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A Time Long Forgotten...a Time Best Remembered
Black9 replied to Black9's topic in Assembly Room Archives
Alone...knee deep in the sewer...Jane felt as if everything was slipping away. Though giving an image of a brave aura...deep inside Jane knew that it was only a shadow to mask her true state of being. Her sanity precarious...new habits and beliefs jumped in and out of her head. The Huntress felt as if she was enclosed in a small and dark room...the hatred of the world encompassing her from every angle. She could no longer fight it...the hatred had won! Jane awoke within the very room that changed her...she could faintly hear the sounds of mutant cats warning all who entered their territory...that they will take no prisoners. There was a time when this thought would have frightened the lass, but Jane was no longer herself. She was no longer the Huntress that protected Hauntos from terrorists...the woman that once lived within this body had died within the sewers of her mind...and had been replaced with a force that should never have been allowed to live. She had now become...Apocalypse! Jane glanced through the dimly lit doorway...her eyes sharp as a hawk and black as a midnight ride. After taking in the screeching of the feline race...the Huntess could remember a faint memory of fear. Fear! The emotion no longer inhabited her body, mind or soul! There was no love...there was only hate...a mere competition as to find out who held the most power! To quote a phrase Jane had once beheld. "Peace is a lie, there is only passion Through passion I gain strength Through strength I gain power Through power I gain victory Through victory my chains are broken The Force shall set me free." The feline race didn't worry the Huntress in the slightest. They were a lower level organism...a life form that held little more then the power to kill mice. No, Jane had transformed into the sentinal of Death himself! She was the perfect soldier...genetically enhanced with the speed of a jungle cat and the agility of the rabbit. She held within her the strength of an ox and the bravery of a lion...there was no way she could be defeated! Entering the main hall, Jane glanced to either side...noticing the presence of the cats and at the same time, the missing Commando known only as Connor. The cats turned her way with a scowl that could kill and let out a screech that nearly ruptured Jane's ear drums. Jane only laughed as she ran up the front wall of the hallway...leaping off with inhuman strength. Both unbuckling and pulling her Biretta...the Huntress gave a smile as her foe leapt off the wall in her direction as she fired at will. The scene almost turned slow motion as the bullets plunged into the skulls of the felines. One by one, they fell to the wrath of the Apocalypse...until the sound of an empty barrel echoed into to the distance. Still in mid-air, Jane threw the worthless weapon a side and braced herself for the inevitable impact...only to be saved by a stranger in the shadows beside her. The beast bellowed in pain as the magnum round pierced its side with a professional accuracy causing it to fall dead to the floor within seconds. Landing with a thud upon the floor and crashing into the wall behind her...Jane knew very well who this stranger had been. Travis-"Don't need my help, huh? You can finish this war all on your own?" Jane-"I never asked for your aid! This feline is a lower organism and poses no threat!" Travis-"If there had been no threat...then why did you brace for impact?" The Commander was right and this irritated Jane to no end. Before she could respond...however...Travis continued. Travis-"Your infection is quite advanced...isn't it? No mere human could have achieved the stunt that you just accomplished." Jane-"My state of being is none of your business! I am the apocalypse! I am the perfect soldier! I...am...Death!" Travis-"Death? Interesting! You understand there is another that refers to himself as Death...you may know him." Jane-"If you're talking about that bloody Vampire Lord...we will see who is Death's true servant!" Travis-"We will indeed...M'lady." With these last words, the Commander vanished from sight as if by magic. The question still remaining...was he ever even there? -
Black hops around the room on his new quill happily:)
Woohoo...I guessed right:) Congrads:) Name...I always liked Anna:)
A Time Long Forgotten...a Time Best Remembered
Black9 replied to Black9's topic in Assembly Room Archives
Travis-"Nice job there, Duke Nukem! We should have hired you from the start!" Jane-"Ha! Like your skills could possibly compare to mine!" This was the defining moment...oh, there were times when he'd suspected Jane of changing...but this was the moment that brought it all together. The attitude...within her past Jane never would have spoken so bluntly...she would have thought it...but never said it aloud. Travis held no knowledge of Jane's problems, but knew that problems she held. Also speaking rather bluntly...Travis continued. Travis-"The way you talk...it's not lady like...M'lady." Jane-"I am a huntress! My enemy has risen up against me! I will spare no expense to take it down!" Travis-"This reckless attitude will only land you in more trouble, M'lady." Jane-"Why Commander? Do I sense fear in your voice?" Travis-"Fear and common sense can come hand in hand." Jane-"You're wrong, Commander! Fear is what holds great men and women back! Fear is what separates the soldiers from mere cowards! The only enemy we have to fear is fear itself! If you're so afraid...Travis...then take this!" Unholstering her magnum, Jane threw the impressive weapon Travis's direction with a vengeance...smugly grinning the entire time. Travis caught the projectile with ease...and checking it over for a moment, tucked it safely away. Travis-"My soldiers are still down here...I must find them." Jane-"Your soldiers are dead, Commander! You have to open your eyes and view the truth!" Travis-"And what is this truth...that you have gone mad?" Jane-"The truth is that we are the only ones alive. Your men are dead. The Professors have also met their end. We are the only soldiers worth our weight within this cowardly bunch! The truth is that I no longer need you, Commander! I can finish this war on my own!" Jane could feel it...the virus had overpowered her better senses and had almost taken control of her entire being. Oh, the tangled webs we weave, when first we venture to deceive. These words came back to haunt the Huntress as she failed to inform the Commander of her infection in its early stages. Now...she feared it had been too late! Travis-"You