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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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About Wavechild

  • Birthday 02/17/1988

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    Mexican w/random Egyptian bit <explains my eyes some people say...>
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    writing and riding waves of water and thought

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  1. She cries aloud and I feel a sadness colored Like mahogany.
  2. pilot of herself she steers straight into the dark every time, leaving those on the other side crying out in pain, that the light of their worlds has left them for another.
  3. hands freeze over as the light above flickers incandescent and i search for something i’ve not yet found, i might never find, because the bulb has cracked and i still feel shattered.
  4. Well, i s'pose that acceptance if hesitantly given to a water-named being such as myself is good enough....
  5. I think that I love
  6. With every breath an image spills into being, swirling and settling to rest in our minds as the reader continues to exhale bittersweet and I for one, sigh. ---I think what I enjoy so much about this pieces is the fact that it reads incredibly when spoken. A really great reader could instill so much life into the piece --- not because of their own voice but because the careful consideration to rythmn and especially alliteration. I love it.
  7. Glad you liked it! Oh and please watch out for Wyvern... Saints alive. But i like shiny objects, rather fascinating...
  8. thanx... well i might as well ask what you thought of this piece while i'm waiting for wyvern...
  9. oh and everyone else review as .... you feel...fit?
  10. um, i love you?
  11. noel Running through a field, grass gone and grown wild, scratches me as I race and soon there is Christmas everywhere. Red flecks of me and the grass mingling As noel. anywho i've got no clue as to how you're supposed to contact me and whatnot... heralfness@msn.com if anyone else is interested. <so confused>
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