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Everything posted by Black9
Anna first notices Silver and tries to ignore the intruder. She does a pretty good job before Silver began to speak and Anna opened one eye...starring rather angerly. Not long after, a rather odd George showed up, as Anna opened her other eye and followed her with an equal glare. The Slayer was losing her cool as the skeleton walked in and forced Anna to...yes...open a third eye in a freakish attempt in magic and follow the skeleton in an interesting manner. The Slayer looked in intrigue...turning her head from side to side as the items were set up. After waiting an hour, Anna watches the mysterious creature start to rub ground beef on the floor...in an odd manner...well...how is this action not odd? Anna-"I am the Slayer of the third eye and I demand to know what you are doing!"
Great quotes there:)...I love quotes:) And hmmm...ok...maybe I'm a weeeeee bit evil...not much though...just a miniscule amount...right;)
A circle is seen in the middle of a dark room...a spot light shines down on Anna as she sits in the center. Anna-"This is my spot! No one may enter!"
Take over the world...me...no...I'd never do that...you can't prove it;) So, you wanna pet the Evil Bunny of Doom, huh? Can't promise you won't get an unfortunate accident...he's been known to bite;)
Someone always notices;) Happy B Day:)
Happy B Day Pointy and Psimon! I got you a big pointy stick for your gift;) (Hands pointy a stick with a sharp point)
Family Guy is great;) Oh no...the world will one day belong to me! Muhahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahaha... HA!
Anna, "Borrows", a few bottles Bruteweiser from Wyvern as she slips away with a quick slight of hand. The teen grins as she starts talking to a nearby good patron that wanted to do the right thing and help out. Anna-"Hey, friend! You want to help out even more?" Anna said with a real charming look in her eye. The man before her couldn't see through her ruthlessness as he sincerely replied, Patron-"Helping the planet and the needy is my game...what can I do to further our cause?" Anna saw the hopeful glee in his eyes and snickered in the back of her mind. Giving the sad eye once again she stated, Anna-"I really want to help you in your quest but I just need a few pieces of geld to fund a charity function. Ninty percent of the proceeds will go to me...I mean...to save the whales! You want to save the poor whales right?" Anna pouts with a pitiful show of shame. The patron couldnt't help but go along with the Slayer as she was on the road to do the right thing...pfffftttt...ya right...and the patron spoke in a happy gitty voice. Patron-"Ofcourse I'll loan you some geld, but you have to pay it back, you will right?" Anna-"Huh? Pay back? Oh, ya, of course I will...(not)", Anna muttered below her breath. Patron-"What was that? I thought I just heard you say...oh what the heck...I trust your face!" The sucker handed over 50 geld. Anna, "Borrowed" it with glee and vanished in an instant. She was gone for roughly a half an hour and returned with a wagon full of booze. That's right...a wagon...she was too cheap to rent anything faster! The Slayer looked to be a little tipsy...ok...a lot tipsy...as she fell off the wagon and hit the ground with a hard thud! Stumbling over to a large table, Anna somehow managed to get the Patron to help her, not that she was drunk or anything, to help her transfer the booze over to the table without spilling it. After all...that would be a waste of good booze! Stepping up on a nearby stage, which the Patron so nicely helped to build...the whales needed to be saved by someone...right...Anna found her balance and started to speak. Anna-"Greetings ladies and gents and welcome to todays contest! Most of the proceeds will be going to me! I mean to save the poor whales! Let me ask you something. When you enter a bar...not that I have...it would be illegal...but how do you know the the party really get's started?" Anna takes out a bottle of Bruteweiser and takes a drink...then quickly hides it again. "The Party truly starts, so I hear, when your drunk right? Hello, I am Anna and I will be your judge on the all mage'in drink off! You think you have what it takes to be the drunkest? Can you hold your liquor better then your fellow mage? Then Prove it!" Anna motions her hands toward Wyvern and then notices she made a mistake and instead remotions toward the chairs around the table filled with booze. "Take a seat and drink up...the winner gets the remaining percentage of the proceeds! Drink up everyone!" Anna then falls off the stage rather clumbsily... Anna-"OUCH!"
