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Lotus donned a look of confusion as the question was asked. Who was he? Travis or Lotus...traveling bard or Elemental Assassin? This was a loaded question and it required a loaded answer. Where it was true that this sort of thing had happened in the past, it seemed so much more simple. With Bonnie and the rest of the Elemental Assassins so...heartfelt in giving Lotus's identity away...he would have to go beyond lying...beyond the truth and take a position somewhere in the middle. Lotus-"To tell you of my true identity, I must attempt to regail you with a story taken from my past...while in the process informing you of my enemy and why you don't want to get mixed up with them. It all happened a long time ago. I was off galavanting...in search of my next ballad...when I stumbled upon a town located in the middle of seemingly nowhere. Ever since I was a child, I was told of a town built, owned and operated by a special breed of assasssin...an Elemental Assassin. "Elemental Assassin have developed a fashion of combat unique to themselves", my mother always told me. "They possess a speed of such high intensity that it would be difficult for one such as you or I to determine their exact location." I always thought this a lie...a story told by a parent to their child to lull them to sleep...little did I know that this lie would turn out to be the truth...if that makes any sense whatsoever? From afar I set my gaze upon this city of legend...the thoughts of a rather famed assassin literally running through my mind." Taking a seat upon a nearby, but half torn apart stool...Lotus continued. Lotus-"I told you once of a uniform I found along the side of the road...this is the very uniform I adorn at this very moment. It was entitled "The Legend of the Rogue Assassin". It told of an assassin yielding the powers of Mother Earth...an assassin that left the santity of his coven and basically did as he pleased. In his search for amusement the Black Lotus held an alliance to nothing and no one. Half the world cheered his name as he saved their towns from a terrible evil...while the other half cursed him for doing quite the opposite. Once donning his uniform, I took on every aspect of this man...this...Black Lotus. He was called the Black Lotus for one very good reason...he left that particular flower upon each of his victims...this was his calling card. Day after day, I practiced in his style of combat...eventually gaining his once speed and similar skills. Who am I, you ask? There are times when even I do not know the answer to this question." Lotus gave a short but noticable chuckle and then continued one last time. Lotus-"Some call me by my real identity...Travis, the wandering bard...others see me as Lotus, the famed assassin himself. You may address me as either...as I don't really care anymore."
A Time Long Forgotten...a Time Best Remembered
Black9 replied to Black9's topic in Assembly Room Archives
"Out of the frying pan and into the fire", Jane could hardly believe how true these words had become. They held a choice between an armada or zombie...or to stand toe to toe with Death himself...the party was really heating up now. Jane gave a chuckle at the scene played out so...perfectly! Not only would she get the chance to take on the terrorist, but she could also have a little fun along the way. By this time, both Archer and Light could tell by reading the smile upon Jane face, that it had finally happened...she'd lost her marbles. Caring little for what the duo of babbling professors bantered on about, Jane left the scene with a quick stride. Archer, turning toward Prof. Lights general direction, began to speak of a somewhat more complex manner. Archer-"So, I take it we'll need to locate the back-up generators and restore power to this building before we're granted opportunity to depart? The back-up generators are located in the basement, are they not?" Light-"You're quite astute, but I guarentee you will not get far if you plan on taking part in such a reckless course of action. I have been researching this virus for quite some time and where it dulls the abilities in most humanoid hosts...I do believe it would have quite the equal and opposite effect on our animal brethren." Snatching a camellian that just so happened to be passing by, Light continued with his rather pointless banter. "Take our friend the camellian...it is my hypothesis that it's already rather tough exoskeleton will only grow...perhaps even to a blade of armor equal to that of iron." Archer-"Your thought on this subject are mildly intriguing, but have you taken into account the DNA strands? When exposed to such a high level of resistance, the animal, just as the human body, will break down from the inside out... thus causing a cascading effect eventually deteriorating the very essence of our host to that of peon." Light-"You are correct, Professor...what you have so elegantly explained is the theorum for most subjects to be...let's say invaded by the bombardment of fragmented DNA. What you fail to realize is that some of us...though rare...have a more deep and complex fibratic structure. Our DNA and white blood cells will refuse to back down...thus causing a type of civil war to protect our immune systems. If by some uncommon chance...we win the war...the viral DNA will both split and multiply...thereby absorbing itself into our very being." Archer-"If what you are saying is true, then the outcome of this connetic fusion would become too sporatic to even estimate a guess on our final hypothesis. It could generate growth, strength, speed and even the enhancement of our already particular skills. Then again...it could simple vanish into the pit of nothingness created by allowing such a battle to take place. You have intrigued me with your arguments, Professor...we will simply have to compare notes upon a later date." It was at this time that Jane reappeared on the scene...this time highly irritated as the duo began a conversation whence only the upper level of IQ could begin to understand. It was clear by this point that it would take more than brain or brawn alone to achieve the solution to this rat's maze. Jane would be forced to work together if they were to have any chance of success...no matter how painful it may become. Jane-"Alright already! Let's quit this pointless banter and and find your so called back-up generator!" Light-"I regret to inform you that I will not be accompaning you upon your reckless exploits. I have matters of my own to deal with. I have yet to discover a cure for my immediate illness and I refuse to exit the premises before this has taken place." Archer-"I however would enjoy a little sight seeing...seeing how I am safer with you...then with the entire former platoon." Jane-"Then let us get moving...all this double talk is starting to give me a headache!" Prof. Light seemingly vanished as the duo rounded the next corner...only to find a dying man in a commando's uniform. He lay against the rear wall with a pistol in his hand and one round armed within its barrel. Aside from this tragic scene lay his former weapon...a highly technical..laser guided...fully automatic rifle also armed with explosive rounds. It was truly a marvel to behold as it was rare enough to even lay eyes on such a powerful weapon to begin with...let alone obtain one. This was beside the matter, however, as the soldier turned toward the duo and spoke in fearful manner. Connor-"I have already been infected by the V-virus...my fate has already been sealed. I will not die one of them!" Archer-"Infected by what? If you are going to commit suicide anyway...you might as well spill the beans." Jane-"Professor! How heartless can you get? This man is in pain...no one deserves to die alone." Connor-"I thank you for your kind words madam, but I will answer the Professors inquiry. I was attacked by some sort of mutant house cat. Its agression was unending...its agility unmatched...its claws paralyzed me from my waist down. Oh, the first strike was wasn't much to brag about, but by the time I received three consecutive blows...it was all over for me. The commander was wrong! He said we'd make it out of this in one piece! He told us with almost complete certainty that we would survive this living horror! The infected roam this facility like moths to a flame. They are unavoidable and none of us will survive!" Pressing the pistol to his head, the commando pulled the trigger...unleashing the final round of the weapon...shortly after falling dead to the floor. Jane could hardly believe it...a goverment trained commando taking his own life in fear of death. Such acts were unheard of...let alone noted so visually. She could only hope that the remaining of the Commader's forces held their ground with more success than this poor soul was ever given. If not...then they were truly doomed to failure. Acquiring the discarded rifle from the floor, Jane motioned for Archer to lead the way...as he had been the only one who actually knew where he was headed. Backtracking to a rear doorway, Jane noticed that the they would require a forced entry...as the power to the main doors had been shut down. Placing her hands between the small cracks within the door's center...the huntress pulled with all her might...barely obtaining enough strength to open the thing. Archer-"Ladies first." Jane-"No, really...I must insist that you go." Archer-"Not in your wildest dreams, m'lady." Deciding that this was pointless Jane boldly stepped into the unknown. The room was pitch black as not a thing could to seen...though Jane was not afraid of the dark...she wasn't without fear. One would have to be a fool not to fear the creatures that lurked within every nook and cranny...every single crevice of this installation. It was at times like these...times that she had been left defenseless that she feared most for her life. Jane was only comfortable with what she could see, hear or touch...only a mere one of these options remained of the trio and that worried the huntress more than anything. A screeching hiss was was heard as Jane screamed in pain...not once...but twice. She'd almost dropped her weapon, but as luck would have it...this was not to be. The hissing was heard once more as Jane turned and unloaded in its general direction. As she was doing this, she was reminded of the commando's last words. "I thank you for your kind words madam, but I will answer the Professor's inquiry. I was attacked by some sort of mutant house cat. It's aggression was unending...its agility unmatched...its claws paralyzed me from my waist down. Oh the first strike was wasn't much to brag about, but by the time I received three consecutive blows...it was all over for me. The commander was wrong! He said we'd make it out of this in one piece! He told us with almost complete certainty that we would survive this living horror! The infected roam this faciltiy like moths to a flame. They are unavoidable and none of us will survive!" This thought in mind, Jane pressed her finger upon the trigger in a nervous manner...nary let it loose until she heard the sound of two small bodies hit the floor. Regaining her composure, Jane rolled up her sleeve and called for Archer to join her. Archer hesitantly entered the room in fear that he would wind up just like that commando back there and spoke. Archer-"Are you ok, m'lady? I heard a scream." Jane-"I'm fine! Now show me to the basement already!" The nervousness in her voice was clearly ascertained by the Professor's keen intellect. It would have appeared that even the bravest of us are still human...that even an iron will can be broken in one manner or another. A creek echoed through the faciltiy as Archer turned the iron wheel in a clockwise direction...shortly after opening the door leading to the basement...where Jane thought she was safe...lest she find out that the the frying pan was far preferable to the fire. -
