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About Sparhawk
- Birthday 07/03/1985
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Ontario, Canada
Anime and Manga and Cats
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lol I love that picture Wyvie.
I like the cat pictures more Tralla. Sorry but that dog doesn't melt anything for me. Though if you want to see something so cute that it will melt your heart, well I guess that Puss In Boots picture will do that. Oh and the Tabby cat who is sitting on the bed looking like a Proud Lion is my cat Sox. He's one of the most adorable cats out there... Especially at night time, he's not happy unless he's sleeping right on top of me as I fall asleep and I have to pet him too. If I don't he keeps nudging my hands with his nose to try and get them on top of his head so I can pet him...
hmm, seems I'm a touch late but I'm here to add my Happy Birthday Greetings to Thinas as well. Hope it was a good one at least.
Draken stared down at Wyvern completely bewildered. He had thought for sure that Wyvern would be pissing himself scared by now. Still, it had been a while since Draken had last transformed, and he wanted to have a little, harmless fun, before giving Wyvern his Geld. "You really aren't cared of me are you? You DO realize that you're trying to sell a Dragon, one of the most fearsome creatures in this world, items that you are passing off as things you got from killing others of my species?" Wyvern just stared at him without saying anything, still waiting for his Geld. Draken smiled a Dragon's smile, which bared his entire set of fangs at Wyvern, and then snorted a small flame from his nostrils. After still not getting any reaction out of Wyvern, Draken jumped up into the air and started to flap his wings, which created huge gusts of wind down on the ground, that nearly knocked Wyvern off his feet. After getting his feet off the ground Draken took straight up into the air to have a look at his surroundings. Then he dove straight down towards Wyvern, and plucked him up off the ground and took off into the air with him. "Tell me, Mr Wyvern, have you ever seen a fire so hot that it could even set water on fire? Well true, that isn't possible, however, I can set the air right above the lake on fire, and all I have to do is release a little bit of gas into the air." Draken flew low, to the point where he was just a few meters above the lake, and then he blew some gas out from his nostrils. The gas was very light and would just float on the air. It was barely even visible, and one would have to have either the equivalent of Dragon Sight to see it, or would have to strain their eyes very hard before just barely being able to make it out. He then flew even higher up into the air and sucked in a huge breath, before blowing out a huge ball of fire towards the lake. As soon as the fireball hit the gas above the lake, it erupted into flame. Soon the entire top of the lake was on fire. Draken then let out a loud roar, that was meant as a laugh of enjoyment. Before taking off into the air again, with Wyvern still in his claw. "Now here comes the fun part. Whatever you do go straight underwater right away, if you aren't very careful the fire might burn you." Draken then dove down towards the fire, and once he was about 50 meters above it, he dropped Wyvern into it, but was careful to keep Wyvern's bag of merchandise safe in his claw. "Have fun! And try not to get yourself burnt too badly!" Draken waited for the sound of the splash, letting him know that Wyvern safely hit the water, then landed on the ground again. Draken cast the illusion that made him appear as human and stood at the beach, waiting for Wyvern to resurface, and swim to shore. ((OOC: Wyvern CAN swim right? Oh and sorry for the delay, but I figured now was a good time to write something again.))
*The Dragon Hawk stumbles into the room, dropping all sorts of scrolls in the process.* "Well I'll be, no one told me it was Master Wyvern's birthday today. God are you ever getting Ancient. Today 24, tomorrow you'll wake up at the ripe old age of 50 and wonder where the time went." Seriously Wyvie, happy birthday, hope it treats you well.
Draken's scowl deepened with every item that he was shown. Even though he could tell each item was fake, it didn't even come close to quelling his anger at the thought of someone actually doing these horrible and grotesque things to Dragons and then trying to make a profit off of it. Then a thought struck Draken, a particularly evil thought at that too. "Those are some interesting glasses you have there, Mr...?" "Wyvern" Wyvern said. "Ah, Mr Wyvern, such a nice name too. I'd love to buy those glasses from you too, but, ah, you see, I left all of my valuable posessions hidden out in the forest at my last campsite, including all of my money... If you're willing to accompany me back to my campsite, I'm willing to pay you twice as much as your asking price for those glasses of yours. Draken flashed Wyvern his best smile. Wyvern studied the human for a few moments, thinking his tricks were working rather well on this human. "No tricks? You'll really pay me 600 Geld for these glasses?" Draken stood up to his full height and stretched himself out before answering. "I swear to you, on my honour and my species that I am not, lying to you. Now come, and I promise you you'll be back in the warm tavern here in just a couple short hours." Wyvern thought about it for a minute, but then decided that if he was going to get payed double his asking price it was worth the risk, and decided to follow the stranger back to his campsite. Once they got to a clearing by a lake Draken decided that it was far enough away from the Pen Keep for him to transform and show Mr Wyvern just what he was dealing with. "Well here we are Mr Wyvern. Now watch closely cause you're about to see something almost no one else has ever seen before." Draken looked up at his true form, his Dragon form, from the illusion of his human body and reached out and grabbed it. First wings started to grow from Draken's back, and at the same time scales started to replace his skin. Next he started to grow, at an exponental rate. First he doubled in size, then he doubled in size again and the process repeated til he was the size of a Young Adult Dragon. Then he dropped down on to all fours and his hands and feet were replaced with dragon's claws, and his clothes melted into his body. When the transformation was finally complete, where Draken once stood, now stood a huge multi colored, Young Adult Dragon. Then all of a sudden Wyvern's head was filled with Draken's thoughts in the form of shapes and colors, and for some reason they made perfect sense to him. Now then, what were you saying about your Dragonic brand items again? I seem to have forgotten. Would you like to try your sales pitch on me again, now? ((OOC: Wheeeee, I decided on this route, more fun this way.))
