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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by YanYanGanaffi

  1. *Yan Yan returns from the basement muttering under his breath* "Stinking humorless %@$#!" *He walks back out to his van to change costumes, coming back inside dress as a Vietnam-era Navy SEAL complete with functioning AK-47 and grenades. Sitting at a table, he leans the rifle against the table. Out of a cargo pocket in his camoflagued trousers, he retrieves a flask of sake, drinking deeply and trying to impove his current mood*
  2. One down, one to go.
  3. Okay, giving it a listen. The link works fine. I'll let you know what I think. Yan Yan
  4. Good luck, Mynx. Yan Yan
  5. I'm so sad... ....I'm going back to the party and drown myself in booze and blackjack...In fact, forget the blackjack!
  6. *Gives a smile and 'golf clap' as he watches the carnage unfold.* "I always liked his style, very nice."
  7. OOC: I vote for the Skin
  8. *stealthily Yan Yan stalkes down the passage, which is lit up in bright green hues due to the night vision goggles. Slowly, he sneaks up behind Tanny~wolf, arms outstretched and ready to bear hug. In a quick jolt, Yan Yan pounces the wolf screaming,"Boogy-boogy-boogy!" As Tanny yelps in fright, Yan Yan falls backwards with laughter* "Damn, I got you good!"
  9. ...post removed....
  10. Reverend J.K. Beasley is an aspiring writer who sometimes has problems finishing stories that he starts. Mostly he writes fantasy/action stories under Yan Yan's screen name. A lover of science fiction, he posts stories under the screen name Pillow; which was originally meant as an Rping character that took on a life of it's own. He has a fiancee (sp?) named Sarah (I'll try to get her to post on the Pen soon). His friends include, but are not limited to Mynx, Sweetcherry, Gryphon, Crypt, Wyvern, Katz, Gwai, and Deggy (whom I hope to beat at poker someday soon ). (P.S.- Add Zariah to that list. I promise I didn't forget you on purpose! )
  11. Long ago, before the first dawning of the Sun, the land of Scolf was a cold, barren place. For millenia, shadows and dust covered the ground while darkness rained from the sky. Then one day, a small ray of light broke weakly through, shining on a small patch of earth. Soon, the ray grew stronger, giving birth to a single sprig of grass. With time, more light and more grass began to spread out over the surface. The darkness rained down storms to drowned out the invading life, but only served to feed it even more. As light spread out upon Scolf, so did life, eventually crowding out darkness until it remained only on the edges of the land. The light brought even more life; trees, flowers, animals, and people. The fury that the darkness tried to destory life with became rivers, lake, streams, and seas. As the Sun gave life on that first dawning, she also labored, giving life to the sky in the form of birds, clouds and mist. However, she began to tire. Lovingly, she called upon her mate, the Shining One, and his army that accompanies him to watch over the land while she slept. He and his spakling army kept watch, shining down his pale light upon the people of Scolf, letting them know that they were alway's safe from the darkness. This was the first skyfall. "That is a beautiful story as always," Juna said as she cradled her baby brother Yan Yan in her arms. The smell of stew cooking in a iron pot hung inside the fireplace gave the air in the small cottage a sweet, meaty flavor. Juna, the oldest of the four Ganaffi children, loved hearing her grandmother Roemerry's stories. Roemerry; a former High Priestess of Mythul, was one of the last great loremasters of Scolf. After her duties as high priestess had been fulfilled, she moved her family to Skyfire Lake, a large lake known for it's spectacular lightning storms that occasionally brightened the night sky in radiant displays. She choose this location so she could help her widowed daughter, Axia, raise her children and leave the hussle and bussle of Ravenport, which was growing more dangerous by the day due to crime and corruption. She had heard in the lore of Frowind that Hammerfall Bay had the same problems as Ravenport before Naloka the Great rose to power, revolutionizing the entire nation and making it the most powerful of the Confederation of Kingdoms. Roemerry smiled at Juna's complment. Yan Yan had fallen asleep in Juna's arms, his slumber looking pleasent and peaceful. The other two children, Boslio and Sarie, were out looking for marsh rice, a dark red wheat that grew along the muddy banks of Skyfire Lake. They liked playing out by the lake, mindful of snakes and the occasional mudcat, a small feral feline