A Time Long Forgotten...a Time Best Remembered
Black9 replied to Black9's topic in Assembly Room Archives
Research Facility ------------------------------- Neither Jane nor Archer much cared what they were rushing into whence entering the research facility. Curiously, the door was already open...this occured more then likely as the commando's platoon entered the premises...when again...deciphering one's situation hadn't always been so simple. Archer, noticing a control panel near the entrance...glanced technology's direction with both wonder and intrigue. Jane glared toward Archer's location as she grew ever more impatient with each passing second. The Professor cared little as he became consumed by the techological advancements and would have failed to notice a hurricane had it decided to strike at this time and place. Quickly shoving Archer a side, Jane pulled her biretta and fired a round into the locking mechanism...thereby sealing the doors shut...as dumb luck would have it. Archer-"Idiot! Your actions very well could have destroyed any manner of sealing our entrance." Jane-"It worked, didn't it? If I were you, I wouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth." Taking a quick assessment around, the first thing that both the huntress and Professor noticed...was the labrotory's condition. One would assume that a flood swept through it...as the walls were all but rusted and the machinery sparking at the circuits. This was not to mention the small, but seemingly obvious droplets of water plumetting from the ceiling. It was at this point when the click of a pistol was heard echoing thoughout the facility...followed immediately by an angered voice. Light-"Drop your weapon, m'lady and I won't be forced to fire." Jane turned only to feel a pistol pressed firmly against her forehead. She'd been in this sort of situation many times within the course of her life...too many to count and never once had she backed down...why start now? Jane-"I refuse to relinquish my weapon...you're simply going to have to kill me." Light-"I'm warning you, m'lady...I will fire and you will die!" Archer couldn't help but laugh at the situation and respond with an equally smug manner. Archer-"Out of the frying pan and into the fire, as they so elegantly put it. Why not simply kill each other and get this miserable existance over with...hmmm? Just through that door are almost unlimited volumes of zombie...better to die mortal then one of them. What do you think...Prof. Light?" While Prof. Tom Archer's little speech was out of pure and utter arrogance...it did help to sufficiently to distract the stranger long enough for Jane to obtain his weapon. Quickly snatching the pistol from Light's hand, Jane opened the chambers only to find that this entire scenario was a bluff. The pistol was out of ammunition the entire time. Chuckling slightly, Jane threw the empty weapon to the floor and reholstered her own. Glancing Light's direction with the look a huntress gives her prey, the Professor began to speak in an apologetic tone. Light-"I am indeed Prof. Light and I humbly apologize for my former actions. You have to understand...I am but a small man in a big city. I simply don't know who to trust anymore." Archer-"Did you happen to notice a platoon of commando coming through here just before our arrival?" Jane-"Please, we'd be greatful for any information you can give us about this facility." Light-"To answer your first question...no...you are the first human life I have seen today. According to the news...that is...before it was taken off the air...some form of new virus has all but flooded Hauntos. I personally have examined your...let's say zombies...and found that this virus contains thousands of mutagenic strands of DNA. I have also deduced...that the V-virus can only be spread by tactile contact or digestion of the infected victom's blood. Unfortunately I learned this lesson the hard way. While examining the subject in question, I just so happened to come incontact with my..." Archer-"In other words...the city is dead and you are infected...NOW GET ON WITH IT!" Light-"Right, right...what can I tell you of this facility...the better question is...what can't I tell you? This research building was built, owned and operated by an organization that preferred to remain anonymous. They hired me roughly three years ago to conduct research on a variety of different subjects...their main goals seemed to focus on the natural abilities of our animal bretheren. The control room is located on the upper most level...while just beyond this lies the back door and only remaining exit to this building." It was at this moment when the lights dimmed and the back-up generators kicked in with a rustic squeal. This squeal was followed an an evil chuckle eminating through the surrounding speakers within the the facility. Death-"Greetings, honored guests and welcome. You will be taking part in a little experiment I am conducting. Your mission...if you decide to accept it...heck...even if you don't...is to make it out of this building alive. I have taken the liberty of freeing all forms of muatgenic life within this facility...I do hope you don't die too easily! This message has been brought to you by Death...special thanks to the anonymous corporation whose funding was so greatly appreciated." -
A Time Long Forgotten...a Time Best Remembered
Black9 replied to Black9's topic in Assembly Room Archives
Turning her attention toward the door, Jane could easily hear the moans of numerous zombie...it would have appeared that this virus has spread quite rapidly...the question was...what distance could it have traveled? Nary giving it a second thought, Jane donned a wicked grin as she cracked two table legs in half. Particles of wood spewed in every direction as the huntress took up the two rather long stakes that were oh so carelessly flung upon the ground. The table was sent to the ground with a thunderous crash only to be overpowered by Jane's fairly new door being slowly smashed to pieces. Jane didn't care. Burn her house to cinders...chop it into miniscule pea sized pieces...it wasn't like she was ever going to return. No, either the undead were to take her down or she would seek revenge upon whomever did this...home is where the heart is and her heart no longer resided in this city. Jane stood ready, her prized shotgun held within one hand...its barrel lazily slung toward the floor. It was at this point that the door came smashing in and zombie followed as if there were no tomorrow. Jane only grinned. Jane-"It's time to rock and roll...I'm going to have to rock...you can roll." The zombie, not caring a wit of what Jane had to say...proceeded tirelessly toward their new meal ticket as Jane slyly cocked her shot gun and fired it directly into the zombie hordes. Having waited until the very last second, the blast was devestating upon the undead masses...the first couple of rows...their heads simply exploded...while the remaining were sent backwards decapitating from their former bodies. Tipping the barrels down, Jane took two rounds from around her torso and re-loaded the shotgun before she slung it around her shoulder. Taking up the two table stakes, the huntress proceeded out the open doorway with a vengeance...along the way knocking over a cannister of gasoline...which slowly spread throughout the small cottage in the form of a tiny river. Upon entering the inner city, Jane was ever so rudely attacked from both sides by two incoming undead. The Slayer only laughed as she adorned a slightly more serious smile and drove the two stakes right through each zombie's chest and into the wooden exterior of the house. Jane-"Hold onto your hats, varmites...from this point on, things will get very hot!" Taking a small lighter from her pocket, Jane lit the fume and...after a moment of silence for her once home...tossed the weapon of mass destruction into the fray. By this time, numerous zombie had broken through the walls and entered the now humanly empty house...only to meet the searing flames of an oncoming fire. The blaze quickly grew in both size and intensity...incinerating all who dwelled within...the soaring inferno did attract some unwanted attention...however. A second Protector approached Jane from behind as she turned with an intent to kill...only find herself coming to a halt but an inch away from her old friend Bob's face. Jane-"Don't sneak up on me like that, Bob! That's a good way to get yourself killed." Bob only laughed and replied. Bob-"I had faith enough that you could contain youself. Besides, this is no longer a place for our kind...we should leave." Jane-"No place for our kind? This is a terrorist act and the exact place for our kind. Do you not agree?" Bob-"This is not what I signed up for...the undead are not in my job description." Jane-"Then leave if you must, but know that I am Jane...Protector to Hauntos and I will not give in until I lay dead upon the ground! Besides...these zombie aren't so tough...I've already killed fifteen or so." Bob-"I wish I had your courage, my friend, but I am but a simple man...with simple skills. It's best to leave this mess to the commandos...they're trained for this kind of thing." Jane only laughed at the comment...as if some government trained commando had anything on her. The Slayers had been around for longer then anyone could remember. Since ancient times the Slayers held power over that of the dead and this will never change. It was at this time that both Jane and Bob parted company and went their separate ways. Moving ever deeper into inner Hauntos, Jane wasn't suprised to hear the sounds of a paniced mob coming her way at a rapid pace. Jane leapt aside as not become road kill...she did this just in time...any later and she would have been trampled into that of a pancake upon the asphalt. The mob dispersed as the equally odd sounds of a vehicle actually entering the city was heard from a short distance away and came to a halt as Jane stood directly in its path. The screech of the old beat-up pickup truck almost made Jane go deaf, though as luck would have it...this was only a momentary lapse. It didn't take long for the head of an older man to pop out of the nearby window and speak with much pride. Before he could accomplish this, however, he pressed down the gas as Jane leapt out of the way in the nick of time...immediately jumping from his vehicle at the very same instant. The truck exploded as it crashed into a multitude of incoming zombie...taking down the whole lot. Jane would have chewed the stranger out...if she