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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Black9

  1. I'll repost on the other thread:)
  2. Anna awoke once again to find that her surroundings have changed. She no longer was in the old house or even lay upon the grassy lands. Infact...looking around...she couldn't see much of anything. On the bright side, however, she had regained the ability to walk...barely! Slowly getting to her feet, Anna heared voices coming from all around her, but was unable to locate their current positions. 'We'll, at least I'm no longer alone.' Anna thought to herself for a moment...soon after calling in as powerful a voice she could muster with such little energy. Anna-"Hello? Is anyone out there?"
  3. Black-"If you want to speak of war, Patham, I wont stop you...but it's just fair to warn you that I have some experience in the matter. I am a Vampire Lord of 4,509 years and have earned my title of the Warlord of Death. Do I know war? I know war! You speak of murder? What warlord goes through life without the fun of slaying his enemy without remorse or compassion? Murder I am quite in touch with as well." The audiece began to chatter as to why one would just come out and say such things so openly, but then realized just who they were talking to and returned their attention to the debate. Black-"You said before that slugs are known to be predators, but what kind of predator is it? Slugs are slow, they couldn't catch the train if it was running late...much less arriving on time! A slow predator is about as useful as cat with no claws...sure it can bite...but it loses much of it's force." Black then took a second to recall Patham second point and once again began to speak. Black-"You also spoke of the slugs reproductive capabilities. Yes, it can lay an impessive number of eggs...I'll give you that, but also as you have stated...75% of the slugs die before ever gain life. Through countless generations this may seem like a lot, but I would once again point out that these eggs...every last one of them are too slow to matter. Take the zombie for instance...It looks mean and scary, but in reality it is slow and stupid! Even a large number of these things could easily be taken down." Stopping once again to take a breather and compile his thoughts...Black continued. Black-"Again...I hate to repeat myself here, but the fact that slugs can be sneaky doesn't mean a thing if you don't move anywhere in the process. A cricket can just as easily leap away from the fight before it even begins. In battle all that matters is speed and skill. I can't count the times my little vanishing act saved me from a fate worse then death and yet I stride into war armorless! I'd weigh a crickets amazing speed over a slugs sneaky nature any day of the week. I think I've said enough...for now." Black stated with a bow, before taking a seat.
  4. The beating of Anna's heart quickened with every moment that passed. The figure before her growing ever easier to make out...seemed to draw a scythe from who knows where and don a wicked grin. Now able to see clearly, Anna could easily tell that this man...thing...creature...was most certainly not here to help! With a high pitched scream, Anna shielded her eye's...ready to embrace death. This lasted for but a moment, before the Slayer had noticed no pain. Uncovering her eye's and once again turning the once direction of the creature...Anna found nothing. This changed nothing, however, as she'd still not contained the energy to fight...or move for that matter! Attempting to once again get to her feet, the Slayer does so with some trouble and looks around to see no living thing...friend nor foe. Only holding the ability to walk, Anna sluggishly made her way to an old cabin and hope to dear God that someone had lived there. Opening the door to the cabin, Anna noticed a fire going and wondered if this meant that life existed on this plain. Fairly certain that she'd reached the end of the adventure we call life...Anna took a seat in the chair located near the fire. The energy she exhausted walking that short distance drained her to nearly the level she'd once been and forced her to fall into the chair with quite a thud. A tear came to Anna's eye that her demise was not in some grand battle, but rather alone in some place that chances are...she'd never be found. Anna-"Some Slayer I turned out to be! I couldn't even control these blasted powers enough to save my life...let alone my friends!" Angerly Anna slammed her fist into the armrest of the chair and somehow mannaged to blow the thing to shreds...falling with a thud upon the floor of the cabin. Anna quickly got to her feet as this sudden blast echoed the response of the former creature...his scythe entering the doorway to the cabin. Anna-"No! It can't end like this! I have to..." After that...the only thing that Anna could remember was blackness.
