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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by YanYanGanaffi

  1. *Taken from an old post of mine in a BB that I go to a lot.* This little speal concerns the use of plants in a game. Medicine (and poison) have to come from somewhere. Here is a lovely list of helpful and harmful plants. The Good Balm of Gilad: This wonderful plant is great for healing wounds when mashed into a paste and applied to the wound prior to bandaging. It speeds healing by 1 to 3 days, depending on the type of wound. Yarrow: Yarrow, specificly the root, is great for curing flith-induced disease and breaking fevers. Crush the root and make into a tea for fighting diseases and fever. For external infecting, a salve can be made out of lard and the herb, though it takes a few weeks to make. The salve killes external infection, like those induced by troll dung-infected wounds. White Willow: The bark of this plant it what synthetic asprin is based off of, though not quite as strong. When made into a tea, to helps to reduce pain. Just ground the bark and seep in hot water for 10 to 15 mintues. Drink the water. The Evil Deadly Nightshade: Known as the "Lady Death" of the plant world, this poison, which is in the berries, is a powerful seditive. When mixed with wine, which leaves no taste, it makes the person fall asleep. It causes no pain and death is from the heart slowing down and goini into cardiac arrest. Poison Sumac: This little lovely, which is a tree, can be used as one hell of a skin irritant. When mixed with iron filings; the active ingerdient in itching powder, can be an effective boobytrap for player who make off with magical clothing, say a Robe of Displacement? You can counteract it by washing the item in milk and then water. Yew: It's not the berries of this tree, but the nettles that are truly dangerous. The poison is so powerful that the Secret Service was considering using it as suicide pills. Yew has to be ingested and works extremely fast. Foxglove: This flowering plant is also know as "fairy's cap". The flowers can be crushed and seeped in wine to poison it. It, like nightshade, can slow down the heart and cause cardiac arrest. It must be ingested. Here are a few more plants to add to the list. Indigo: This plant is a great dye when crushed. It can be used for face paint (it's a dark purple color for night raids) however, it stains really bad. (3 days to completely wear off) Clover: You can make a meal out of clover. Yes, it is edible. As a medicine, it can be boiled and placed over wounds (wash it first) and help fight infection. It was one of the favored herbs of the Celtic druids. Cloves: Cloves can be crushed into powder and mixed with a little water to create a numbing agent for dental injuries. It will work like a weak novicane, but it's better then nothing. Hemlock: This is what killed the philosopher Plato. It is a highly toxic plant that is of the parsely family and looks a lot like parsely. It grows mostly in swamps. Rhubarb: The reason you never see the leaves of the rhubarb on the plants that you see in the store is because they are highly poisonous. If mixed with salad, they look a lot like collered greens (a favored dish in the South) and escape notice until ingested. It takes 10 to 20 mintues for the neurotoxins to take hold and kill the victim. Yan Yan
  2. Aren't those the birds that can kick you to death and look like an evil ostrich?
  3. * Begins to clear out an area in the corner. After that's accomplished, Yan Yan goes out to his wagon to get his DJ equipment. 30 minutes later, he's spinning a techno remix of Y.M.C.A for the bar patrons*
  4. It's amazing the things people will eat. For lunch, I'm having grilled rattlesnake. It's not bad, kind of like stringy fish. Some of the odd things I've eaten over the years inclued: Horse: They actaully serve this in Croatia! When I saw it on the menu I couldn't resist. Alligator: Being from a family of rednecks and swamp rats, 'gator tail' is almost a given here in Northeast Florida Dog: Long story, don't ask. Armidillo: Not bad. Really gamy.
  5. Pitch black mountian dew looks like used oil and tastes like crap. I hate it!
  6. I like the Mazing. My favorite is Mr. Goodbar. Zero bars are nice too.
  7. *Yan Yan Ganaffi walks into the place dressed in geilded splint mail, a Roman galdiator helm, loin cloth, and boots. He carries a gladius in one hand and a buckler-type shield in the other. He nods at Tanny while looking for the beer* "Hi, everyone," Yan Yan cheerfully greets,"Where's the beer?"
