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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Venefyxatu

  1. He wasn't born, he was turned.Technically, I think I went through both ... and I have to admit that I'm rather pleased with the whole situation *keeps the holy water away from the cutely-possessed Sweetcherrie, after getting up again from Tanny's flying tacklehugs* Bedankt! Seriously, though ... thanks everyone
  2. Katz, you beat me to it! I wanted to make those corrections Either way : killum killum killum! Go geddum!
  3. As soon as they're far enough from the Grushkahn tribe Tanny and Stephen decide to stop and get some rest: the negotiations with Shaman Bralak have been long and hard and the fight with Grashk didn't exactly leave Stephen fresh to begin with. Being two nature persons it is no surprise that they don't have much trouble finding a good spot between the trees where, should the Grushkahns decide to come after them, they won't be spotted easily. After a silent dinner, which they both use to think about the deal they have just made with Bralak, Tanny speaks up. "I didn't get to tell you yet, Stephen, but you dealt with Grashk in a really good way." Stephen, his eyes fixed on a point in the distance he'll never see, calmly lights a cigarette. "Better than you'd expected, Wolf-Lady?" Tanny flinches, whispering a somewhat hurt 'yes'. Stephen notices the change in tone, but can't quite grasp the reason and remains in silence. Tanny sees his slight questioning frown, and in a second reminds herself of her partner's confessed lack of ability with words. Feel him like a wolf would, not with your human mind, silly... With that thought, she lets go of her discomfort and continues, "You know, most people start calling me Tanny after a while. And specially people who partner with me in a mission for Wyvern." Stephen answers her with a grin. "Very well ... Tanny." His grin brings another one from Tanny, and she goes back to their mission. "Now, what's the strategy for the Nargribs?" "Shall we try the same approach?" "Yes, that could work... unless they already know that we sold one jug to the Grushkahns." "What do you mean?" "Well, if I were at war, I would probably scry or spy on my enemies to see what they were planning. If I'd seen some people in the enemy's camp they came to my camp ..." For a moment Stephen sits totally still as something in his mind starts yelling, kicking and screaming to get his attention. When it finally does, he remembers noticing someone leaving the crowd while Tanny was trying to sell the orcs the Almost Dragonic Brand Semi-Sweet Lemonoaid and interrupts her. "So that's what it was... Tanny, while you were telling them about the strength they'd gain from the Lemonoaid, did you notice someone leaving?" Tanny thinks for a few moments before answering. "No, I don't think so. Why do you ask?" "Because I think I did, and now that you mention spying ..." " ... you think the Nargrib had a spy and that he left to tell his tribe about the Lemonoaid?" Stephen blows out a mouthfull of smoke, which drifts away on the wind without going past Tanny. She feels her nose twitching, and forces back an incoming sneeze. "Yes, that's probably what it was. So if they see us coming, they'll either shoot us as Grushkahn allies, or welcome us to get their hands on the Lemonoaid as well. That's a risk we'll ... no, we won't have to take it." With a broad grin, he continues, "Say, how good are you as a spy?" She takes a moment to answer, surprised and at the same time wondering why she hasn't thought about that herself. "Pretty good... specially as either wolf or tanuki..." "A wolf would call less attention. They're part of the forest." "A tanuki is smaller and I can use illusions... but you're right, if they saw me they'd wonder." She pauses, then nods, "Yes, I can go pretty near their camp, and as a wolf I have keener hearing and sight. If I start while it's still dark, I can probably find some hidden spot from which to observe. And depending on where they are... a tanuki can hide between the branches of a tree." Her eyes twinkle in mischief, betraying the pleasure she starts to feel towards her spying task. "But be careful. They can shoot you on sight. And even the stupidest orc has enough training to run back to their leader in case there's something amiss, specially in the middle of a war." "Hm... Stephen... how old are you?" The unexpected question catches Stephen off his guard and for a few moments he doesn't answer. When he does answer, it's obvious from his voice that he wonders where that question came from all of a sudden. "I'm 34." "Well, I'm 102." Tanny actually laughs at Stephen's stunned expression, "We have a long life spam, Stephen... I'm