had not noticed how he saved her life in endangering it. Jane-"I thank you for your assistance, but this is not the place for the average citizen. The city has been overrun by..." Archer-"Zombie? I know. Allow me to introduce myself...I am Prof. Tom Archer, the famous researcher himself!" Jane-"I cannot protect you and and take care of this menace at the same time. You're only going to slow me down!." Archer-"I require not your protection...nor do I need your services to achieve my goals." Jane-"As long as you're here and as long as you contain no military training...I will feel obligated to aid you." Archer-"Your consciouns is not my problem, madam." It was at this time that a great many moans were heard from all around them. Quickly glancing about, zombie armies could be seen evolving from every direction at once...Jane had no idea it had gotten this bad. The moans were only overpowered by the racket of a helicopter hovering just above their location. The heavy gusts of air almost sent the two to the ground as many ropes descended from above. Travis-"Let's do this, people! Move, move, move!" It was at this time that a dozen or so commandos vaulted toward the the ground and pulling the pin from a hand held grenade sent one army back to the hell from which it came. Last to hit the ground was Commander Travis himself...government proclaimed leader of the platoon and all around cool looking guy. Turning the duo's way, Travis spoke with slick accent. Travis-"Greetings, Prof. Tom Archer and Jane of the Slayers. I am Commander Travis...leader of the platoon you see before you. Me and my men were sent here on a top secret mission...if I told you I'd have to kill you...so don't bother asking. As you may now notice, this is not the the time to be making introductions...if you are still alive...I hope to see you around." Turning back to his platoon Commander Travis spoke with a commanding manner...before both he and his team vanished without a trace. "You heard me, ladies! Let's get this walking feast mobile!" Jane-"Charming man...in a rude sort of way." Archer-"I couldn't have said it any better." The zombie hordes now almost in reach of the last remaining life on the scene...prompted both Jane and Archer to escape with their lives. Quickly dashing the route of the open passageway and also the path in which the commandos decided to partake...the duo came to halt next to that of a large steel door...where they thought they were safe...but oh...were they wrong! -
A Time Long Forgotten...a Time Best Remembered
Black9 replied to Black9's topic in Assembly Room Archives
Hauntos, the city gates ----------------------------------- The day passed at a snail's pace as Jane lay half asleep at her post. It was Jane's great honor to watch over Hauntos as its guardian and protector...pa...as if that meant anything! She was in charge of keeping terrorists...who were on the uprise...out of the city...the question remaining...how? With the legal system the way that it both was and will continue to be...she would need hard evidence to convict a citizen of being a terrorist. What did they think was going to happen? "Sir! Are you a Terrorist?" "Yes! Yes I am and I am going to bomb your fair city!" Truth was...one would have to be pretty stupid to be caught...at least before the action in question...which would already be too late. Still, the pay was good and Jane did get to catch up on her beauty sleep. Who was she to complain? It was at this moment when a man attired in a blood red tunic and a pitch black cape entered Jane's vacinity. Deciding it was time to have a little fun...Jane leapt to her feet with a very serious look in her eyes and spoke in the most professional manner she could mannage to contemplate. Jane-"Hold it right there...partner! What business do you have within our fair city?" Death-"Do I need business? Wait..I know...I came for the cheese!" Jane-"Do you think me a fool? Do you need business to enter Hauntos? Are you seriously asking me if you need business to enter our city? I should charge you with a four-eleven!" Death-"What...by chance...is a four-eleven? You are making no sense." Jane-"Am I not, or are you simply ignorant? In answer to your quandry...no...you don't need a reason to gain permission. My job is pointless and everyone but my superiors has caught a clue! Enter the city...see if I give a hoot!" With nothing more to be said, Jane went back to her beauty sleep...which was ever so rudely interrupted with the call of duty. Death hastened his pace into the city Hauntos as he did not want a second performance...it wasn't but a moment later that a very strange breed of dog came dashing toward Jane's location and halted but a foot away from her coordinates. Slightly lifting the tip of her hat, Jane responded to the strain's pantings. Jane-"Hold it right there, mutt! What's your business within our fair city?" The dog responded with an angry growl...followed by a an injured whine. Jane just laughed as the dog seemed to emulate a response to her quandary quite well and left it at that. Jane-"I hereby bestow upon you permission to pass, but I'll be keeping an eye on you." By the time Jane had just lowered the tip of her hat, the dog had vanished and he was replaced with none other than her replacement...could it be that time already? Bob-"Greeting m'lady and how goes your nap?" Jane-"My beauty sleep was rudely interrupted by a passing citizen and a odd breed of dog...though I think the dog may be a terrorist." Bob just laughed...he'd known the feeling...he had it many times before...it would have appeared that it came with the position. Giving Jane the ok to leave...she slowly took to her feet and walked off without another word. Inner Hauntos; Jane residence ------------------------------------------ The moment Jane arrived home, she threw her vest aside and clicked the television on to channel three. It just so happened that the current program on the air had been the news. This was always quite dull to Jane as it was usually some kind of terrible incident that...in the end...turned out to be some crazy nut spouting off at the mouth. Anchor-"And now we take you to our man on the street...Jill...can you hear me now?" Jill-"Yes I can Dan and this is no time to be clamming around. We come to you live upon the scene where a local citizen claims to have seen a real live zombie. This of course is an oxymoron in itself, but tossing that aside...I take you to the source of the uprising itself. Stan, tell us more about this supposed siteing you have uncovered." Stan-"I saw it I tell you! One moment the woman had no pulse...then she came after me like I was some sort of meal ticket." Jill-"How terrifying and what happened next?" Stan-"What do you think happened next? I pulled out my taser and zapped her but good. I imagine the thirty minute waiting period has long passed by now...IT IS THE END OF THE WORLD I TELL YOU!" It was at this time that the power extinguished...shutting down all electrical devices in the house. Nary giving either the power loss nor the obvious lunatic a second thought...Jane chose instead to get some sleep. The night passed by quickly as sounds of deep moans came from within the city limits. Jane thought very little importance as she'd heard worse and awoke well rested the next morning despite a pounding headache...given to her by the half a dozen citizens pounding upon her windows. Opening the curtains, Jane revealed a few crazed citizens acting...almost like zombies. The torn clothes and blood dripping from their limbs and mouth...along with the undead moan of the recently reanimated deceased state gave this away. Donning an irritated look, Jane cursed as the news had to be correct on this very day and no other...why this? Jane was best described as an old fashioned western cowgirl from her stark white, bran spankin new cowboy hat...to her fancy black boots. Underneath the cowgirl attire, she was actually quite the beauty, though very rarely did she reveal this. Jane-"Very well then...if they want to play...I say we have a little fun!" Opening a secret drawer within her dresser...Jane revealed an astonishingly high tec arsenal of weaponry and ammunision. Buckling a belt around her waist...Jane placed two Barettas...each equipped with a silencer and one magnum in their corresponding holsters. Next to emerge from the arsenal was Jane's prized double barrel shot gun...which she strapped diagonally across her back and chest. Finally she emptied the armory by strapping many long rings of ammunition diagonally across the other direction. Jane-"I am Jane, top weapons expert of the highly secretive organization known to the world only as the Slayers. Our goal is to cleanse this world of all forms of the evil undead and even though but a few of us still remain...I will not bow to the enemy! I am the one they feel hunting them in their nightmares. I am death to the already dead...in short...I am their worst nightmare!" Turning once again to the window...which at this point was all but cracked beyond recognition...Jane continued. Jane-"You want a war? I'll give you...a war!" -
In a time long ago...there once lived a great and powerful vampire known to the world as Black. Rumor had it that this vampire made a pact with the Reaper and held the title of Black, the Warlord of Death...many simply called him Death! Black's armies soon became a menace to all that was holy and good. Where it was true that most evil has the long ter goal of world conquest...this was nary the case with Death. Black cared but a nuance about the world...he searched only for amusement and found that amusement in death. This was a legend of great attention in his century, but knowledge is a fleeting concept and with time, it may even be forgotten all together. Time, the year two thousand...location...the city of Hauntos. Hauntos was a city like any other. Its people were rude to those who seeked help and preferred to go about their daily lives whenever possible. It was a place where you were either the chump or the champ...in short...it was a modern day New York. It has long been said that knowledge was power and if that was true...then one such citizen held massive power. Prof. Tom Archer was the kind of man that...like an elephant...never forgot. He held within him the potential to possibly become one of the worlds most astonishing genious's. His theories on a mutitude of subjects intrigued even the most brilliant of men and most intelligent of woman. It was even quoted by Archer himself...that his only challenge remaining...was to exceed his latest accomplishment. Where this kind of arrogance was a false trait in most...Prof. Tom Archer could very well have been the acception. Archer achieved momentous accomplishment after accomplishment...each one more impressive then the last. To the public, this was a gift...to the Professor, this was a curse. It had gotten to the point that Archer would have to go to great lengths to even begin the journey of defeating himself and it was at this time that he would perhaps attain his final act of genious. Searching over an old and weathered map...the ink so faded, it was barely visable...Prof. Tom Archer spoke in an almost illedgible manner. Archer-"Yes! Yes! I have found it...the lost tomb of