferior, though he can hide his feelings surpringly well when he is travelling with companions. He always wears a dark black cassok embroidered with the symbols of Vesania, the lord of the realms of Chaos. (Editted by Katz for Search-compliant formatting.)
  13. Physical Description Personality Abilities History Items
  14. Just read Parmeions poem, an awesome write...makes me wish I had joined earlier so I cold have told hime so, but the thread appears to have dried up. Ah well, I'll be ready next time... ***Takes stance of someone facing a twenty stone burk with the ball...
  15. I was once told That I was mad For believing in a world Without God. I asked that judging person, “Do you believe in all that’s written In your holy scriptures, Every tale of flood and life And murder and lessons? Do you believe in all its axioms, To love thy neighbor, To turn the other cheek, To harm not your enemies, And above all else, To leave all judgments up to God? Do you believe what the crusaders believed As they murdered more Christians than Arabs? Do you believe the same things As those ‘fallen’ priests of ill repute? Do you believe in forgiveness and free will, Or do the laws of your religion Bend entirely to your whim?” I was answered with silence. Edit: Changed the tenses of the stanzas and removed "lunatic", on reading it again it seemed an awkward word. The "answered with silence" was meant to be the silence of a guilty concience rather than the silence one gets from those too angry to reply. The peom was aimed at those people who decide to alter the word of god to fit thier lifestyle, rather than the other way around. With that in mind, should I still change the ending?
  16. Queen and Meatloaf. Favourite Queen song has got to be Bohemian Rhapsody. Either that or Fat Bottomed Girls, or possibly Somebody to Love...they made so many great songs. Has anyone ever heard Meatloaf when he was singing backed by the Melbourne Symphony Ochestra? Great music. My favourite song from a computer game has got to be a song called "That's Death". It accompanied a game called Discworld 2 (significantly easier than Discworld 1) and was written, I believe, by Eric Idle.
  17. I was once told That I’m a lunatic For believing in a world Without God. I asked that judging person, “Do you believe in all that’s written In your holy scriptures, Every tale of flood and life And murder and lessons? Do you believe in all its axioms, To love thy neighbor, To turn the other cheek, To harm not your enemies, And above all else, To leave all judgments up to God? Do you believe what the crusaders believed As they murdered more Christians than Arabs? Do you believe the same things As those ‘fallen’ priests of ill repute? Do you believe in forgiveness and free will, Or do the laws of your religion Bend entirely to your whim?” I was answered with silence.
  18. Friends are our angels, our mentors, our kin, Friends are who save us, again, and again. They keep us from sinking, they save us from drowning, They cause us to smile, just to keep us from frowning. Friends are the backbone, the heart, and the soul, Friends keep us thinking, when our minds take control. They keep us grounded, they keep us flying, they keep us reaching, and always trying. Friends are our reason, our motive, our grace, Friends mark the miles, as through life we race. They share in the nice times, the good, and the best, they're there in the worst times, never seeming to rest. Friends keep believing, when life does us wrong, and friends keep us willing, knowing, and strong. They help us remember, when we have forgot, And they help us be happy, no matter life's lot. Friends are true jewls, beyond fortune and fame, Friends are true blessings, no two just the same. They offer what's priceless, lovely, and rare: They offer us wisdom, understanding, and care.
  19. OOC: No apology is needed, it gave me a chance to carry the roleplay further than I had anticipated. It has to be said that this way of registering for something has a lot more going for it than filling out a form and getting an automated reply...
  20. As Tanuchan attempted to send the telepathic mesage the Raven lets out a loud caw, startling both herself and Equester. A flash of pain pulsed through her head, making her feel like her eyes were being punctured with red hot needles. With a faint shimmer the raven transformed and Tanuchan beheld the form of a large gargoyle, it's wings outstreched, ready to attack. "Stropha wait!" At Equesters shout the gargoyle hesitated and looked enquiringly at his master. "What did she try to do?" "Master, she tried some sort of mind attack, I felt it coming towards you and rebounded it back at her. Who knows what it would have done if it had struck you." Startled at what had seemed to be a new friends attack, Equester turned his gaze back to Tanuchan, his eyes enquiring. The pain in Tanuchan's mind had already faded, and the wolf that was her current form was now standing, her fur bristling and her teeth bared in anger. Upon hearing the conversation, however, she calmed down and shimmered into her human form. "It wasn't an attack, I was just trying to send you a mind-message. It's rather difficult for me to communicate as a wolf." Sudden understanding flashed across Equesters face, followed by remorse. "My apologies, I hope my djinn's attack didn't harm you in any way, but it wouldn't have done you any good. The gift of telepathy is not something I posess. Where I come from, only creatures from the Other Place have such powers, and then only those of high levels." "If she really was only trying to send messages, she could always send them to me, I could pass them on to you through the bond that exists between us. It depends on whether you believe what she claims. And whether you trust me enough." With the last sentance the gargoyle grinned, showing a set of razor-sharp teeth. "You never mentioned you had mind powers Strophs." Equester's voice was dangerously calm, barely hiding his anger at the djinn. "You never asked." Calming himself down, Equester turned back to Tanuchan. "My apologies once again for my djinn's actions. Are you able to send messages to spirits?"
  21. The blue-green eyes of the fallen knight looked curiously after the figure of Peredhil. With one eyebrow raised he turned back to the wolf who was his only other companion save for Stropha. "Does he always talk to doors?
  22. Erm...I know I'm not even a member (yet) but I'd like t put my name down anyway, just incase I can join in. You know how it is when you join something new-you just want to try everything!
  23. "Hey Si, what's the difference between male and female again?"
  24. From network Neverwinter games What do you mean you can't open it? Stop tickling those orcs and give me a hand! Oh hell, I've come unplugged I'm dead and she still won't stop playing with me!
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