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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Pillow

  1. Nice show tonight. Glad I could be part of it.
  2. Pilocanci shrugs,"Apology accepted. Unfortunately, I do have to depart. Don't blame yourself for the 'less then perfect' date. I admit, it was rather annoying. However, I'm not quite that petty, as some would believe." The Sharpein dictator kisses Sweetcherrie's hand before turning with his group and leaving for the transports.
  3. Pilocanci turns to Zariah,"If you wish. However, in order to get to our staging area, I ask that you fly there in humaniod form which would be much faster and less of a strain on you. I would love to have someone on the ground as a scout incase our satillites can not pin point the enemy." With that, Pilocanci begins walking with Yan Yan, Boslio, and now Zariah to the red transport.
  4. Zariah flies lower as she approaches the Conservatory enjoying the cool night air. The moon is low in the sky, it's face shining with a bright amber view. The Naming Ceremony had given her a sense of honor. Her mind had drifted to the point of almost not hearing the internal hum of thrust rotors as three aircraft; two in dark black and one in red. They had two pairs of wings on both the front and rear of the vehicles. The ends of the wings terminated into a circle-like structure with a rotor in it. Quickly, they touched down infront of the Conservatory. Zariah lands in a nearby tree as three squads of Canine warriors, two squads of Sharpein commandoes and one squad of large wolf-like creatures standing roughly five foot tall, all armored and armed with high tech rifles. The doors of the red aircraft open. From inside step Yan Yan and Boslio Ganaffi in their traditional armor followed by several three foot tall, fully armored Sharpein assualt troops. They make their way for the door of the conservatory. The ball is progressing nicely for everyone but Pilocanci, it seems. His date was being wowed my Black, his dance with Zariah interrupted, and he was getting slightly annoyed by it all. The conversation with Tzimfemme was a definate improvement to his evening. He had explained that utilizing a short perimeter force field to add 'substance' to the visual effect is what created the solid hologram. He found it very interesting to know that Tzimfemme had a bit of a flair for nano-biology, giving him an idea for improving the life of nano-medical droids by utilizing the body's own electro-magnetic field to power it, which would cut down on the number of injections of the nano-machines to a patient. The door opened and a team of Sharpein assualt troops entered and quickly secured the area. Yan Yan and Boslio, two of the six Pennites enlisted into the Sharpein Officer Corps, walked over to Pilocanci and Tzimfemme. Exchanging salutes, Boslio explains the situation. Civil War has spilled over into the land's border. A raiding party of wolf riders commanded by a dark wizard had destroyed a village and was now holding the citizens hostage. Gasps were heard from the crowd as the news was relayed. Pilocanci excused himself before leaving for the assualt transports.
  5. Wow. That was impressive.
  6. Pilocanci smiles at the fact that Zariah seemed genuinely interested in him. "I and my people come from Charsic 7, a planet far away from here. We came here after my government was over thrown. Instead of magic, we have an advance technological society, as you have probibily noticed. We've began research into the physics of 'magical' energy and have discovered that it is a sub-electron energy type. It uses different vibrational rates that cause it to relate to a certain type of funtion. The basic of these is ambient magical energy..." Pilocanci stopped as he noticed the slightly confused look of Zaraih's face. "Sorry, sometimes I lose myself in scientific discussion. I used to be a science professor before entering politics on my home world. My field was mostly theoritical physics and nano-chemistry." Pilocanci saw that in order for Zariah to dance with him, she had to hunch over a bit uncomfortibly. Pausing for a few moments, he took out a paw-sized nano-holographic generator, activating it. It hologram had the obtical coherence modification to 'solidify' the hologram. Before Zariah stood a handsome male human dressed in a studding military dress uniform. Taking her gasp of suprise as a compliment, Pilocanci began dancing with her again. "We built the airbase outside of the Pen for the purpose of establishing a means of protecting our new home. With our technology, we're trying to improve the living conditions and slowly advancing the quality of life here." "I was wanting to know a little more about you, actually," Zariah said to the hologram version of Pilocanci. "Oh," he said," I'm fond of reading, music, flying, and cooking. I enjoy spicy foods, mostly. I can't eat chocolet. It's poisonous to Canines. I'm currently divorced with no pups, and I'm presidente of an exiled nation. So, since you asked me, can you tell me a bit about yourself?"