that had a very nasty temper. Axia was sitting in a chair near one of the larger windows mending one of Sarie's tunics that had gotten torn when the children played to close to a thicket. Axia hadn't taken Nathel's death well. She blamed herself because she was forbidden to take up arms while pregent with Yan Yan. His last words to her had been,"I'll be back before our child is born." Little did he know that it was a promise he wound not be able to keep. He was killed by a troll warrior named Gilminax, a hulking brute. Witnesses of the battle said that Gilminax tried to force Nathel to beg for his life after felling him with a broad bladed axe. Nathel's answer was grabbing a boot dagger and driving it deeply into the monster's inner thigh. Gilminax claimed Nathel's head as a trophey, hanging it from his belt in a fear inducing display. Nathel's brother, Davica , snuck into the creature's war hut, past guards and sleeping soldiers, killing the troll leader with a poison laced blowdart to the monster's throat. The copper dart, funtioning much like a high velocity syringe, injected a very leathal dose of quicksilver to the troll's blood, killing him before he hit the ground. Davica gave his brother a proper cremation on the outskirts of Ravenport. Davica was Chief Scout of the Red Wolf Clan, a well known and very respected mercenary army. Davica and Nathel had joined the Clan together, even convincing Axia to join before their children had been born. The Red Wolf Clan proved to be nothing short of family. All within the clan aided each other without hesitation. Clad in black leather armor, with a red wolf's paw print on the chest and each shoulder, their mere presence on the battle field could have a definate effect on the enemy's moral. There were three positions in the Red Wolf Clan; warrior, healer, and scout. The warriors were masters of weapons, fighting styles, and tactics. Wiether in large groups or lone, warriors could hold their own against overwhelming odds. Healers were usually from the temple of Mythul. They were gifted in purification, blessing, and spiritual warfare. Using both magic and herbal lore, they were invaluable on the battlefield. Scouts were masters of stealth, terrain use, and archery. Using specialized crank-action repeating crossbows, four pronged shatterbolts (named so due to the bolt's ability to shatter on impact into a target's body, carving four gory pathes into the enemy's flesh), and double-edged, three grooved short swords, they could have a devistating effect on the enemy army before the battle even started. Led by Lord Sagan and High Priest Hawkring, the Red Wolf Clan was a force to be feared. To be the chief of one of the three groups in the clan was a great honor that was never given, but earned. Nathel and Aixa were warriors, quickly earning a reputation as excellent weapons masters and calvery. Davica, however, became near-legendary as a scout. On one scouting mission, Davica was seperated from his scouting patrol, stumbling upon a hidden bandit camp. Like a serpent stalking it's prey, Davica dispatched the sentries with a hunting knife silently, hiding the bodies in the tall brushes surrounding the camp. After killing all the gaurds, the real fun began. He set fire to their tents just after cutting the ropes that helped hold them up. Effectively trapped, the bandits were helpless as the flames consumed them, their screams echoing in the night. When the rest of the scouts found Davica, he was warming himself by one of the four fires that used to be tents and men. As Axia occasionally glanced out of the window of the two story cottage, she had a good view of the Lake and the children, who were busy digging up some swamp potatoes. Relaxing a little, she peered up the road leading to the lake, seeing a group of men mounted on war stags; all three men were dressed in black armor with dark red capes. Smiling, Aixa informed Roemerry that they had visitors. Boslio and Sarie looked up from their digging to see the form of their uncle Davica on his war stag. Accompanying him was Lord Sagan and High Priest Hawkring. Both children, dispite their grimy appearence, gave bows of respect, before walking up to the trio. As the Cheiftians of the Red Wolf Clan, the men acknowledged that formal measure of respect, returning the bow. Lord Sagan, an impressive man of both stature and presence, serveyed the area. Skyfire Lake had been one of his favorite places to hunt and fish as a youth. His family had built the cabin Roemarry, Aixa, and the children were living in. He gave the two story stone and timber cabin to them after Nathel had died, along with any provisions they would ever need. His hawk-like face broadened