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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Black9

  1. Meanwhile, in a old, darkened cavern located within the lands of Terra...was heard nothing...nothing but a few faint sounds that were briskly edging their way ever closer. The scene was tense as Anna ran with all her might. Most would describe Anna as a young, good looking brunette of around twenty years of age. She had been attempting to escape this unforseen force for some time now, though her efforts were all too minutely effective. Her breaths were heavy as the echoes of her mad dash swept by and vanished into the darkness of the caves. It was then that a voice was heard from the shadows surrounding her. Fang-"You can run little girl...but you can't hide!" By this time, however, Anna had been running for so long...that her legs were giving out and as soon as they did...she was as good as dead. 'Have to keep running! Can't let Fang catch me! Father, I'm sorry!' Rounding a corner, Anna could see nothing but darkness ahead and what's worse...she had just reallized that she had gone and gotten herself lost within the cavern. 'No way out! I must escape!' Fang then appeared before her with a wicked grin and with a mere push...shoved her to the ground. Landing on her rear with a rather hard thud, Anna knew, at that moment, that she would need a miracle to escape this situation with her life. Father! 'Please! I need your help...this time more than ever!' A flash of power was felt from behind ...as Anna turned to find a filter of light seeping from seemingly nowhere. The sheer brilliance of the light had all but blinded both combatants for a few precious moments and without a second thought...Anna rushed its direction with all that she could muster. 'What's this? Is it you, Father? Did you answer my call for aid? Thank you, Father.' A few seconds later, a beautiful array of multicolored lights flickered on and off from random directions. A short blackout later, Anna awoke from her daze and little did she know...she wasn't on Terra anymore. Anna-"Where? Where am I? This place...it looks and feels so...different." Not a moment passed, however, when out from the nothingness behind her, came soaring another form. Fang had the look of bewilderment upon his face, but the vampire thought little of it as he caught the first glance of his target. Truth be told, there were very few vampire who could match the overwhelming power of Fang. Back on Terra, he was known as a scurge, perhaps even worse than The Warlord of Death...though little else was known of his hidden agenda. 'No! How could he have followed me here?' Wasting no time, Anna took to her feet and tried her best to take down the big lug, but failed miserably upon her attempt. Fang simply caught her foot in the air as she flung her body his way and sent her plummeting to the ground with a hard crack. It was obvious that something had broken, but in the stress of the situation, Anna had a hard time locating what it was. Fang released Anna's leg as he knew her time of being a threat was over...done...finito...and with much pain, she took quickly to her feet rushing off into the thick underbrush of the forest.. Lost and with a healthy sense of fear, Anna could think of nothing much to do...but run! OOC: Feel free to join in on this story. It's my way of moving on and joining the group. If you didn't notice...she's in the pen now:)
  2. Thanks for the info. My stupid comp is acting up though and won't let me look at new messages. I'm forced to use netscape because my explorer is down.
  3. It's cool, I found the place and posted a poem. I may be a bit rusty on them but I think I did ok:) Oh ya, I wanted to ask...do I jump on into rpgs in the con...or need to be recuited into them first?
  4. A Soldier's Ballad --------------------------------- Raise your flags, the captain shouted, born of freedom to be mounted. Guns were blazing, hands held high, hollowed by that shallow cry. I was there upon that field, within the days of heaven's yield. The march to glory, the walk of honor, the time to strive our families yonder. Cry havoc, cry horror, the battle's here. for glory, for honor, a match to fear. Let those who face us, feel our wrath find in the end, mistakes of their path. The path they chose with holstered care so hence they goeth(sp), the goals so clear. I don't know why I joined that way. I thought it over, that aged day. Long ago I tore asunder pillaged, prodded, spoiled and plundered. It seemed so real, that life I led, unlike this metal coat I tred. Through weary day and struggled night goals still thriving, soul in flight. hence the day, brings tomorrow's end, with the victor's cry, or the heros dead.
  5. ?
  6. http://maskedprospect.proboards14.com/inde...&num=1082161599 This is a link to my story.
  7. Black welcomes Celes and the raven and gestures that they will meet again.
  8. Black gave a slight gesture Wyverns way as a sign of thanks and began to slowly take a drink every now and then of the rather tasty beverage. Making sure ofcourse to keeping their little secret between them.
  9. Whatever we decide I can easily make happen. If I remember right weren't you the one that Blaze was hired to kill? If you feel up to it, sure, it'll be fun to write together again. It will also be easier to maintain the two person match-up then the like six we had going in that place.
  10. Hey Gyr:) Nice to see you again. We'll, I thought it was easy to see he was atleast somewhat lying. That and I said... "At this point Lotus gave an inward laugh. Sense he was no longer in the position to make the rules...he would make up the most elaborate lie in the history of the world. Could one man make up an entire lifetime of lies? A lie so big...so wide and with such passion that even he starts to believe it?" That's not too say it's all lies just 50/50. That or you were joking and I look stupid Not sure what will happen on that part of the story:( Maybe someone can take over. Your right about Veneonlygodknowshishorridlylongandhardlyspellablename, he is on the Masked Prospects and I've talked with him over chats at times.
  11. No time for the moment but if tam and kas dont come in I'll just take blaze (i think that's his name) and put him toward our story part. I think just the origional few is best. Lotus kinda needs blaze to get full story. I'd do it but I will mess it up somehow...I know I will. Besides I need to catch up on it again to. Lotus's lies are fading out of my mind lol:)
  12. Inbi, Pointy, Pere, It's nice to see you all again. I had wondered where you all ended up:) By all means I'll be ready to bring back the story we were writting. Lotus has just begun develop. That could be my first start up for my muse. Then perhaps I can expand Shall I get it or you...scratch that...you probably know the best place to put it. In the conservatory, right? So, do we recruit before new stories or just join on in? Seems kinda different from the old style.
  13. Hi, I'm new here as a member, but some may know me as Black from the ambb or Black9 from the masked prospects. I may not be up on all the rules and regs, but I'll try to get my creative writting back:) BTW Sweet icons:)
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