still young by our standards, but even so I've been in the wild for about 30 years... since I came of age." "You come of age at 70? How long do you live?" "Five hundred, in average... the oldest of my Clan was 487 last I saw him, and the oldest ever died at 540." "Oh... thirty years in the wild?" Although the memories of her clan aren't pleasant, Tanny can't avoid a smile at Stephen's wondering voice. "Well, about that since I left the Clan. But I had to learn from experience, and I had never been far Outside before. The things I knew, I had learned from short and secret forays... you see, the Outside was forbidden to any of us. The Elders of the Clan considered it too dangerous, and it was deemed wiser for us to close ourselves in our hidden lands." "But you left..." "And for that I was branded a Rebel and Banned." There's no mistake in the bitterness of her voice, and even Tanny wonders how it can hurt after so long. The one who goes against the group, the odd one out, the outcast... cruel towards the outcast, but for the better of the group. They really are a lot closer to nature than us humans. The thought flashes briefly through Stephen's mind before he replies. "You say that as if you still regret it, but you probably don't need me to tell you that your Elders did what they thought was best for the Clan." "No, I don't... it still hurts, but not as deep nor as often as before. Anyway, I can never go back to Shadowmere by the Edict of the Elders. I am happier being Outside, and in many ways I'm wiser also." She smiles slightly, "So, although I'm a youngster, I do think I have gone through enough to teach me to be careful in what I do. " Stephen suddenly chuckles softly. "I would hope so - it sounds like you have more experience than I do and I like to think the same thing about myself. If anyone can spy on these orcs without them noticing it's you. A grin slowly spreads across Tanny's face as they discuss exactly how they're going to approach the orcs - if they don't turn out to be too hostile. As Stephen lights his second cigarette for the evening, Tanny can't help but ask, "I've been wondering ... a smoking ranger?" "Yes ... the fumes clear my nose." Unable to bite back a surprised burst of laughter, Tanny explains, "Most people would say exactly the opposite." Stephen smiles slightly and blows out another cloud of smoke. "But most people smoke ordinary tobacco. I started smoking to stay warm on cold nights, but I didn't like the taste so I tried some other plants. After some ... uh ... strange experiences I finally found out that Queensleaves taste rather good and don't have the funny side effects." "Strange experiences?" "I'm not good at stories, but ... it was a cold night, and I was camping amidst some big stones near a village so the wind wouldn't get at me so easily. A few days before I'd found a plant with a rather strong and sweet smell and it was dry enough by then to try it out. At first not much happened, only I started becoming more and more tired, my vision blurring as if I was falling asleep with my eyes open and suddenly I saw this ... monster leap out at me. By the time I'd struggled to my feet it was gone but I heard something behind me. For some reason I turned around and charged without bothering to look or think, and maybe that's a good thing. When I came to, I discovered that I'd knocked myself out by running into one of the stones. I've been calling that plant Smoker's Bane for so long now I forgot its real name." Tanny's chuckle had turned into open laughter by the end of the tale, and she tries hard to stifle her trailing giglees. "I'm... sorry... Stephen... but... " There's one more fit of giggling, and then she seems to regain control over herself. "Sorry. But the image of you running into a stone..." she smiles apologetically. "Yes, I know. I myself find it hard not to laught at it... " "Well, it should teach you about experimenting with plants you don't know... or about smoking in general." She coughs to conceal yet another stray giggling, and the final effect is a choking sound that tells Stephen that she is truly amused by his tale. She was right ... he had been more careful with unknown plants after that time and as soon as he'd discovered the Queensleaves he'd stopped experimenting altogether. He didn't intend to give up smoking any time soon, though. By the time Tanny has recovered Stephen also has a smile playing around his lips and his voice has taken on an amused tone. "Oh really? It keeps me warm on cold nights, though, and it really does keep my nose clear. And don't you like the smell?" With an alost uncanny accuracy Stephen blows another cloud of smoke towards Tanny's nose which causes her to sneeze several times. She tries to speak