into a smile as they stopped their war stags before the children. High Priest Hawkring seemed in many ways the opposite of Lord Sagan. He was small in stature, and rather frail looking. Wearing robes instead of armor, his willowy form was steady on the back of his stag. Though lacking in physical strength, he could muster up phenominal spiritual power without the use of blood, as required by many lesser priests. The Holy Order of Mythul was opposed to religous sacrifices, drawing their energies from Mythul herself. Davica swung down off of the saddle to the ground. He handed the riens of his war stag to Boslio."Would you be so kind as to put the stags into the stable, Boslio," Davica asked his nephew. With a smile and a nod, the youth gathered the long riens and lead the stags to the stable after the two other chieftians dismounted. Sarie smiled up at her uncle. "I would hug you, but..." she stated then held up her muddy hands. Davica patted her head,"It's alright," he replied," go wash up." She gave a parting bow, and turned back to the lake to wash her hands. About that time, Juna; carrying Yan Yan, Axia, and Roemerry exited the cottage. They gave greeting bows which were returned by the chieftians. "Please," Roemerry welcomed," come in. Dinner is almost ready." "So," Axia began," How was you trip from Ravenport," she asked. "Apart from thieves and beggers littering the ground like sand on a beach," Davica informed her with a smile," it was 'educational'." Roemerry looked to Lord Sagan and High Priest Hawkring," What has my son done this time?" "He was well behaved, actually," Hawkring offered. "Now I know you're covering for him, Nevin," Roemerry accused playfully," Did he sleep with the sherrif's daughter? Challenge the mayor's son to a gentlemen's duel?" "He got into a little tussle at a tavern," Lord Sagan answered," He was in the right. One of the patrons got a little too forceful with one of the tavern stewardesses, so Davica convenced him to leave the bar..." "Convenced," Roemerry inquired. "...Though a window after knocking three of his teeth out with a wooden beer mug," Lord Sagan finished. "Rather entertaining, really," Hawkring quiped. "Hey, I was defending her honor," Davica mockingly pleaded. "Was that the only reason," Roemerry interigated. Lord Sagan, Hawkring, and Axia waited for his sure to be amusing answer. "Well, she did have a cute face and a nice body," Davica shamelessly confessed," but she clawwed the hell out of my back!" Hawkring burst into laughter while Axia giggled to herself. Lord Sagan merely bowwed his head, smiling as he shook it from side to side. Despite Davica's cavilier response, she found herself laughing a little. "If you were twenty years younger," Roemerry informed," I'd wash your mouth out with soap water!" "If I was twenty years younger," he teased,' I'd be too young to be interested in her in the first place." After a very filling meal of lamb cutlet, beef stew, and warm, soft biscuits, they began talking of the events taking place in the rest of the world. As the former High Priestess of Mythul, the leaders of the Red Wolf Clan often sought her council in matters of war and state. Though their visits here were always welcomed, Roemerry knew something was on the trio's minds. "What news of the world," Roemerry asked when Axia and Juna had cleared the plates and bowls. "Ravenport as you know," Lord Sagan began," is becoming worse. The House of Nobles seem to completely ignore the problem while the local politications are corrupted to the core. Even Oriu is starting to feel pressure in his organization." "I've never cared for Oriu," Roemerry bitterly recalled," He gave up the service of Mythul for a life of crime and decedance! I'll never know why you bother talking to that scum, Lord Sagan." "In Oriu's defense," Hawkring interjected," he has proved very useful in gathering intellegence for us when our scouts were needed else where." "Personally," Davica remarked," I kind of like the guy." Roemerry shot him a glance,"You would." Davica merely shrugged. "From what I understand," Sagan continued," several other clans other then ours have approached the House of Nobles to address this problem." "Really," Axia asked. Lord Sagan nodded," The Warriors of the High Dale sent Aughert Savil; he's their newest representative. The Black Eagle Clan sent Salre Goldstorm too; sadly to no availe.' "Salre's a good woman," Hawkring observed," I had the oppertunity to work with her long ago to deal with that nasty little necromancer who thought he could get away with raising corpses from the Tomb of the Elders." "I remember that," Axia recalled," you accidently soaked her in zombie bile after hitting them with