disappoint me, M'lady." With these last words, Travis swiftly took a 180* and dashed around the dimly-lit sub level with little more then a wave good-bye. It was at this time that another voice was heard...this time from behind the Huntress. The voice seemed somewhat familiar...yet held little recognition to the subject at hand. Light-"Intriguing! The virus merely turned me into an obsessed professor...but you..." Jane-"What makes you think that I'm infected?" Light quickly approached Jane and glanced into each of her eyes with the curiosity of a cat...make that a dozen! It would have appeared that the good Professor had been indeed correct in his former hypothesis. The virus had obviously strengthened his obsession with the cure...he would find it...or die in the attempt. Light-"Your eyes. They tell me volumes. Much more then words can ever explain." Jane-"I do believe you have gone mad, Professor." Light-"Your aggression. It's a sign that you have held a highly violent past. You were infected quite some time ago!" The Professor, though mad, really was quite brilliant...perhaps even greater then Tom Archer himself? Not giving Jane time to respond...Light continued. Light-"The cure! I must hastem my research! This virus is a formidable foe indeed!" With these last words, Prof. Light as well vanished around the dimly lit sub level...leaving Jane alone in the corridor. Now she'd done it! She not only alienated the Commander, but the only person that could cure her as well. "This virus is formidable foe indeed!" These words rang through her mind and she fell to her knees within the rising sludge. The rushing water had almost reached her neck as yet another voice was heard...this time from the speaker system. Death-"And so the Commander sets off on a quest to find his missing platoon...leaving poor defensless Jane to her misery...alone in the sewer! Things are looking down, but down they will still go. Prof. Light, her only chance for this infectious virus's cure has abandoned her! Jane now lies knee deep in the sludge she herself has sowed! Don't you just love the irony? The team splits apart...its once mighty force withered to nothing! I myself can't wait to see what happens next...see ya!" -
Black tried to read Sweetcherrie's reaction, but fell short as he usually did with woman. He had many theories about women...and he was sure they were all wrong. Never the less...he couldn't help but think that it was his fault. Sweetcherrie turned to see Black standing before her with a somewhat less proud atmosphere. Black-"I once again apologize for any action I may have done. My goal wasn't to ruin your evening. I'm just a little clumsy when it comes to...you know..."
Black turned as the soldiers entered the room...as did most of the crowd...it wasn't every day that something like happened. Wait...yes...it was every day that something like this happened...atleast to Black. He wasn't call the Warlord of Death for nothing. This being the case the army interested him very little as he turned back to Sweetcherrie and found himself at a loss for words. What was he thinking...he could face down massive armies with the greatest of ease, but he can't think of something to say? Death was a hopeless romantic indeed. Black-"I'm sorry M'lady...but I find that I'm at a loss for words." Black knew that he was sinking fast and that he would have to pick things up if he was to come out of this with his usual pride. Unfortunately, Death had always held a weakness for the ladies and this would be his prides down fall. Black" I..." It was at this point that he prayed to Death for something to happen...something to save him from the acquiredness of this moment and return him to his usual self. His God letting him down...he gave the floor back to Sweetcherrie in hopes of saving some dignity.
Blast it! I even studied too:)
As soon as Wyvern swooped in, Black felt a taping upon his right shoulder. Black turned to see a tear in space and time...with the little hobbit leaning upon the tear as if he had control over it. Hobbit-"Hey Mac...I almost forgot to tell you...place the flower within this flask." Opening the almost tube like flask, Black placed the Namless Rose within...whence it immediatly began to float within mid-air and sparkle with a grand aray of colors. Turning back the Hobbit's way...Black spoke. Black-"But I thought information didn't come cheap in Hanna?" Hobbit-"It doesn't, Mac!" Jingling Black's pouch of gold...the hobbit gave a smile as Death laughed. Black-"You'd better believe I'm coming for that!" Hobbit-"Oh, I'm counting on it!" Vanishing within the tear, the little man zipped the fold up and closed it for all time. Black only smiled as this took place...if Hanna was that much fun the first time through...he would have twice the fun the second. It was about this time that Sweetcherrie had almost gotten back to her feet from almost falling by the almost dragon and once again resumed their little scene.
It was at this laps of music that the idea hit Black. Now seemed to be as good a time as any to present his valentines day gift...seeing as Pilocanci had been no where in sight. Taking a bow, Black pulled out the rose from the inner foldings of his outfit and presented it to Sweetcherrie with no further ado. Black-"As I said before, M'lady. This rose is known only to the brave as the Namless Rose and is offered only to those of high stature and/or great beauty. Great warriors from both the light and the dark have struggled long and hard to attain even a glimpse of this flower. This rose is my gift to you as your secret valentine."
It was simply magical dancing with Shadow as she really was a quick learner. Yielding well their talents...they flowed with ease over the dance floor...giving all who witnessed them a show they would never forget. Black really did love to dance...he just rarely was given the chance to do so but when he was...he'd always seize the opportunity. It was at this time that he noticed Sweetcherrie's glance and gave a smile. Black-"I hope you don't mind, M'lady, but it would appear that a certain someone needs some cheering up. I want you to know that the dance has been magical." Purple Shadow gave a nod of approval and slipped away ever so dramatically. Black, now free, glanced Sweetcherrie's once direction he noticed her running out of the ball and vanished from the dance floor with a wave of his hand. Sweetcherrie looked back to see that he was gone...slightly disappointed...she turned away to see Black leaning against the nearby outer wall. Black turned her way with a cool grin and spoke in the same manner. Black-"Would you like to dance, M'lady?"
