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"The Joy of Teaching" by Epinephrine
epinephrine replied to Wyvern's topic in Critic's Corner Archive
I totally do understand . I am trying to draw on my RL and fit them into a fantasy setting. There are a surprising number of ways that it is possible to integrate the two. Have fun spotting all the times I have had to replace a RL thing with a fantasy one eg. books become scrolls or parchments, and my school has become the university.... epinephrine -
"The Joy of Teaching" by Epinephrine
epinephrine replied to Wyvern's topic in Critic's Corner Archive
Thank you for this comment, it is most useful. I agree the fantasy setting is a little out of place, but in choosing to use epinephrine as the lead character I guess I had that choice made for me. In hindsight (oh such a useful and yet annoying thing ) I think I would have created another character to base it on. But I will persist. The character Loren is also based on a RL person I know so hopefully the emotion and interaction will also carry the same element of realism. I hope you like it as I continue to add more. Once again thanks fior the feedback. Keep it coming! Epinephrine -
Having settled into her very generous room Loren rested her head onto her embroidered pillow and cast her mind back over the previous week. It had been a long and difficult journey over the desert and her emotions had not really helped. The offer of a year working with the renowned professor epinephrine had been a huge shock and a massive pleausre at the same time but she had still been nervous about meeting such a famous academic. In truth she had not known anything of her new supervisor save for his multitudinous writings. Meeting him had been a pleasant surprise. He was much younger than she had pictured and not nearly as stuck up and pompous as her professors back home. Hadn't he even asked about her? Unheard of in HC... The rooms she had been allocated were large and confortable. One for her bedroom with adjoining facilities, one for her study, and one for whatever she chose. She already had plans for a training centre where she could keep up her practice of the ancient art of di philos. She wondered what the professor would say when he discovered his new student had a gift for weaponry and fighting... It would be a test of how interested in her he actually was and how much he was just another egghead academic. Loren got up from her bed and picked up her satchel, a small leather bag that contained the basic alchemic materials and her notes. She was to assist the professor with his class today, the university having insisted that he keep one small class of the most gifted students to be taught once a week. Humph she thought. If he is like any of the others he will probably not even acknowledge my existence. Probably got his potions so far up his.. There was a knock at the door. Ears glowing red Loren quickly moved over to the door and opened it. She was surprised to see Epinephrine standing in the doorway. "I thought I should show you the way to the lecture chambers. I wasn't sure if you had been initiated into the ways of our university. Many of the doorways have magical locking mechanisms." "Thanks" Loren responded. Wow I woder who told him to do this? she mused. Probably an order from the Head to be nice to the new student or something. But still, I suppose it was helpful. Donning a grateful face Loren stepped out into the corridor. Was it just her or was he wearing a new robe for this class? Chastising herself for being so ungracious she began to follow epinephrine down to the lecture chambers. It must be becuase she was so tired she told herself. By tomorrow she would be back to her ususal bubbly self.
