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Everything posted by Black9
Black floats into the room with Christmas colors on instead of his usual uniform. Black-"Indeed...merry Christmas everyone:)"
~Lotus~ Race- Human Appearance- Lotus is clothed in a jet black assassin's uniform...minus that of the head piece. He has mid-length brown hair and a pair of black shades. Along either side, Lotus dons two special daggers with the elements of Earth. From his walk to his attire...most see Lotus as a cool guy. Attitude- Lotus thinks of himself as the ultimate being and would mouth off to God himself if the Lord stood in his way. He enjoys staring Death in the face and would take on insurmountable odds simply to prove his mastery of the assassin's skills...or due to simple boredom. He is a fabricator that will half the time also tell the truth. This style of living has made Lotus a mystery to even his closest of friends. Unlike the others of his kind...Lotus would generally face his opponents head on. Alignment: Lotus is of a chaotic alignment...this meaning that he may choose to save the world one day and doom it the next. Weapons- Lotus's weapon of choice is a green, vine shaped dagger at either side of his waist. Only when these daggers are on him can he use magic. Each dagger is imbuned with the power of Earth and gives their weilder power as such...as well as an unnaturally fast healing ability when standing upon Mother Earth. These daggers only offer their powers to one soul and that's Lotus. Anyone else...they will refuse to be anything out of the ordinary. Aliases- Travis Ability- Lotus has the ability of magic as well as a speed that most would desrcibe as a flash swooping past. He also contains the natural instincts of what would best be described as...a sixth-sense. This sixth-sense will locate any nearby target...hidden or unhidden with a certain accuracy. One target will be clear as day...two will be half that...and three will be barely noticable...but will still be able to be located by one as skilled as Lotus. Lotus has the ability to lie with top knotch skill. Past- Lotus was born into the family of a poor farming couple. They didn't have much, but they had enough. Lotus was a happy...though this happiness wasn't to last. One fateful day...Lotus's mother and father were murdured by a cut throat...within his own home. The cut throat would have killed Lotus to...if he hadn't been slain by a warrior that just happened to be passing by. This warrior turned out to be an assassin known only as...Blaze. Blaze was the leader of an order known by the name...Elemental Assassins. This Order was secret to most...those that did happen to stumble upon it were lucky at best. The Elemental Assassins kept their secret so well...for the fact that they were never caught...and thus...no-one could identify them. The Order was made up of but a select few members...these members being the best at what they do. Blaze was the leader and the assassin of the flame. Lotus soon became second in command and was the assassin of Earth. The rest of the members shared the same rank...these members being...the Twins and the Duke. The Twins were comprised of Bonnie, the assassin of water and Clyde, the assassin of ice. Alone they possesed no magic of their own...unless Bonnie was by the ocean or Clyde near any source of water. Together, however, they were a team that was difficult to defeat. Duke was the assassin of wind...and generally took the bold in your face attitude that was only shared by Lotus and Blaze. Unlike Lotus...both Duke and Blaze only showed this when they were extremely angry with the person or persons. Lotus did so for pure entertainment. For most of his life...Lotus was raised by Blaze and taught in the arts of the assassin. During Lotus's training...Blaze came to realize that Lotus may have been weaker in strength then he, but faster in pure speed. Blaze also taught Lotus the code of the assassin...Lotus chose to call it...however...simply...the Code. This was once upon a time...long, long ago. As time passed on...Lotus went rogue and generally did as he pleased...whether it be destroy a town...or save it from destruction. This unlawful breaking of the Code prompted the current assassin of the wind and Duke's father...to hunt Lotus. A long story short...Lotus killed Duke's father and Duke took over as the new assassin of the wind. Seeing this, Blaze himself began his own hunt for the rogue assassin. Along the way, Lotus ran into Inbi...a young lady that he'd just happen to cross the path of. Another adventure of half lies and half truths later...Lotus killed Blaze. This left only him...the Twins...and Duke remaining in a once great Order. Lotus has now met yet another companion...one known as Samantha...yet the Order still hunts him...this time as a team. What will happen next...one can never tell!