Meanwhile, while all this was happening. Black sat at the bar drinking a blood wine. It was at this time that he noticed Sweetcherrie sitting alone and Pilocanci asking a question to another soul. It came to mind that he may be asking the person to dance, but this was a forgone conclusion and he didn't desire to create anymore tension than he already had. It would appear that the bartender missed the former fiasco...by the question he asked the vampire. Barkeep-"Why don't you ask the lady to dance?" Black-"I couldn't do that. I caused too much trouble already." Barkeep-"What could you have possibly done?" Black-"You'd be surprised. I'd like to ask...but I just don't know how she'd take it." Barkeep-"Your Death, right? I've heard of you...and you can't even ask a lady to dance...your a coward if you don't mind me saying." Black-"And your dead if you call me a coward again." Barkeep-"You wouldn't dare...not here...not now." Black turned the bartender's direction with an attempt to speak, but failed to find the words. Returning to his former actions, Black glimpsed Sweetcherrie's way and spoke once again to the Bartender. Black-"Your right, Barkeep...I wouldn't."
Happy b-day Veneunspellablename:) Have a good one:)
Black looked from Pilocanci to Sweetcherrie and back again. It had also been true that Black didn't get out much either...being a former Warlord and all. Tucking the flower away for the moment, Black accepted the truce. Black-"I apologies for any misdeed I may have done. I may have lived for 4,509 years, but never really got out much in that time. However, I would like to train with you some time, Pilocanci...in a friendly match ofcourse. I pride myself on my combat ability and am always up for a challenge." Turning back to Sweetcherrie, Black continued. Black-"Perhaps later, M'lady?" Shapeshifting into the form of a bat (That's not magic) Black flew off the Balls direction at top speed.
Black chuckled as the almost dragons antics unfolded and gave a grin his direction before beginning his search for his Secret Valentine. This was partially do to the fact that a certain almost dragon may attempt to weasel him our of prize yet again. By this time the ball had obtained quite a number of guests...making it difficult to locate his valentine...none the less...he did. Sweetcherrie was a sight to behold in her exquiste attire...the only problem remaining...she seemed to be on a date. Upon entering the ball room Black remembered some kind of shinny new weapon...a weapon that looked to be somewhat more developed than his sword. Deciding it worth the risk, Black approached Sweetcherrie and gave a bow. Black-"M'lady, I dare not interrupt your date, but I have a gift for you from a distant land and as your Secret Valentine I am honor bound to see that you recieve it." Black revealed a rose of exquiste beauty and a sent to match. Black-"This flower is known only by the name of, "The Nameless Rose" and is only given to those of great stature and/or beauty. I'd say you more then qualify, M'lady. A rose for a rose?" Black offered the gift to Sweetcherrie knowning Pilocanci was ever so close by, counting on the fact that he could vanish into the back ground at a moments notice.
Hanna, built in an age long forgotten and best remembered. Said to be a city build for the warrior...Hanna was no walk in the park. It was within these walls that reputations were either created or destoryed. In was in these times that Black heard of a flower filled with an aroma so potent that it was only offered to beings of great status or beauty beyond belief. Legend stated that this flower's location was in a region of Earth that only the brave dared enter and most returned insane...if they returned at all. Black had heard the drunken stories told many times. These fairytales varied with every author, but all seemed to utilize the phrase, "Beyond the Great Swamp." Having learned that Valintine's Day was approaching, Death entered Hanna in hopes of retrieving information on this nameless flower. This, however, wasn't as easy as it sounds. A city built on warriors, dark and light alike...this was no place for the meek. No, only the strong survived the streets of Hanna. In a city where warlords walked beside kings...the hazards were great and the death toll growing each and every passing day. The civil war had gotten so bad that only one rule remained within the city limits...this rule...is there were no rules! The night was ruled by cut throats, cheats, liars and a few warlords...one of these warlords being the hero of our story, Black. The day on the other hand...was ruled by the forces of the light and all those who both hated and feared the ever growing darkness. Black was soon enlightened that brawls, contests and war were common practices within Hanna's walls. This, unfortunatly, Death learned the hard way. Dressed in a clearly vampiric attire, Black entered the bar with an unwavering confidence. Within the room the Warlord noticed the usual behavior. The crowd had always split into many different and yet ever so similar thought patterns. The first had normally been those who simply didn't care...or were too drunk. These people Death cared very little for, as they tended to make little fuss...the problems were with the other two factions. These factions being the loyalists and protagonists. Loyalists were those who delved into the dark arts. These people knew the true potential of the shadows and were not afraid to show it. The loyalists, however, could be tricky to deal with...as they were never to be completely trusted. Where it was true that they held a similar element...it also remained so that they held a similar disposition. The weak shall be ruled by the strong. This has been passed on from generation to generation...the only one you could truly trust in Hanna...was yourself. The protaganists on the other had looked upon Black as what he truly had been...a