It was raining outside when Draken reached the Keep, and he was glad to go inside and get dry, out of the rain. When he entered the Keep, he was surprised to see how many different creatures were there. He saw a few humans, though not many, quite a few Elves, and then a bunch of creatures he didn’t even have names for. Draken held on tight to his staff as he walked to the nearest empty table inside the Keep. It was then that he realized it had been more then two days since he last ate or drank. He looked around the Keep until he found what he was looking for, a place where they kept food and drink. Draken got up out of his seat and got himself some food and drink. Draken was, by all appearances human. Sometimes it had been so long since he had last been in his true form, that he sometimes though of himself as a human as well. He had short, brown hair, with Green eyes and stood about 5'10 in height. When Draken was making his way back to his empty table he made certain not to get anywhere near anyone who was crying, lest that person’s tears touch him and reveal him for who he really is. When Draken made his way back to his empty table he checked his vest to make sure his money pouch was still there and full of money, and decided he’d look for the person to pay, for the food and drink later, and then find out if there were any available lodgings at the Keep, so that he could sleep. ((OOC: Can anyone guess what Draken's true form is? I'll give 2 hints. First: Look at his name. Second: He's probably a distant relative of Wyvern's...))
HawkWing scoffed at the notion of going out of his way to apologize to that slimy lizard who deserved most of what he got. "I'm afraid I'll have to let him reap what he sows. I absolutely refuse to go out of my way to apologize to that slimy lizard, especially not when he deserved most of what he got." HawkWing peered up into the daylight, almost as if sensing something was coming and was looking to see if he could see it. "Now then, you said something about your pen being out of ink and that you could no longer provide me with a place to stay? Hmm, that is quite troublesome indeed. I do apologize for causing you so much trouble. I hope the gold I gave you earlier can help compensate for your pen running out of ink on you, and all because of me too." HawkWing peered off into the sky again, this time one could clearly tell he was searching the skies for something. "You mentioned something about possibly finding a room at this 'Keep'? Could you show me the way, please? And hurry, I do fear it won't be safe out here for very much longer." ((OOC: Sooooo, who is all surprised to see me making a post here after so many months? Oh and if you read up a little, in case you've forgotten, you should be able to tell a bit of a mood change in HawkWing, feel free to have your character notice this as well, it's meant to be noticed.))
I suppose it's been a while since I wrote much of anything at all... but after how well this weekend went and how close we seemed to be getting and what not... this just sort of came to me... The time we spend together is rare and short But very precious to me The memories we make together Are memories that I will never forget When we are together, I sometimes wish That time would slow to a halt So that we would have all the time in the world To have fun and make lots of memories.
Maybe. But I prefer the feeling I get when I write mine and when I think about who it's about.
"Ah, yes, I do suppose you're right. It is Mister Wyvern's tavern that I wrecked after all." HawkWing turned to Mister Wyvern and bowed his head down as he apologized. "I'm really very sorry... I try to keep my temper under control a lot better than that... but with everything you had been saying and doing, I just lost it completely. I do hope you can forgive me, and maybe at the same time you could build yourself an even better and more hospitable establishment than this one was... I do believe you'd get a lot more business if you tried to spend your money a little more instead of always over charging for very cheap lodgings. Anyways, enough of that. I would really appreciate a Lunar Calendar, if you have one. I'm even willing to pay for it... pay a REASONABLE price that is."
HawkWing stirred in his sleep, as he started to come to. As he started to sit up, he could feel the air a little more than normal, and suddenly remembered what he had done, and quickly hurried into his pack to get his change of clothes. Once he was fully clothed, he stood up and looked around to see what kind of damage was done to the place. When he saw the damage, he gave a low whistle, surprised to see just how much damage had been done. "I can't believe I let myself lose control of my temper like that and cause this much damage..." He then turned to Mardrax and apologized for all the trouble he must have put him through. "I'm really sorry for whatever I might have done when I was transformed like that... I really lose complete control of myself when I'm transformed like that... Again, I'm really sorry, and I promise to keep better control of my temper next time. Speaking of my transformation btw... would you happen to have a copy of the Lunar Calendar handy? It would be nice to know when the Full Moons are, that way I can make sure to stay out of them."
umm... I know next to nothing about poetry really... but it sounds good I guess. Kind of an odd topic though
^^ Not a problem. It's just something that came to me when I was remembering how she smiled while waiting for a bus back home one night. She really does have a very nice smile, especially when she means it and puts her entire feeling behind it.
You are the one that I love the most Your smile brings the greatest joy ever felt You are the one I'd like to hold in my arms Your eyes are the only pair I want to stare into You are the only one who can say those 3 words that can make me happy Your love is the only love I want to bask in You are the best thing in my life Your love is the one love I never wish to lose You are the one person I never wish to lose Your happiness is my happiness, always remember that