Allright! Excellent! Woops I mean (adopting calm composed voice) "Congratualtions on your most deserved promotion to the position of Herald. It is most fully deserved." Nice job Gryphon epinephrine
A First Meeting The resonance of the room was wobbled by a confident knock at the door. Reluctantly Epinephrine dragged himself from his chair and straightened his tunic. Walking pensively towards the source of the interruption he attempted to compose himself and by the time he reached the door he had managed to contort his face to somewhere half-way between in control and in serious pain. He pulled the heavy oak door open and caught his breath. Standing before him was a young lady with a huge grin on her face. “Good morning!” she announced. “I’m Loren, your doctoral student.” Epinephrine scanned her, his brain trying to decipher whether she was his breath of fresh inspiration or a demonic influence from hell itself. It couldn’t decide and settled for a rather rushed “Good morning Loren.” She waited a few seconds to be invited in and then seeing that her new supervisor was in another world gently brushed past him into the study. Epinephrine turned and followed, angrily pulling himself together and wishing his new student was easier to fit into a convenient box. “Perhaps you could tell me a little about yourself Loren? “ Epinephrine asked, offering a seat to the still-grinning student. “Sure professor, why not. I am from a little town about three weeks journey south from here, called Holland City, and I have been studying at Holland College, which we call HC, but you don’t care about that” (Epinephrine nodded his assent). “I am fluent in thirty languages including several animal ones and have a basic understanding of Alchemy. The reason the Head of your university selected me I believe was that I have a real passion for teaching and learning and I have been following you for years.” She looked up at him expectantly and seeing the look of confusion on his face quickly added, “Following your work I mean” “I see” was all Epinephrine could immediately muster. He took a moment and looked the athletic body up and down, as if he could find clues to her thoughts in the shape of her body. And it really was some body. She was not one of these air-headed bimbo stick figures that delighted in parading outside his office in the quadrangle, rather she had an athletic figure that had obviously recently seen some serious training. She had the look of a tightly wound bundle of energy. Her face was pretty-enough, but the eyes were what really caught his attention. They were so deep and at the same time so searching. Epinephrine felt a deep desire for something within them, but he couldn’t place his finger on exactly what. Learning he hoped. Realising that his searching look was lingering perhaps a little more than was professional, he quickly announced “Follow me. I shall show you the rooms that have been allocated to you”
Running down the corridor, Epinephrine holds the note that has just arrived in his study. He bursts into the room and stops, confused.. When the mass of feathers and fur that is Mynx being tacklehugged by Gryphon and the raven Cryptomancer finally settles Epinephrine extends a timid hand to offer congratulations to his friend on her promotion. Simple minded fool... Dragging the already battered Mynx into another big hug, Epinephrine squeezes out a breathless congratulations. "As always I seem to be the last to find out. But congratulations on a well-deserved promotion!" epinephrine
Part The Second Epinephrine walked pondorously through the rooms of his new quarters, his mind carefully planning and visioning the setup of each and how each room would become a part of his new study centre. He had already chosen the largest room as his study and had hung thick tapestries and magical paintings of far off places on the walls. Embedded into the ceiling was a star chart that Gryphon had helped him to install that would respond to his thoughts and show different dates and locations at will. The floor had been polished until it gleamed and then had fine silk rugs strategically laid to add warmth. His old furniture had been given away and he now had a huge workbench for his potion making and several comfortable chairs and loungers for reading and thinking. It was everything he had dreamed in a study. The two rooms adjoining had been converted into storage for the vast array of items he had collected on his travels and for the thousands of scrolls and parchments that he held so dear. The entire room exuded peace and quiet and the very fibres in the air seemed to resonate at the frequency of wisdom, if such a thing were possible... But something was still not well in the consiousness of Epinephrine. In just ten minutes this peace would be disrupted by the annoying entrance of his student. Epinephrine had no idea what to expect from this interuption to his perfect study world. The Head had chosen the student for him before he had been able to offer any carefully discreet hints as to who might be suitable. The only tidbit of infomation he had been ablt to garner was that the student was from another university and was not from the field of education. This at once both excited him and scared him to the core. Perhaps they would be a fresh breath of intelligence, someone who would offer a new perspective on his work, prepared to help him and comitted to the long hours to which he was accustomed. Or maybe they would be some shlameel with no clue who was merely the son of some irrelevant wealthy trader. It was too much to think of being burdened with an idiot to nurse for a year into mediocrity.