Samantha was impressed... the only ones she'd seen coming so close to her when she didn't want to be found were the Shades - and she was sure that Travis was not one of them. She would've felt it. Calmly she took a step backwards, then a step forward again while she let herself blend out of the shadows. Samantha's sudden emergance cut off Lotus's thoughts in mid stream and instead focused them in an entirely new direction. Samantha spoke in a voice soft as silk, almost like the Shades but without the grating quality. "I must say that I am impressed by your skills, sir Travis. However, I suggest that we leave. Now." Just as Travis was about to react, Samantha interrupted him again. "Or wait... maybe we should stay in the city. Find a safe place where we can stay for a few days at least, right under the assassin's noses where they won't see us, but where they'll be close enough to come to our aid. I'll explain later." With those words, Samantha turned around and started walking away, her footsteps completely soundless. Lotus scatched his head in curiousity. What could Samantha have been talking about? Could it have been something that...the great Black Lotus could not take down? To this the assassin gave a chuckle...as if there were beings more powerful then himself! The very quandary was perposterous! Tossing this thought aside...Lotus donned a smug smile as he followed Samantha ever deeper into the depths of the alley. Samantha, noticing this smile..could easily tell that Lotus didn't take this as seriously as he should...but that couldn't be helped...at least...not yet. The converstation...if you could call it that...continued as they walked and talked. Lotus-"If you have not stood in the graces of Death...you have not truly lived...M'lady." Samantha's pace quickened as Lotus easily matched it. Thinking soundly on the assassin's responce...Samantha replied in a soft manner...so as to not give their location away...for this very mistake...could well be their last. Samantha-"Are saying you welcome Death? Upon his knock...would you indeed answer the door?" Lotus responded to this inquiry with a dead serous tone. His voice hardened as though the professionalism within him sprung to life in some major way, shape or form. Lotus-"What I am saying, M'lady...is that the old fool has knocked at my door too many times to count and I have answered that door each and every single time. Death is always one step behind me and this will never change." Lotus's answer surprised Samantha. If he was truly this reckless...then he must have been truly skilled in his arts...that, or lucky. The seriousness of Lotus's tone soon wore off completely, as he spoke in a low, but somewhat more normal manner. The jests of the bard quickly returned as as Lotus continued. Lotus-"Life's a game, M'lady. One can either play or refuse...myself...I choose to play." Samantha's pace quickened until it evolved into a full blown run. Shadows loomed over the alley as if they were alive...as if they had a will of their own and could emerge at any given point. Located upon the left wall of the alley's enclosure...an opening was seen by both participants. The opening was that of a bashed in and splintered door. This door was covered in dust and was self evident that it had not been used for some time. Lotus took the lead as he quickly and fearlessly entered the building...Samantha following close behind. Lotus-"Born in darkness...living in darkness...such is the fate of the assassin. It is the only true constant...as in existance alone it exists not. Feared by many as the root of all evil, but what is good...without evil? If murder is truly spawned by that of Satan...then what is justice...if not another form of murder?" Turning Samantha's direction...Lotus donned a smile and spoke in an inspired voice. "I entitle this ballad. .."Wrath of the Black Lotus...an Assassin's Story." If the best place to hide was truly right out in the open...then can it not be said of of truth? Truth? Lotus spoke of this as if he knew what it was. The sad fact remained that the truth is an ever changing constant. Long ago the Earth was flat and this was the truth of the time. The truth changed sometime later as it was discovered that the Earth was not flat, but actually a sphere. If Lotus lied to himself for the rest of his life...and passed that lie onto others...would that lie then become the truth? Lotus-"Keep in mind, it's a work in progress. Other than that...what do you think?"
Pedro snapped his fingers as a waiter took the last platter away. The master cook was quite surprised...he'd not seen a appetite like this since...since himself! Pedro donned a goofy grin as he took the order and ran off to the kitchen. Before he left though, he almost reminded the almost dragon that if he helps another with his meal...no prize will be earned. Taking on a new style of travel, Pedro focused his mind in the lotus position and vanished from the kitchen in an moment's time. He reappeared within a gorgon's lair and proceeded to go all ninja on it. The butcher knife flew from his hands and into the air in various spectacular manners. The fight went on only a few seconds as Pedro was pushed for time and before long he teleported to a volcano where he collected some spicey volcanic ash. Now proceeding to the Olympian times...Pedro approached the statue of Hercules...and using a large axe... crushed the thing. Hercules saw this as the demi god came after Pedro with a vengeance. Knowing he wouldn't stand a chance against a demi god...Pedro quickly collected the touch of former warrior