  8. I'm up for a round of WW.
  9. *A young warrior dressed in black leather armor with a crimsion wolf's paw painted on the chest and two smaller ones on each shoulder. He bares the rank of Scout Chief of the Red Wolf clan. He carries a repeating crank-action light crossbow, a short sword at his side, and a set of throwing daggers strapped to his right thigh. Pulling back the hood of his woren dark brown cloak, he reveals brown eye, lightly tan skin, and coppery close-crop hair. Setting his crossbow on the table, he picks up the quill before dipping it in ink. He pauses to think of what to write on the parchment. At last, he starts writing* Sarie's Last Dance By: Yan Yan Ganaffi Moonlight streamed through the evening mists as swords flashed and screams were silenced by the violence of battle. Sarie Ganaffi, along with her syblings Yan Yan, Boslio, and Juna, attempted to route the Usia mercenaries hired by the vile Lord Koriki. Red eyes gleamed in the night, surrounding the brave warriors. Sarie, with a leaf-bladed short spear, drove the crysteline blade deep between the joint in the armor of one reptilain warrior, then kicked the creature in the chest as she removed the weapon from it's gut. Spinning swiftly, she turned to another attacker, jabbing the opponent twice in the chest with the spear before he know he'd been hit. Yan Yan fired a quick volley of shatter bolts into the approaching horde, felling several of the rushers. One broke through, swinging a wicked looking short sword, and closed in on Yan Yan. Drawing back for momentum, Yan Yan brought up the butt of his crossbow to the orc's jaw, jerking the monster's head back as he collapsed onto his back. Bringing up his leg, Yan Yan ended the orc's life with a heel stomp to his head. Juna parried repeated attacks from a large orge swinging a good sized tree branch. She ducked a wide swing from the drooling beast, unleasting a fury of jabs with her daggers, punchering the ogre's unprotected stomach. The creature teetered to the left, landing in a quivering heap. Juna planted a knee in the upper back of him as she drove the daggers home into the back of the orge's neck. Boslio was rushed by three goblin warriors, spear's set at a charge. Boslio strifed right to aviod the incoming attackers. With his short sword, he parried the closest spear to him, successfully dearming his opponent. The goblin was swiflty run though, vainly clasping it's hands to it's chest in an effort to fend off it's oncoming demise. Out of the corner of his eye, Boslio saw one of the goblins throw his spear at him. Dropping suddenly, the spear flew over him and into Sarie's back. She stumbled forward, dropping her spear. Going to her knees, she tried to gather her breath, but couldn't. Fright entered her mind as she realized where she'd been hit; the spear had pierced one of her lungs. Juna screamed Sarie's name and ran to her aid. Boslio and Yan Yan fought off the remaining mercenaries, who broke off the assualt in tatters. Yan Yan chambers another feeder box of shatter bolts, covering his brother and sister as they worked to save Sarie's life. Juna removed the spear as Boslio removed Sarie's armor. her breathing was very labored, blood seeping from the wound in her back. Taking out a waterskin, they cleaned the blood and grime from the gash. Boslio took a small bag containing fire algae, a powerful antiseptic. He put a small piece in his mouth, chewing it into a soft gum. The heat from the algae brought tears to Boslio's eyes due to the acid in the plant's cells reacting with the moisture in his mouth. Spitting out the chewwed mass into his hand, he placed it onto the wound. Sarie howled in pain, arching her back in reaction to the burning of the gum. She settled down as the algae numbed the pain in her back. A calming, sleepy feeling entered as the narcotic effects of the plant took hold. The last thing she remembered was the sensation of being lifted into the air by an unseen force before she passed out. A week later, Sarie awake in her bed, too sore to get up, though she tried twice. Her mother, Axia, was sitting by her bed. "Sarie," She cautioned," You need your rest." Axia gave Sarie a wooden cup filled with white willow bark tea to ease her pain. "You're lucky to be alive." "Where are the other's," Sarie asked. Axia smiled,"Down in the Summer Camp on the river. Yan Yan just left here with a message to General Gath." "They're alright?" "Yes, my dear," her mother informed her," They are fine. Get soon rest, please." Sarie nodded. This was the closest she'd been to death. Rest was needed for her to heal. Quietly, she drifted off to sleep, dreaming of pleasentries far away from the waking world... The End *Yan Yan replaced the quill in it's place. Smiling, he turned and left.*
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