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Everything posted by epinephrine
I too saw V for Vendetta last night. Overall I was dissapointed. I had heard great things and felt let down by the now overdone polititian-bashing. The whole idea that V stood for some idea and that "ideas are bullet proof" was let down by the fact that his ideas were so mixed up. He was supposed to represent anarchy but had so many conservative aspects to him that he really flopped. Also the all too familiar "lets explain every single thing for all those inept at using their brains" got a bit much. I felt a bit spoon fed on the story. ep
One of these days... Spoken by someone threatening to do something. Usually never happens.
Arriving late back from his trip abroad, Epinephrine notices the celebration noises fading and pokes his head around the door to see a few faithful pennites tidying up around a rather tired looking Cryptomancer. Happy Birthday man. Sorry its a little late coming
Ok so I just had to post this out of frustration! I am completely frustrated cause I have managed to book myself out of the summer carnival! I will be on the road for the next 8 weeks and really couldn't do justice to any of the activities despite being so keen. I would love to take Wyvern on in the Beauty Pageant, Or Mynx in the Debate! Oh that would be fun Anyway if I do manage to get into an internet cafe anywhere round Europe I will be checking up on progress. Good luck everyone. See you when I get back! epinephrine
Epinephrine, thats easy! I'm a scientist. I've never played a role playing game and my standard light reading is a physics text. Epinephrine is another word for the natural drug adrenaline. Signing up for a creative writing forum got my adrenaline going and my geeky nature switched it to epinephrine cause that sounds way cooler (well in my mind anyway). My other character is Seratonin another drug produced by the brain that is responsible for feelings of happiness or well being. Its real name is 5-hydroxytriptamine... *stops as Mynx slaps him for entering complete geek mode*
Yea birhtdays! Happy birthday to you both. epinephrine
Hand-Raiser You are 57% Rational, 100% Extroverted, 28% Brutal, and 42% Arrogant. You are the Hand-Raiser, that annoying kid in class who always had an answer for everything. No doubt, as a child you probably sat in the front of the class, anxiously waving your hand back and forth in the air while your teacher desperately tried to avoid calling on you because you were the ONLY fucking kid that answered her questions. Clearly, the key traits of your personality are your rationality and your extroversion. You are like a little talkative calculator, in other words. You also tend to be rather gentle and less arrogant than most people. So what is your defect, then? Well, you're boring, and when you're not boring, you are just plain annoying with your ultra-logical responses and constant need to talk to others. So keep waving that hand in the air, son. I'm still not calling on you. You are too logical, you talk too much, and your humility and gentleness only makes me hate you more, because they make me feel like I almost SHOULDN'T hate you. But I do. Big time. To put it less negatively: 1. You are more RATIONAL than intuitive. 2. You are more EXTROVERTED than introverted. 3. You are more GENTLE than brutal. 4. You are more HUMBLE than arrogant. Compatibility: Your exact opposite is the Brute. Other personalities you would probably get along with are the Braggart, the Haughty Intellectual, and the Robot. Figures, I WAS that geek in the front row of the class...
Epinephrine walks into the room only to see a large note in Mynx's handwriting saying Saturday is cancelled. Damn, and I only just got used to it being friday! A one day weekend? Then back to school? This is just not right! Carefully pouring a glowing blue potion over the paper the alchemist mutters a few words and the words on the paper begin to rearrange. The note now reads: Due to lack of interest, Saturday has been slightly shortened to cancel all weekend work hours! Hoping this will pacify the annoyed feline while still allowing him his precious weekend, Epinephrine turns and scuttles out of the room before any cat minions can discover his handiwork. epinephrine OOC Have a great weekend everyone! I am planning to... OOCOOC: Mynx I hope your day gets better!
Congrats guys, you most certainly deserve it!