statue sprinkles and warped back to the kitchen. The extra large platter of gorgon was set to prepare as the spicey volcanic ash and touch of former warrior statue sprinkles were placed beside it for memory. Using mind over matter, Pedro sent himself to the very location where a sea serpent lived and thrived. The gargantuan sea serpent took quite a beating as it wasn't so easy to kill. Pedro, ofcourse...was far up to the task! Quickly taking out a passing by hammer head shark...Pedro stuffed the gargantuan sea serpent and warped both him and the serpent back to the kitchen. It was a very large kitchen! Setting the sea serpent up for preparation...Pedro turned to the extra large platter of gorgon and adding some spicey volcanic ash and a touch of former warrior statue sprinkles placed the dish as completed then moved onto the next item of business. Realizing he'd passed a ship wreck on his travels...Pedro quickly collected a bit of leftover mead and set it next to the Gorgon platter. Traveling back to the volcano...now becoming active...Pedro picked up a hint of magma flavoring and vanished just seconds before he became a permanent part of the volcano. Vanishing once more...the master chef found himself in the realm of a large flame elemental and not to mention a golem, Pedro allowed them to fight amongst themselves as he added various cooking items to the mix including the hint of magma flavoring from his kitchen. This produced a la flambe style platter of a large flame elemental and golem combo...which was then located in the finished section of the kitchen along with the whole sea serpent, gargantuan style, stuffed with hammer head shark. Preparing the huge bowl of Kraken chowder, served New Forjibord style, with a side order of little saltine crackers was a snap as it was then placed in the finished area of the kitchen along with the rest of the meal. Once again bending the rules of time and space...Pedro projected himself to the very location of a chimera and slew it with little trouble...hey...Pedro slew a GARGANTUAN SEA SERPENT for crying out loud! Broiling the chimera in rare hydra drool...which he just happen to have on him...one never knows when he'll need some rare hydra drool...ya know? Adding to the selected platter some tartar sauce and well prepared potatoes...the dish was placed along the others as completed. Pedro then left this plane of existance only to re-emerge once again in the spot of a tri-tusked warthog's home. The warthog put up more a fight then Pedro thought...but in the end was a meal ticket for those that asked. Carefully, but hastily preparing the plate of macoroni and tri-tusked wart hog, smothered in troglyodyte sauce with the tusks still in it for marination...it also was completed. After the preparation of the ogre club sandwich, as well a side of order of leg of satyr was prepared...the monsterous meal was taken out to the dinning hall by a small army of waiters...the gargantuan sea serpent magicaly teleported onto the table. This being that it was too big for the doors! Pedro walked out with a new book. Pedro-"You can also purchase my new book..."Mind Over Matter". Have you ever wanted to push the bounderies of time and space? Buy my book for only ten geld and you can!"
Thanks for all the help:) This should be an interesting story...lol. Also thanks for the info on the quest, though I might as well do it now and wait until then:) The only thing I need more info on is the hero. I haven't read the book he was in or what not. Thanks. Tim Hortons? Also... Where whould I write the story...what pen section? Edit- You don't mean Tim Horton the hockey player...do you...I don't know if I'd feel right writting about a real life person. If your wondering I ran a search on the name:)
And done:) Anything works for me, lol.
This is my idea for a quill quest. I'll ask you as the people of the pen to suggest the main components of a story. These components can be any random thought you may have. After receiving all that is needed..I'll then work them into as best a story as my abilities allow me. To be fair...I'll take the first suggestion of any given field...be it the hero...the villen...the world...anything. First come first serve:) Needed ------------------- World- Planet sized raspberry Jelly Donut Hero- Tim Hortons Villen- Collective Hive... a semi evolved mindless hentai tenticle monster Sidekick to the hero- Wendys hot buns and cold slurpies Minions to the villen- Not too bright, mobile, mini onions Moral- A deep meaning to the universe Symbolic number- 42 Heros weakness- 33 Anything else?- Thanks for your help:)
Am I too late? I volunteer a new char...kinda...Fluffy. Fluffy Is Black's undead Dog:) I'll send you the info.
For the first time...thoughts started coming to mind that he could actually lose. These thought were quickly shoved aside, though, as the Elemental Asassin's monsterous ego took over. After the last incident...Lotus knew that that he'd have anything but an easy time traveling this city...and he wouldn't have it any other way. Lotus couldn't help but chuckle as a few assassins gave chase...where it was true they were fine hunters...the Elemental Assassin was a powerful prey! Lotus, tired of his tactical retreat...quickly came to a halt upon the dusty streets of the city. Upon the assassin's halt...dust filled the air in a massive cloud and by the time it had settled...Lotus found himself in the middle of a three pronged attack. Assassin 1-"Give it up, Travis! You can't escape!" Assassin 2-"This is our city. Our eyes are everywhere!" Assassin 3-"As we told you