a few times, but every time the smoke, which seems to be drifting in her direction now, catches her nose and she starts sneezing again. Keeping his face as straight as he can, Stephen observes, "It's not really doing much for you, is it?" Laughing after another sneeze, wiping tears, Tanny begs Stephen, "Oh please... whatever you do... just don't let it hit my nose again!" Stephen chuckles, "I'll take that as a no." They continue chatting and laughing for some time before they go to sleep. At that same time, in the Grushkahn's encampment there is some grumbling. "Berlon, Grashk wants to see you and from the sound of it you'd better not keep him waiting." The young orc hurries over to his captain's tent, worried, but leaves it quietly a little later. Known as the stealthiest orc in the tribe (he doesn't make more noise than a single orc when he tries to be quiet, as opposed to the others who all make at least enough noise for five orcs), Berlon knows he'll have no problems doing what his Captain has ordered him to - especially not with the reward he'll get afterwards. After an uneventful night, and a companionable breakfast, Tanny decides it's time for her to head towards the Nargribs. Promising to take care and to be back before the sun is too high, she shimmers into her wolf form, shaking herself and stretching lustily - clearly enjoying the change. Stephen observes as the silent black wolf leaves their small camp, and settles down for some investigation of his own. Standing with his feet somewhat apart, he puts his staff firmly on the ground and starts concentrating. He can feel the wood of the staff, the exact point where it touches the earth, the earth ... He learned long ago to put limits on this sense because if he doesn't the sheer enormity of the earth could easily kill him. Slowly he extends his sense, feeling the earth around his feet, the trees, shrubs, flowers near him. He can feel a few rabbits in their holes and a worm being plucked out of the ground, probably by a bird. Further he extends his sense, eventually feeling a familiar wolf ... Tanny is heading towards the camp of the Nargribs. As he becomes used to the feeling again, he decides to do what he intended to in the first place. Instead of reaching out all around him, he focuses his sense in the direction of the Grushkahn camp, knowing that it'll reach much further in only one direction, and wanting to make sure that they aren't being ... pursued. With some relief he determines that this isn't the case. He's about to stop feeling around when he notices something different. A smallish group of orcs is heading out of the camp, not on their trail but ... towards the Nargrib tribe? With a frown he lets go of his connection to the earth and sits thinking for quite some time. Meanwhile, Tanny approaches the Nargrib's encampment keeping to the shadows of the big trees, the sun still low enough to give her good cover. As the early birds chirp and call good morning to each other, and some squirrels look warily at the wolf sneaking below their comfortable branches, a not so distant clamor tells Tanny that the orcs are already up and having breakfast. "Get up, you lazy son-of-a-pig!" "Stew for breakfast again? This stinks!" "Give me that!" "On your eyes, swine!" Tanny's ears twitch, and if a wolf could frown, she would be frowning. Oh my poor ears... I wish I could turn down the volume of those cries... She sighs silently as the smell hits her nose, and quickly finds a shadowed spot under the large leaves of a strange shrub. Linking to earth, she sends a small tendril of energy so that the leaves hang lower over and around her, hiding her completely from view. "Taresh! Where is that worthless scout?" "Here, my captain!" A young orc comes at once, and the captain nods. "We had another report. The humans sold the Grushkans some beverage, and the blind one defeated their captain in a fight." "Grashk? You call that a captain? He would lose a fight against a tree. No brains!" Grunting, captain Shibak paces for a few moments. "And where are the humans now?" "They left the Grushkahns and are somewhere in the forest." Shibak stops, glaring in silence as the scout stammers, "W-we c-couldn't follow t-them..." An iron fist silences him, knocking him senseles. "Fool," grumbles Shibak, stepping over Taresh and shouting for someone else. While the captain gives some orders, a female orc comes from one of the central, bit tents. Her clothes show that she is the shaman of the tribe, and Tanny observes in surprise, never having seen a female shaman among orcs. In a deep, rasping, and sharp voice, she snaps at Shibak. "Stop shouting, Shibak! You have just upset Zadoor, and how am I to take her poison this morning with her hissing at