Ok so it's 2:17 over here which means it must be.....carry the 1...multiply..... Aaargh - And I've gone crosseyed. Anyway it s early in the morning down under and I wanted to be the first to say this. *fanfare and release of fireworks, ticker tape etc* HAPPY BIRTHDAY MYNX!! Tacklehugs for you and hope you have a fantastic fabulous fun day. epinephrine
YES!! Finally a disucssion I can get my teeth into. I am a physicist of sorts (I don't claim to be any Stephen Hawking) and this sort of discussion really flicks my bic! So heres a few more thoughts for you guys and gals from my perspective. Firstly all of the excellent ideas you have brought up are in the realm of physics that is currently up for debate. Your "basic accepted facts" Boaz are in themselves up for debate. Many scienctists in the USA are now starting to question the idea that the universe is only expanding. There is a new idea out there that it is expanding in some places and contracting in others! But my current personal favourite mind twist is this... Einstein suggeted that space and time are somehow linked (thus the term space-time) and that space is in fact curved by the gravitiational pull of the objects within it. If this is the case then it does raise the idea of an "edge" to the universe and what is outside it if that is the case. One idea to mix in with all this is "zero point energy". This is the energy that exists in the very fabric of space-time. In other words if you could take away all the heat, enrgy, matter and everything else we can take out of a vacuum then there is still a base level of energy. And it turns out that the amount of energy is HUGE. One cubic centimeter of "empty" space has more energy than many suns. What role does this energy play in the expansion of the universe if at all? Could we harness this energy to travel faster than light? If we could would Einsteins clock paradox come to pass and would we go back in time... And I've gone cross eyed. Sorry all I've done is bring so many more questions. Well I have studied this for years and I still only have the bare bones of understanding. I will definately check this thread out a lot so come on all you budding physicists. Lets have a real discussion! -a very excited epinephrine
Ok two cents time I suppose. If we accept that we are created to be companions (whic I certainly do) then we need to be able to show "love", to various different degrees. In order to show love we need to allow the possibility of not showing love. To me this means if God wants us to love him he has to allow that we can choose not to. If we follow the choice to not love then eventually bad things happen. Make sense? BAsically I am saying that bad things happen because people choose for them to happen. I would suggest that people make such decisions from an inherently selfish nature. (ohh now I'm gonna be lambasted for that) Anyway that's my humble opinion on it. I look foward to seeing some others. epinephrine
Nice Game : How about Conputer - A descriptive word used after the third un-asked for restart of the day. epinephrine
Ok I have been looking back at my posts about RL and have realised they are all so negative which does not reflect reality in the slightest. So after some inspiration from a fellow teacher I submit this: Those who can do Someone today asked me the meaning of life, Not 42, or money, or even finding a wife. But rather to make the most of ones talents, To share all your gifts, your good times, and bad ones. So those who can do and those who can’t, teach, But those who learn, for higher dreams they can reach. And when learning is hard and the dreams are obscured, I remember that my job is helping secure, Those dreams of my students that they may aspire, To go way beyond my meagre gifts and reach higher. To “carpe the diem” and reach for the stars, And then to come down and tell us their ideas. So to my talented student with this I replied, The meaning is this, “to know that you tried, With all that you have to do all that you can, And I will do my part and give you a hand”. I hope this shows the more passionate, inspiring side to teaching. If only I could say it without it sounding so cheesy. I find this an ongoing issue when writing uplifting things. But I will write them anyway. epinephrine
I have written this in an emotional state so please excuse the crude rhyme and rhythm. It was intended as a form of therapy. Feel free to comment but know that I know the rhythm isnt good. Why don't you care? I do. Why won't you try? I never stop. I only wish that you would see, This stressed out angry man, He's not really me. I want to help to lift you up And give you hope, To fill your cup. I come to broaden your view of the world, To fill your mind with vision, Till your eyes have unfurled. So why do reject me? Just let me teach. I will show you things, You think are beyond your reach. I promise to care and try, Will you promise not to let, These brief years pass you by? epinephrine