Showing unusual exuberance for the normally stoic alchemist, epinephrine offers his congratulations. "Congratualtions cryptomancer. You thoroughly deserve it!" Seriously though my most heartfelt congrats. I look foward to continuing to read your excellent poetry epinephrine
Hi All, I have been convinced to post this story by a few freinds at the pen. It is a serial thing that I will add to weeklyish as my teaching schedule allows. It takes elements of life as a teacher in real life and uses them unashamedly. I would value any feedback or suggestions as to how you might see the story progressing, ideas for characthers, anything to make it a little more challenging... I hope you like! On the joys of teaching (in character) Epinephrine wondered for the seventh time that day why he had agreed to teach these good-for-nothing, no talent hacks. It seemed all students were interested in these days was their new fangled toys and their tuneless, arrhythmic music…. Oh gods did I just think that? the youthful part of his mind retorted. He was starting to sound like some old senile wombat and that worried him almost as much as the lack of interest from his students. Stopping himself before he went off on another rush of mental abuse for useless students, the alchemist turned back from the chalkboard to face the class. “And thus you can see why the early attempts to alter the underlying nuclear force in an atom were dramatically unsuccessful” he announced, a look of triumph at reaching such a clear proof for (the all be it rather trivial) problem he had just spent an hour demonstrating the proof from first principles. Was that a glimmer of respect from that young man in the front row with the rather flat nose and thick glasses? What was his name? James…no Joseph. Oh who cared? The rest of the class were a mixture of disinterested stares and flat out asleep anyway. “Make sure you have read the second chapter of my treatise on the effects of extreme temperature on the proton-neutron interaction before tomorrow’s class” he said, knowing the futility of his request even as it left his lips. With a mixture of deep-seated depression and shallow relief the weary alchemist began the climb up the stairs to his tower. Usually the 705 stairs acted as an aid to meditation but this afternoon his mind was too busy contemplating how he would ever motivate these lazy good-for-nothing….his brain fell back into the all too familiar list of complaints as he climbed. Reaching his study he muttered the charm that opened the complex locking device and entered the warm sanctuary that was his refuge from the mass of undergraduates that threatened to strangle the life out of him each day. He dropped another sheaf of parchment onto an already dangerously large pile of marking and threw his heavy teaching gown onto the back of a hat-stand carved like a lightning bolt in the corner. Seating himself in front of his large desk, ensconced in a deep-red leather chaise he took three deep breaths and spent a few precious seconds composing his thoughts. Finally he picked up a rather bedraggled looking quill and parchment and was just about to begin writing when there was a sharp rat-a-tat on the door. Damm, lazy good-for-nothing insolent…. His mind began cursing the intruder before he could even get to his feet. If it isn’t one useless student it’s another! “Entrez!” he called angrily, turning awkwardly in his chair to face the oncoming annoyance with a look of “and why did you bother to get out of bed this morning?” fixed firmly in place. It was with considerable surprise then that he saw the door swing slowly open to reveal the Head of the University, his bright red doctoral robes glowing with golden runes that he had obviously bewitched to glimmer as he strode into the office. The Head’s face was radiant with a huge smile and he began to speak before Epinephrine could muster a greeting. “My dear Professor de Chemie and Alchemie, I am so glad that I can be the first to congratulate you. It could not have been awarded to a more deserving individual. I am entirely confident the two of you shall enjoy notable enlightenment and bring superfluous enhancement to the already outstanding reputation of our most virtuous establishment.” Cringing at the use of his loathed official title, Epinephrine took a few seconds to decipher the Head’s edu-speak and to his bemusment realised he still had no idea what his illustrious leader was on about. “I’m sorry sir, but I am quite sure I have no idea what you are talking about” he replied. “You haven’t opened this morning’s mail then I gather?” the Head queried. “Sadly I have