the one true death!" Finding the map was the Professor's first mistake...the location of the long lost tomb his second and the search to come, his final. Prof. Tom Archer knew all about the supposed fairy tale of the tomb and almost gave it a miss...if only he had. For years he'd been reading up on the ancient past...on a time long ago and a warlord best forgotten. This kind of research was of the most dangerous...where most would have given up on the matter as being fairytale...Tom relished the challenge. Centrol Egypt and the location of Death's tomb ------------------------------------------------------------------- Archer approached the tomb with great excitement. His mind was thrown into numerous directions as he slowed his pace directly in front of a large, stone door. Upon the door was written a phrase...written in the language of the ancients...a language that only they and perhaps a few knowledgable others can decipher. Prof. Tom Archer was one of these few, as he'd been researching this subject for a very long time. Archer-"Speak the phrase and enter the tomb..."give me life and I will show you death" With the vocal of these words, a small earthquake initiated just below the Professor and almost sent him to the ground as the massive door began to open. At this point Archer didn't know what he was getting himself into...the only thing he did know was that he'd have a blast in the search for his conclusion. Archer gazed into the pitch black of the tomb in both wonder and fulfillment. Out of all the accomplishments he has ever achieved...there has never been a moment to match this. Archer-"Half a league, half a league, half a league onward. All into the valley of death rode the six hundred." With this simple quote, Tom entered the mouth of death...all the while thinking about the phrase carved upon the stone door..."Give me life and I will show you death." What could it mean? More then likely, it was a scare tactic to keep the inferior from entering where they were unwelcome. Could its meaning be of any other nature...no...it's not as if the dead could come back to life...or could they? The air within the tomb was cold and stale...it must have been sealed over a great many years...too many to determine its exact age. Unhinging a torch from a nearby wall, Archer began to explore the area. The walls were carved upon with a style of writing that was even alien to Tom. This annoyed Archer to no end...how was he to figure out the mystery if he couldn't decipher the text. Skeletal structures of fallen foes littered the tomb in the manner of a warning. Archer, ofcourse, chose not to heed this warning and nary to follow in the footsteps of the deceased. In the tomb's center was located a stone sarcophagus..a very old and decadent sarcophagus. Running his torch over the lid...another phrase could be observed. Archer-"Here lies Death, last fallen soul of a once great empire. Death is only the beginning." With these words spoken...the lid of the sarcophagus opened from within with an ear piercing screech and a raspy voice proclaiming from its depths. Death-"Give me life and I will show you death!" Archer-"Death is only the beginning." This response seemed to spark a change in the mysterious being's atmosphere. The raspy voice evolved into normalcy as Death responded with great pride. Death-"I am Black, the Warlord of Death and the plague of age's past. My armies were unstoppable as I rampaged like an incoming flood upon the unsuspecting souls. Their screams were music to my ears as I cut down every last remenance of the holy order. I have now been awakened from a very long sleep...let the plague commence as it did in the past!" Little more was seen nor heard as a gust of mist arose from the sarcophagus and quickly made its way toward freedom...only halting at the boarder line between the daylight and the tomb's grand shadow. The mist reformed as the presence of a middle aged Vampire Lord...cloaked in a massive black cape...exited the tomb in a timely fashion. Once on the outside, however, Black felt a great hunger and fed upon a dog that just happen to be passing by. Allowing the dog to go free, Death vanished into the day light as if he never was. This was indeed Prof. Tom Archer's worst mistake...or was it? Archer-"What have I done? I have unleashed a plague upon Egypt and perhaps...the world. I have to admit, however, that this is a very intriguing outcome...I shall have to give it more study!"
This may be late, but grads:)
Sounds hard...I'll have to sign up:)
Is it free to play? If so sounds pretty cool
Meanwhile, while all this was happening, the Elemental Assassins never gave up on their search for the futigive known as Lotus. Bonnie, the self proclaimed huntress of the clan's remaining members...searched out clue after clue. Hidden within every nook and cranny and adjusting to various techniques along the way...the Assassin of Water sought out her target...this was when she stumbled upon the alley in which they were located. Lotus was near...she could feel it in her bones...one could also make such an assumption by a mere glance toward her daggers...which began to glow in the fading darkness. The brilliant shine of the sunrays echoed across the ever expanding length before her in a marvalous array of refracted colors and wavering patterns. The morning had come...a new dawn had arisen and new prospects had soared through many lives within the city limits. Bonnie cared little for the sight however, as she became ever more focused on her revenge. She began to ask herself what she would do if she happened to run across Lotu's path. Would she choose to end it quickly? This would give her a higher percentage of actually completeing her task...on the other hand...Lotus deserved a slow and exruciatingly painful death. Bonnie couldn't decide as she was torn from one option to another...the steady stream of thoughts and feelings grated at her soul with every cycle that passed by in this seemingly endless loop. It was like this until she came across an old doorway...within its interior, Bonnie could feel the sensation of another clan member but who? The problem with this sixth sense was that she could never picture who it would be...whence they finally met. Meanwhile, back within the room's interior, Lotus had awoken from a short rest and was ever ready to take his turn at watch. It may not have been that long a period, but the assassin couldn't quite recall the last time he was given the luxury of true sleep. There was always something wrong...some danger that could have very well been lurking around the next corner. Most of these perils were brought about by his own kind...by his own clan. Truth was, Lotus deserved every bit of what he'd gotten. He'd been a real scoundrel in his past...when he wasn't being paid to take down warlords...or some self rightous king...Lotus spent his time searching for amusement...wherever it may be located...or whatever fashion it may be appropriated. This was not to say that Lotus was a mean guy...he was actually quite gracious to his friends...that and he would save the world one day while dooming it the next. It was around this time that both Samantha and Lotus heard a russel just outside. The russel evolved into a short flash of light that bent the way of Lotus's general location. A strike was given on the assassin's precise coordinates as Lotus jokingly made the sound of being hurt by the incoming blade. Samantha would have reacted if Lotus hadn't of popped out of seemingly nowhere and spoke. Lotus-"Meet Bonnie, self proclaimed huntress of the a highly secretive clan known to the world only as the Elemental Assassins. For those who haven't heard of, or don't know who or what I am talking about...I'll explain later. So, Bonnie...where's Clyde?" Bonnie-"He's around...so...Lotus...who's your little friend? Does she know?" Lotus-"What Bonnie so blatantly stated...was...that she believes me...but a humble bard...to be the former owner of this uniform." Samantha didn't know what to think as the duo went at it...though it was obvious that Lotus didn't take anything serious enough. Lotus-"Leave my friend out of this...this is a matter between you and the former owner of this uniform...aka...Lotus." Bonnie-"Friendship is a weakness our kind have little use for...please...allow me to liberate you of such a weakness." Samantha readied herself as Bonnie stared her way with a glare perhaps given by the Reaper himself. Before this battle could begin, however, Lotus intercepted Bonnie in the central point between them...giving the assassin a blow to the stomach and halting her movement. Samantha-"Travis...I..." Lotus-"Stay out of this! I don't want to be the key factor in your demise." Lotus turned Bonnie's direction once more, only to find a dagger at his throat. The dagger being firmly held in the grasp's of the Assassin of Water. It was now that perhaps one of the elemental assassin's greatest weakness's reared its ugly head...their pride! Bonnie-"First, I will slay you where you stand and then I will tell your little friend of your real identity. To think...the infamous Black Lotus...brought down by little old me?"
It's 12:04 Happy New Year! (Yes! It really is 12:04:))
Travis rushed out of his dressing room in a mad dash. Along the way, a white rabbit bounced along side him singing a song in the process. "I'm late, I'm late, for very important date. No time to say hello, good-bye, I'm late, I'm late, I'm late!" Travis felt much the same as the audience heard a racket stirring back stage. From just the opposite side of the curtain...was heard a variety of sounds including...crash...thud...slam...clammer...bang...boom...smack! It was then that the curtain opened to find somewhat of a mess...a mess that was quickly cleaned up by the many security guards roaming the main hall. Clearing his throat...Travis brushed himself off the best he could...which wasn't much and in a bold manner began to speak. Travis-"Thank you for waiting and please don't mind my attire. Now, if you'll gaze upon the exit...you'll meet a good friend of mine. He is an intelligent double door that goes by the name of Bob. Say hello, Bob." Bob-"Greetings, ladies and gentlemen...along with anything else you may be. I will now act as your kind neighborhood doorman. If there is any way I can help you...please...you have but to ask." Interrupting Bob in mid sentence...Travis continued with what he was formerly saying. Bob glared back angrily as this was done, but fell in line as two security guards stared back at him. Travis-"No, for the main event...I...the great and marvalous Travis...will hearby allow this concert to commense. A reminder to those who are participating in the dance contest. You may dance as a couple or a single, but the winner chosen by me or my staff...will have earned a back stage pass for all victorious parties. I would also remind you to add your name to the raffle if you have not already. If I pick your name at the concert's end...you will have earned a few geld for your troubles. Now, without furthur adieu...let the dance contest begin." Gently strumming the strings on his lyre...a beautiful sound was heard throughout the main hall. It was a slow song composed of fabulous rhythms and marvelous harmony.