vampire. This along with the fact that Death had been involved with many a war...had earned him much loathing among the light. Gazing over the bar, Black could tell that this was going to be very...entertaining! Black-"I am in search of the Nameless Flower. If anyone has information on this subject I suggest you come forward." Paladin-"Or you'll what? I kill your kind for a living, Vampire!" Assassin-"Watch your mouth, Paladin! I kinda like vamps...they share my fondness for the night." Black-"I don't think you heard me correctly. I am the Warlord of Death and I demand my due respect!" Paladin-"A warlord, huh? Now I really hate you!" The Paladin started to stand...only to fall back down to his seat due to a dagger plunging head long into his leg. A nearby assassin claimed responsibility for the action as his face adorned a smirk the size of a crater. This action, however, caused a chain reaction throughout the bar's inhabitants. Due to the fact that half the inhabitants were of the light while the others dark...a bar fight like no other brutally errupted. Black only shook his head. Black-"They never do it the easy way!" It was at this time that a beer bottle was broken over the head of the Vampire Lord. With beer slowly running down his face and a slight headache from the crack...Death turned his foolish adversaries direction. Pure and utter anger filled the vampire's eyes as he'd developed an exclusive dislike for the beverage's taste and all at once sent the slayer hurdling out a nearby window. The window shattered into a thousand pieces as Death was knocked to the floor by a man weilding a pool stick and was almost stabbed through the heart in the process. Quickly getting to his feet, Black decided to shatter the other window, by tossing the new threat through its very foundation. This battle went on for some time, coming to a conclutson hours later...Death being the last warrior standing...still minus his chosen knowledge...and, may I add, still looking meticulous. Black-"I simply wanted information on a flower...why is this so difficult?" Traveling hobbit-"Information doesn't come cheap...as you can clearly see." Black turned to see a wee little man standing before him...not but four feet tall. Death almost laughed at the little man, choosing instead to work out an agreement...one way or another. Black-"And what kind of price are we looking at?" Hobit-"That depends...how much you got on ya?" Black-"How about I allow you to live?" The hobbit only laughed. Hobit-"Killing me won't get you anywhere." Black-"It'll sure make me feel better." At this point, the Hobbit grew nervous...this vampire was obviously serious. Hobit-"Very well! The Nameless Rose lies in patch of soil just beyond the, "Great Swamp"." Black-"I already know this! I desire the location of this swamp!" The Hobbit laughed once again. Hobbit-"The Great Swamp is not an actual swamp...it is a building at the far end of Hanna. Within its basement lies a patch of Earth...the patch you desire. I feel I must warn you, however, that most men go mad far before they reach the basement." Black-"You have earned your life, Little Man. Now be gone before I lose my temper." Within the blink of an eye the Hobbit vanished...he vanished very mysteriously. Black gave this little thought as be began his trek toward the Great Swamp...all the while feeling as if he was being watched. The city seemed surprisingly empty in this section of town. Where the other sections were bustling...not a soul could be found. It was like this until the vampire reached his destination...an old factory nearly falling apart at the seams. Within the factory, he could hear an evil cackle...a very fiamiliar...evil cackle. Quickly entering the building, Black was welcomed by the Hobbit. This time, however, the terms were different. Death could see the basement door from his very location as the man stepped a side...seemingly allowing him to pass. Not desiring to waste any more time than necessary, Black quickly made his way toward the door...only to be blocked once again. The Hobbit stared at Death strangely as if attempting some great feat, though what this feat had been went unbenownst to Death. Becoming irritated, Black spoke out in a rash manner. Black-"Look! Either get out of my way or I'll end your miserable existance!" Hobbit-"..." Black-"Are you going to say something...or just stand there staring?" Hobbit-"..." It was about this moment in time when Death became quite perturbed at this maddening situation. Unsheathing his sword, Black plunged the blade directly into the little man's stomach...only to have the figure vanish and reemerge upon his left side. Striking out once again, Black missed his target for a second time...this time resheathing his sword as it had seemed useless. Glancing out a nearby window, Death noticed that the day was passing by quite rapidly and that he'd need to hurry if he was to make it to the ball on time. With this in mind, Black shoved the man aside, opened the door and entered the basement. It was here where he first laid eyes upon the Nameless Rose. Its beauty was beyond compare...as had been its exquisitely sweet scent. The Black Rose glimmered in the sunlight as an evil cackle was heard from behind him. Black-"Would you please just go away? You are annoying me to no end!" Hobit-"You have not gone mad? How have you eluded my mind control?" Black-"I have been mad from the day I was born...you could not turn me because I was already there. Now leave me or I'll slay you where you stand...irritating little Hobbit!" The Hobbit only laughed. Hobbit-"There are some beings in this world...that not even you can kill...Death." The little man gave a sinister chuckle as he vanished for the last time and left Death to his prize. Potting the Black Rose, Black flew at top speed away from Hanna and toward the ball. It would have appeared that he would be fashionably late once again.