Mira, As for the living under a rock aspect I have a true life example. My wife has not seen the last three episodes and actually (with a little shielding from me) managed to go into episode three without knowing what was going to happen. She LOVED it and is still hoping that Annakin will come to his senses and return to the light! I know, life under a rock... By the way I thought it was pretty good. I am not a huge addict like Gryphon but I admired the tying up of all the loose ends and Yoda, fighting simply is the best! epinephrine
Epinephrine felt all the blood draining away from his face and he gripped the arms of the chair for support. “But how, why, who?” he stammered. “Don’t know, not sure and no idea” responded Diego. “But we do know where it has gone. The Poretas have it. Indeed it arrived in the city of Quem last night. The tracking ward I placed on it is working for now, but I fear that will not last more than a few days. I am not as skilled in these matters as I once used to be. Too much time spent on gadgets and not enough practicing. That is why I called you, my friend. Obviously it must be returned and I hoped you might know of a way.” Epinephrine squirmed in his chair. He felt physically sick at the idea of the Acacian stone being in the hands of the Poretas. Not only for the power it contained but for the secrets it could reveal, his secrets. He took a deep breath and turned to Loren. “There is no time to be lost. You must return to the university for me and retrieve something for me that we will need to retrieve the stone. It is in my desk in the third drawer beneath a false bottom. It resembles a crystal of Copper Sulphate in colour and shape but it is in itself entirely harmless. We will need it to track the Stone should Diego’s ward fail. Here is the key to my study. To open the locks on the door you simply say ‘Logos’. Ok?” Taking this all in with a serious expression on her face Loren assured him she would return as speedily as possible. Accepting the key she turned and strode from the room, all action now. “Where did you find her my friend?” asked Diego. “She is not the usual…build… for a student. What do you know about her?” “She is my new student and she comes from Holland City. Although she did not tell me I believe she studied under professor Talick. If only for this reason I think we should trust her. However I must confess that if she returns with the crystal we will know more certainly. There is a spell over the third drawer in that desk that only allows those with pure intentions to enter it. The spell will prevent her accessing the drawer and will inflict ailments on the intruder according to the inclination of those impure intentions. She will come back empty handed and probably angry if she means to cause us any problems.” “I’m not sure that makes me feel any better. You did notice the shape of that bag she carried and the cane? I am sure she would know what to do if attacked by a Poreta warrior. I just hope she doesn’t decide to take us on. So what is our next move?” “We must prepare for the entry into the Poreta encampment. We will need disguises and weapons. And we don’t have much time. Loren will only be an hour or so.” “Then I suggest we begin my friend. Will you follow me downstairs and I will show you one of the surprises in my little castle.” Loren reached the top of the staircase and faced the door to Epinephrine’s study. The oak door was inlaid with the magical qualifications granted to the professor by the university. As she read them quickly over Loren became more and more impressed with her new mentor. His list of accomplishments was long and these were only the official ones. Before coming here her tutor Talick had spoken with quiet awe of Epinephrine and had obviously held him in high regard. Breaking her own thoughts she turned square on to the door and spoke “Logos”. The door unlocked and she pushed it gently open as she entered the room. The room was warm and she felt like a naughty schoolgirl as she crept over the thick carpets to the large mahogany desk. She realised she was treading silently as though to avoid detection. ‘Don’t be stupid’ she scolded herself and managed to straighten a little as she approached the desk. With her hand on the handle to the third drawer she wondered what else was in this desk. It was rumoured amongst the other doctoral students that Epinephrine has many powerful artefacts and dangerous chemicals stored in its deep drawers. She pulled open the desk and pulled up sharply as a gentle electric shock went through her arm. It couldn’t be… No she must be imagining it. Stupid desk she thought. I should have a good look just to spite it for shocking her. She pulled back the false bottom to the drawer and removed a small blue crystal from on top of a couple of papers. Her curiosity took over and she glanced down at the sheets. They read: Janvier 14th, Ma nouvelle étudiante est arrivée aujourd'hui. J'espère qu'elle ne me trouvera pas incompétent. She reeled back realising that it was a diary she was reading. So Epinephrine was worried about what she thought of him… Natural I suppose. Well she certainly didn’t think he was incompetent anyway. But she didn’t like his stupid desk. She gingerly pushed the drawer shut and tiptoed back out of the room.
Happy Birthday Ozy and can I add a few !!!!!!!!!