  5. The visions still a blur, Anna can feel the energy around her fade. It was as if the energy had been sucked from her body as a vampire does blood. The Slayer had no clue as to why this had occured, but was fairly certain that she'd had to do something about it. Attempting to get to her feet, Anna made it half way up and fell with a sudden thud upon the grassy ground that she once lay. Straining to think of something besides dying in such a lonesome location...the Slayer tried once again to get to her feet and again failed miserably. Anna-"Is anyone out there...anyone?" Anna could hear a voice coming from somewhere around her, but couldn't quite make out who or what it was. As it lay she was a sitting duck and would surely fall to the man...woman...or thing if it had been hostile. Putting all her hope into survival...the Slayer called to her father in a desprite cry for aid, but knew very well that he was dead and gone and that she would have to fend for herself. Slowly the energy came back to her as the figure's shadow loomed over her small body like death itself. Anna turned into the figures direction with what little energy she could muster and blinked once more as her vision was still hazy. Anna-"Who...who are you?"
  6. Anna awoke in an almost dream like state. The constant worry over her friends caused her powers to overload themselves and some how bring on another state of conciousness. She could see herself on a grassy field as the Slayer slowly opened her eyes. The field was cloaked with a valley nearly void of life. Before her stood an old but formiliar house that that almost resembled the place she once lived. This was impossible, though, as this place was years in her past. Things really got strange when a man that looked almost exactly like her father stepped out of the front door. Anna gasped in shock as her father had been dead for some time, but it had been no more strange then recent events. The man turned to Anna with a smile as the Slayer began to speak. Anna-"Father? Am I dead?" Joseph-"No Anna...your just dreaming. You must wake now." Anna-"But I don't want to wake! I want to be here with you!" Joseph smiled once again and spoke with a soft voice. Joseph-"Wake Anna...wake." Once released from the dream, Anna was seen laying upon the ground nearly unconscious. Those around her could feel a fading holy energy focusing in her general area, but poping in and out with unpredictable bursts of energy and finally fading way. Anna could feel her body drained of much physical strength as she began to open her eyes. The visions before her blurred as she spoke one last phrase. Anna-"Wha...what happened to me?"
  7. Still confused, Anna was starting to grasp the situation and would have spoken up if Vlad and the group had not been in the middle of a highly important state of being. Being that she was smaller then most Pennies...she's only sixteen...the Slayer found her way to the front to attempt to take in more of what was going on. More and more the thought of the missing Pennies took over Anna's emotions in a fashion that reved up a bit of her stored up power without her knowlage. Anna began with a holy power that steadily grew to a half way decent level as she stood worried that the Pennies were in some sort of danger and wanted to help so badly that she couldn't contain the power she supressed from within. Speaking in a more confident voice this time...Anna finally spoke up...her power level reaching the higher marks. Anna-"I'd like to help if I can?"
  8. "Where's that party assistant gal Anna when ya really need her?" Anna appeared behind Wyvern just as this was said...a drink in her hand. Wyvern looked over and gasped as Anna took a drink...but more at the fact that she'd just arrived...or was she their the entire time? Anna-"You called, Mr. Wyvern? Is there anything I can do?" Just then Anna noticed she was drinking under age right infront of Wyvern without a care. Hiding the drink behind her back Anna gave an innocent but goofy looking grin and uttered out a lame excuse. Anna-"I ummm...I was hold this drink for a guest! Ya...that one right..." The Slayer looked around but couldn't find anyone in the immediate area. "That's my story and I'm sticking to it!" *Happy B Day:)*
  9. *Time lined around the same time:)* Anna gave a smile as she gave an excited leap into the air and in a somewhat high voice stated... Anna-"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I promise you won't regret this!"
  10. Having receiving a message and a headache...Anna awoke from a dream and gave a scream. It had all taken her by storm as she jumped to her feet in a daze and dashed off in the direction she best guessed was correct. Fumbling her way toward the AVV...Anna ran into a group of Pennies and wondered what was going on. Having been pretty new to the Pen...Anna was often lost as to what was happening. Anna spoke up in a mumbled voice... Anna-"Ummm...hi?"