before...we are...watching you." Lotus couldn't help but laugh...if they truly wanted him as an enemy...if this was truly their wish...then who was he to stand in the way of progress? Lotus turned one of the assassin's way donning that of a slick smile. Coolness washed over him like a moth to the flame as he slowly turned away and ran one hand through his hair. By the time his doo flopped back into place...Lotus had already began to speak. Lotus-"Slick moves...I must say...but you come nowhere near my level of cool. I've said it before and I'll say it again. The Reaper is always one step behind me...and this gap...he will never completely fill. It would appear that I went and have gotten myself in check. Don't get me wrong...this little game of chess is far from over...I used to be a champion in my time..." Lotus said in an entirely too mocking a manner. "It's your move now...better make it a good one." Assassin 1-"It's time to show this fool just how wrong he is." Assassin 2-"This is no mere game were playing." Lotus-"Fool? You're the fools...thinking you have even the slightest of chances against one as suave as I?" It was with these words that the festivities commenced. Lotus leapt into the air with amazing speed as one of the trio of assassins thrust a blade his way. The blade barely missed its target...when yet another strike came the assassin's way. Turning in mid air...Lotus was knocked in the chin by one powerhouse of a jump kick...the force of the blow sending him into a back flip that was amazingly landed with ease and prestige. It was at this time that the third of the trio had come in for the kill...only to be stopped dead in his tracks as a large vine grew in his path. With much ease the assassin ran up the side of the plant and leapt backwards on the vine's peak...landing with a clean thud upon the ground. Lotus could see that the use of magic threw them off...it threw them off just long enough for the Elemental Assassin to produce three more vines and catch the three hunters in one fell swoop. It was at this time when Lotus started to wonder where Samantha ran off to. Deciding to wrap this little party up...literally...Lotus waved good-bye to his little onteroge with but one last phase. Lotus-"Catch ya on the flip side...hommies!" With this Lotus was dashed away at an amazingly high projection. He did so until something hit him. No, it was not an object...more like a feeling. Quickly coming to a halt...Lotus looked around with the curiosity of a cat. His eyes saw nothing...yet he coud tell...he could tell that something was amiss. Quickly turning the way of a seemingly empty alley...Lotus followed the feeling...he was gettiing closer...he could feel it in his heart...not to mention his soul. Perhaps it was the hunter in him, but the old boy couldn't help it. Samantha knew someone was tracking her...though she wasn't quite sure who. The Towns people would have too hard a time and would have to give up before too long. If it was the Shades...however, before Samantha had time to react...Lotus popped onto the scene with the stealth of a jungle cat...but even jungle cats make noise of some fashion or another. Samantha turned just in time to become aware. Where it was true that she could have easily avoided the blow...assuming Lotus was going to strike...that was. Samantha stood still...attempting to see just how well Lotus could track her. If worst came to worst...she would simply move aside...allowing him to pass by. Lotus came to a halt but a foot away from his target..and stopped. Lotus-"You can come out now...I know you're there." Meanwhile, back at the outskirts of the city...the trio of Elemental Assassins began to approach the front gate. It had been quite some time since they last visited. Lotus...it would have appeared...was out of the loop back then...too bad for him. Approaching the front gate...one of the assassins recognized the trio and welcomed them accordingly. Giving an honorable bow, the assassin began to speak. Assassin-"Greetings my long lost friends and what brings you to our city?" Bonnie-"We've tracked one of our own to this very location...tracked him to your city." Clyde-"This man is a miscreant...he went rogue some time ago...Lotus must be stopped." Duke-"We ask for safe passage within your walls. Lotus has commited a heinous crime...deserving the penalty of death." Assassin-"If you desire safe passage...then that is what you shall receive. I would ask, however, that you control your magic while inside the walls of this vacinity. Even friends of our order must obey the laws of the city." The trio nodded in compliance as the guards moved aside...thus allowing the Elementals to pass. Once inside, Duke turned the others way and in a commanding manner...seeing as he was their newly appointed leader...spoke. Duke-"Alright...now we begin. We will find Lotus faster if we split up. Bonnie, you will take west wing. Cyde...I want you to comb the east...myself...I'll strive straight through the middle." Bonnie and Clyde-"..." Duke-"What are you waiting for...people...Christmas?" (Sorry...I couldn't resist...I'm weak that way.) With this asked...the trio split into their own separate sections. With both the Elemental Assassins and perhaps...the Shades on their tail...well...one can say that trouble lies in both Lotus's and Samantha's future.
The Burning Nine I like that:) I think I'll use it as my title:) Black does the happy dance at the sight of his new rank:) Thank yee:)
(Map Quest) is a good map site. I don't know if it's mapquest.com or not, but search for it and you'll find it.