that bladed wind spell. She told me she wanted to pound you into a pulp." "Yeah," Davica added," she couldn't get the smell out of her armor for a full month." "I didn't think that the zombies would rip apart that easily," Hawkring innocently replied," Chalk it up to hind sight." "Even the Order of the Serpent sent a group of their priests," Lord Sagan continued,"They weren't even granted an audience with the House of Nobles." "Not suprising," Roemerry remarked," They're not an order, they're a bunch of over zealous cultist that like to play with snakes. I'm impressed that the city watch didn't run them off before they could even get to the Council Chambers." Davica noted," They strike me as a bunch of 'thumped rabbits'." "Thumped rabbits," Juna asked. "You know how you 'thump' a rabbit with a sling," Lord Sagan asked. "Yes, they run around in circles all crazy," she responded. Lord Sagan nodded. "Oh," Juna exclaimed," I get it now." "I'd keep an eye on those snake lovers if I were the House of Nobles,"Roemerry stated. "By the way," Axia informed," I heard that Frowind has appointed a new Administrator." Hawkring confirmed her information with a nod," Yes. Joss was getting too old to effectively run the government. I believe the new Administrator is Davidale Lorck, a very great man." "I have to disagree on that, Nevin," Sagan politley challenged," He's got a good mind for trade and diplomacy, but hes no warrior." "Frowind has the strongest navy in the known world," Davica offered," Their fortress walls reach to the sky. Their army is the most technologically force around. What have they got to worry about?" "I don't know," Sagan responded," I just have a feeling that Frowind isn't as strong as it seems..." Roemerry studied Sagan's face for a moment," There's somethimg else to that feeling, isn't there, Sagan." Rarely did anyone call him just 'Sagan'. Roemerry was speaking not to the Lord of the Red Wolf Warriors, but to a man she had always seen as an adopted son of sorts. "Yes," he quietly answered," I keep having this dream of a dark army riding across the land, destorying all in it's path. They are led by these strange men with cloven feet. With magic, they turn themselves into horrid things; half man, half beast. Among them is a beautiful woman. Just to look at her face brought tears to my eyes because of her sheer beauty. She looked into my eyes. In my mind, I heard a voice. I believe it was her's. She said,"Your world will fall." Sagan didn't notice that warm tears were streaming down his cheeks, for he was so absorbed in his recollection."And I believed her," Sagan finished. He gave a slightly embarrassed smile as he wiped away the tears. "What do you think, Roemerry?" Roemerry's expression was grave,"If it is a prophesy," she answered,"We're in very big trouble..." Half way across the world, deep within the Dark Realms, there stood a tall tower of gleaming white stone. The mother of pearl sheen cast by the tower contrasted sharply with the surrounding shadow-draped city of Eternal Dark. High up the tower, a lone woman in white and red robes over looked her kingdom. She was Empiress Immervale, sole ruler of the Dark Realms and the Dark Scion of Jessari, God of murder, pain, and blood magic. Her exceptional beauty belied her vile heart. She ruled her kingdom with an iron fist and commanded fanatical loyalty from her subjects, whom obeyed. "What news of the Imperial Legion, Threyk," she inquired of the large man a few paces behind her dressed in blood red steel armor. "They prepare, my lady," the general informed," Hybeira sent word that they are ahead of schedule in their training." "Good," she said," You may take your leave, now." The man bowwed low, then performed a flawless 'about face', and left the observitory. Alone once more in her thoughts, she attempted to sort out her dreams of a man in black leather armor riding upon a stag. He was fair to look at, but there was something that intriged her about him. Maybe it was his presence, or his force of character; she couldn't explain it. What she did know is that she longed for this man for quite some time. She even went to the trouble of invading his dreams to see him. For most of her life, she'd been Empiress of this place. She knew it and it's people as well as she knew herself. She was instructed by her father, who would later become the dark god Jessari, to rule with a heavy hand. His dream had been to unite the whole of the world under one rule; his. As he lay dying in his bed, he passed his power and dream to his only daughter. Maybe she'd find a way to quell these feelings she couldn't explain. After all, she couldn't afford any distractions. She had a world to take over.
