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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Sparhawk

  1. THE BARBER SHOP There are many mini stories in this one, but not bad enough to confuse you. The secondary story is about two dumb ass robbers trying to break over an ATM. They provide most of the laughs. The story does seem meaningless but it all comes together in the end. Now the main story is about a man who decided to sell the family barber shop. It is only too late until he see how much the shop means to the people and the community. Now he must try and save it. This movie is really well done and shows what's really important in life. It also looks into the black community, you dig dog? Best Scene: The West Africa guy kicking ass Best Line: "There's always that one dumb black guy who messes everything up. You da dumb n***er!" Rating: See it!
  2. BLADE II Your favorite vampire hunter is back and badder than ever. The story starts with Blade looking for his buddy from the first movie. Seems he didn't know how to shot himself in the head. However as soon as Blade finds him he gets a message from the Vampire Nation (just south of Cuba). It seems that there is now something hunting the vampires and their numbers are growing. Faced with this new threat Blade must team up with the 'Blood Team' a group of vampires that has spent the last two years training to kill him. Wacky hijinx covered in blood follow. This movie does a very good job at following the ideas from the first movie. The story is enjoyable and easy to follow. The FX have been vastly improved although I would have like to see them try to hide and fact that's it's all fake. The super vampire guys and their feeding habits are one of the better FX (they must have one hell of a dental plan). As you would expect it is bloody and some shots in the bar were just...wrong. And, like always, the love story could have been left out. Overal it follows nicely with the first movie and will give you some good old fashion vampire fun. Best Scene: Blade showing the Blood Team who's boss. Best Line: "You do not know who you are f***ing with." Rating: See it!
  3. MINORITY REPORT The story is that the year is 2053 and murders can be preticted and stopped. Three...umm..muntants are able to see the future, mainly murders. A special team then moves in and stops the murder before it happens. Tom Cruise plays the top cop until he's tagged for a future murder. Now he must rush to find who he's going to kill and find who's framing him. This is hard to do with eye scans everywhere. Wonder how many of those ad things are destroyed per day. Anywho the plot is quick so you need to pay attention. Also one question is burning in your head: why the hell doesn't he empty his gun and stay in one place until the murder time passes. The future world looks great, of course I wouldn't want to live in it. The cars are cool and I so want the energy shotgun thing. It is a bit dark, murders and all, and peoples motives are at times unclear. There are a few plot holes too like the son and why did the doctor help him and not burn his eyes out? Overall an enjoyable movie with some really cool scenes. Best Scene: The rocketpack chase. Best Line: "Everyone runs." Rating: See it!
  4. OFFICE SPACE Well I had really high hopes for this one. It's about a guy who just gets sick of his job and goes nuts. Problem is he just can't get fired. The most things he does the more the bosses like him. Should be funny as hell right? WRONG!!!!!!!! Holy hell did this movie suck. The characters pissed he off after awhile, most of the jokes were lame, and the story line wasn't that get either. The one good part was when they stole the fax machine, that never worked, and destroyed it. However I still want those two hours of my life back. Best Scene: Destroying the fax machine. Best Line: None come to mind. Did see it over three years ago Rating: Avoid it like the Plague As for Jackass I could feel my IQ drop just watching the previews so I don't think I'm going to see it.
  5. FOUR FEATHERS The story is that when a British soldier hears that his unit is shipping out to the Sudan he resigns. Being 19th century he gets four white feathers which was a sign of being a pussy. Once he hears that the British are getting an ass wiping he sets off to save his friends. Now I had high hopes for this one. I was looking for big ass battles. I got one cool shot and that's it. The story was still ok but not as good as I had hoped. Also I could have done without the love triangle. So over all it's ok but could have been better. Best Scene: The attack on the British square. Best Line: "God put you in my way." Rating: Rent it!
  6. LOTR: TWO TOWERS Well if you haven't seen it...WHAT THE F*** IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?!?!?!!?! I think that does it. Best Scene: The elves entering Helm's Deep. Best Line: "Come my friends. The Ents are going to war." Rating: Buy it!
  7. GANGS OF NEW YORK A very good movie that does a great job at showing the underworld of 1863 New York. The story is that two gangs once fought for control of Five Points, the slums of New York City. Well the Irish gang got a beating and our hero had to watch his father die. The rest of the movie is our hero planning his revenge and trying to help the Irish fit in. The government corruption was well done and the life in the slums was as well. The Civil War was also worked in well. Our hero is a likeble but the bad guy far out does him. It is a bit dark but you're dealing with slums. The surprise was how bloody it was. One guy gets ten bullets through him another gets a knife in the heart. The love story could also have been done without but hey it's bollywood. Best Scene: Right at the start when the Irish gang is gathering it's forces. Kicked ass. Best Line: "Amsterdam. I'm New York." Rating: See it!