A Time Long Forgotten...a Time Best Remembered
Black9 replied to Black9's topic in Assembly Room Archives
A mixture combined of dust and mist filled the air of the Sub Level as multitudes of tremors manipulated the scene. The tremors only worsened as the beast grew ever closer to the duo's location. Meanwhile, while all this was happening, the rage in Jane's heart multiplied in an ever growing state of being; forwarding from single foe...to all those encompassing the area around her. No! The emotion was not so narrow minded...so...limited. It was as if she hated the world! By this time, the tremors exploded into full blown earthquakes as the beast causing them...had just come into view. A foul odor overpowered the Sub Level as the misty dust vanished into the void. This odor was followed immediatley by the an ear pounding roar...it was all the duo could do to keep sane under such pressure. The rising water level had now gained in momentum and had risen to both soldier's waists. It was at this moment, whence the beast was about to show itself in all its ferocity...both unholstering and tossing a biretta Travis's general location...that Jane began to speak. Jane-"I happen to notice a few chemicals back there. Can you keep Tiny busy for me?" Travis-"With this? What do you expect me to do? Tickle it?" Jane-"Yes, that's exactly what I expect of you. Don't dissapoint me, love." Travis-"I was being sarcastic! You do recognise sarcasm, don't you?" By the time this phrase was uttered, however, it was already too late...as Jane had vanished from the scene mere moments before. Travis returned to the problem at hand only lay eyes upon the largest alligator he had had ever seen. The reptile barely fit within the Sub Level. If it grew any more, it may take this entire place down with it! Firing his newly aquired biretta the beast's way, (how could he miss?) the bullets deflected off the scaly exoskeleton with little more than an itch. It was at this moment when the Commander could remember thinking..."Great! Now I went and angered it!"...which was exactly what had happened. The reptile glared Travis's direction with the fury of a thousand stampeding bull and gave out a roar that nearly ruptured the Commander's ear drums. Setting the weapon to explode on impact...Travis proceeded to thrust the biretta into the alligator's mouth...the explosion only angering the beast to even further extents. Travis-"Jane? If you would be so kind...hurry it up...would you!" Jane-"Rome wasn't built in a day, Commander. I suggest you hold him for as long as possible." Travis-"Whatever you say, M'lady." Jane stood in front of a table filled to the brim with various chemicals of many a variety...the scene reminded the Huntress of a younger age. When Jane was in school, she had gained a rather troublesome reputation...particularly in the field of chemistry. It had been jested that she could blow up the school with the concoctions that she managed to create. In fact...there was one incident when she managed to blow a rather large hole in the wall of the labroatory. This action got her thown out of school for the rest of the year and that wasn't the worst of it! It was this background that created a perfect opening for her line of work. Glancing over the many options given to her by this wonderful institution (Man, if she only had this choice selection back then), Jane located every ingredient but one...and then dumped the rest into the beacon. Quickly corking the concoction, Jane turned the corner to see Travis in a near death situation...immediatley yelling... Jane-"Fire in the hole!" Travis turned as Jane lunged the bubbling brew toward the beast's coordinates...then immediately emerging themselves into the depths below. The resulting explosion was a sight to see...if they had bothered to take the time. The reptile roared in agonizing pain for all of a minute before falling dead to the floor. Re-emerging from the depths, Travis raised an eye brow in intrigue after setting his gaze upon the literally thousand degree burns that lay before him. Turning Jane's direction...he began to speak. Travis-"I'm sure glad you weren't in my chemistry class." -
A Time Long Forgotten...a Time Best Remembered
Black9 replied to Black9's topic in Assembly Room Archives
Basement, Sub Level F-3 ---------------------------------------- Travis knew deep down in his heart that something glaringly obvious had changed within Jane's aura. In the past, he'd read much about her life and in no instance had she ever taken pleasure from the pain and suffering of others...this constitutes even that of mutant life. Travis was now faced with a great puzzle...the puzzle that is human life. It is this very puzzle that has baffled many a great thinker in history's past and will more then likely in the future to come. Besides, who was Travis to find the answer? Perhaps this was an enigma that contained no truth...whose response became meaningless at best and held no validity. Perhaps he was over thinking this entire subject? While gazing into her eyes, however, the Commander couldn't help but notice a fleeting, but all too obvious glint of red. This event elapsed in but a moments time, leaving Travis once again confused. Could it have been the flickering of the dim lighting? Indeed this remained a possibility. Could it have mist in the air around them...working with some viable yet utterly too scientific source? This was also a quandry that came to the Commander's mind in what fleeting time remained. Whatever the answer, the question itself would have to wait...for they had far more important matters to attend. One of these matters was the missing counter parts remaining of his team...but perhaps the more important of the two...they would have to locate this back-up generator post haste. In the sequence the tragedies had unfolded...following that of his run in with Jane...the generator seemed to become lost in the chaos and forgotten all together. Jane-"Your welcome, Commander. What's wrong? Do I...leave you breathless?" Jane felt something within her...something taking over not only her body, but the very spirit in which she acted toward others. The Huntress knew for a fact that she would never willingly choose to act so rash, but it seemed she had no fashion of resistance to attempt control. Travis-"I humbly thank you for saving my life, M'lady. If I may ask? How is it you penetrated the chameleon's armor?" Jane-"As if that lower organism had anything on me! I am a skilled Huntress, Commander...I require a powerful prey!" As a wise man once said, "this was the straw that broke the camel's back". Never in the reports had Travis ever come across Jane being so direct. She was a woman of many mysteries and this was what he'd like most about her. Her wit was that of legend amongst his troops...he would indeed have to locate the problem and hinder the difference. Shoving the subject aside, Travis changed the priorities to that of a more pressing matter...this matter being that of the back-up generator. Travis-"The back-up generator is located just down this Sub Level." Jane-"Seems a little easy, doesn't it?" Travis-"My sentiments exactly...that and it's been some time since we were blessed with the presence of death." Jane-"This is obviously a trap and we both know it. However, with this knowledge...perhaps we can counter Death's efforts?" Travis-"Honor the light brigade! Honor the charge they made!" Jane-"When