Come-on...someone has to have an opinion? Love it? Hate it? I can take it...
And thus the quest has come to an end:)
Part three of three- The Beginning of the End Legends...the legends of Donuton flowed through the very jelly within its core. The heart of all Donuton were the stories of old. These stories were tales for only the boldest of men and the strongest of soldiers. One such tale spoke of a floating city...built with the very center of the planet. Most refer to this as the Thirty Third City...seeing as the planners of the planet seemed to have skipped that number...whence the cities were first comprised. Center...the center of Donuton was known far and wide by that of an enormous empty space...space...being the literal word. With its endless supply of jelly...legend states that whomever controls this city...rules Donuton and perhaps...the universe. Reporter of the Forty First City-"We take you live to the scene of a terrible battle. This was where the very conflict that could easily determine the fate of Donuton has occurred. As you can well see, by the wreckage around us, the conflict has come to its inevitable conclusion but a short moment ago and this reporter...is saddened. The Forty First City, home of some of Donuton's finest minds has been torn asunder. Reports have been shown that there may be some survivors, though the chances are they will be hidden from sight...due to the recent uprise of Queen. Two such survivors have come to the light and chosen to speak with us about these troubling times. You will know them as two of the candidates subjugated to the past experimentations of the former fast food company known as Wendy's. Hot bun, Mr. Slurpy, can you explain to us...in your own words what has happened here today?" Bun-"Well...what do you call yourself?" Reporter-"You may call me Sandy." Bun-"It's a pleasure to meet you, Sandy" Reporter-"Please...all of Donuton is eagerly awaiting your experiences within this current crisis." Bun-"All of...Donuton? I...I...I mean..." Slurpy-"We are all going to die." Bun-"No! No we are not going to die!" Slurpy-"If you say so." Bun-"What my unthrilling companion here is trying to say...is that we came to the Forty First City with our friend...who due to me wanting all the attention, will remain nameless...at least momentarily. Boldly we swept upon the scene with the bravery matched only by the gods!" Slurpy-"We fled like craven cowards." Bun-"Don't listen to him! Suddenly and with out warning..." Slurpy-"The definition of suddenly is without warning...proper English is nothing to laugh at." Bun-"We set our eyes upon an enormous army of mini-onions!" Slurpy-"It was a small army...nary numbering in the monsterous quantities Bun has described." Bun-"We bravely challenged this monsterous army with the might of our intimidating appearance!" Slurpy-"We exclaimed a shrill whine...then chose to duck and cover." Bun-"That's it! You have ruined my story one too many times...Slurpy!" Slurpy-"I am merely stating the truth and nary ruining "your" story...as you so elegantly put it." Reporter-"And who was this friend to whom you travel with?" Tim-"That would be me and we did not travel as companions...they followed me to this city. Though I assume that it was you two who drove off the small army...for this I wish to thank you. From this point on, I hereby consider you my friends and companions." Reporter-"And would you by any chance be Tim Horton? Would it be possible that you are "the" Tim Horton...that took on Queen in her last attempt to conquer Donuton...if not the universe?" It was at this time that the Wendy's Brothers vanished from sight...though Sally cared very little as they were mere comic reliefs and that the true hero had arrived on the scene. Tim-"Yes Sally, tis I...though I feel I must correct you on one concept. I may be the same giant that led Hopes Armies so long ago, but that was then and this is now. I am not going to overly embelish the story...the events I am to inform you of are the actual events that took place during the duration of this conflict. Now to most this may be troubling, but a hero is not one to emphasise his feats...nor multiply his version of the truth." Reporter-"Today...please." Tim cleared his throat and formally apologized. Tim-"What happened in this conflict was a tragic defeat...a defeat on my part. I had the Queen where I wanted her...I sliced through her mutiple strikes creating deep gashes within her outer exterior. At this point, I thought the battle won...that I had taken victory over that of my formidable foe...needless to say...it was the the beginning of the end. As I turned to face her and send forth the final blow...I had found that I was dealt a severe blow from an incoming projectile...in short...I fake my death. The hero of the ages died long ago, Sally." Reporter-"Surely your not giving up? All of Donuton is depending on your victory." Tim-"Then where are their armies! Why am I...along with the Wendy's Brothers, the only ones with the bravery to stand up?" A small slip of paper was then handed to Sally. As she read this slip...an audible gasp could be heard coming from her direction. It was at this point that she interrupted Horton in mid sentence. Reporter-"Breaking news! We have just been informed that nearly the entire embodiment of Donuton's armed forces have fallen in a massive battle with Queen and her mini-onion minions." Turning toward Tim once again, Sally continued. "You have received your answer...though in this reporter's eyes, it was not the one you were expecting. It would appear that you are our only hope...Tim Horton." It was then that two familiar voices were heard coming from the inner citie's direction. These voices once again turned out to be the Wendy's Brothers...only this time they were not alone! A rhythmic drum was heard in the near distance as a thick cloud of dust acted as a natural cloak for the oncoming force. Moments later, an army comprised of two separate, but equally powerful forces began to appear through the mysterious veil. The shadows were the first to be seen as the light was facing outward...creating quite a performance for all spectators that just happen to watching. Wendy's Brothers-"Forward march! Come-on...double time, people! Double time!" The cloud of dust only grew in both size and magnitude as the armies continued to march. The cloud dissipated but a moment later revealing two seperate and equally hilarious armies. Both Tim and Sally stared in wonder as an army of hot bun and slurpy stood proudly before them at attention. The songs of war could be heard from various instruments within the armies ranks as both the Wendy's Brothers stepped forward and spoke. Slurpy-"Wendy's army reporting for duty, sir!" Bun-"Donuton will not fall...not while we still breathe!" Reporter-"We have just bared witness to a new army willing to stand up to Queen's wrath. Tim Horton, will you lead Donuton's forces against the darkness?" Tim looked upon the newly formed army with a subtle...yet sturdy gaze. In many ways they were nothing but mutant products...their skills in war no better then the mini-onion of the Queen. Still, they showed something that the onions could never have...they held heart within their actions. They both believed in themselves and their cause...they were as much a soldier as anyone...who was Horton to turn them down? Turning toward Sally, Tim spoke in a commanding voice...one nary used since the last war. Besides, if those muntants were brave enough to stand against the darkness and the legendary Tim Horton was not...he would never hear the end of it! With a new found confidence...Tim continued. Tim-"If the Queen wants a war...I say we give her one. What do we want?" Army-"Victory!" Tim-"And when do we want it?" Army-"Now!" Reporter-"You heard it here, folks! Donuton will not give up without a fight!" A new hope spread through Donuton...this hope growing with every worldly city Tim and his soldiers passed through. No one really knew what was happening...as this was the last news report given by Donutons new planetary defense force...yet they showed their appreciation in any way, shape or form that they could come up with. Along the way, Tim changed...he no no longer the craftsmen that was fired from his job and sent home angry. He was no longer the giant that took on the Queen and lost...no...he was far more. Tim Horton was know known by his former name...the name they called him in the duration of his last victory...he was no known as...Titan! Forty Second City, home of mystery and legend --------------------------------------------------------------------- Titan, adorned in his golden armor and weilding his mighty axe...stared upon the city of mystery with the look of a general to his target. He was the the hero of legend...the only hope for Donuton as we know it...nothing could top him now...not even the unknown! Tim-"My soldiers...my friends...we now stand at a crossroad. We have but one mere obsticle standing between us and the enemy. You all know the legends of this city. You all know that none that have entered its premises...have ever returned. I will not force you to go on, but I will have you know that any who pass this point...if any of you cower in fear and attempt to retreat...I will kill you myself! If any of you plan on leaving your ranks...I tell you to do so now...before it's too late!" Much to Titan's surprise, not a single soldier broke formation. It was at this time that Bun began to speak. Bun-"We are with you until the end, sir!" Slurpy-"We are the oak...they are the wind...our ranks will not break!" Tim-"Congratulations, you now have my respect. Hopes Army...move out!" Fearlessly they stode into the mouth of death. Upon the winds of destiny, they placed their souls and their hearts. As a free man and fast food products, they marched upon the city of legend...only to find...nothing? The Forty Second City was empty of...well...everything. Its buildings had long crumbled to that of ruins as its feared legends turned out to be nothing but talk and folk tales. Scratch that...there was one rumor that had indeed turned out to be true. Long ago...there was said to be a ship hidden within the ancient city's town square. This ship was also said to contain technilogical advancements long forgotten by modern Donutons. Titan glanced the way of an old fashion sign...this sign was comprised of old rotting wood and written in an almost extinct language. The sign read as follows. Welcome brave travelers, for you have now come further than any of your kind. It was once said that the only thing to fear...was fear itself and in this instance...this famed saying holds true. Despite the tales of ruin...despite the talk of ghosts and murderers...despite the fear of wizards and warlocks...you have entered. Indeed, you would not have come...if Donuton was not in imminent danger. You are truly Donuton's champions...though one more test stands before you. Let me start by asking you one simple question? Think carefully...for this could be your