  11. It was a bright and happy day that calm afternoon. The birds were chirping...a gentle breeze blew through the open window. Yes, it was the kind of day when one could easily relax and bask in the glory of this fine hour...ya right! Maybe if this was a fantasy world, filled with fairies and rainbows! The sounds of a heavy breath would have been heard about the house as Black rushed about...I say would have been heard cause the fact remained that the undead don't breathe...most undead anyway. Not a second passed before the panicked form of a beautiful white wolf came seemingly smashing through his bed room door. The door flung open with a might that managed to knock it off its hinges...as if Black cared at this very time and moment. He was once again late for a very important date. At least this time he had prepared more for the up and coming series of unfortunate events. Why was it he could take the field of battle but he couldn't make it to a date on time? Black went to check the mirror but quickly remembered that vampires cast no shadow and instead grasped the bouquet of wild flowers he had carefully prepared the day before and leapt out of the open window with no time to spare. Black, as he was a Vampire Lord of sufficient age, had gained the ability to morph into a various array of life forms...the word life being very ironic at this point. Over his 4509 years of un-life, Black had managed to obtain the ability to transform into a fly, myst, a bat and rather his favorite...that of a beautiful white wolf. As a wolf, just as in Vampire form, Black was a rather large man and was considered tall by even the already fair sized. The hair that covered the Vampire Wolf's hide was long and very silky to the touch. It was ironic that a Vampire Wolf named Black would have have a completely white coat, but it couldn't be helped and once more he may not desire to change. In fact, if history has told us anything, Death would be too proud to change. The moment Black exited his shadowed sanctum, he at once felt the sizzle of the sun and although most of the sun's rays were deflected by the thick hair and half of what remained being healed by Black's undead natural forces, the sizzle did however quite sting as afternoon had always been a day walke'rs worst time of the day. For the moment, however, the sun had been the last thing on Death's mind. The Vampire Lord just hoped he'd remember the way to Tanny's place as he was already late! He was never going to earn brownie points if he couldn't arrive on time. 'Let's see here, take a left by the garden and keep going straight until you reach the...until you reach the what again?' The thought came to mind too late as Death had already flung himself at breakneck speed directly into a brick wall! Black, I think you messed up something in here, probably when you edited your story... it is a bit confusing. The breeze started to blow again as Black just managed to keep a grasp on his bouquet and upon taking a hard thud on the ground, managed to shake it off and eventually find Tanny's place. By this time, however, half the afternoon was over and Black knew that he'd have to make this up somehow. Wasting no time in ringing the door bell, Black quickly practiced what he was going to say...as he did this, however, things went horribly wrong. Black-"Greetings, M'lady. I humbly apologize for my tardiness and..." It was at this time that Black forgot he was a wolf and dropped the bouquet of flowers into the already gusting wind...needless to say...only one wild flower remained on the ground before him. Death stepped back in half shock and couldn't help but give a laugh. So far, everything that could have gone wrong, had gone wrong...it would appear that Black wasn't any good at dates...at least not the start of them! This was two in a row he'd managed to fumble! As luck would have it...this was the exact time the door began to open...figures he'd be seen at his worst! Oh well, time to make the best out of a bad situation.
  12. Anna gave a frown as the prospect of becomeing a student of the famous Wyvern himself had sounded to be quite entertaining. Being quite the party animal herself Anna knew more then her share, but was by far not even close to Wyverns mastery. Taking a seat just behond the stage...Anna took one last look upon it before she spoke. Anna-"Would have been fun..." Wondering if Wyvern was still around...the Slayer began a search for the Almost Dragon in hopes of his acceptance.