into the Valley of Death rode the six hundred!" It was at this moment that their little scene was ever so rudely interrupted by the squeak of the speakers attached to the curve of the rounded ceiling and an all to memorable voice echoed over the failing circuitry. Death-"Congratulations! You have located the back-up generator and completed half of your remaining task within this building. Oh yes, I have been listening to your every savory word and I must admit, this television sitcom is turning out to be quite amusing. If only we had this kind of entertainment back in my age. Perhaps then I could have...toyed...with my opponents a bit more then formerly desired? But I am straying from the subject...aren't I? Now I could simply allow you to restore power, but that would be so uncharacteristic of me? Let's have a little fun, shall we? I think I'll instead introduce you to my little friend...I do hope you play nice!" A squeak was heard as the speakers suddenly cut out and were replaced with the an ear piercing metal scraping upon rusted metal and by the length of the torture...they could be sure it was a very...big...something! -
A Time Long Forgotten...a Time Best Remembered
Black9 replied to Black9's topic in Assembly Room Archives
The moment the chameleon passed, Jane slowly emerged...chest first in an upward motion from the water below...the rapids, however, taking with it most of her gear and supplies. Standing steadfast vertically, Jane whipped her long flowing auburn hair in a half arch as it momentarily played in the stale air and finally took its rest over her left shoulder. She accomplished this just in time to notice her hat...along with various other articles of clothing being swept down stream and out of arm's reach. It was at this time that her natural beauty took hold over the rough cowgirl exterior that she tried so hard to maintain. Jane's soft green eyes sparkled in the moment as time seemed to freeze and all worries of valor and honor were swept away. It was as if fate took her hand and told her of a life...a life Jane had only dreamt of...a life where she could truly become the huntress that hid so deep inside her. Jane donned a tan leather vest fringed at the bottom with various lucky horseshoes along it's decor. The vest flapped in the rising air current spewing forth from behind her and protected a fancy white shirt with frills upon its waist, neck and sleeve lines...slightly open at the collar. Around her waist and lower body were a pair of short jean cut-offs and a belt holstering two biretta and a magnum. The first thing the huntress noticed was perhaps the missing shotgun shells she once held over her shoulder...her shotgun clenched within her hand. Last but most certainly not least, remained her combat dagger stratigically strapped to the side of her right boot. It was at this moment that Jane distinctly picked up the sounds of combat from near her location. The voices seemed vaguely familiar...as if she'd heard them before. Tomson-"What in the nine Hells is that?" George-"It resembles some kind of mutated chameleon?" Greg-"It'll be a dead mutated chameleon by the time I'm done with it!" The sound of rifle fire was heard shortly after this, but that was not all. The rasps of the chameleon horde were only drown out by the cries of pain given by the commandos as their bones snapped in two under the crushing weight of the awsome beasts. The Huntress could invision the faces of the victims and their comrades as their power slowly fell to the invading force. It drug her to the point that she could hold back no longer! If she was to die...she was going down in honorable combat...aiding her companions in the process! Jane followed the screams as best she could as they seemed to echo amist every level befitting the basement. It wasn't an easy task, but Jane soon managed to locate the battlefield...only to gaze upon a horrific sight. The flood water was filled with the blood the victims as it rushed by her and all at once sent the huntress to a place she had not been for some time. Over the course of her life, Jane had seen all too many wars and far too many deaths. It was for this very reason she gave up command and instead went solo. Amidst the commotion, Jane could barely make out the figure of the Commander...barking some incomprehendable order to his troops before the scene went dark and multiple explosions erupted Jane's way. Just managing to avoid the dispersed eruptions...the Huntress stared in horror as the scene went silent. With the dust finally clearing, all that still remained upon the battlefield was the Commander and an adjacent chameleon. Travis stared the lizard's direction in disbelief...his only weapon being the combat dagger holstered at his shoulder. Staggering to his feet, the Commander fought to steady himself...it was clear by this point that he thought his adventure through life had come to a rather gruesome end. Bowing his head, Travis muttered one last phrase. Travis-"It had been said before by another great leader...tis better to live on my feet then to die on my knees. Let it be known that I lived!" Travis braced himself for death, only to hear the sound of a shot gun go off directly behind him. The shells barely missed his shoulder as he opened his eyes to reveal the lizard rasping in pain. A small splash was then felt as Jane lunged the piece of junk the chameleon's direction with a vengeance and spoke with an equally vengeful manner. Jane-"Take that, you damn mutant!" Slowly revealing herself from the shadows encompassing her, the Huntress turned Travis's way and continued in a rather emotionaly confusing manner. "You give up far too easily, Commander...it's unattractive in a man...but we can argue semantics later...for now I'm not done with our little friend!" Normally Jane would simply have finished the job as quickly and stratigically as possible, but the Huntress felt something within her. Unbeknownst to Jane, the virus had broken down much of her resistance and forced her to behave in a manner unbefitting of lady. The chameleon almost showed fear as Jane pulled her dagger and charged its way at inhuman speed. Leaping into the air with an unusual momentum, the Huntress landed upon the lizard's back...whence she plunged the blade into the exoskeleton of the beast...penetrating the iron like armor with little effort. Neither Travis nor Jane thought much of this as the Huntress felt for the first time...pleasure. She seemed to derive pleasure from the lizard's pain and suffering. The chameleon wailed in pain as Jane thrashed her dagger out of its inerds and with a grin, flipped backward plunging the weapon once again into its brain...killing the beast in the process. Cleaning her dagger off on the dead carcass, Jane leapt once again to the flood below...reholstering her dagger in mid air and landing in an almost acrobatic manner. The rage in her heart only grew as Jane could think of only the hunt. Turning Travis's location...Jane spoke harshly. Jane-"The hunt has not yet been completed! We must turn the the water red with the blood of our enemies!" -
A Time Long Forgotten...a Time Best Remembered
Black9 replied to Black9's topic in Assembly Room Archives