final moments in this dimension. Life...how much do you value it? With this, the door to the ship began to open and inside they could only see a wall of light. This must have been why the former inhabitants asked the question. Life, how much do you value it? Could it mean that any who enter the ship will die? The sign also spoke of a test...a test of courage perhaps. Titan thought back...back to a time not so long ago...a time whence he was nothing more than a nobody...no...he couldn't go back...he wouldn't! Turning his soldier's direction...Titan spoke. Titan-"I want you all to know how proud I am of you. You braved threats that would have sent any normal man away. I will now retract my former speech...for at least in my eyes...you have all gone far beyond the call of duty. What stands before us now is our final test. I will not lie to you...I respect you too much for that. The truth is that I have no knowledge of where this ship will lead us...only that at this point...I don't much care! I am the hero of legend! I am Titan and I will see you on the other side!" With this said, Titan boldly turned and vanished into the light of the beyond and was seen no more. Bun-"I am with you Titan! Everyone, for freedom!" Slurpy-"Don't you mean fleedom?" Bun-"No! I mean freedom!" With these words spoken and a victory's cheer later...the remaining of Hopes Army charged into the ship with the look of sheer vengeance in their eyes. All fear vanished as they valliantly broke free from their emotional bonds and on a leap of faith rushed head long into the great unknown...wherever it may lead! Thirty Third City and final staging point of the war -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Titan stood upon an old ruin...a ruin once known as the Thirty Third City. With its endless supply of jelly...legend states that whomever controls this city...rules Donuton and perhaps...the universe. Before him stood an almost endless army of mini-onion and at the rear...Queen herself. Moments later and before anyone had time to react...the remaining of Hopes Army appeared in formation as if by a technological miracle...or perhaps...fate! Queen-"Analyzing Titan...giant...mortal weapon...minimal threat." Titan-"You were always one to underestimate your opponents...weren't you...Queen?" Queen-"We cannot be defeated by man made weapons...resistance...is futile!" Titan-"Broken record, aren't we? I've already heard this speech, Queen...initialize attack procedure already!" Queen-"Executing plan C, subsection A, of the fifth decree...destruction of all threats...commencing!" Titan-"I guess that's as good a battle charge as any. You heard the woman...take them down." A great cry of confidence resounded from Hopes Army as the crushing thunder of the massive conflict erupted from the field's center. Titan would have taken this time to continue Queen's way, but was pleasantly surprised to find that she had already done so and stood before him with a massive show of aggresion. With a shrill voice that only a mother could love...Queen spoke those same redundant words. Queen-"It matters not...sever every limb...we cannot be defeated!" Knowing what happened the last battle they had...Titan drew from his old memories the knowledge he once held in his ancient past. How did he defeat her the first time...if not by his axe...then...that was it! Discarding his golden axe...Titan gave a wicked smile and glared Queen's direction motioning for her to make the first move and thus she did. At the same time, however, a number was called out by one of the mini-onions...it was the number thirty three. This action sent Titan into his past once again...this time into his childhood. He could see a room...no, a cabin...it was cabin number thirty three. Upon the floor were his parents. They had often played games of many a variety within that cabin...though this time...it wasn't a game. Titan could remember speaking to his parents to no avail...ever since that day...that dreaded number caused a muscle spasm that could not be avoided and unfortunately for Titan...this memory had come back to haunt him. Back in the real world, that very same spasm kicked in at the precise moment Queen unleashed her attack. This caused Titan to lose his balance long enough to be snared within her sturdy tentacles and pulled into range of her main form. Queen-"We are the Hive...we connot be defeated by mortal weapons...resistance is futile!" Titan-"No...you broken record! You can only be slain..." Queen sent forth a variety of tentacles Titan's way. In a combination of mass muscle and clever thought...Titan was able to free himself in time and maneuver out of the Queen's reach. Try as she might...Queen could nary halt the projectiles...coming to the inevitable conclusion of plunging deep within her. Queen's screams were almost ear piercing as green blood gushed from her in the manner of a small flood...moments later...she fell dead to the floor. Titan-"Slain...by you!" Without the aid of the Hive Mind...the mini-onions fled the battle and scattered to the four corners of Donuton. Years passed since that day...the day Hopes Army vanished within the premises of the Forty Second City and to this day...not one member of that army was ever seen or heard from again. Rumors spread of that legendary city like wild fire. Some say that those from beyond the grave slew every last soldier of both Hopes Army and even the Queen herself. Still, others say that Titan finally perfected his coffee bean and lived out his days in peace and harmony. With the Thirty Thirds City's endless supply of jelly...legend states that whomever controls this city...rules Donuton and perhaps...the universe. (Moral- If we allow fear to guide our lives, we will have no lives to live. The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.)
Sounds good...Sign me up!
I may as well use this as my OOC threat for the story:) Feel free to say what you feel:) As I've state before...I only want honest feedback...
Part two of three- The Warrior of Old Queen...in the times of old she was a menace to all those around her. With a rage worse than a thousand warlords she wreaked havoc over Donuton with a vengeance matched only by that of the gods. Her will was that she...the hive mind...was the dominant species and to her the gods themselves should bow down! This kind of thinking was dangerous at best...especially on a planet such as Donuton...where jelly flowed through its very core. After all...he who controls the jelly...controls the universe! Legend has it...in the long ago war...that a phrase was muttered by Queen herself...a phrase that could very easily change the course of time. "We are...the hive...we cannot be slain by mortal created weapons." By the time Tim Horton got home...his mood was not much better than when he left...and why should it be? For a moment...thoughts flowed to his mind...dangerous thoughts...the kind of thought that whence acted on...it could change his life forever! For a long while now, Tim had started to doubt his effectivness in this city and pondered moving on...moving to one of the other forty two cities. Perhaps he would...the Forty Second City sounded like a fun adventure...and Tim dearly missed adventure. Ever since the day that the Great War ended and peace was blessed upon the world...Tim had lived an entirely too quiet a life. What also intrigued the Giant...was the Forty Second City itself. This...so called...city...had been talked of in shadows and alley ways...it's sheer mystery baffled that of many a life on Donuton. The question still remained...why forty two...surely they could have constructed more? Tim's door opened with a whine that could wake a giant...and it sometimes did...oddly enough...though...the door was partially open to begin with. Tim was sure that he'd shut it on his way out...didn't he? Besides...who would invade the house of a giant? Not but a moment later...Tim had gotten his answer. This was when two familiar voices came into being and thrust Tim's mood to that of a more irritating nature. The voices were that of Bun and Slurpy...these two had been a pain in Horton's side for years...though he could vaguely call them friends...they were more a nusiance than anything else. They had both been products of Wendey's..ah Wendey's...the fast food company that dealt in those monsterous experiments so long ago. The motives behind these experiments was never truly formulated. Some say that it was for world conquest...others that the company heads were simply bored...Tim...well...let's just say that he'd have crushed them long ago...before they produced two such annoying beings. The end result was that their products came to life. No one knows why or how this came to be, but the fact remains that here they stand and here they were meant to be seen. The two products had little sense of individualism. There were only two personalities that came with the coming of the experiments and these were those of an extreme optimism and extreme pessimisim. Bun was a hot bun that spoke positively in every circumstance...while Slurpy became that of the negative tide. All in all...this creation led to some highly amusing times...hopefully, one was to follow...Tim couldn't help but to admit that he needed a good laugh. After all, laughter is the cure for all illnesses...so they say. Bun-"Hey! Timmy! How goeth thee on this fine day?" Slurpy-"Trust me! You don't want to know!" Bun-"What do you mean...I don't want to know? Wanting to know is the entire reason I asked!" Slurpy-"Ah! But if you truly knew...that I truly knew...that I was to answer your inquiry with such a response...then why did you bother to respond back? Why not ignore the entire situation...seeing as this will end up going nowhere?" Bun-"I do believe your logic is flawed...my friend...for if I truly knew that you truly knew...that you would respond to my inquiry in such a manner...then I would truly know that you would already be quandering my answer. This coming into being...then I would irrevocably change my response to that of my opposite view point...thus creating great confusion that neither I...nor you...nor Horton over there could ever decipher in our lifetimes." Slurpy-"And your point?" Bun-"Point? My point is that I have no point. This conversation is about as pointless as a...as a pointless thing. Now...onto my original question." Slurpy-"Not so fast! I already told you that you don't want to know!" Bun-"And I already told you that..." A scream was heard and the Bun continued. "Why do you persist so...you...you...dimbulb!" Slurpy-"Call me a dimbulb, will you! Take this you erroneous means of mass destruction!" A shot was sent Bun's direction from that of Slurpie's location. The projectile missed its mark entirely, though it caused Bun to retaliate nonetheless. Bun's retalliation missed as well...as the duo got into a scuffle that created a small cloud of dust covering them completely and making it impossible to penetrate the outer exterior. All that could be heard were voices as they fought