shadows? Maybe I should make you do it today." Shibak shudders at the thought of the Shaman's pet snake - a small pit viper, not yet 3 meters long - and is quick to apologize. Kahr nods, and continues, "Now, what about that potion the Grushkahns got?" "Seems to work. Grashk was defeated by a blind human under its effects." "Hmm... I must get at least some of that, Shibak. We must not let the Grushkahn's have such advantage over us. Find the humans. Get the potion. Kill them or buy from them, I don't care. But get the potion." While Shibak grunts and leaves the shaman to her poison-drawing activities, another shaman is having trouble of his own not very far. "GRAAAAAAAASSSHKKKK!!!" Bralak's yell wakes up the entire camp, and makes the terrified orc who brought him the news wish that Bralak were anywhere that is not on this planet. The Captain quickly hurries over to the Shaman's tent, steeling himself for what is to come. "Grashk! You incompetent slack-jawed rotten pig! I would use your blood in one of my potions if I didn't know for sure it would spoil the potion! Pointing at the trembling messenger, Grashk continues yelling. "You! Tell him what you told me!" The messenger, by now wishing that he were anywhere that is not on this planet, stutters that he discovered the jug of Almost Dragonic Brand Semi-Sweet Lemonoaid to be missing this morning. With a performance that could've won him several Oscars, Grashk keeps his face straight while pretending that he didn't already know this. "The humans, they must've taken it back! No doubt they'll try the same thing with those worm-like Nargribs." They both sit thinking in silence for a few moments, Bralak fuming because someone managed to cheat harder than him, Grashk pretending to be thinking. "Let me take a party and go to the Nargribs," says Grashk after some time. "If I interrupt the humans' sale and tell the Nargribs all about them, they might be willing to join up with us to destroy the humans. Meanwhile, you will lead the rest of the tribe close enough to attack but not close enough to be seen, so that while we're fighting the humans you can crush the Nargribs from behind. Because me and my party will be among the Nargribs, I'll get a good strike at their Shaman as well." Although he's very careful not to mention that if things go wrong, the Nargribs will kill him (Grashk knows that this is the kind of thing the Shaman will come up with himself), he realizes that maybe he explained it all a bit too fast. Bralak doesn't notice it, though. "Hmm ... I hate to admit this, but you might've said something useful today. And if not, at least it'll be the last plan of yours that'll ever go wrong." As he leaves Bralak's tent, Grashk is almost rubbing his hands together in glee - Bralak has fallen for his plan and with some luck he'll destroy both the humans and get rid of Bralak in one single battle. Of course he never even considered for a single moment to eliminate the Nargribs. No, he'll tell their Shaman that the plan that he, Grashk, devised was made up by Bralak, but that he doesn't want to kill such a mighty Shaman. With the Nargribs' help, he might be able to get rid of Bralak and, in exchange for his help and the promise not to attack anymore this year, become the leader of the tribe. He might even marry Ngaria, the hot Nargrib girl he'd met a few summers ago. That would definitely stop the Nargribs from attacking his tribe. The future has never looked so good...
  4. Venefyxatu was not really a person who bothered much with what to wear - he liked his red robes because they were comfortable and he liked the colour. Today, however, he'd put on his best robes - dark red velvet, elegantly cut yet comfortable, and a pair of soft black boots underneath. A spell he'd come up with recently made the Nether and Verdant patterns that always crawled across his staff look a lot less threatening - it looked almost friendly now. He'd carefully combed his white-ish brown hair and gotten the impression that it seemed to be regaining some of its colour. He checked the folds of his robe one last time, paying extra attention to one of the secret pockets and then left his room. As he walked through the halls of the Mighty Pen Keep he started worrying a little - maybe he should've sent an invitation first or asked her. He knew that she was going to the ball as well, he just didn't know whether she'd be going alone. Shrugging off his worries he kept walking - he'd never been good with humans, elves, shapechangers, fey, dwarves or any other living creatures for that matter. What had to happen, would happen... He stopped at her door for a few moments to catch his breath again. She didn't use this room much, preferring the woods outside the keep, but surely