  8. ok so 2 side notes first. Side note #1: These Movie Reviews were not done by me, they were done by someone I know. Just so that it's clear I'm not trying to pass off someone else's work as my own. Side Note #2: Buy it = damn good (see it now) See it = good (see in threater) Rent it = not bad (wait for video) Skip it = bad (wait for it on tv) Avoid like the plague = very bad (all copies must be found and burned) [Wyvern Edit: These reviews were archived from the password-protected Meeting Hall of the Seventh Gate website, and are by Corp. They are archived here with his permission.]
  9. Alright Wyvie has asked me to review Son of the Mask, but before I do I'm going to review one of my all time favourite Movies....Transformers the Movie! (The original 1986 Animated version). Now then where shall I begin? Well lets start by showing off how much I like it, this scene was near the beginning: "Ironhide, report to me at once." "Everytime I look into a monitor, Prime, my circuts sizzle. When are we going to start busting Deceptichops?" "Ironhide I want you to make a special run to Autobot city on earth." "But Prime..." "Listen Ironhide, we don't have enough Energon cubes to power a full scale assault. Ready the shuttle for launch." "Your days are numbered now Decepticreeps." Awesome movie there. Umm everyone here should know the basic plot to this. I'm an avid Generation 1 fan so I found no real flaws with this movie really. I'd definetly recomend watching it. Generation 1 Transformers was the best out of all of the other Transformers Series. Ok now for Son of the Mask. What can I say? I liked this movie too. It was completely different from "The Mask" and it didn't have the same kinds of laughs, but it still got laughs out of me...could have been better I suppose, they kinda contradicted themselves from the first movie, when the mask would only work at night in the first movie, in this one, you see the Dog wearing the mask 24/7. I like it when Jamie Kennedy puts on the mask though, he's usually funny. And hell, it also gives you the answer to a question I'm sure some of you asked: "What would happen if a guy wearing the mask makes love to his wife while wearing the mask and a kid is formed from that?" Anyways the baby in the movie is like that, Jamie Kennedy made love to his wife with the mask on, and the kid was born with all of the mask's powers. Oh and guess what? Loki is in theis movie, and he wants his mask back. I enjoyed the movie, but it just didn't have the cops dancing in a congo line and singing in the middle of the street like the first one did. Now that I think about it, it wasn't as good as the first, but I'd still go out and watch it.
  10. what? How long ago was it? I missed it? Well happy belated birthday Tas.
  11. Just figure I'll bump this topic up again, apparently they are at like 942 or so active users and they'd like to make it up to 1,000 Active Users. Anyways again anyone who is interested in joining and playing, all players are welcome. http://republic-online.net
  12. All players are welcome.
  13. :$ Thank you...maybe I'll post some of the others later too...
  14. Well after WrenWind mentioned a poetry contest and such in #thepen it reminded me of one that I entered...got to the semi finals, was told the poem would be published, the book does exist btw, and stuff like that. Anyways I never heard from them again after that...but this is what I wrote for it...I'm sure it's not that great...but you can let me know what you all think... You are the light In my darkness You are like My other half When we are together I feel completed When we are apart I feel like half of me Is gone Have I ever Told you How much I Love You?
  15. Hope no one minds if I add my two cents here. Gundam Seed - Well I guess that's mainstream now...but it wasn't back when I first started watching it. I won't get into detail about the mainstream ones, but this one, I really liked - so far. (Mech Anime for those who don't know) Ayashi no Ceres - Mainstream? No idea. Only seen a couple episodes so far, but it looks really good as well. Bout a Tennyo and her descendants, and how the family tries to keep their blood pure by wiping out the children who shows signs of Tennyo power. Full Metal Panic - Ok now I have no idea how mainstream this is, but I loved this one! It has Mechs, but they don't over do it, and they have a funny romance to it as well. This guy is in a secret Army organization and ends up having to go to highschool to protect this 16 yr old chic who's in danger of being kidnapped. It's really good. Bear with me here, just two more I'd like to mention Wolf's Rain - I haven't seen all of it yet...looks good so far. Wolves are believed to be extinct, but they aren't, they can just use some kind of power that allows them to trick humans, so that humans see them as humans and hear them talk as humans as well. Don't let it fool you, it is all an illusion, if they touched your or something like that, you'd feel their real selves. And they're on a search for Paradise so that they can lead humans to it. Samurai Deeper Kyo - I love these old Samurai animes. Samurai killed 1000 men at Seki De Hara (old Japanese war, actually happened), named Demon Eyes Kyo, then this Medicine man comes along and defeats him (Still don't know how, especially seen as how weak he is), and then traps his spirit in his body and hides Kyo's body. They story takes place like 5 years after that. Kyo ends up taking control of the Medicine Man's body, the Manga hints that maybe Kyoshiro (the medicine man) is the real bad guy there...no idea...anyways Kyo is searching for his body, then you find out that this other demon lord guy that they keep reffering to as "His Majesty" is searching for Kyo's body as well to claim it as his own. Ok there's my two cents...hope no one minds.