Pedro was shocked as the Almost Dragon's almost order almost took up five sheets of paper:) Turning his attention then to Guido...Pedro quickly jotted down his order before speaking in an extremely energetic voice. Placing the orders on his clip pad in an orderly fashion...Pedro spoke with much gumption. Pedro-"Oui, oui, your orders will be right up in two shakes of a lamb's tail." With this said, Pedro rushed off to the kitchen...his somewhat large belly almost knocking over a few waiters...causing them to drop a few more dishes. Pedro turned only to see a few disgruntled waiters staring his way with small...ok...a large look of irritation and ran backstage as if his life depended on it. Backstage was quite a large area filled with a second floor...the kitchen...Travis's dressing room and a few other miscellaneous rooms that I have no intention of describing at such a point in time. Rushing into the kitchen, Pedro stopped dead in his tracks. The kitchen was perhaps the largest room in the building...it would have to be to have the ability to prepare any meal:) Pedro-"Oh ho ho...it's a magic time!" Taking a quick glance at the order slips...Pedro...of course being the master chef that he is...quickly memorized the orders and took three deep breaths. "In with the good, out with the bad...in with the good, out with the bad...in with the good, out with the bad." It was then from the dining hall...one could almost hear a...meep, meep! Though they could have sworn that it was their imagination. Chopping sounds of amazing speed echoed through the kitchen...into the backstage and out to the dining hall as the tossed jumbo seahorse salad with extra barnicle sprinkles and a dolphin fin on the side was prepared. The mixing of fresh chocolate being coated over two extra crispy chocolate malted turtle doves was the next part of the order to be prepared. Before moving on...Pedro motioned back to the first part and double checked the dolphin fin. The guests could almost imagine the speed the chef was moving as he finished up on the dolphin fin and finely decorated the two extra crispy chocolate malted turtle doves with a side plate of sweet and sweeter sauce. Pedro moved on by beginning to charbroil a unicorn horn placing next to it a touch of triceretop spice. Leaving this be, for the moment...to properly prepare itself...Pedro started to flip the dough for the miniature pizza with extra cheese. Adding to it sardine and pixie wing...as well as a touch of magic fairy dust...Pedro once again returned to the charbroiled unicorn's horn. Observing that it was now crunchy...Pedro added the touch of triceretop spice. Motioning back to the Pizza, the miniature sardine and pixie wing pizza with extra cheese and a touch of magic fairy dust was placed in the oven at exactly the right tempature...that the oven just magically seemed to be:) A flash was seen exiting the building as Pedro almost knocked the Almost Dragon almost over and located an open ocean siren and using a persuasive manner, obtained a tentacle. The flash came back through...this time setting the Almost Dragon almost up right once more and back into the kitchen he went. Beginning to fry up an open ocean siren's monster tentacle...Pedro palced next to it some squid and octopus ink sauce for a later reminder as he returned to the miniature sardine and pixie wing pizza with extra cheese and a touch of magic fairy dust...which was now firmly prepared as he took the pizza out and placed it as ready to serve("breathe" Now that was a run-on if I've ever seen one:) "breathe"). Moving on...Pedro started to prepare a dish of stir-fried cockatrice pan broiled in obsidian pebbles. Leaving this for the moment, he checked back on the open ocean platter of fried siren monster tentacle...which was frying quite nicely and sensing that it was properly prepared, seasoned it with squid and octopus ink sauce...placing it as complete next to the rest of the appetizor. The flash was seen once again exiting the building and into the fairy tale world. It was here when he noticed a princess about to kiss a frog and quickly pushed the princess aside...stealing the frog away at the same time. The princess called her guards on Pedro as he quickly hastened out of the fairy tale land and back to the pen. This time barely missing a few participants of the concert. Beginning to roast the frog legs, Pedro turned back to the dish of stir-fried cockatrice panbroiled in obsidian pebbles. Observing that this dish was finished...it was placed in the correct location. Panting...Pedro started to notice all the weight he was losing with all this running and exercise. Not giving it a second thought, though, Pedro once again wooshed out with a clear...meep meep! The guests turned to see his pathway curl into a formation of a rolling hillside behind him as he did so. Rushing back into fairy tale world...Pedro trampled over the princess's army with little trouble...this being that he didn't even notice them:) Finding a house made of gingerbread...Pedro snacked on the wall...creating an opening to get inside. The witch spoke the words... Witch-"Double, double, toil and trouble...cauldren burn and something bubble." A short cackle later, the witch turned only to be knocked into her oven by the mistaken move of a chef that couldn't stop! Taking the small cup of witche's brew from her table while making sure there was no eye of newt...Pedro took one more bite of the house before zipping back over the princess's army that had just gotten to their feet...only to be trampled over once again and into the kitchen once more. Rechecking the roasted frog legs, Pedro deemed them finished and placed them corresspondingly. Slicing a bit of fine manticore, Pedro began the cooking process...placing next to it a snake tail. Turning then to the leg of fawn...Pedro prepared it so scrumptious that you could taste the music in it. By the time the fawn was prepared and set upon the table with the other appetizers...the sliced manticore was completed and placed with a little snake tail as a decoration. Shortly after came the large plate of curly onion cheese doodles. With one order completed...Pedro turned to his second order. Quickly and oh so delicously creating a LARGE platter of a lettuce, carrot, parsley, cabbage, turnip, alfalfa and dandelion salad. A team of waiters quickly entered and exited the kitchen in a timely fashion and presented both Guido and the Almost Dragon with their almost orders. Pedro wiped the sweat from his brow as he slowly exited the backstage and entered the dining hall once more. The Chef looked fit as a fiddle as one of the waiters put up a before version in the form of a cardboard cutout. After noticing the major difference from the before and after shots...the guests turned to Pedro as he proudly stated... Pedro-"Work out...eat right...my cooking...and you to can be in the best shape of your life!" Taking out a book name, 'Working Out with Pedro', the chef spoke once more. Pedro-"Do you want to know more? Buy my book...only ten geld a copy!"