their best...to a meaningless conclusion...may I add? Bun-"Why you! I'll tear you limb from limb!" Slurpy-"I am a slurpy! I have no limbs, you ninny!" Bun-"Grrrrrr...I still sever them!" Slurpy-"You just try it...you...you!" At this point the fight was broken up as both Wendey's products heard a hearty laugh coming from Tim's direction. The look on their faces were both equal and opposite as Tim was seen on the floor in hysterics. Bun-"And what seems to be so funny...Timmy?" Slurpy-"Probably the end of the world as we know it." Tim-"You...you...give me a second." A chuckle or two later...Tim collected his composure enough to blurt out an answer and continued. "You two slay me! You really do!" Slowly getting to his feet, the Giant once again spoke. "Thank you for brightening my mood...NOW GET OUT! Honestly! Barging into someones...not to mention a giant's house while he's away and without permission of any way, shape or form? Your lucky I'm a nice guy...I could have you arrested...you know?" Both Bun and Slurpy heard the tone in Horton's voice as he yelled..."GET OUT!" and knew that it would be an unnatural...and illogical view point to stay in such a location. Besides...the Wendey's Brothers were all talk and no play. Their game may have appeared tough, but in their heart of hearts...within their very soul...within the very fiber of their being...they were cowards to the bone and were out of that house before you could say..."what?" Tim sat down upon his couch with a heavy sigh...where his mood had improved...he was still canned...and he still had that speeding ticket. Screw it! It was time to watch some afternoon television...the odd part was...Horton couldn't recall the last time he was able to have this luxury and he hoped that it was still good. Glancing about...Tim went in search of the television remote. Naturally it didn't occur to him to actually walk up to the set and turn it on manually...this was what a remote was for...to keep the lazy people lazy! Around two hours later...Tim shook his head as he'd not yet located the item in question...and decided to...God forbid...push the ON button on the television set! The television flicked on with a small flash of light...small to Horton anyway...as he started to flip through all his three channels. Tim-"Junk! Trash! Ah, the news!" The scene was that chaos as the various cities reported their own version of the matter. Reporter for the Twenty Second City-"We are here on the scene of the third district...where a tragedy has just occured. Queen...the menace of the Great War...has been reported to have escaped from her former bonding and this district has felt her sting." Reporter for the Forty First City-"We come live on the scene where a menancing creature known only as Queen is terrorizing the population. Sir! Sir! What would you say brought this about?" The Citizen panicked as the camaras were turned his way and spoke at a rapid pace "What are you still doing here? Queen has escaped and once again she is attempting to take over Donuton! This city is only the beginning! I don't know about you...but I'm out of here!" Seconds after the Citizen fled...the Reporter took over once again...only to be stabbed in the back by a rather large tentacle. Queen-"We are the hive and we demand the appearance of Tim Horton. If Tim does not accept our invitation we will deny all mortal life existance. All of Donuton will feel our wrath as we become the master's of the universe. Resistance is futile...we...the hive...will control everything and everyone!" Tim flicked the television off as he was swept back to an earlier period in his life. He was swept back to the last battle he had with queen. It seemed so long ago...yet was so clear. The Queen controlled all but every city on Donuton...while the last of the resistance reunited upon the outskirts of some random city. It was reported that Queen herself was stationed there and it seemed clear that this was to be the final staging point. A grand charge was led into the city...chaos was everywhere as Donuton soldiers met an army of mini-onions in battle. Tim could remember taking on the queen herself in a one on one battle...while also striking a final blow. He'd thought...on that day...that he'd taken the beast down...when a voice came out of the darkness. Queen-"We are...the hive...we cannot be slain by mortal created weapons. Resistance...is futile..." Coming out of his trance, Tim wondered if he was still that warrior...the warrior that took down Queen on that fateful day. Where it was true he'd not been in battle for some time...he was apparently the only one that could save Donuton...or was he? Deciding to take the Queen up on her challenge...Tim quickly got to his feet and changed into his armor..it was the very same armor he donned during the last battle...as well as the weapon...which had failed to take Queen down. None the less...it was the only weapon he had...it would have to do. Forty First City and location of Queen -------------------------------------------------------- Tim arrived on the City with vengeance in his heart. This was to be the rematch of the century...no, the melenium! Tim was adorned in beautiful golden armor...this armor sparkled in the sun with the the brilliance of all that was light and good. His weapon was a solid gold axe that was large to even Tim's standards. The axe was of executioner style and due to its size and weight...had the potential to crush anything that happened to be in its path...anything but Queen...it would seem. Unbeknownst to Horton...he was being followed by two beings...these beings were none other than...the Wendey's Brothers. Bun-"So, little buddy? Are you ready to tear these villians limb from limb?" Slurpy-"No! Actually I'm not...can we go home now?" Bun-"To tell you the truth...neither am I...but we have to help...Horton can't do it all on his own!" Slurpy-"I see a grim and dismal future...we lie dead upon the city streets...along with Horton." Bun-"Stop that! Thinking negatively is what got us into this situation in the first place!" Slurpy-"Actually...it was quite the opposite...it was positive thinking that got us here." Bun-"Whatever! Let's just run...I mean...attack already!" Slurpy-"I vote Horton make the first charge. After he dies...we can flee like the cowards we are." It didn't take long for the scantily clothed Queen to show herself. She appeared on the scene with a crash of a nearby building and stood to be almost twice the size of the Gaint. Her heigth was nothing, though, compared to the lengths of her many tentacles. The first thing Tim noticed was the small army of mini-onion soldiers that had been roaming the area. If he was to contend with them...he'd stand no chance against Queen. The ironic fact remained...that he was only one man and that the last time he was here...he had an army to back him. The second thing Horton noticed was the fact that the small army fled the scene...why this had happened...Tim couldn't decipher...but only a fool would look a gift horse in the mouth. Bun-"To victory...to valor...to...fleedom!" Slurpy-"Don't you mean freedom?" Bun-"No! I mean fleedom...as in...RUN FOR YOUR LIFE...EVERY FOOD PRODUCT FOR HIMSELF!" The small army of mini-onions soared after the Wendies Brothers as if it were a jackal hunting its prey. They knew that if they stopped...then Tim would be in even more trouble then he already was...but if they didn't...they could very well go capute...fish fried...bottom side up...pick your pun! Meanwhile...in a somewhat more witty fashion...the fate of Donuton was being decided...decided...with one final battle! Tim-"Long time no see...you'll forgive me if I refuse to bow!" Queen-"Analyzing Horton...giant...mortal weapon...minimal threat." Tim-"Don't tell me..." Queen-"We cannot be defeated by weapons forged by man. Resistance is futile!" Tim-"I told you not to tell me that! Do you even listen?" Queen-"All life on Donuton will be abolished. This has been decreed and thus...it shall be done." Tim-"But you said that if I answered your challenge...that you..." Queen-"Executing plan B, subsection A, of the third decree...battle mode...optimized!" Tim-"Apparently you don't listen...a shame I'll have to take your life...no...actually it isnt...I'm going to enjoy this!" The battle began with a bang...and the donut below them was up rooted with a massive series of tentacles. Tim...with a few well planned moves of his own...weilding his axe in hand...slashed the majority of the many projectiles in half. This caused a cascading effect that sent the attached part of the severed limb back to the Hive mind...and back to the Queen for a second use...for a second threat. Queen-"It matter not...sever every limb...we cannot be defeated!' It would have appeared that Queen was right in her assumption...as Tim was snatched into the air by one of the dozens of tentacles being thrust his way and slowly pulled Queen's direction. In a mass of sheer muscle, Tim managed to sever the limb holding him captive...only to be caught once again before even making contact with the ground. It was like Queen had said...it all seemed futile...Tim was no longer the warrior he was...he was now...a minimal threat. Queen-"Executing plan C, subsection A, of the fifth decree...Destruction of all threats...commencing." Taking a firm grasp of the Golden axe's handle...Tim waited for his moment to strike...the moment whence Queen would be most vulnerable. The Queen's biggest weakness...was perhaps her greatest strength...her over confidence. Using this to his advantage, Horton allowed himself to be pulled into point blank range...it was now when the battle truly began! Thrusting the blade in a brilliant combination of strikes...Tim managed to sever the limb holding him and wound Queen with a few well placed combos. Green blood wept from the Queen as she sent out a horrific scream of pain toward the heavens...allowing Tim to speak freely...if only for a moment. Tim-"You're all talk! To think you planned to conquer Donuton...you can't even best me!" Queen-"Resistance...is futile! All life...will be extinguished!" Tim turned...only to be stabbed in the shoulder by an incoming tentacle and thrust to the ground in a fit of pain. Glancing the Queen's way...Tim noticed that she was somehow managing to heal her injuries at an amazing rate of speed. Deciding this battle was over...that the outcome had been declared...Tim played as if he had died in the last striking blow. Queen-"Analyzing Horton...analyzation completed...the threat has been vanquished...Horton is...deceased." Meanwhile, just as the Wendey's Brothers had been cornered and about to meet their maker...the small army of mini-onions received new orders...orders to return to the hive...and thus they did. A few minutes later...the Queen vanished into the depths of Donuton. In a time such as this...with our hero down for the count and his only aid being two cowardly brothers...what hope is left? Pandora's box has been opened and the only thing remaining...is the light that is hope.