  13. Congrads...looks like I'll need to put together another QQ...lol:)
  14. Black runs in...yells..."Woohoo"...and runs back out:)
  15. Anna almost felt as if all the questions would form a wind powerful enough to take down the entire pageant itself. This caused a problem as she came in here fully ready to take action an seek revenge in some innocent way or another. Her mood had been tempered to the point that she was ready to pounce...ready for anything...anything but this! Anna'd tried to respond to the many questions asked of her, but found that she couldn't get a word in edge wise. Finally, after the speech had seemingly ended...Anna began to blush as she spoke with a soft voice. Anna-"Wow...where to begin? I suppose I should say that I have no clue how I did what I did upon that stage. I suspect that my father helped me out on that one. Yes, I can fly...I think and I'd love to show you sometime...if I can ever pull that off again. Now then, what else was asked? Oh...I don't consider myself beautiful...infact I always thought of myself as average and/or plain. There are some days when I first wake up that I don't even want to greet the public I'm so hideous! I suppose I keep this look with the fancy bath oils I collect and routinely use. I'm not a rich girl, but I do want to look good after all." By this time Anna noticed that she was the one babbling and blushed once again before continuing. Anna-"Thank you for the complements...even if they were to simply to cheer me up." This time noticing the war paint on Appy's face...Anna knew what she had to do and who she had to do it to. Anna-"Ok, what we need here is a make-over. The key to putting on make-up is to make it look like you never did. How about we go back to my dressing area and make a few...oh...let's say...touch ups. I think I still have something we can use. Besides, I should get out of this bikini as soon as possible!"
  16. Knowing that she had to hurry...that or loose her nerve...Anna gave a sigh and spoke once again in an apologetic voice. Anna-"Once again I am sorry, but will you exuse me for just one moment? If I don't do this now I will never get the nerve to try again." Without waiting for a reply Anna took to her feet and bounded toward the stage and whatever fate had in store for her. The stage lights suddenly went out and voice came through the darkness. The voice was soft and emotional in a sad way. Anna-"I am the product of a union between a head Archangel and a legendary Slayer. I never got to see my mother and my father for only a short period of time. I remember asking him once of a war he had fought many years ago. It was when his chips were down and armies nearly defeated, when he said these words to me. 'Anna, if there's one thing I never want to see you do...it's give up! There were times in the heat of battle that I thought it all lost...times when I knew in my heart that it was over. But I never gave up and snatched victory from the jaws of defeat. Hope is what drives us on Anna...remember this always.' Upon this field of battle I have been wounded, but I will follow in my fathers footsteps and heed his last words." The lights returned to show a lone woman around the age of 16 standing just beyond the curtains...stage side...with her back to the audience and a clearly smuged bikini. Anna looked up toward the Heavens...as if to ask her father for help in this...her time of need. A tear came to her eye as she began to glow in an heavenly light. The light gave off a beautiful glow as the Slayer's body began to change into that of an Archangel. The four large white wings...created of silk like feathers...blew in the wind that slowly arised. Without another word, Anna turned around and with a new found attitude bounded down the catwalk...not caring anymore about the smuged bikini and showing off all angles of her figure. Reaching the end of the stage, Anna's wings caught an up draft that sent her spinning gracefully into the air and landing her just as gracefully in a kneeling position. Anna lifted her head and nodded as if to thank her father for his aid and with a wink turned and made her way back. The light that Anna once gave off slowly faded and with every step she took the Slayer slowly reverted back to her normal teenage self. Just before exiting back stage...Anna turned with one last wink before vanishing out of sight and through the curtains. Once back stage...Anna fell to her knees with relief and turning back to Appy, began to speak once more. Anna-"I thought about not even continuing...ya know?"