Travis was happy that more and more guests were arriving. In waiting for his guest of honor, he elaborated on the games and events to open once the concert began. (The concert will be held inside just for general information.) The doors opened to reveal three events. Travis then spoke with a clear announcer's voice. Travis-"Welcome! The concert will begin once a few more guests arrive. In the mean time, feel free to take part in two of our three events. On the left, you'll see our master chef. You may challenge him to a battle at your own convenience. The battle will work as so. You name the meal...any type of meal...if you can name it...the chef can make it. Is that right, Pedro?" Pedro played with one side of his thin curled mustashe for a moment as he responed to the question. Pedro-"Oui...Oui...I am a master of the kitchen! I have learned of the spice of life to is finest degree." Travis-"Finish your meal in one sitting and earn yourself five(real) geld. Only one win a customer." The chef was stationed at a large, round table with a covered platter the size of which they had never seen, let alone imagined. Pedro-"Oh, ho, oh! Challenge me if you like...I have never been defeated! It's my pride as a master chef." Travis-"Our second event is that of a more random nature. To your right, you will see the round spindle that will be filled with names of our various participants At the concert's end...if I pick your name...you've just earned ten(real) geld. How about it...do you feel lucky? Our last event will be that of a dance off. Either me or a member of my crew will come around at a random time of the concert and if we pick the lucky couple...you will win a backstage pass. This pass will be special as it comes in two parts. Each winner is to take one and feel free to wander and mingle with whomever you like. Certain constrictions, of course." Turning one last time...Travis continued. Travis-"Oh and for being such a great audience... you will will receive an additional five(real) geld for simply enjoying the concert. How can you pass up such an offer as that? You will be given this by the suits at the door as you enter." Turning Venefyxatu's way...Travis tossed a five geld coin over his general direction. The throw was inaccurate as it missied Vene completely...still...Vene received it with a smile. (If it doesn't say (real) by it, feel free to do whatever you like. Bear with me...it's my first event:))
(This is just a reminder that the 10 geld isn't board geld, but more like role play geld. There will be games and stuff within that can earn real geld though:))
Black walks by and hears the sound of music. From what he heared...he knew exactly what was going on as he turned the musics way. 'What a joyous event...are vampires created for such things? What the heck!" Black joined the line for the heck of it...dut-dut-dut-dut. dut. KICK!
The Concert was set. Signs were posted in every knook and cranny of the Pen's courtyard. "You are cordially invited to what could very well be the most amazing extravaganza of musical talent this world has ever seen. The concert will take place in the Cina Dome located in your friendly neighborhood courtyard. Bring your friends! Bring your family! Don't miss this once in a lifetime event!" The dome was set up in a corner of the courtyard. It was quite large and easy to identify. Upon the sphere of the dome was a large white and red banner with the words..."Now playing... For one day only...the one...the only...the magnificent...Travis." Along the dome walls were decorative statues of a young bard playing a golden lyre. In the front of the dome one was greeted by a large stone double door. The doorway had two men in black suits sporting eletronic ear pieces. These men held an emptiness of expression upon their dead serious faces. It was clear that this was Travis's guard. The young bard was seen just in front of the doorway...his clothing that of bright colors. These colors were mismatched and clashing, but weren't all genious quirky in one way or another? Under his arm, he held a beautiful golden lyre with the finest of strings. His voice could be heard calling out to any who passed by the dome and with a smile he spoke. Travis-"Weclome good travelers to my first and only winter festival concert! The cover charge is a mere five...er...ten geld to enter!" The Inside of the Dome was a sight to see. Golden statues of Cupid and his bow lined the walls...along with fine works of painted art beneath them. The Place had a classy vibe as English waiters...the kind you always see on tv...patiently awaited the costumer's arrival. The scene was set in one large room...filled with a few extra security guards for Travis's protection. The center of the room was an open dance floor lined with tables filled with only the finest of feasts...as well as a few simple meals for those that prefer the more basic. Centered at the far end of the room...stood the stage. It was built of a fine oak and was concealed from sight by that of a large red velvet curtain. To either side of the stage could be seen an entrance to the back stage. Only those with back stage passes were allowed to enter this region and talk with the star himself. Each entrance was guarded by two sercurity guards each and neither looked like the best conversationalists. Travis held three back stage passes, but he was the one to choose the lucky participants to receive them.