As the sewer continued...it only become more vile then previously presumed. The water rushed with an almost overpowering force as Jane and her team fought against the rapids. The sludge filled waves washed over them to heights equaling that of mid stomach. For a while, the only thing that Jane could keep her mind on was a warm shower...the commandos...however...didn't seem to mind. Jane could hear the jests sent from troop to troop as they sluggishly made their way up stream and found herself wondering...just how they managed it? Perhaps this was due to their govermental training...the Huntress remembered witnessing such events as a child, but had never before taken part in them. Back then, she had not the will to live in the mud and carress the filth as her own. Small splashes were heard from behind her as she led the platoon into the great unknown...these followed by short, but concise chuckles from the recipient. The thought of it disgusted her beyond the point of no return as she turned their direction with a heavy glare. The look in her eyes translated with the power and respect of the mighty ocean itself as the commandos immediately fell into line and came to a halt. It was now...whence she had clearly earned her platoon's respect...that she took a careful look at her role in this very place and time and presented herself accordingly. Jane-"Do you find this amusing? If you in fact do, you will share it with the entire platoon!" Johnson-"I see nothing humorous about our situation, sir!" David-"We of the secret service have no sense of humor that we know of, sir!" Jane-"Good! We are the Commandos! We are a force feared by our enemies and honored by our allies! We were chosen for this mission because we were the best of the best! What are you waiting for, Ladies? Let's get this walking feast moving!" It was at this time a multitude great rasps were heared echoing from every direction of the sewers...the sheer sound sending shockwaves rippling through the murky waters...thereby stirring them to an even greater level of ferocity. The current was the least of the problem, however, as images of mutant chameleons...half the height and twice the length of a human being were spouting forth from the darkness that was the platoon's aft. A great mist covered the watery grave as the Commandos almost immediatly fired upon the the newly encountered mutants. The visability of both Jane her team went severely south as the lizards charged in for a free meal. The Huntress felt powerless as she heard the horrified screams of her troops...shortly followed by the snapping of bone. It was at this time that the mist that once filled the air vanished into oblivion opening her eyes to the sheer horror the scene had become. Jane stood alone in the center of the three great beasts...still ignorant to the demise befallen by her former platoon. She could still hear their screams echoing through her mind...she could still feel their pain as their bones were cracked and swallowed by the creatures. She came to this conclusion after observing a particle of bone within the side of one chameleon's mouth. Jane took on a dead serious tone as she glared the lizard's way with pure and utter hatred in her eyes and spoke in an intensely severe manner. Jane-"If it's a hunt you muntants desire...it's a hunt you shall receive!" Without warning...one of the three chameleons lashed out with its tongue...barely missing its target as Jane leapt out of the way in the nick of time. Rushing up the sewer wall...the Huntress pushed off the side with inhuman strength and in a feat of almost slow motion manuvering...fired her semi-automatic. To Jane's surprise, however, the bullets met the lizard's scales only to be deflected on contact. "No wonder the platoon was so ineffective!", was the only thing that went through Jane's mind as she landed in a backward flip. Quickly switching her rifle from machine gun to explosive rounds...Jane was caught off guard by a flood of sludge that almost knocked the Huntress to the depths below. Moments later, she was covered by the splash of a chameleon landing but a foot away from her location. It gave a rasp only to feel the burn of an explosive round sent down its unforgiving little throat. The lizard rasped in pain for a moment, before exploding into a thousand pieces. Jane, knowing that the rifle was now useless to her, switched the weapon from explosive to machine gun and tossed it into the mouth of a second chameleon. It took a few seconds for the beast to swallow the semi-automatic, but soon fell as the weapon went off within its stomach. Jane-"Two down and one to go!" The lizard created a small tidal wave as it plummeted from the ceiling to the watery depths and gave a threatening glare the Huntress's way. This time, however, she stood the force of the attack more skillfully then before and mannaged to maneuver her way around the beast. Rounding a nearby corner...into Sub Level D-3, the Huntress vanished from sight...losing the chameleon in the process. -
A Time Long Forgotten...a Time Best Remembered
Black9 replied to Black9's topic in Assembly Room Archives
Jane silently cursed as she first noticed that the Professor was no longer in her company. What could the fool have been thinking? Was he trying to be a hero...saving the world on his own? Jane was one to criticize...this was her entire game plan from the beginning. Screw the Professor! If he desired to perish that passionately...then let it be so! Jane was better off without him anyway. He was a distraction and what's worse...he held absolutley zero military training...still...soldiers alone may not be enough to survive this living horror. Returning her attention to the murky water...the Huntress groaned; if she was to restore power...she would have to enter its midst. The scary part was...Jane would rather battle an army of zombie then enter this muck! As her old friend Bob once said...this was not in her job description. Biting her tongue, she took her first step into the sludge...the water encompasing the near peak of her boot. Deciding to just go for it...Jane quickly dashed down the remaining stairs, only to find herself more than knee deep in the thick of things. Being that her attire was a pair of short jean cut-offs...Jane's face went pale. The water felt much like ooze as it washed against her exposed skin and sent a disgusting feeling extending from the tips of her toes to her lower thigh. Just when the Jane was sure that this was the end of her...small particles of a mysterious substance began to randomly brush against her legs and vanish behind her as if they never existed in the first place. Jane-"What I won't do for my country!" Before Jane could continue upon her mentally challenging path...a massive pain was felt within the very arm from which she was infected. Grimiscing and clutching the limb...Jane tugged on her sleeve only to see that her wound had worsened. What was once two small scratches had now taken up a quarter of her forearm. Jane's mood worsened as well upon the visual assessment of this site. Was she to become one of them? No! She would rather take her own life then live as such a viral beast! The images of Connor firing the pistol round into the side of his head leapt through Jane's mind like wild fire. Deciding to at least try and get over it...the huntress once again regained her composure and focused on her job. It was at this time that the sound of many footsteps were heard in the near distance...pulling her Biretta, Jane rushed around the corner with a vengeance... leaping off the rounded side of the sewer and immediately landing with her gun pressed against Travis's