not yet had the pleasure” said Epinephrine thinking of the usual pile of rubbish that passed itself off as mail in his deliveries. Letters from lazy students, requesting extensions to assignments, advertisements from cheap manufacturers of chemistry equipment with fancy offers, as if they didn’t know that only handmade equipment was of any use in the fine art of potion making. But come to think of it, perhaps this morning he had noticed a rather large, fine-looking scroll amongst his mail-pile. Digging quickly through it he found the scroll and noticed the rather imposing seal of the Ancient Guild of Mage-Scientists in gold along its edge. Breaking the seal he reverently opened the scroll and began to read. It is with great pleasure that I am able to inform you that you have been awarded this years “Excellence in alchemic education and research” award. The committee was most impressed with your treatise on “The benefits of co-development of science and language with particular attention to the ancient runes and marks of the Celts, Greeks and Mage lineages”. We are happy to announce that you will be released from your teaching duties for the next 14 lunar months to pursue research of your own interest in the alchemy and education fields at the expense of the Guild. We will also be happy to meet any accompanying expenses incurred in the pursuit of such research. Our only requirement is that you include a doctoral student in your work in the interests of furthering scientific and magical education. “You can see the benefits of this to both your career and to the prestige of the university I trust professor?” enthused the Head. “Of course we shall have to shift you to more suitable lodgings here on campus. I think Bromwich house would be more appropriate for our new award-winning professor, don’t you?” “Bromwich house”, spluttered epinephrine” Which room did you have in mind, if you don’t mind me prying Headmaster?” “Why the whole building of course”, responded the Head with a huge grin spreading as he began to imagine the advertising spin he could develop from this new state of affairs. “I shall have it prepared this afternoon. You can move in tomorrow. And of course I shall have your classes taken over by one of the other professors. Professor Monroe I think. Oh this is most exciting…” With that he turned and strode from the room leaving epinephrine dazed and confused. But that quickly changed as the benefits of the news began to sink in. No more students! The mere entertainment of such a concept caused his mind to reach new levels of activity, the very neurons seeming to relish this liberation. And research into any field of his choosing! What a license to explore. Epinephrine stood and began to pace along an already well worn section of one of his thick silk floor-rugs. His brain was working overtime already creating, evaluating and rejecting as too simple, ideas for a research topic. It was only as it discarded delving into the ideas of transmogrification and its effect on the mental faculties that his brain clicked back to the proviso at the end of the scroll. A doctoral student… With a quickly growing feeling of desperation he saw all his dreams of research slipping away. He would be chained to a research student, limited by their ineptitude no doubt. Damn. How to get around this Trojan rabbit? It was only later that evening that he remembered that tomorrow he would be shifting into Bromwich House. With a flurry of excitement and forgetting all thoughts of students, he began to pack his study. End of part the first.
Wow crypt, you really have taken on quite a quest! I wish you all the good fortune you can get. If you need any physics lessons pm me! I can't wait to see your efforts.. epinephrine
Racing into the room in some distress, epinephrine attempts to straighten his cloak and appear calm. Slipping quietly over to the sign up for Gryphon's quill quest he prepares to write his name only to notice it there already... Hmm, have I been here already? Glad to be on the list, he turns and strides confidently from the room, trying to affect an "I knew I was there" look but coming up with more of a "I wonder if the gryphon is prophetic" quizzical expression. oh well I look foward to this... epinephrine
Waking sheepishly from a slumber on the other side of the world, Epinephrine humbly asks... Could you tack me ont your list Mynx? this sounds like a lot of fun! My excuse is the time zones, and slackness, and a strange concoction a drank a few nights ago... epinephrine
Welcome back Mynx, Ithas been far too quiet since your departure. Can't wait to hear your tales.