  17. The collision took Anna off-guard as they both tumbled down and at first left Anna with thought's of apology as well. Appy was the first to her feet as the Slayer was near the bottom and caused Anna's mind to stray for the moment. Anna-"No! no! It's my fault...I'm often clumbsy! Please pardon me as my thoughts were not on where I was headed but the tragedy that occurred earlier in the pageant." Appy looked up to find that Anna was adorned in a rather smuged bikini. Anna-"You see...either someone or someones broke into my dressing area and completely ruined the place! I don't like the fact that it happened but I can deal with it...I just don't like the fact that someone wants me out of this pageant! I can usually tell who did it by the..." It was at this time that Anna had gotten to her feet and noticed the make-up that had been smeared upon her leg. The thought came to her that this could have been the culprit, but no...anyone could have obtained this. It would take the very rare lipstick that Anna herself made to dring out the guilty party. The idea began to slip her mind as the Slayer cleaned the make-up off her leg with a free towlet and took a good look at Appy's face. Oddly enough the lipstick Appy had applied had been the exact shade of her home made brand. Anna took a more apologetic tone and began to speak. Anna-"That lipstick matched my shade exactly and it's very difficult to find! I'm sorry if I'm wrong about this, but were you the culprit that smuged my only bikini?"
  18. A rustle is heard back stage as Stumpy slowly and with much difficulty emerged form behind the curtains adorned or rather not adorned in his swimwear! You guessed it...he came out onto the stage naked as a tree stump! The thought then irised that Stumpy was a tree stump and as if the contestence were indeed supposed to appear in their swimwear...then Stumpy was therefore supposed to take the stage naked! Gasps arose from the crowd before they realized that the tree had been nude all this time. The audience gave a shrug as Stumpy hopped down the stage and had a terrible time turning around...as he normally did and finally spoke just before attempting this feat. Stumpy-"We'll...what did you expect a stump to swim in?" Giving a grumble Stumpy stormed off the stage once more.
  19. True true:)
  20. (Co-oped by me and Venefyxwhatshisname) Black walked along the beach with a smile upon his face...everything was going great. It was at this time that the Vampire Lord came across a very...interesting tent. The sign said, "Archib's books and magical items", which immediatley drew Black in. Entering the tent with a proud grin Black looked around at the various objects. Many of them looked intriguing but left the vampire baffled as to what exactly he'd desipred. The first thing to catch his eye was a simly grand looking dagger adorned with an odd aray of jews in the handle and snake like currved blade. Taking up the dagger...Death looked it over and approached Achib's. With in interested glace he began to speak. Black-"Hello, Achib's is it? Can you tell what this trincket does?" Achib bowed and started to speak, "Yes, my name is Achib el Assis Ibn Moussif El Rasjid, and that is a very very nice item you have found there. It is extremely magical, and the snake-like blade gives some hint about its purpose. You see, snakes are very very poisonous animals, and that is what this dagger is too : it can be very very very poisonous. But the jewels are set in a pattern that means it can only harm undead, so that means it is one of the only weapons in the world that can poison undead." Looking over his customer, Achib realised that this guy probably wasn't going to buy a dagger like that so he started rummaging through one of the other piles. "But I do have something that might really interest you .. I've seen you at the bachelor's auction, no?" Black gave a honorable bow and and continued Black-"Yes, I have entered myself into the bachelor auction. Your a very abservent man Archib. I respect those that know their surroundings...even when new to the area. I assume your new as I'm quite observent myself and I wouldn't forget your face if I'd seen it before. You have my attention now...what item do you believe I'd be interested in?" Black said as he looked curiously at the rather tall man. "It is the first rule of doing good business sir, to know your surroundings. I think you could be a good businessman yourself, but for now I think I might have something that could help you improve your date. Now where.... ahhh, here!" Achib straightened, holding something that seemed like it had once been a fashionable belt, but that was now rather worn with age. "This belt is guaranteed to help any action you take to make in your case a woman happy. You'll succeed at least twice if not three times as well ... would that not be a very very good thing to have if you're going to win a date with a wonderful lady?" Black Began to wonder just how this old belt would help him win a date...it didn't seem like much after all. Believing it to be a ruse Black began to speak. Black-"I may be a sceptic, but how is an old belt that lost it's fashion going to win me a date? You aren't pulling my leg are you?" Achib almost looked shocked. "Pulling your leg? Sir, I am not even touching you, how could I be pulling your leg then? Nonononono, this belt is very very old, a lot older than it looks in fact. It once belonged to a mage who was unlucky with the ladies, or so the story goes, so he enchanted his favourite belt. Ever since, or so the story goes, he was incredibly popular with all women." Black didn't know what to think...the thought that he was being duked came to mind, but if he was he'd just come after Archib later and take his revenge. Foolishly deciding to trust the man, Black gave a nod. Black-"And how much would such a belt ruin me? " With a broad smile, Achib replied, "Because it is so very very very old and magical I cannot let it go for less than five thousand gold pieces. But of course, in my country it is a custom to negotiate the price ... " Some haggling later, Achib found out just how true his earlier comment about Black making a good business man had been : he'd had to agree on 50 gold pieces for the belt ...