  7. Like I PMed you earlier, I'll call in when you get your next show going. The offer about the jackhammer still stands. Pilocanci
  8. Pilocanci looked over in Zariah's direction. "I noticed that earlier," the pint sized dictator remarked," I would be happy to dance with her, but remember, you owe me a dance." He smiled and winked at Sweet Cherrie before strolling over to Zariah. She looked up from her book with a bit of suprise. "I don't mean to interrupt, but I was wanting to thank you for a wonderful party. Not meaning to pry, but I noticed you don't seem to be enjoying yourself. If I may offer, would you like to dance?"
  9. Pilocanci looked at the dance floor wondering if Sweet Cherrie would like to dance. Smiling at her, he got up and offered her his hand. with a flowwing gesture of his hand, he asked," Shall we?"
  10. "I came out here to apologise to both you and Black," Pilocanci explained. "It was wrong of me to do that. I just don't get many oppertunities to get out and enjoy myself with others often. I just wanted tonight to go well. When you spung out of the shadows like some seductive super villian, I lost it a bit. Sweet Cherrie is rght, tonight is meant to be a happy one." Pilocanci extended his paw to Black," Truce?" Black look suspeciuosly before taking and shaking it.
  11. Pilocanci sat calmly as Black presented his present. Sweet Cherrie raised an eyebrow at him, wondering why he hadn't pull a weapon or turn black into a flea. activating his commlink, he simply said,"Containment Alpha 726." As he said this, a magic-dampening field enveloped the conservatory. Black, sensing something wrong, and tried to disappear...and tried agian to no avail. Others began to notice that the usual enchantments that they had fail. The Dictator got up from his chair and walked over to Black. Though only the size of a large raccoon, Pilocanci was feared for his cruel nature and the backing of a highly advanced technological society. "It seems to me," Pilocanci began after turning on his voice translator so that all could understand," that we have a slight situation here. Sweet Cherrie has two secret Valentines. It wouldn't be so bad if you had simply waited to act after our date was over or ask to speak to Sweet Cherrie alone and then present her present outside of my presence. Instead, you came right on over and try to whisk her away. I admire your courage, but shake my head sadly at your lack of common sense and lack of tact. What you just did was incredibily rude and will not go unpunished." Pilocanci paused as the rest of the party goers watched nerviously, waiting and wondering what he would do. Pilocanci looked over at Sweet Cherrie and his mind softened. Turning back to Black, he said,"Today is your lucky day. In respect to Zariah and the others, I will spare you. If I wished you destoryed, I could simply have the dampening field set to full power. this would completely rob you of your magical essence, leaving you nothing but a pile of dust and bones on the floor." "How so," Black asked. "Well, in order for a vampire, or any undead creature for that matter, to exist, they require not only 'life energy' but a lot of necromatic energy to exist. I can set the transmitter to discorperate a specific band of energy, causing all necromatic energy to seperate and neutralize into harmless ambient energy. My advice to you is to turn around and leave now." With a look of anger, Black turned and walked out of the door. Pilocanci smiled at Sweet Cherrie," Now, what were you saying before we were so rudely interrupted?"
  12. Pilocanci glances over in Wyvern's direction, shanks his head, then goes back to his drink and talking to Sweet Cherrie.
  13. I was wondering where that jar of radioactive isotopes went off to! Instead, might I offer a shot of anti-viral nano-mechs that seek out individual infested cells and altered proteins that may hide virus strains? Or will chicken soup do? Pilocanci
  14. He wasn't born, he was turned.
  15. Aww...She's so cute when she's possessed!
  16. Holy hell, she's possessed! Someone get some holy water, quick! (lol)
  17. Just wanted to give my undead friend a birthday shout. I would come up with a huge RP story deal, but I'm really drained right now. Anyway, Happy B-day, Venefyxatu!
  18. Well, I've already joined. Just think, you can be in a clan that has ME as one of it's members! It would be like getting stuck on a public bus between a crazy homeless man and a terrorist howler monkey.