This is not necessarily a protest at the consumerism that is attached to the 14th of Feb. Unless you wish to view it as such. Rather it is a lonley me, on the opposite side of the world to all my friends, using in character gift giving as a way of reminding them that I am thinking of them. Apologies if you think it is a little tacky but I need to indulge my gooey side to fend off my bad week... Three Gifts Ensconced in a deep, worn leather couch at the top of the tower, Epinephrine surveyed his study with a weary visage. The room was spacious and warm with a gentle scent of lemon that refreshed the mind and encouraged enterprise. The walls were lined with ancient scrolls and leather-bound books with foreign titles in foreign languages. Strange instruments in gold and silver hung from the ceiling and whirred and clicked with mysterious intent. In one corner a wide desk contained a beautifully decorated and delicate set of alchemy apparatus. A strange mixture bubbled gently in one flask, its aroma revealing it to be the source of the lemon-scent. A scattering of hastily-scratched notes on an old piece of parchment were the only sign of use in the perfectly organised workspace. In another corner was a cage with a muscled, lethal looking New Zealand Falcon, carefully preening his deep, winter plumage. His look was one of restless, pent-up aggression. Epinephrine smiled and tossed a sliver of raw lamb through the bars of the cage, impressed even after so many times to see the deft catch of the powerful bird. On the far side of the room three ornate boxes sat on Epinephrine’s main study desk. Piles of paper and students’ work had been pushed aside to make a space for the three elaborate creations. For the past two months Epinephrine had spent countless hours crafting them and the unique items within each. They were certainly priceless and one-and-only objects but now as he reflected for the million and second time, Epinephrine wondered if they were worthy gifts for his friends. The custom of giving gifts on the 10th day of the second month had been long established in his homeland and he wanted these to be perfect. Since his area was philosophy and alchemy, he had prepared for each of his friends a gift to aid in this area. With a pensive shrug he began to write in elaborate copperplate a note to go with each: The First Box – For the Cryptomancer The first box was elaborately poured and blown obsidian glass which glowed in the candlelight and had a mysterious pattern in its lid that changed as though the inlaid quartz was animate and restive. A single word in Greek was picked out in pure white quartz against the deep black of the volcanic rock. LOGOS Epinephrine scribed on a piece of parchment to his distant friend: Most learned colleague and friend, I know that you have some skill in the practice of meditation. The enclosed item is a tool to aid in a particular form of meditation, where one seeks words to describe, explain, exhort or entice. I trust it serves you well Your friend, Epinephrine Inside the box was a small intricate device made of the same gleaming mixture as its case. It looked like the frame of a triangular pyramid with the arms made of finely polished and interwoven strands of obsidian and quartz. At each vertex was a gemstone of a different type; Sapphire, Emerald, Topaz, and Ruby. Epinephrine had spent months enchanting it so that it would perform only for the intended user – the Cryptomancer. The device was such that when focussed on during meditation, it would help to align the practitioner’s thoughts around words and their meanings. Like a thesaurus of modern times but eminently more powerful, it would offer phrases and words that lined up with the users thoughts. In doing so it could be used to accurately portray the imagination, feeling, emotion and intent. Gently closing the lid, Epinephrine prepared it to be sent and addressed it “The Cryptomancer” “Happy 10th Feb”. The Second Box – For Mynx The second box was a simple handcrafted box of mahogany. It had obviously been carefully constructed with masterfully jointed corners and a deeply sanded and polished surface. The perfectly grained piece of wood out of which it had been made was without knot or blemish. Its grain almost glowed in the flickering candlelight. Inlaid into the lid in polished silver was a single word. SUNESIS Once again Epinephrine dipped his quill and began to write: Trusted Friend and worthy student, Sunesis is the Greek word for understanding and intelligence, the critical faculty. The enclosed gift is for you as you continue in your studies, I have watched you begin the journey of learning and now hope that you will continue down this worthy path. This device, when used as a meditative aid, will centre your thoughts and mind in such a way as to make knowledge your joy and learning your passion. I trust it serves you well. Your fellow journeyman on the path to wisdom, Epinephrine. Inside the box was a small device that appeared as the framework of a cube. It arms were made of woven ivory and cedar. Between each of the arms, where the faces of the cube would have been were glowing symbols that changed constantly. The symbols alternated with both ancient and modern signs appearing. They were in many languages and occasionally would spell words or formula. Again, Epinephrine had spent many weeks enchanting the device so that it would mesh only with the mind of Mynx (!!). Its power was such that it could make simple the complicated and render foreign languages comprehensible. It would surely make the journey along the path to wisdom smoother, thought Epinephrine as he closed the case and addressed the second package “Mynx, Happy 10th