*Black comes out of the shadows in a flying tackle hug* Welcome back, Salinye:) I missed you all so much!
The only red meat I eat is bacon and that's known to some as the other white meat...but let's get real...bacon is red meat;) I have only one more thing to say... GIGITTI!
Supid muses! Maybe I'll just go on without a muse;) Thanks Annael, glad to be back:)
As Wyvern shifted through his notes...he hadn't noticed as the ground below him started to shake in very small bursts. Little did he know...an old...we'll now 17 year old girl was approaching from just over the horizon and before you could say, "Yippy skippy lippy, looooooooooooooo!", the almost dragon was mega tackled from the side and sent flying back first into the littered ground below. A high pitched voice came from a very close...well...right next to his ear...distance...forcing the almost dragon to drop his notes and attened to more...painful matters! Anna-"BOSS! BOSS! Your still as skillful and wonderful and brave and rich! Can I have some geld? I ran out..."
Thanks Ayshela, thanks Patrick, *Hugs* My muse has wondered off some place, but heres hoping she finds her way back:)
Thanks:) Glad to be back:) Np anythings fine;)
Anna paced back and forth as she and her crew sailed once again toward the Pen. She'd been on such a long vacation that she started to forget who she was. Her brightly colored submarine flowed through the green water with ease as Anna...for no reason...turned on the loud speaker and continued to...after a short caugh...project a song out into the middle of anywhere! Anna-"In the time, when I was born...Lived a man, who sailed to sea. And he told us of his life, in the land of submerines. So we sailed on to the sun...till we found a sea of green and we lived beneath the waves...in our yellow...submerine." Anna was shocked as at this moment a crew jumped out and sang with passion! Dancing around to her moves as she flowed about. Crew-"We all live in a yellow submarine! A yellow submarine...a yellow submarine! We all live in a yellow submarine! A yellow submarine...a yellow submarine!"
Thanks everyone...*hops up and down on a new...new...pogo-stick.* *Gets tacklehugged* Oof! I'm happy to see you to, Ayshela:)
Ya, RL can really weigh you down. Don't all medicines have... Nausea, fatigue, headache... for side effects Thanks, glad to be back
I've been away for a few days, but I'm getting cought up. You all know about the dreaded life monster:)
Black looks around in shock...well...as much shock as a proud Vampire Lord could...and gave a goofy smile and a wave. Black-"Thanks everyone! I'm so happy to be here!" Black didn't know what else to say as he was caught off guard, but knew he had to do something specail! Standing up on stage next to the Gnome...Black began to make a clumbsy speech. Clearing his throat...the Vampire Lord began to speak. Black-"What can one say about something like this? I feel so honnored to accept such a gift and I want to give thanks to all those who helped getting me here. To may friends and comrades...I bow to your generosity and caring for a soul such as I. To Gwaihir I give my humble gratitude for throwing a party in my honor and...and I'm not good at speeches! Ok! Vote for me!" Black walks off stage with a goofy grin.