  12. *picks up his phone, dialing Mickey*" Mickey? Yeah, this is Sammy," the Gator began," I know we aren't on the best terms, but we have a common problem that we both need to take care of. I don't want to talk about 'him' now, but I'll send a man to give you a time and place for a meeting. Thanks." *The Gator hangs up the phone and enjoys a nice glass of iced tea.*
  13. "Holy Lord of the Chicken Dance (don't ask)", Yan Yan exclaims," you never said anything about having a frickin' batcave down here?" Yan Yan looks around the cave. "Be right back," he replies before running back up the stairs to a dark green van he pulled up to the party in, retrieving night vision goggles for everyone, audio amplifiers, and proton packs (just for show, sorry; can't afford the real thing ). He goes back to the others, passing out his load of equipment to everyone, explaining how everything works (and informing CheerMynx FIVE TIMES that the night vision goggles are not X-ray glasses). Yan Yan
  14. *spins a trance mix of La Bamba, fixing himself a red bull and vodka*
  15. "Well," Sammy stated as he turned off the television," isn't that just a kick in the sack." Julio Farrico shifted uneasily as his boss glared at the now blank screen. "Julio?" "Yeah, Boss?" "We still got that guy over in the French Embassy?" Julio thinks for a minute," Yeah, he's still on the payroll.' "Good. I want him to keep tabs on that cheese eating flat foot."
  16. *Her?! When did I become a her? I was going to flirt with her *points @ Mynx* and maybe her *points @ Tanny*, but rest assured, I am a him!*
  17. "Really, Buddy boy?" The Gator sneers as he drinks from a glass full of congac,"Seems to me like you just tipped your hand a little early. I'll be watching you." Passing a glance over the rest of those gathered in the room. Finishing off the drink, Sammy stands up and goes to leave. As he's on his way out, he throws his shoulder into Mickey, rocking him back a step. "Next time you see me coming," Sammy threatened the South African," You'd best step aside and make way. Or next time, you'll wind up on the floor."
  18. "The Gator" steeples his fingers together, contemplating the possibilities. "I like the idea of mutual profit," Sammy began," If we band together, and don't get too greedy, I believe we can expaned internationally."
  19. * sneaks in with a bucket of caramel popcorn, two liter of Pepsi, and a box of Whoopers. he offers some caramel corn to the others while listening to the story.*
  20. *while conversing with Leif, Yan Yan notices the floating pumpkins. With out missing a beat in conversation, he retrieves a can of Raid and sprays any that come too close, watching them drop to the floor.*
  21. Sammy "the Gator" Bosselli, part of the River City Boys, reporting. My crew runs an extortion racket by the docks. We have our three chop shops running out of two paint and body shops and a wrecker service. I got the name "Gator" from the days when I was shippiing guns and coke from the Canto Cartel from Bolivia. Every once in a while, one of the smugglers would drop a shipment or skim off some of the product. Atfer a little 'talk', we'd take them out to the Everglades to show them nature at work; up close and personal. I got ran out of Miami after a botched kidnapping of the local DA's wife. In the gun fight that followed, three F.B.I. agents met their end at my hand. In revenge, I firebombed the Districe Attorney's home late one night, killing him, his wife, and their two children. The finger was pointed at me right off, but the feds didn't have the goods to put me away.
  22. *accepts the Killians Red while changing tracks for Mynx's song.* I'll play your's next, Lief. By the way, I was wondering if you had an opening at you brewery for a 'whiskey brewer' (AKA moonshiner)?"
  23. *Smiles at Mynx as he spins a techno mix of Kung Fu Fighting. Nodding at her request (and sneaking an eye full of clevage) he lets her know her request will go on next. Before she leaves the booth, he gives her a small bottle "Nagasaki Slammer" (A drink brewwed from fire aglae, giving it a slight 'peyote' effect).* "Try this."
  24. I took a look at some of her stuff and have to say she has talent. Just don't do like me; letting it collect rust. I just recently got back into writing. I thought my work sucked monkey butt until a few people complemented the hell out of it. Soemtimes you just need a few outside opinions. Yan Yan Ganaffi
  25. *Points toward the fully stocked mini bar as he switches tracks to the Whole World by Outkast.*" Hey, Leif! Grab me a Killian's Red if you don't mind."
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