Mynx, I'm sure your muse is not that far away. I enjoyed your "not poem" and can't wait to see an even more mused version soon. I can really relate to that feeling of lack of inspiration sometimes though so thank you for your post. epinephrine
The surface she stepped onto was damp and slippery. And it smelt…interesting at best. She slipped on something damp and a strong hand caught her arm to balance her. “Careful, the seaweed is still damp. The tide is almost out now and we must hurry if we are to get back to the castle before the moon comes up.” Loren looked up into the most stunning eyes she had ever seen. Deep pools of understanding seemed to spin in them and they had the colour of deep earth and bright fire blended evenly. The strong arm that had saved her an embarrassing fall was attached to an ever stronger arm which was in turn fixed to a chiselled torso. She blinked and caught her breath. “Thanks” she managed. “Loren, allow me to introduce Diego” whispered Epinephrine. “I am sorry for this haste but there will be time soon for explanations. Now we must get to safety.” Diego led them along the coast for a few miles before turning sharply inland. They moved along a tiny path through some heavy tree cover for a few minutes until they suddenly came out into a clearing and stopped. Before them was a huge stone castle, the likes of which Loren had never seen. The stone was smooth and carefully laid but was bathed in a blue glow, similar in sheen to that of the portal she had so recently traversed. Holding up a hand as a signal they should wait, Diego moved quickly up to the wall and laid his palm on it. He muttered three words to it that Loren did not catch and the blue glow faded to reveal cold grey stone. Diego opened a heavy door in the wall with a set of keys and beckoned for them to approach. The corridor they stepped into was thin and the ceiling was low but as she followed the charcoal tunic of the professor they entered a large, brightly lit hall filled with gadgets and whirring machines of all kinds. The light came from hundreds of candles set into holders on the wall that burnt with a clean steady flame. “Welcome, my friend” said Diego, taking Epinephrine’s hand and drawing him into a hug. “It has been far too long since your presence graced my humble castle”. “Not long enough for you to give up on these crazy machines I see” said Epinephrine with a broad smile. Brushing off this remark with a feigned look of hurt, Diego turned to his new guest. “My name is Diego Garcia, and I am pleased to make your acquaintance Loren. I am sorry we must meet in such trying circumstances. Welcome to my little castle by the sea.” “My pleasure” smiled Loren “although I would love to see what you call a big castle”. “It’s a joke that Epinephrine and I share” explained Diego. “You should see his home, it makes this look like a desert traders outhouse in comparison.” “All right you two, that’s enough small talk” interrupted the red-faced Epinephrine. “Diego, you know I don’t like people to know about my little house by the sea. Now what is the danger? We have come as quickly as possible as you can see.” His face turning serious again Diego walked across the room and opened a second door. He stepped into it for a second before reappearing. “Please come and eat and I will explain all”. He led them through into a more cosy room that had a large fire at one end that radiated remarkably friendly warmth. Loren began to wonder about the magical nature of her host’s residence. There were three low chairs set facing each other with small table to one side of each carrying plates and glasses. A servant filled the glasses while they settled into the chairs and then discreetly left out of a side door. He returned seconds later with the food. All this time the two men looked at each other as though engaging in a conversation without words. The smiles were gone and their eyes had both become strangely wide and thoughtful. Loren noticed during all of this that Diego had made a signal to Epinephrine and glanced at Loren. Epinephrine responded with a smile and turned to Loren. “Loren, we have only known each other for a few days and what we are about to discuss is of great importance and danger to those who know about it. We would like your assurance that you understand the danger and also the confidence that accompanies any further information. It is of great importance that you tell no-one what we tell you now. Do we have your assurance?” Loren looked carefully at the two very serious faces before her and wondered how an assurance would be enough proof of her loyalty. But there was something in the eyes of the two mages that told her she would be held to her promise. She blinked twice and responded quietly “I promise”. Diego took up his glass, his face now back to its friendly, welcoming best and took a deep swig of the potent wine it contained. “Then I am afraid I must tell you both that the Stone of Acacia has been stolen”
The sky was a deep aquamarine blue as Loren arrived at the gateway to the university. The sun was setting gently into the horizon, as if satisfied its work was done for the day. Epinephrine was there already his leather satchel fixed firmly on his back over a thick wool tunic and a pair of walking trousers. Sturdy boots and his staff completed his outfit and gave the thin professor an energetic look that raised questions in Loren’s mind about his age. She had been sure he was pushing forty but in this place he had shed ten years and looked well capable of any long journey. In fact he looked comforting, as though being near him meant security. For Loren’s part she had changed into a loose fitting matching black set of trousers and top. On her feet were her faithful training shoes, worn but reliable. She had a long flat bag slung aver her shoulders and carried a much shorter, smooth cane. Her hair had been tucked up under a scarf she had tied around her forehead and she radiated excitement. As Epinephrine examined her equipment he reflected that she had shed almost all signs of an academic and looked more like an Acacian warrior. “How far do we have to travel?” she asked. "A great distance but it will take only seconds to arrive" was the mystical response from the professor. Epinephrine lead her across a low sandy mound to a tall, birch tree that stood alone apart from the surrounding conifers. Its bark gleamed silver in the moonlight, the evening mist creating an effect that made the tree glow. Epinephrine strode up to the tree and placed his left palm on the glowing trunk. He quietly spoke three words as if speaking to the tree itself. “Sophia…” “Phronesis…” “Logos” A low hum began to emanate from behind the tree. A portal had opened, glowing alternately deep blue and purple. With only a seconds hesitation Epinephrine moved towards it, his face reflecting the powerful colours. He quickly stepped through and disappeared. Left with no real alternative, Loren grabbed her pack and followed.