Feb”. The Third Box – For Gryphon The third box was unique in that it was alive. Epinephrine had managed to enchant a living vine to form this box, with the result that although it held its shape perfectly, the box continued to twist and move. One section of the vine on the lid formed the single word PHRONESIS For the third time Epinephrine took up his quill and wrote: Most Trusted and loyal friend Gryphon, Phronesis is the Greek word for the understanding of actions and outcomes. The device within is for you alone and will answer no other. It is enchanted to explain the actions of others, that you might know the intents and the heart of your fellow man. It responds most accurately to those, for whom you care most deeply, And will always recognise loyalty for which you are yourself renowned. I trust it serves you well. Your humble and loyal friend, Epinephrine Inside the box a strangely plain looking gem lay on a piece of deep blue velvet. Epinephrine had found the gem in an ancient holy place, where it had been guarded by twelve warriors. Those that had slain the warriors had left the gem, thinking it worthless. In truth this gem had been easy to personalise for it recognised loyalty and friendship and found these in abundance in the noble Gryphon. When grasped it would signal to the user the intent of any nearby person. The caveat was that it was most accurate in detecting those for whom the user cared deeply. Epinephrine knew that it could save misunderstanding amongst allies and could strengthen bonds between close friends. He gently sealed the package and addressed it “Gryphon, Happy 10th Feb”. After sending all three packages, Epinephrine sat back into his soothing chair and reminisced about his distant friends. He hoped they would see the intent behind the gifts; to remind them that they were constantly in his thoughts. With a pang of longing he pictured the day he could return home. (OOC: Missing you guys, don’t succumb to the consumerism of the 14th! Happy 10th of February) Epinephrine
Potion Problems starring Epinephrine
epinephrine replied to Gryphon's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
Having been forced to spend several days under the influence of a potent and rather severe healing draught, epinephrine emerged from his bed to consider his new life... He had travelled to the opposite side of the globe after being honoured with an apparently highly sought after teaching position that he was assured would reflect his excellent reputation and credentials. Unfortunately what had met him was rather uninspiring. His students were at best average and at worst, well, "educationally disenfranchised". The istitution itself was run down and underfunded with few resources and a lingering, undefineable smell from the neighbouring markets. It was close to his worst nightmares. The staff were however a welcome breath of fresh air. They at least knew their tradecraft and were stoic in dealing with the rabble that purported to be students. It was really only them that kept him coming back. The students were loud, uncouth, disenheartened and poorly motivated. Their only goal it seemed was to eat their lunch and establish that they were the loudest in the room. Wistfully Epinephrine thought back to his home and many friends. Leaving them had at the time seemed hard but not unbearable. A year had seemed like such a short time. But now the days were dragging and he longed for some recognisable dialouge with a familiar voice or two. And last week he had been struck with the plague, or at least it's closest survivable equivalent and had spent three days at deaths gate struggling to breathe and only semi-concious. Only for his stubborn will to assert that he had more work to do and that it wasn't his time just yet. And he had recovered. Tomorrow he would once again face the mass of unintelligent rabble and attempt to bring at least some light into their otherwise dull, meaningless (consumer driven ) existences. At least his sense of humour was only partially damaged. And only 10 months till he could return home. I wonder if they will rememeber me, he mused. Gryphon, that most excellent of creatures with a fierce loyalty to all his friends. Surely he wouldn't forget. And Mynx, strange though she may appear to others had certainly been kind enough when he had joined the pen. Maybe she too would remember. Perhaps even the Cryptomancer with his eloquent turn of phrase. Ah well, only ten months till he would find out! Until then perhaps another draught to soothe his weary mind before tomorrow.... (OOC: Thanks for the emails guys, I am missing you terribly in this bleak country. Can't wait to get back!) -
Laughing quietly at the rucous caused by Wyvern, Epinephrine steps up to the counter and looks studiously at the bag. "Will not break eh? Where have I heard that said before?" Muttering "will not break, will not break" to himself he looks around and spots a small piece of lead from the large club that had not been noticed by the crowd. Scooping it up, he drops it into a flask produced quietly from his cloak and whispers a few words in a strange language. The mixture begins to solidify and glow and finally crushing the falsk under his shoe, Epinephrine produces 5 geld and drops it onto the counter. " I'll have a go." he states "although I'm not sure the bag will last" Taking up his staff he takes an alimghty swing and sets the Piniata swinging violentely. "What the..? It didn't break!" "What is this ancient magic?" Turning sharply the confused alchemist strides off in search of a book to explain the mystery of the bag... "Must be that this Mynx character is more powerful than I thought... Though that was a lot of fun!"