forehead. Not a moment passed before eleven rifles were aimed Jane's direction. The Commander couldn't help but chuckle at the scene...perhaps at this point they were all getting a little too jumpy? With a smile, Travis began to speak. Travis-"Welcome to the party, m'lady. It's good to see you're still alive and kicking." It was at this moment that Jane lowered and holstered her weapon...the rifles slowly falling as well. It was clear at this point that both her and the commandos were friends and this rather unsoldierly diplomatic solution was good enough for the moment. Jane then responded in a soft manner. Jane-"Aye, tis good to see you as well, Commander. I was afraid the mutant life had already taken you." Jane really did respect Travis, but feared that if she showed her respect...that the Commander would see her as weak and the Huntress was anything but weak! Travis-"Truth be told, I was hoping I'd run into you. You see...neither I nor my platoon have knowledge of the whereabouts of this back-up generator. We have searched for quite some time, but the fact remains that this basement is that of a rat's maze. A long story short...we have failed to locate the thing. I propose that we split into two groups. One will search Sub Level B-1, while the other searches that of C-1." Another chuckle was heard from the Commander's direction...before he once again began to speak. Travis-"I'll even send nearly half my force to aid you...lest you find yourself in a mess of which you can't dig out." Jane-"I accept your offer, but the platoon is not needed. I'm a big girl, Commander and I require little aid." Travis-"Pride goeth before the fall, m'lady. I must insist that you accept my help...do it for me?" Jane nodded. If it would make the Commander happy, it was good enough for her. Besides, in the back of her mind, the Huntress was hoping above all hope that he would force the aid upon her...she didn't want to play the hero...not anymore. After commanding his platoon to obey Jane's orders as if they were his own...the duo of teams parted company. Jane, along with five commandos, took Sub Level B-1...while the remaining began their search of C-1. Little did they know the horror that they were up against and the bloodshed that would soon follow. -
I think 2/3 rds of the pen signed-up:)
A Time Long Forgotten...a Time Best Remembered
Black9 replied to Black9's topic in Assembly Room Archives
Basement, Sub Level A-1 ------------------------------------ Due to the dim light of the entrance, Jane found that she should could barely identify the the basement door. From the thin line of lighting illuminating the basement door, it looked to be old and rusted...more than likely from the apparently massive flood that swept through this labratory rather recently. It was crafted by iron and heavy dents were easily visable...dents that could have only been created by something attempting to escape...a rather large and strong something from the looks of things. Fortunatley, for the moment, Jane cared very little...as she simply desired to escape the nearly pitch black room she had inhabited. Prof. Archer, on the other hand, silently pondered about the rather obvious attempt at evacuation. He could tell that this beast would prove to be quite extrordinary...quite extrordinary indeed...he couldn't wait to study it! Archer was the first to enter the basement, as he had been the one to unseal the door and was astonished at the sight that beheld him on the other side. The area before him was that of a rat's maze...simply perfect for Death's little experiment. The corridor he held to be his own stretched but a short distance, before breaking off into a fork in the road. The duo of paths before him looked identical, besides the obvious rust and dents that were randomly scatttered throughout this particular section of the laboratory. If one were not careful...they could easily get themselves lost in this maze of viral death. Upon the wall directly next to Archer was written in big red letters, "Sub Level A-1". There were also similar messages upon each conjucting passagway. Located from the left to right, they read as followed..."Sub Level B-1" and "Sub Level C-1". It was clear to the Professor, by this point, that to navigate through the many levels of this facility, one merely need to understand the universal language that was math...this was a subject in which Archer had thrived for most, if not his entire, lifespan. The next thing he noticed was the knee high water level...which was located just beyond the stairs. The water was a murky brown and looked to have been affected by the mutagenic life...which odds are thrived in this aquatic tomb. The sound of rushing falls could easily be heard in the distance...they echoed throughout both Sub Level B and C-1 as the aquatic brown substance slowly raised in both heigth and width within the sewer like corridor. Archer-"Astounding! This looks to be a scene directly from the text of many a horror novel I've managed to get my hands on. Where it was one thing to read about it...it's quite another to live it. Can you feel it, Jane...Jane?" Archer turned whence he heard the creak of the old wheel...only to discover Jane spinning the thing counter clockwise...thereby sealing the door shut. Jane turned with a nervous grin and spoke in as much of an up beat manner as she could muster. Jane-"No need to allow entry to those feline zombie. To tell you the truth, I've had about enough of them." Ya! This is the over statement of the century! The huntress was lucky to have escaped with her life..her state of being as it is. One more scartch...and...Jane didn't want to think about it. It was clearly time to tactfully change the subject. Before she could do this though, the Professor beat her to the punch. Archer-"Did you happen to notice the rather large dent in the rustic door behind you? That thing was crafted of solid iron...can you imagine the immense strength of this beast? The very thought of it makes my blood boil in anticipation!" Jane turned to witness the crator and once again focused her attention the Professor's direction...this time with a very serious look upon her face. The concern in the eyes of the Huntress could have been noticed by even the most unobservant of souls...as she spoke with a soft voice in answer to Archer's quandry. Jane-"I understand that you desire to study such a subject, but how much research can a deceased professor obtain?" Archer-"I have both you and my wit to protect me...how perilous can this beast become?" Jane just shook her head. Jane-"I am a skilled soldier...I'll give you that much, but I am not in fact immortal! Yes! I can be defeated!" Hearing the doubt in Jane's voice, Archer began to realize the reality of the situation. The iron will that inhabited the once unstoppable force that was the huntress...had begun to deteriorate. This lack in confidence could bring with it more danger then Archer cared to find. No! He would be more safe on his own...less distraction meant more focus on his research and more focus on his research meant more awards and a larger budget in his future. The question was...would mere money be enough...with this virus he could take the world by storm! Archer gazed Jane's way as she became distracted by the rising of water level as hedashed down Sub Level B-1. By the time Jane noticed he was gone...it was already too late. -
We haven't yet met, but WELCOME BACK anyway:)