Epinephrine eased back into the soft enveloping leather and breathed a deep lungful of caffeine and chalk dust. The lecture had been interesting to say the least. The look on Loren’s face as he introduced her to the students and explained that she was to teach this class was etched indelibly in his brain. She had handled it admirably, simply pausing for a brief moment to give him the look a wounded animal gives the rest of the herd as they abandon as the weakest member, before delivering a quite admirable explanation of the historical reason for the use of sulphur in the training of magical animals. And her mastery of languages was quite sublime. He had to admit that she was a very talented young lady. Indeed Epinephrine was starting to warm to this annoying disturbance that was his new assistant. A scuffle at the window disrupted his thoughts and he turned to see a falcon folding its muscled wings carefully away as it settled on the ledge. A scrap of blue cloth was tied around its right leg, a message from Diego. And from the other side of the room a gentle knock and the door opened to allow Loren into the study. Torn between a desire to examine the cloth at which the falcon was beginning to scratch and a desire to acknowledge the excellent job that Loren had managed that morning, Epinephrine settled for tripping over the corner of his chair and spilling the remains of his coffee onto a pile of parchments awaiting marking at his feet. He stopped and took another deep breath, quelling the desire in him to curse the causes of the interruption. Ignoring the now smiling Loren, Epinephrine strode over to the window and released the cloth from the restless falcon, which promptly turned and launched itself into the crisp evening air. Inscribed onto the cloth was a single mark. The sight of this mark stepped the Alchemist’s pulse rate up and dried his throat in a single operation like an unwanted shot of poorly prepared endorphin. Striding quickly to a small locker near his workbench he withdrew a small bag. It was already full and strapped to its outside was equipment for climbing and camping. Next he added to the bag three vials, each glowing a slightly different hue of rich yellow. It was only then that he remembered his other interruption. He spun quickly and looked searchingly at Loren. “You have a choice… You can either…” “I’m coming” Loren interrupted. “That is if that is ok by you professor?” “I had rather hoped you might say that. I sense I will have need of your skill with languages. But we don’t have a lot of time. The message is from Diego, a very close friend of mine that lives in Acacia. The blue cloth means trouble, and this marking is an old symbol that we agreed would mean drop everything; I have need of you as soon as possible. That means we leave in ten minutes, no longer. Pack quickly and for a dangerous journey. I will meet you at the gate; I have one more thing to prepare.” Absorbing this speech in one swift movement, Loren turned and strode quickly from the room. Her brain raced, planning out what was needed and how to fit it into a bag in only ten minutes.
Did ever a breeze dry my eyes... Did ever a breeze dry my eyes, It was the wind of kinship. Did ever a sound stop my heart, It was a word of intimacy. When a light washed clean the darkness, It was your kindness that awoke my eyes. And when that time comes, I trust, It will be your hand in mine, Your voice to guide. Hmmm. That came out a little deeper than I had anticipated. Well here's a new first line anyway: "This is more than I hoped" -epinephrine