Being such a traveller I have few traditions to speak of, but there is one that has a very strong importance to me at this time of year. In my home town of Sulcus, at this time of year every person visits the wisest of elders in the village to seek thier counsel for the upcoming year. In my case this year I will visit my Grandmother (whose name is not able to be written in this language, but whom I will call "Pia the All-Controlling"). During this visit it is customary to bring a small hand-made gift and to spend several hours in conversation (the time flys by with a little wine to smooth any disagreements). Once all questions have been asked and hopefully answers discovered then the visitor leaves and places a coin on the doorstep as they depart as an omen of good luck. The bigger the value of the coin, the greater the thanks for the advice recieved... A simple tradition that has over time evolved to allow families to honour their elders and occasionally to actually learn something of value!
Soft and fluffy, Quite the charmer, Unless I am mistaken. Inside your head toughts of nuts Rolling, Rising Endlessly piling higher, and you Left to consume. Hmmm, Hope this counts.
Symbol of the goddess free, Guide to many 'pon the sea. First to come and first to leave, A lonely planet blue and green.
Is it so simple to chose life over legacy?
epinephrine replied to Beautiful Nightmare's topic in Assembly Room Archives
I too am not afriad of death (although the act of dying scares me a little). I personally refuse to believe that the eighty odd years I have on this planet, or less with the amount of Coke I drink, is all there is. For me my motivation to get up each morning is to fulfill a calling that I passionately believe in that is my reason for being on this planet. So I agree legacy is important, but not so people will remember me so much. Rather that they will be inspired to find their calling and go for it... I know it sounds a bit cheesy but it is a most powerful thing, having a dream. Nice question Arwen! epinephrine -
It remembers the writings of Newton and Thales, Of journeys of travellers through deserts and gales. Not fire nor wheel, nor wisdom of men, Compete with its import, The great, mighty writing implement...
Fingers trembling with a strabge combination of tiredness and caffiene, she lowered the cup. The sensation of its warm touch against her lips lingered and a waft of coffee and warm toast massaged the end of her nose. Smiling she licked the remaining sweet froth from her upper lip and flicked open the paper with a snap. Someone should really ban Monday mornings. The harsh crunch of the frost, fresh on the morning ground brought him back with a shock. Despite the burgeoning warmth of the infant sun, the air remained sharp and cold against his skin. Drawing his laces tight and adjusting his shin guards, he stepped out of the tunnel. A wall of intense sound assaulted his every fibre as he began to run out onto the pitch, every muscle humming in anticipation of the approaching match. This was fun! epinephrine
Good God I love Photoshop
epinephrine replied to Xaious, Master of Time's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
Wierd Picture! It didn't inspire me, but I must admit the lyrics are passionate and I can appreciate passion in any work. It still felt a little "misunderstood teenager" for my liking, but maybe I'm just getting old... I appreciate you posting it though. It definately made me think a bit epinephrine -
A semi shaven, tired looking alchemist wanders in. "Great to have you back" I trust all went well. Just think no more obnoxious teachers or tutors. Bet you can't wait to hit the wide world. Well, on behalf of the world, "bring it on". We can't wait to see what you've got. epinephrine
Inspired by leaving a friend for a while... So us is this, I think as I begin to write, Inspired to compose of a friend. What makes you tick and I tock, Why do we find we mesh? Much more than any passing trend. Are you a friend who will miss my leaving? Or will you forget me till I return? Giving voice to happy rejoining, But inwardly wishing I would learn That I am not really your friend. I will miss you my friend, Our talks and laughter Your funny ways meeting My strange thoughts and combining In one almighty friendship. New line: "As I begin to think of many things" epinephrine