Black approached the maze with much intrigue. He could see a faint image of Venefyatu on the other side and knowing nothing of what was going on...chose to go see his old friend anyway. Not realizing he was taking part in a real time event...Black entered the maze...and soon hit a dead end. Taking a new wrought...the old vampire tried to navigated the maze...but failed as he hit yet another dead end. Black-"Blasted dead ends!" Unfortunately, Black rather sucked at mazes and took some time to make it though. Not yet reaching the other side...Venefyxatu sat in his chair...his sculpture already complete and wondered what was taking Black so long. Black-"Hey! Vene! How do I make it to the other side?" Venefyxatu only shook his head and responded. Venefyxatu-"It's a maze...you have to find your way on your own." Black tried this a few more times and hit dead after dead end. By now having given up on his deductive reasoning...Black distracted Venefyxatu and flew to the end in one smooth motion. By the time Vene turned Black way...the old vampire had just exited the maze. Turning with a grin...Black spoke. Black-"Hello good buddy...why'd you make it so hard to reach you?"
Find the Almost Cork in the Three Booze Mugs
Black9 replied to Wyvern's topic in Conservatory Archives
Black gave a grin as he departed from his friends side. Responding with a nod that signaled he was thanking the Almost Dragon for the new found info...as well as the Almost Dragonic Brand Meaud. Black couldn't help but laugh at the goings on...as it was all in good fun as he took up a mug of the Almost Dragonic Brand Meaud. Taking the first drink of the meaud. Black-"Well, bottoms up!" Wyvern tried to warn Black not to drink it down in one gulp...but it was already too late. After emptying the mug...Black started to feel an odd feeling in his stomach. Wyvern-"Why did you?" Wyvern stepped back as he knew something was going to happen. Black's body turned a redish color...and blew up from the inside with quite a spectacle. Being of the undead already...steam came from his ears as a small explostion erupted from within and quickly healed do to being undead and all. Wyvern look worried as Black turned his way once again. Black-"Now that's my kind of drink!" Taking another for the road...Black took another look around the area. -
Find the Almost Cork in the Three Booze Mugs
Black9 replied to Wyvern's topic in Conservatory Archives
Black walks up to the stand and realizing he has no geld to his name(Board geld right?), he takes out of his pocket a fake but oh so real looking 5 geld piece. Sitting down at the stand...Black tosses the piece Wyverns way. Black-"I'll play the game." Taking a seat...Black awaits a responce. While awaiting the responce...Black was offered a free bruteweiser...which he accepted. What Wyvern didn't know...is that Black was a professional drunk. Meaning that it took A LOT to make him drunk enough to lose his ability. Being a vampire has it's perks. -
Anna walked into the village with her head held high. She could hear...somewhere in the distance...a song of wonderous feeling playing...no...soaring though the air like a flood throughout the town. This particular town was known for its extravagantly prepared gourmet meals and quite possibly the cleanest water in the area. The haunting aroma of the crab drifted around each corner...through every mouse hole and even under every doorway of Smallville. Anna leavitated into the air...much like cartoons...as she followed the smell of the crab and finally reached the end of her search. Pulling a chair out from under the table...Anna took the first heavenly bite of the succulent treat and finally knew what heaven must be like. Death stormed onto the field of battle with a hunger for war. He could simply taste the blood that would be spilt in his name and that of his god. The hatred within his heart was that of a thousand men. It was then that the moon transformed from a pale white...to that of a blood red omen. The battle raged with the glorious sounds of death. Death's ears tingled with that of humanities end and sent his soul...if he had one...into flight. Picking a fallen foe up from the unearthly ground...Death sucked a few drops of blood from the poor dead soul and thrust him back to where he once lay. The taste of the succulent blood coursed his throat...bringing with it the thoughts of old forgotten times. There's two:)
Meanwhile, while Samantha was sneaking through the city and before the incident at hand...Lotus freely walked the streets of Rahkir with an entirely too proud smirk. Lotus had always retained vast skills in observation...this being the case...the very citizens of the city gave Rahkir's manner away. It was also clear that Lotus was new to the city...this he could see in the eyes of every assassin he passed. Were the citizens truly as skilled as they seemed? Walking up to a nearby shop, Lotus entered and glanced over their selection of merchandise. It was then that he came across a pair of fine black shades...these shades even put his to shame. The lenses were tinted in a greenish hue...while the frame was jet black. Taking the shades from the shelf, Lotus approached the salesman. Assassin-"Welcome, sir and how can I help you today?" Lotus-"I'd like to purchase this item, please." Assassin-"The Jungle Cat line? Sir, you have fine and expensive taste." Lotus-"How expensive are we talking?" Assassin-"This particular pair...has many enhancements. The lense reflect glare with a ninety percent efficiency. The lense are also made from a material known to only shatter by exposure