she'd be here to change before going to the ball? Venefyxatu knocked softly and waited, hearing a muffled "Gimme a few moments!" coming from the room. And indeed, true to her words, a few moments later Tanuchan opened the door. The dress she was wearing was just perfect for the Pen's Valentine Ball as well as a perfect match for her long black hair. The strapless, flowing velvet dress, light blue in color and hemmed with embroidered patterns in a darker hue, fit her perfectly and showed her gracious figure without compromising modesty. Venefyxatu's eye caught some of the patterns, strangely resembling some of those on his staff, but they seemed to blur as Tanny moved slightly. A single jewel in the center of the sweetheart neckline reflected the sunlight coming from a window, sparkling in all shades of blue for a moment before quieted by Tanny's hand. For a few moments neither of them spoke, Tanuchan surprised to see the quiet Necromancer at her door, Venefyxatu smiling lightly at her surprise. "Tanuchan ... you look wonderful!" Not quite sure whether he means to add "for a living being" or not, she just smiled and thanked him for what she assumes is a compliment before he continues. "There is something I've wanted to tell you for quite some time now, and today seems like the perfect day. I still didn't thank you for getting me out of Wyvern's office and showing me around the day I applied." Tanuchan grins at the memory. "You're welcome ... it's best not to stay around Wyvern for too long if he's busy with one of his schemes; which is most of the time." They both chuckle, the joke having broken the ice. "Say, Tanuchan, would you accompany me to the Ball?" With a smile and a nod, Tanuchan answers, "Of course! Just let me get something from my room and I'm ready." A few moments later she exits her room again carrying a package. Accepting the arm Venefyxatu offers her, they walk to the Cabaret room where they are surprised to see that they are the first to arrive. Zariah finishes her paragraph by the time they reach her and closes her book, getting up to welcome her first guests. "Welcome, welcome! You two are the first, but I'm sure the others will be arriving soon." Remembering how much she read, she adds under her breath, "Or at least I hope they will..." While the initial politenesses are exchanged, both Tanny and Venefyxatu can't help but notice and marvel at the decorations...
  5. I think I know one. ... ... It's the one Gryphon put up there ^^ : The Fifth Element?
  6. The only one I knew was Mira's - the Wheel of Time Methinks I need to read more, see more movies and play fewer games Receive a gift, And go to Hell Destroy it there, And come back again. When asked, say that you "lost it". Or see the movie.
  7. At first, Felipe paid no attention to the footsteps coming down the corridor. He barely heard them, tired and hungry as he was, and instead tried to concentrate on his prayers. The fact that he was sitting on his knees on the hard, stone floor and that he had to do them in Latin didn't help his concentration on little bit. "Amen. In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen. Pater noster, qui es in caelis, ..." Felipe stopped praying when the door to his cell opened, at least outwardly. Inwardly, he was praying even faster, praying that this would not be the murderer out to get him as well. When he looked up and saw Joseph, though, he smiled. He remembered relieving the servant of an unpleasant task a few times as a penance. Felipe got to his feet. "Joseph, I believe?" Putting the meals down, Joseph whispered, "Yes, ssshhh. I thought you might get hungry down here, so I brought you something to eat." This probably isn't allowed, but there's so much that isn't, and I'm so hungry ... Felipe discovered that it's hard to keep your voice down when you're enthusiastic. "Hey, thanks! Want to join me for a few moments?" Sitting down on Felipe's bunk they sat eating and talking for some time, both of them wondering who the murderer could be. When they heard footsteps, They both jumped up, quickly hiding the food under the bunk. Joseph started mopping his way out of the cell while Felipe quickly sunk back on his knees, starting to pray again, grateful for his full stomach and the companionship.
  8. A quick remark I wanted to make : I love the way the posts before my lynching actually led up to what I had in mind for the lynching (too many penances, the tiredness, ...). 't Is almost uncanny, is it not?
  9. Happy birthday! You caught up with me - congratulations!
  10. Welcome back! Let the bouncing mayhem start again! I, too, would enjoy hearing your stories even though I already know the ending. "And she came back to the Pen and lived there happily ever after."