  19. Pilocanci was really enjoying himself. So far, Sweet Cherrie's only short coming was not being Sharpein, though that wasn't such a big deal to him. This was to be a friendly date, not a romantic one. He briefly excused himself as the others at the table were engaged in conversation. Walking to a secluded corner, he opened his comlink. "Yes, Presidente," a voice answered on the other end," This is Strategic Command; Colonal Rutch Scoofaldi speaking." "Good evening," the Dictator began," The planet naming is green lighted. I need a transport team to receive the new weapon I obtained from Sweet Cherrie." "I'm sending one now, Presidente," Col. Scoofaldi replied," Anything else?" "Yes, now that you mentioned it," Pilocanci responded," I need to know the status of those temporal distortions. I don't want to call my date off early if I don't have to." "I understand, Presidente. The temporal distortions seem to be a result of a geo-magnetic vacuum due to the collection of a large amount of energy three kingdoms away in the Orcish Confederation in the Findalis Mountia-" "Can it wait until my date is over," Pilocanci asked. "Yes, sir," Col. Scoofaldi assured," We have two Counter Strike and Rescue/Recovery Teams on stand by if you need them." "Good," the Dictator remarked," I want you to send a Teledon Imagery Inducer set on," Pilocanci took a look around the room at the decorations. Zaraih really had done a good job on it. It just needed a little more 'atmosphere'. " Set it on light display T3 Delta. I'll manually activate it from here." "Right away, Presidente," Col Scoofaldi answered. Pilocanci set the teleportion waypoint and activated it. The same blue flashed, leaving a gun metal grey box behind. Opening a small compartment in the box, he typed in a series of numbers on the miniture keyboard. A small, quick beep was followed by a quick flash. The room now had small, red floating holographic hearts floating about comlpete with a very nice ambient musical score that gave the room a wonderful and appropriate feel. Pilocanci went back to the table and sat back down.
  20. Please add me to that list if you would be so kind. Thank you. Presidente Georg W. Pilocanci Leader of the New Sharpein Nation
  21. Pilocanci looked over the new rifle with the precision of a Marine Corps Weapons Instructor. It was a fine weapon. Clearly Sweetcherrie had out done herself. Looking over at his secret Valentine, he smiled broadly. Out of one of his folds, he handed her an translator, motioning for her to put it in her ear. The small earpiece fit snuggly in her ear. "Thank you for the gift," the Dictator said," I really do like it. Well, love it, actually." He put down the rifle and took out a teleportation waypoint beacon. Placing the ping pong ball-sized device, activating the black ball. With a flash of blue light, a clear glass case about a meter across and a meter tall, and a meter in width appeared out of thin air. Inside was a beautiful array of dark red and electric blue crystals. They were arranged in wonderous spires and arches. "These are Varilis Crystals," Pilocanci explained," They are a very rare type of crystaline plant that grows on an ice planet we have just discovered in this solar system. A Planetary Exploration Droid brought back these crystals as it roamed the planet. As beautiful as this display is, it is not the main gift. We haven't gotten a name for the planet we discovered yet, so I was hoping you wouldn't mind if we named the planet after you. Would you like that?"