  21. Do I...myself...post the link if I'm first...or do you post it?
  22. Black walked out onto the stage with a "Joe Cool" grin and carried with him a fancy wooden cane. The cane had, at its head, the mantle of a fluffy pink bunny that was oh so cute and cuddly! The rest was made from mahogany and was smooth as a...as a very smooth thing...ok! Black donned a blood red tunic, adorned with rubies from fallen kingdoms in the distant past. The Vampire Lord gave up his armor long ago to take more pride in his work...if that was even possible! Black already had an ego ten times his normal body weight. the tunic streched down to a pair of tan dress pants and shoes. A black cape covered most of his body...leaving many a mystery to what had actually been within as he approached the microphone. Giving a prideful expression...the Vampire Lord began to speak. Black-"I'm not going to stand up here and lie to you. If your looking for a model citizen that follows the golden rule and looks both ways before crossing the street...I'm not your man. At the same time...if your looking for an outlaw that will go to any length to make it happen...I'm not that either. Most would describe me as a wild card...a man of mistery that goes where he wants to and does what he pleases...all in the name of fun. In my 4509 years of life I haven't been around the block many times, but I can assure you I know my way through this game. One doesn't live this long...survive the living horrors I have had the pleasure of witnessing... without learning a thing or two. I can't promise that things will always get done the right way, but they will be accomplished...one way or another. If your looking for a man that will go though hell and back to make you happy...a hopeless romantic that doesn't always get things done, but always tries his hardest to do so...then by all means...you have but to ask." With this Black vanished into a puff of smoke and was seen no longer upon the stage. *P.S...Black will take on any guy but he has a weankess to women...his gentlemenly code of honor won't let him fight back...easy pickings for a lady that likes to do things their way:)*
  23. Anna started to wonder if it was true, but the fact remained that she wasn't the only one with make-up...this was a beauty pageant after all. The Slayer would have to go about this a very sly and crafty way...a plan that involved ropes and pulleys and maybe a cage that would trap the ghost that she'd un-mask and...wait a minute...this isn't scooby-do! How then to handle such a moment as this? How about she just ask? With some work Anna managed to locate Sweetcherrie near the dressing rooms and casually walked to to her as if nothing was a matter. Anna-"Hey there Sweetcherrie...how things going?" Anna paused for a second and then continued. "Nice make up...I was thinking of obtaining some...where to you get it?"