  11. Felipe, sitting at the dinner table pushing his food around his plate, was too tired to eat. All these penances were adding up. He barely had time to sleep anymore, let alone eat or kill people! No, he was sure nobody would suspect him, since he was constantly busy with penances. Brother Philips, the one who had taken a vow of silence, might've done it though - pretending not to know about poisons, never having to explain where he'd been because he didn't speak. The fact that he'd found nothing in his room didn't prove anything - you could hide poisons no matter where and a smart killer would not keep his tools near him. Or Good Benn.... what was he thinking! He really needed sleep, if he was accusing the poor man of these murders! No, it was probably Brother Philips - he would stick with his first thought. OOC : I caught up It's not much, but it's better than an ooc line I still accuse Brother Thomas, aka Knight.
  12. I'll try to catch up with reading and posting tonight, I really don't have time now... Should I be too late for the deadline : I'm not changing my accusation!
  13. Happy birthday! May many more follow
  14. *wonders who's going to beat him to it* You put the text you want coloured differently between the [ color=red ] [ /color ] tags, but without the spaces. Also, substitute red for any basic colour you can think of... if it doesn't work then the forum doesn't know it and you'll have to find another one Edit Hehehe ... Tanny, I beat you Vahktang, you don't need to mention the color again in the closing tag - that's why it's not working
  15. Felipe, muttering to himself, "No buts? There'll be two butts working in the garden and it'll be mine that's going to get in trouble for this", kept walking ahead of Brother Gulzar, immediately wishing that he hadn't said that so loud. The rest of the afternoon he spent crouched over herbs and weeds, his fingers freezing in the cold air as he tried to tend to the winter plants. But even the cold could not banish the thoughts about Brother Thomas from his mind, and the longer he thought about it the more he started thinking that Brother Gulzar was also involved. Why did he stop me anyway? Maybe he knows I suspect something and absolutely wanted to stop me from entering Brother Thomas' cell because he knows what I'd find there! This is horrible, what if they come for me next because I know too much?? I don't want to go to the Lord yet, may He forgive me for this thought! I have to get into Brother Thomas' cell for proof! Who's going to believe a novice, especially me with all the penance I've been doing here? OOC : I accuse Brother Thomas - still waters run deep!
  16. Thanks for solving it for me! If things continue the way they are, he's not going to lose his nickname anytime soon And what's some more trouble to the guy who seems to be collecting it?
  17. I don't know if what I did in the game is allowed - if it's not, lemme know and I'll change my post. If it is allowed, am I allowed to pm Knight to ask him to describe exactly what I'll find in his cell?
  18. Felipe, serving at the breakfast table instead of having breakfast himself, could overhear many of the monks talking to each other. Some of them hushed their conversation when he came near, but most of them didn't notice him and kept on talking. He could hear several of them speculating about who the murderer could be, and by the time he'd made two rounds he'd heard every monk and servant's name at least twice with three different reasons of why he'd be the murderer. One thought stuck in his mind though ... "Yeah, he told me later, well wrote more, that he probably wouldn't recognize a rose from a tulip, said that he had never got the hang of that gardening stuff." He'd once read a story about a murderer using a trained dog to kill people but who pretended to be afraid of dogs. They only found him because someone happened to notice dog hairs on his clothes. As he was serving Brother Thomas, apparently lost in thought, he murmured to himself, "This smells so good a dumb man would learn how to speak to get some." As soon as he realized what he said, he flushed a deep red and started to stammer apologies. Brother Thomas' look told him he'd better save his breath, and the monk sitting next to him said sternly, "As you know, Brother Thomas has taken a vow of silence. While he thinks about your punishment, you shall go to his cell and scrub it clean from floor to ceiling." Still red, Felipe continued his duty, thinking to himself that this would be a good opportunity to search Brother Thomas' room...
  19. Let's stay diplomatic and say that you didn't roleplay very often yet Now to find who did it ... hmmmmm... *wanders off deeply lost in thought, vaguely hoping he didn't forget his map*
  20. Felipe had gotten up earlier than the other novices to do the extra Matins he'd been charged with for a remark he didn't even remember so news of Brother Adelmo's death reached him rather late. He passed by a few monks who were quietly discussing the news and trying not to speculate about who could be the sinner hiding among them. "... terrible, Brother Adelmo." "Brother Adelmo isn't terrible, he's a nice man.", Felipe muttered to himself. Unfortunately for him, Brother Gregorius had sharp ears and was one of those to whom punishing Felipe had almost turned into a habit. "Brother Adelmo was no terrible man, young novice. You shall pray two Hail Mary's and two Our Fathers to repent from your sinful thoughts." With a murmured apology Felipe hurried on, starting to worry what was going on, and why Brother Gregorius had spoken in the past tense ... OOC : I don't see how I could accuse anyone yet, so no accusation.