  22. A Note on Sharpein Technology Aside from the occasional use of magic by Pilocanci, Sharpeins depend on technology. Most of their weapons are none leathal in nature, designed to subdue or humiliate opponents. Here is a short rundown of vehicles and weapons the Sharpeins brought with them. ST-67 'Dooker' Tank: The ST-67 is a six wheeled vehicle two and a half meters tall, two meters wide, and three meters long. It's main weapon is a septic cannon that can fire a stream of biological waste (drained straight from the Pen's sewer system) up to 70 meters. It has a highly acidic cannon-flushing liquid that can be used in a pinch to down enemies with nasty acid burns. The vehicle holds a crew of three; one driver, one weapons operator, and one gunner. AC-77 Combat Glider: This glider is launched from a catapulting system set up on a steep incline. Holding one pilot, it can be armed with a vast array of weapons and equipment. The glider is three meters long, with a four meter wingspan. The glider can reach speeds of close to 1,200 mph. It has an internal power source (Salgic Nitrogen 158 radioactive ions) that lasts for many years (halflife of 60 human years). SB-89 B2 Duster Air-to-Ground Missile: This meter long guilded missile can lock onto biological ground targets as well as vehicles. After striking the ground, the missile explodes, releasing a heavy cloud of fiberglass particles that make breathing almost impossible. Though not meant to be leathel, a direct hit from the missile or very close proximity to the blast radius can cause death. SB-55 Plaster Bomb: This bomb was designed for stopping vehicles and troops by deploying a 'blanket' of stinky goo that immobilizes enemies. The bomb detonates five meters from the ground's surface before impact. The goo raius is 15 meters. It takes 20 hours for the goo to dissolve. ACV-10 'War Wolf': This is a prototype of a new combat aircraft that can preform horizional takeoffs like a helicoptor. Mainly designed as a transport aircraft, it is armed with a four PR Static rail guns for protection. It can hold a crew of five (two pilots, town side gunners, and one crew chief) and 10 Shapien soldiers. Can reach speeds of 800 mph. PR Static Rail Gun: This is a new addition to the Sharpien armed forces. It is a borrowed technology from the Huskiian Empire. It is a four barreled machine gun that has automated loading, electronic control system, and seats one gunner. The system is about 1 1/2 meters tall and a meter in lenght. the rounds it fires are static tazer rounds *called 'biscuits'* that look like a small hockey puck with retractable inch-long blades. When a target is hit, it is shocked with a neurological disruption pulse *NDP* that paralizes the target for a few hours. ST-34 "Flea" hopper transport: This staple in the Sharpien armed forces looks like a metallic ball on four thin, insect-like legs. Due to the high gravity of the Sharpien homewolrd; twice that of Terra, the hopper uses a set of initiation rockets to launch itself up to 25 miles away in a single jump. As the hopper reaches it's apex of a jump it flips over to prepare for landing. Armed only with a pair of XS stun lasers, these are very weak in combat and a big target ( four meters by four meters). It can hold 25 fully equiped Sharpein soldiers or small vehicle. It has a crew of six (two pilots, a navigator, a crew chief, and two gunners). It's inner chamber is gravitationally stablized.
  23. Georg Willis Pilocanci is the former dictator of a country on the Canine Homeworld of Charsic 7. Being removed from office by a coalition of United Canine Nation troops, he was forced into hiding. he eventually found his way to the Pen. After finding out how to work a transdimentional gate brought by Yan Yan Ganaffi, he began immigrating those still loyal to him to this world, along with a good chunk of technology from the Sharpien's (Pilocanci's canine race) reseach and development labs. With the completion of Black Star Air Base, a ten acre complex outside the walls of the Pen's keep, the Sharpiens work at keeping their new home safe from threats. They are currently working on a second satellite known as 'Dark Raven' in the underground labratories under both the pen and the airbase. Using borrowed technologies from the Huskiians (another of the Canine races on Chasic 7), they are learning how to defeat magic with technology.
  24. Presidente Pilocanci and his friends, Clooie Pawwel and Yan Yan Ganaffi walk up to the booth in question. Pilocanci looks at the sign, then the two vendors. Rubbing his chin, he tells his two companions,"You two can go ahead, this has peaked my interest." Sheugging the two leave the little dictator at the booth. Climbing up to the counter, Pilocanci says,"Adventurers wanted, eh? Well, I'm all for it! Where do I sign?" Scarlot hands him a clipboard with a piece of paper on it with a lot of legalese on it. "What's all this," Pilocanci askes. "Standard adventuring weaver," Scarlot replies," Just incase the unthinkible happens, we won't be held liable." Pilcoanci reads the form and stops," Drawn and quartered?" "Oh, that doesn't happen very often," Scarlot smiles," Just stay away from the desert nomads and you will be fine." "It says here that I can have an adventuring partner,"Pilocanci asks as he shows them the line in the contract that states 'partnerships'. 'Yes," Lorne answers,"You get an adventuring partner of our choosing." Pilocanci raises an eyebrow,"If you two pair me up with Stephen Hawking, I'm going to be a bit upset." Regardless, he signs the lines for the adventure and for a partner, then hands it back to the elves. OOC: I couldn't get the link to the worlds to work. Any way you can give me another or throw me an e-mail or something? Pilocanci
  25. See? This is what happens when you try to run your computer off of plutonium 265...Or dump coke into it. Hope you get it fixed soon or we will start going into Mynx-withdrawl symptoms.
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