  16. I guess...it was a very fun night...and I'm sure I'll probably never see one like it again...
  17. You were supposed to choose your country when you joined. No matter, just find out who your leader is and request permission to migrate to another country and you can migrate to another country without losing any of your status points.
  18. dunno if that's a good title...but it's what I've come up with for it...guess it's kinda embarrassing for me to admit I write this stuff and all that...but anyways guess I'll post it... You showed me A very good time The best time I've had in a long time I just thought You'd like to know I will never forget that night First of all I will say this right now, this is not about sleeping with some girl...it's about actually enjoying myself at a College Party with her, and just like hanging out and talking...and dancing...
  19. My username is Sparhawk. And to answer your question Pered, no. No Reporter. Though you can be a Writer.
  20. I hope no one minds my posting this here. Anyways, there's a game out there that I play, that is based a lot on real lfie, kinda. It's called the Republic Online. (republic-online.net) Basically you become a member of a country and you gain IQ and Strength and Mood Points, and other various skills. And you can switch Proffesions depending on your IQ and strength and you get paid so much for different proffessions. You can also war and stuff like that but I've never tried that...anyways it's a good game. Hope no one minds me advertising it here. Edit: address corrected
  21. OOC: Well if it's role playing you want from me, then I should probably bring in one of my actual Role Play characters. Cause Sparhawk is my Game name and IRC name and is also a character from a book series. So role playing with him would be very new to me. I have a half elf/Half Saiyan character, a pure Elf character and a character that is a Dragon but most of the time is masquerading around in a human form and not letting people know he's a Dragon.
  22. lol, nice poem Aurora.
  23. "200 Geld????" Sparhawk *sighs* and digs his hands into his purse to count out 200 Geld. "Well alright then, I guess. Here." Sparhawk hands the money over to Wyvern and grabs the bananna. Sparhawk took out the Bhellium once he crawled into the Air Ducts. "Blue-Rose (Speaking in Trollish) give me light to see by." The Bhellium started to glow a brilliant Blue. Once Sparhawk was in the Air Ducts he saw that it wouldn't be too difficult to track Silly, since it was obvious that the Air Ducts had not been cleaned out in years and were all full of dust. Where the dust was siturbed in the Air Ducts, told Sparhawk exactly where to go to follow Silly. It seemed like Sparhawk was following Silly's trail for hours when he finally came to the end of the tunnel of Air Ducts, to where they led out into the Sewege system, and it was there that Sparhawk saw Silly. Silly saw Sparhawk too, and just laughed. "Catch me if you can." And Silly ran into the Sewer system. Sparhawk cursed and followed Silly into the Sewers. "Here Silly, Silly, Silly. I've got a bananna for you. Tell you what show yourself right now and I'll make this bananna into the biggest bananna you've ever seen." Silly peaked his head around a corner. "Really? If you give me a big bananna then maybe I give you back the stamp." Sparhawk smiled and whispered a prayer to the Child-Goddess Aphrael, to make the bananna in his hand grow to an enormous size. When that was done, Sparhawk took the Bhelium and spoke to it in Trollish again. "Blue-Rose, when that Dwarf over there touches this bananna make him totally immobile." The Bhelium gave a faint glow to show it's understanding. "Here you go Silly, take the bannana and give me the Stamp, like a good Dwarf." "How about I just take the bannana and run?" As soon as Silly touched the bannana though, he could no longer move. Sparhawk just walked right up to Silly and took the stamp out of his pocket. "Thank you for the stamp back. As soon as Wyvern stamps my application I'll free you of the spell." Sparhawk spoke to the Bhelium again in Trollish. "Blue-Rose take me back to the room I was in before I started chasing after this Dwarf." The sewers faded in Sparhawk's eyes and were suddenly replaced with the familiar surroundings of the Application Room. Sparhawk took the stamp out of his pocket and handed it to Wyvern. "I trust you only needed the stamp right? I really hope you didn't want me to bring back that silly old Swarf as well."
  24. That was from Shakespeare? Wow never knew that...just kinda popped into my head that one time...*shrugs* either way I guess I changed it and made it my own as well...so I'm supposed to search for Silly? Ok...where's a good place to start looking? And I think he said something about bringing him a bannana too, right?
  25. Has to be something written specifcally for The Pen? well alright then, lets see what I can come up with... What's in a Name? What's in a name? I mean a Rose by any other name Is still just a rose Thinas by any other name Will still be Thinas A roof by any other name Will still be a roof. So what is in a name? Well I just wrote that now, so hope you like it.
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