  21. Lol, it probably is I already love how there are several ... shall we say less-than-holy thoughts already
  22. Felipe took a shortcut when heading for the kitchens - he still had a lot of work to do there before he could start the additional vespers that Brother Thibault had given him. Saving time had become one of his talents, though, and he felt confident that he'd make it until he heard a voice behind him. “Geroff my lawn!” As soon as he heard those words and the angry voice that spoke them he knew he should've paid more attention to where he was walking. He knew that he could easily make a run for the kitchen, but Brother Gulzar would catch him later, then, and the only effect would be that his punishment would be even more severe. So Felipe did something else he'd learned to be good at : he turned around and prepared to go through another lecture. While Brother Gulzar was lecturing poor Felipe, the latter let his mind wander. He wondered if this was what becoming a monk was all about, and whether it was Bad of him to just let it all wash over him. Maybe he should try harder to find the Lesson in every lecture he got. He snapped out of his thoughts just in time to her Brother Gulzar start about his punishment for treading on the lawns. Not the garden paths, please not the garden paths, I hate those "And to make sure you'll pay more attention to where you put your feet from now on ..." please not the garden paths, I'll do anything but Lord please don't make me sweep the garden paths again, they get dirt stuck between them you can't sweep and "... you shall keep the garden paths clean for the next week. And I want to hear you praying while you do so, as well." A monk passing by shakes his head compassionately, thinking that Brother Gulzar tends to get a bit too carried away where his lawns are concerned ...
  23. I finally came up with two characters as well : TV Series : Emmett, one of the make-up artists. This guy has the biggest afro ever to be seen on a white man and just ... doesn't ... stop ... talking! It's not that he's unfriendly, but actors who want to remember their part try to avoid getting their make-up done by him. Name of the Rose : Novice Felipe, who is called "the Eternally Punished" as long as he's not around. This one, too, is a nice guy, but for some reason he always ends up saying or doing exactly the wrong thing at exactly the wrong moment. Ever since his first week in the monastery he spent more time doing penance and sweeping floors as punishment than actually attending classes and studying. But hey, who notices a sweeper, eh?
  24. Why yes, count me in! I've seen one or two of the other Werewolf threads pop up every now and then and they seemed to be great fun, so I'm grabbing this chance with both hands I'm more in favour of a Name of the Rose kind of setting though - guess that's my fantasy obsession kicking in
  25. The Birthday room was cleaned up after the recent parties, and already it was bustling with activity again. The curtains were drawn so that no sunlight could enter and, just in case the festivities got a bit out of hand, magical spells were keeping them firmly in place. The tables were lit by candles set on the skulls of vanquished enemies, their wax slowly dripping down but, for some reason, the candles staying at exactly the right length to create a slightly spooky atmosphere. Between the candles stood dishes prepared by Pedro, the master chef, who was smiling proudly as he looked over his handiwork. On one table, slightly aside from the others, a large bowl stood empty with a skeleton sitting at it, ready to accept blood donations for this festival. Venefyxatu checked the spells that kept it together one last time to make sure it wouldn't fall apart and spill bones or bone dust into the donated blood before offering some of his own. The first blood was spilled, the goblets were ready, several virgins were lined up to start donating as well, only two more things remaining : the guests and, of course, the most important person today. A ghost floated in through the door without bothering to open it. "He is coming, master," it said in a hollow voice. Venefyxatu nodded and went to the doors just as Black opened them and entered the room. Looking around appreciatively, he turned to Venefyxatu with a wicked grin when the latter spoke. "A happy birthday to you, my friend. May many of them follow, each of them twice as good as the last and half as good as the next one."
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