to an extremely high frequency. Its frames are made from a form of material that are virtually inpenatrable. Sir, you are looking at a cost of five hundred gold." Lotus-"Five hundred? Tell me? Can I get a lifetime guarentee?" Assassin-"Sir, if you manage to break this particular pair if shades...I will give you a two for one discount. Also...if you wish...I'll take your old pair for the trade in price of one hundred." Lotus-"You have yourself a deal." Lotus pulled a small bag of gold from his back and place it on the counter along with his old pair of shades. Both items were appraised before the newly acquired shades were handed over to Lotus's ownership. Donning his new look, Lotus left the shop and eventually found himself next to a wall of the city. It was then that he came upon a building a little higher then the wall itself and decided to investigate inside. Why did he do this? He wasn't sure...perhaps he was just curious as to the granduer of its height. Lotus checked out the building only to find it to be seemingly empty. Taking to the roof with one smooth motion, Lotus stumbled upon the body of an assassin in one of the shadows. Lotus-"What's this? Assassin-"Your handy work I take it?" The voice of a man came from another roof top as Lotus turned and stared him in the eye. It was clear that this meeting would not go well, as the elemental assassin was both seen with the body and in the hidden location...one where most failed to pay attention. Assassin-"We told you that we'd be watching you." Lotus-"This is not my work. If it had been...this man would be dead!" Assassin-"Sure...that's what they all say. Preapare yourself...Travis...it's time to meet your maker!" Lotus only laughed as the man leapt his way and struck out at Lotus with a smooth and accurate blow. Lotus evaded the strike with a last second turn of his head and sank a dagger firmly into his back. Hiding the body in the shadows of another roof top...Lotus cleaned his dagger and resheathed it in a cool manner. It was a good thing that assassin was taken off guard...or it may have been a fight much like the last. Under the impression that he was still being watched...though unsure of this assumption...Lotus quickly jolted away from the crime scene...or in his terms...justice. Lotus's direction just happened to be the path that Samantha had taken...only at a much more vibrant speed. Some time later, around the time the incident with Samantha took place...three humanoid bodies were seen in the shadows outside Rahkir's gates. Duke-"So, you say Lotus scurried off to Rahkir?" Bonnie-"Yes, we tracked him to this location." Clyde-"We have the runt now!"
Tree, confessional and attatched caverns search
Black9 replied to Salinye's topic in Conservatory Archives
Looking up the trunk of the tree...Anna became lost in heavy thought. It was like this for a few seconds...when she felt a bite at her back. Turning around...all she saw was the purple and pink butterfly. Shaking this off as a random occurrence...Anna returned once more to her thought. You guessed it...the bite was once again felt from behind her. As was the case with Anna's powers...they activated as she showed more emotion. By this point the butterfly was becoming quite annoying as Anna turned and tried to swat it away. Unbeknownst to the maiden...Anna had failed to realize the beautiful white wings that had sprouted from her back. It was only after Salinye had pointed them out that Anna realized they were there and at the same time...wondered exactly how? Deciding to take advantage of the situation...Anna sprung into the tree with great ease. Anna-"Black feathers, huh? I'll keep an eye out for them." About half way up the tree, Anna felt another nip at her back and shrugged it off as she'd thought it that blasted butterfly. It was then that she noticed the butterfly flying just infront of her. Anna-"Wait a minute? If your there...there who's?" She figured it out...only far too late. Feeling the tip of an arrow tap the small of her back once more...Anna heared a voice calling out to her in a quiet whisper. Voice-"Back away slowly and you won't be hurt. Call for your friends and I can't promise anything." It was at times like these that Anna truly hated entering. Doing as the voice said...a note was left on the limb of the tree where Anna had been. Note ---------- You have entered a restricted area...leave now and we will let you be. Leave not...and who knows what can happen! -
Tree, confessional and attatched caverns search
Black9 replied to Salinye's topic in Conservatory Archives
Anna restrapped her mace and walked up to the two. With a bow she spoke. Anna-"Greetings, M'avron. I do apologies for the rather rude welcome before. In my family line...I've learned to be over cautious when meeting others." -
Tree, confessional and attatched caverns search
Black9 replied to Salinye's topic in Conservatory Archives
Anna unstrapped her mace in a show of confidence. Basically, she was confident...confident in her inability to wield the weapon properly. She'd never let it out, but the only reason she had the thing was in remembrance of her father. Truth was...the only real form of combat Anna was skilled in was a form of martial arts and most of that training was in hand to hand format. Perhaps this was because her father didn't want her to take up his sword...but one thing was clear and that was that Anna wasn't going to let anything kill her wild spirit. Giving a nod Salinye's way, Anna motioned that she was ready for anything...or anyone. -
I finished the story:) Any thoughts would be happily taken:)