  24. Anna stopped as she neared the stage and realizing the time gave a gasp of shock...there wasn't much time remaining to take the stage! Anna gave a sigh as she'd thought long and hard about her answer to the question and finally came up with the perfect, but perhaps most scary asnswer anyone can give. The stage went dark for but a moment and before long passed, a spotlight shined down on the location just in front of the curtains opening. Sparklers went off simultaneitiesly along the side of the stage at the same time music boomed out into the audience. The music was almost too loud for the crowd as the ones by the speakers almost fell deaf and were forced to cover their ears in pain. Anna came out from behind the curtain and took her place in the center of the spotlight. Giving a wave and a smile...she did a Johnny be good knee slide up to the Microphone and fell flat on her face onto the hard wood stage. With an..."OUCH!"...Anna slowly got to her feet as the music stopped and the scene fell silent. It was then that she raised her fist into the air and said... Anna-"Are you ready to rock?" the sounds of crickets could be heard chirping in the back ground as one guy said..."Yes!". Anna held her head in shame as she began to answer the question. Anna-"If I won this pageant I'd become a PPP...Potential Patron of Parties! I'll be apprenticing from our very own Wyvern to bring the party to you!" Horrified looks fell upon the crowd as if a plague of locust hit the scene. Anna raised her fist into the air one last time as the music restarted and the spotlight followed her off stage with one final line. Anna-"Thank you and good night!"
  25. Anna walked around the corner mumbling something to herself. Sh'd had a heck of a time preparing for this pagent and wondered to herself just how she accomplished such a task? Task before seemed so large and intimidating that it...in a way...scared her...but somehow managed to get through the massive event without too many mess ups. Well...there were the times that she tripped over her two left feet and one can't forget getting tangled up in the curtains...or stumbling over the various stationary objects. Anna also had to admit that she almost burned the audience to a crisp with her wild and unruly display of fireworks...ok, so she wasn't perfect...but at least she didn't kill anyone yet! Deciding not to think about the past, Anna focused on the future...the future being the upcoming rounds. Now she'd been racing all over the beach to acquire certain objects and she finally thought she had everything needed to finish this beauty pageant. It was a good thing too...she had run out of time to acquire what she needed and would be forced to work with what she momentarily obtained. Anna-"Ok, now for the check list! Make-up kit...check. Bikini and formal dress...check. That should be about everything!" Anna gave a smile as she slowly but surely approached the dressing room. The next round was darn near about to start and she had some serious preparation to finish before this occurred. Yep, the time had come to kick the game into high gear...even if they crowd was starting to get to her. Opening the door to the dressing room, Anna became very unobservant of her surroundings and quickly took a seat in the chair next to her station. Anna-"Now, it's party time!" Turning without bothering to look, Anna took up her beauty case and removed her make-up kit. Staring into the mirror before her, the Slayer reached her hand in and pulled out a broken eye shadow brush. Anna looked at it with wonder and couldn't quite remember breaking it, but finally came to the thought that it was always a possibility...anyway...she had a spare. Reaching in again...she once again pulled out a broken eye shadow brush and double checked to see if it was the same one. The Slayer had hoped that it had just been her imagination playing tricks on her, but as luck would have it...they were both broken beyond repair. 'Don't panic, Anna! You don't need eye shadow!' It was difficult to convince herself of this but she finally did so and reached in for a little lipstick. There had always been a tube of her favorite brand that she wore to all appropriate occasions...she simply couldn't go on without it. Anna gave a gasp as she pulled out of her make-up kit a broken tube of lipstick and all at once dropped it to the table below. Anna-"You can do this Anna! The natural look...the natural look will be just fine! Who needs to paint their face anyway...you look great as you are...really!" Believing this to be the worst of the castastrophy...Anna turned to almost fall over in shock! The Slayer just caught herself before knocking her her head on the station...only to lay eyes on a highly smudged bikini...her only bikini! Thoughts of doubt and doom ran through her mind as their had been no time remaining to acquire another...that she'd spent all this time preparing for a moment that would knock her out of the pageant for sure! Why? Who would do such a thing!?! It was then that a hint of proof showed its ugly face..a .small feather that looked to be the owner of one of the contestents. Anna's hands started to glow with a white aura as her emotions began to rise...the aura turning into a holy energy that broke a hole in the nearby closet upon release. Managing to calm down...Anna took back what she could of her senses and nabbed the feather up with a violent tug. Anna-"We'll just see what a certain someone has to say about this...shall we?" Storming out, Anna didn't bother to look back as she quickly made her way toward Patham's dressing area.
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