The October Mid-Site-Shift Birthday Massacre
Black9 replied to Wyvern's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
(Sorry I couldnt get on sooner...life has been kinda crazy) Anna heard the call of the boss man and rushed in dressed as Xena the Warrior Princess. Ayiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyi! Anna called in a battle cry as she took up her plastic sword and tin shield and engaged Sweet in a short sword fight. Turning to Wyvern Anna gave a plastic stab and a giggle. Anna-"Hiya boss! Hello everyone who's B Day it was!" -
Anna slowly walks out of the corner with a margarita in her hand. The 16 year old girl doesn't seem to care that shes underage and smiles as she raises her glass to Cryptomancer. Anna-"Sorry I'm late for your party man. I had to get a drink before I could say hello...ya know?" HAPPY B DAY, Cryptomancer:)
With a high pitched scream Anna emerged from the tear and smacked face first upon the rocky ground below her. A spine tinggling pain ripped through her body...causing the Slayer to tense up and groan in agony. Anna had really gotten sick and tired of all this...it was almost as if her very body was going through some kind of change, but change into what she'd hadn't a clue. The fact that she fell face planted upon the hard ground didn't help matters either. 'Why do I always do this? I rush into the unknown as if death means nothing to me! Do I truly wish to perish?' The thought had occurred to the Slayer that she knew not the difference between valor and stupidity, but shrugged it aside as it was no longer important. Anna-"A Slayers path is a lonely one. We walk a destiny of peril and valor and in the end...die alone...remembered by only our friends and family. Who am I kidding? Did they really care about me, or was it all a lie?" It was at this moment that Anna realized that she'd been talking to herself, but seeing as there was no one around to poke fun...the Slayer didn't much care. Anna-"I don't need them anyway! I don't need anyone! I am Anna...last of the Slayers...and I will find my own destiny!" Taking a good look around...Anna noticed that she could barely make out what had been two feet in front of her and this above all else worred the Slayer. The thought came to mind that she may not be good enough to take on such a task...that this quest was too much for her and that she'd worse of all...fail her fathers last surviving memories. A tear came to Anna's eye as she spoke her last phrase and slowly drifted down her cheek...finally splashing onto the cave floor. Anna-"Father, I am sorry!"
Anna...emotionally distraught form all that had taken place. Felt her body start to regenerate itself as she lay kneeling upon the ground in once great pain, but now beheld a blissful hue as a white glow caressed her aura once more. It was at this moment that most of her lost energy returned to her with the passing of a few seconds and all at once faded into the nothingness from which it came. Quickly getting to her feet, the Slayer could see her friends staring at...some sort of tear and wondered just what she'd missed. Anna gave a laugh as most the Pennites turned her way with an odd look upon their faces. Anna-"Life...death...what's the point of it all and who even gives a care anymore? My father once spoke of the difference between valor and sheer stupidity. To this day I don't truly understand his words. I may be an irrational girl, but as the man once said...give me freedom, or give me death!" With these words Anna strode toward the tear and without even a glance backward...vanished into it!
Anna heard the words being shouted from all around her, but was already preoccupied with another task for them to matter. A feeling dwelled within her...a strange one. It was as if she was becoming unstable from the inside out. The lack of energy was one thing, but this was an entirely new problem. It didn't take long for holy energy to flicker on and off at random intervals and strength. Her powers were...for the moment...very unstable and sent jolts of pain stabbing through her body. With a scream Anna fell to her knees...hoping and praying for something...anything to happen! With a soft voice the Slayer just managed to let out... Anna-"Don't mind me! I'm a Slayer...were tougher then we look!" Anna, was truly Joseph daughter her inner pride wouldn't allow her to ask for aid of any kind. Perhaps a little too much of the dead Slayer's genes had rubbed off on the lass. From a child Anna was told that she held within her great potential, but would have to take care not to let it loose to soon...lest it destroy what little control she already had. Another surge of power and yet another muffled scream later...Anna fell silent...but one last phrase. Anna-"Why? Why now?"
BIRT a slug is more dangerous than a cricket.
Black9 replied to Katzaniel's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
Black gave a smile as he looked both katzaniel and Patham way and turning the crowds direction, Black began to speak. Black-"Ok, we can dance around the issues all day. We can give pointless banter that speaks volumes, but says very little. I for one think the facts speak for themselves." Black paused and then continued shortly after. Black-"The reason a slug is more dangerous than a cricket is for a few reasons. They can stretch to 20 times their normal length enabling them to appear much larger then they actually are and thus frighten their opponent into submission! A slug has a shell hidden underneath its back to ward off predatorial attacks and thus make the predators attempts useless. Their slime trails can slip the foes up. When the enemy slips is when the slug gets its opportuity to strike!"