I'd also like to thank Kasmandre...you have help far more than you know:)
Happy B day:)
Dear VenefyxIdon'tknowyourname This is a person that I can often talk to and share ideas with...plus it's a nice bonus that we think...at least for the most part...similar:) Yes, Venefyxwhatshisname has helped me to strengthen a few of my writting adventures with some witty ideas and I hope we can continue to do so for who knows how long. Venefyxhooloo is a friend I've had ever since the ambb...whence Black got his start...and really...so did I:) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Katzaniel I find your one of the people I can write best with. It's nice to find someone like that. I hope we can do so in the future to come:) You were the one who originally helped me to gain Lotus's experience to being playable in other RPGs. Again I thank you with all that I am. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I of course want to thank the rest of the Pen members as well:) I wish you all happy times ahead...thank you and good night:)
Pedro nodded as he jotted down the orders and rushed off to fill them. With a, "meep meep", Pedro stole the Rocky Mountain sunday from a passing gnome. Pedro then rushed back into the kitchen and quickly but lovingly, created a large elven winter mint cake. It was then that he saw what was perhaps the most dangerous of orders...Tzimfemme's famed chocolate pen figurines. Deciding it's worth the risk...Pedro teleports to the location of the items in question and takes a few...though by no means all of them. Pedro exits leaving a note behind. Dear Tzimfemme, Tis I, Pedro...of the concert. I have taken a few chocolate pen figurines to fill an order...PLEASE DON'T KILL ME! I promise to make some more if you desire... that or anything else you may want in return. You may even receive a backstage pass if that fits your fancy. Hoping to live, Pedro Placing Tzimfemme's famed chocolate pen figurines on the side...Pedro magically created seconds for each meal and rushed out into the main hall to fill what would be perhaps his final orders. (I have to get on with this so I can finish in time.) Travis rushed inside noticing very little time was still remaining...along the way telling people that the concert was soon to begin and to come inside before the doors closed. Travis ran back into his dressing room and began to prepare for the main event. All the suits came inside as the main event was close at hand and eagerly took their posts. (I'm going to start it my next post. Just to give warning.)
An Ode to Tights --------------------------- Tights oh dear tights, they are so...well, tight. Unflowing no ease no, tights aren't for me. Tights are so tight I shall wear them thus not, not as long as I live not as long as I fought. No, no, no, no, no tights I can't see, will be coming with such at least not on me.
Part one of three- Lengend...of the Old War Donuton...a world riddle with peril and endless danger. This was the very planet that once threatened to control the very universe itself and legend states...it will do so again. This was long ago...in a time that most have forgotten...some by choice...others by will. The memories of the great destruction haunted those that lived through this time and nearly killed the souls that fought against it. Tim Horton...was one of those souls! Jelly...the souce that ran the universe and Donuton was full of it. It was said that the one who controlled the jelly...controlled the universe. Donuton...home of the largest concentration of jelly known to man...or any other race for that matter. Legend had it...that jelly flowed through the very core of Donuton...though precious few believed in such fairy tales. In fact...the believers were only a party of two...two believers...in fourty two cities. First City of Donuton and Home of Tim ------------------------------------------------------- Tim awoke on that fateful day...the day that has now been marked as the beginning...the beginning of the end. It seemed an average day as Tim rolled out of bed. Rubbing his eyes, Tim tried to clear his blurry vision. Tim Horton was a giant and perhaps the only one of his kind within the First City. Slipping on a pair of soft bunny slippers, Tim thrust himself to his feet and slowly made his way toward the kitchen. You see..Tim Horton had a morning schedule...and this he never deviated from. Making his way into the kitchen, Tim put on a pot of coffee. Rumor had it that the Gaint would simply fall over dead if he missed his morning coffee. Some say it already happened...some say that Tim died one fateful day. The fashion this story was told in...it would have appeared that Tim nearly vanquished Death himself...that the poor soul had no chance in the midsts of the Giant's wrath. You see...long ago...in the midsts of the devistation destruction of ages past...Tim led the armies of good against an opponent that was seemingly unbeatable. This foe was a hive mind...brainless...perhaps...but powerful nonetheless. They called her the Queen...a fitting name for a somewhat scantily clothed beast that thrived on mayham and destruction. Her tentacles up rooted Donuton in a massive wake of chaos and confusion. She spawned forth minions of the mini onion variety in numbers reaching that of the hundreds to near thousands. These minions were about as smart a walnut...but there is power in numbers and in every way, shape and form...they held the numbers. Queen was eventually defeated by an all out seige...led by Tim Horton himself. Legend has it that Queen was outsmarted...which wasn't that hard to believe. She may have had fine instincts...but brains weren't her strong suit. The Coffee pot spewed forth a ring that could have broken the eardrums of any normal man...though to Tim...it was simply a wake-up call. He found it pleasant on the ears...odd as that may sound. I suppose the saying holds true...different strokes for different folks. Taking the first sip of the coffee...Tim spit the liquid out...not that it was too hot...mind you...but more along the lines that its taste was worse than a tomato in the dead of winter. Tim shook his head in denial...what was he to expect? The fact remained that the coffee bean was becoming extensively worse ...this one being the worst yet! All in all, this little incident set Tim Horton's day off on the wrong foot. Tim-"Blasted coffee! I could grow a better tasting bean in my sleep!" This had not been the first time Tim had brought up the subject. The fact was that this little conversation with himself had often taken place. The only problem being that he never chose to act on his words. Tim was always busy with something and rarely found the time to act on any random thought throughout the day. Taking a good look at his wrist watch...Tim gasped at the time! Was it already that time...if he didn't hurry up...he'd be late for work! Throwing off his pink bunny slippers...Tim threw on his shoes and socks...as well as any other article of clothing needed for the day. Grabbing a meal on the go bar...Tim rushed out the door with nary a second thought...only to return to snatch up his metal crafting gear and reslam the door in a hasty retreat. Not a moment after Tim exited the rather large building...a cold substance went splat into the side of his face. His day was not getting any better. Tim turned as he heard a scared little whine coming from his left side. The whine was that of a a small slurppy...from the looks of it...it came from Wendies. Deciding that that he was late enough and that teaching the poor thing a lesson would simply make him more late...Tim chose to ignore this little intrusion. Carefully and before it could damage his fine suit...Tim cleaned the sluppry remains from his cheek. No sooner did this happen...that a steaming feeling came from his foot. Tim-"What is it now!" Tim yelled as the he saw a hot bun scamper off into the shadows followed by that of the former slurppy. Taking another look at his watch...the Giant gave haste as he ran off toward work. This little scamper of his was a small problem...correction...make that a large problem! A faint siren was heard as the large footsteps of Tim Horton crashed upon the ground creating a small Donut quake. It didn't take long before he felt a soft tug at his pant leg and glanced downward only to see a miniature policeman. Hey...everyone is miniature to a giant! Tim grasped his hair...almost pulling it out as he was handed a ticket so small that he could hardly read the words...or was it that he didn't want to? Tim-"Please officer...all I want to do is make it to work on time...scratch that...I'm already late! I simply want to make it to work before it's closing time!" Tim couldn't help but speak in a booming manner...it was as if he was a time bomb and that every little incident that took place helped to tick away at his time limit. Chances are...at this rate...he would explode before the end of the day! The officer shook his head and responded with that of a bossy tone. Officer-"Inability to keep time is no exuse to break the law. You can...of course...contest this ticket in the court of law, but I'd remind you...that in this hapanstanse...that the law is clearly on my side. Good day to you...fine sir." Having nothing else to say...the officer drove off with a confident aura...confident that he should get out of there before the angry giant became even more so. What was that saying? Never wake the sleeping gaint? In this case...the giant's slumber has been admonished. Wasting no time...Tim had finally made it to work...only to find his boss glaring his way...well...more upwards as the aspect goes. The Giant could literally feel the self loathing in the little boss's eyes. The time of peril and danger was upon him...for he was powerless against the little boss's authority! Sad...wasn't it? A once hero...a hero that took down the Queen herself and saved the world as we know it...belittled by a man not half his size and stature. And why...why was he working for such an ignorant...nasty little man? He was working for a man that couldn't do his job if his life...no...if the very fate of the world depended on it! Tim could tell by the look in his eyes that this was the last straw...he could tell that this time he would get canned for sure and he was right. Boss-"Tim Horton! I suggest you go grow your little coffee bean you always talk about...I will see to it personally that you never work in this town again!" The perfect end to a perfect day...though the day had not reached it's end...it might as well have! Tim responded in as untempered a manner as he could muster...though he could nary muster much. The time had come...the bomb had reached zero...it was time to go boom! Tim-"If I were you...little man...I'd stay out of my way!" Tim gave the little boss a look that sent him rushing off in fear...Tim did this as he turned and wandered off...off to greet the now afternoon.
The first parts almost written up. It will be a three part short story:)