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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by YanYanGanaffi

  1. *Yan Yan rushes into the room slightly out of breath*Happy birthday, 'Shela. Sorry about being late, but it's a bit of a jog to get all the way over here. Whoever's idea it was to have the party way the hell out here needs beat with the skinny end of a fishing pole...Anyway, here's your gift. It a Cloak of Twilight. It's kind of like a darkblue silk riding cloak that weaves shadows around you if you need to hide. Hope you like it.
  2. I wonder if it's too late to move to Canada?
  3. Wow. Nice story, Loki.
  4. nice to meet you. Enjoy yourself here.
  5. *This story is dedicated to Tanuchan, Ayshela, and Mynx for all their help *
  6. Sorry, guys. I'm just hurting quite a bit. I really don't want to get into detail here, but I'm feeling lower then the Ninth Circle of Hell. I feel like I'm in the Fourth. I wasn't thinking straight when I deleted the posts. Hell, I was crying when talking to Tanuchan earlier. I'm just a mess right now. Sorry for making you guys worry... Jason
  7. I just wanted to apologize for a post I made yesterdey. I'm sorry if I rubbed some of you the wrong way. Rest assured, it's not going to happen again.
  8. ...Post removed....
  9. I'll have to see as to when I'll be able to listen. I go to work at round 4 in the morning, so tuning in on a work night isn't possible. I do tune in on my off days, Wednesday being a pretty constant one. I'm glad you're putting on a show with more up beat hip-hop. I'm not much for rap, but I'd be willing to listen to songs that don't involve drive by's and lots of cursing. Just my two pennies.... Yan Yan
  10. I guess I'll play. My character's name is Benny Sandpounder. He was the pharoh's personal bodygaurd.
  11. *Dooker McStinky hoovers right beside Ayshela and CheerMynx. Smiling, he hugs them both, releasing a horrid stench that's a mix of rotten eggs and stale beer* Mwahahahahah!
  12. Yan Yan Ganaffi Age: 26 by Terra years Height: 5' 6'' Weight: 160 Home World: Scolf Home Land: Skyfire Lake, Ambrefyl Hair: Copperish red Eyes: Light brown Skin Tone: Tan Distingushing Marks/Scars: Small scar above right eye, numerous scars on body, crest of clan (Red Wolf) on left bicept. Bio: Yan Yan Ganaffi was born near Skyfire Lake, Ambrefyl and is the youngest of four siblings. His father (deseceased), mother, and uncle were all members of the Red Wolf Clan warrior guild. All four of the Ganaffi children went into the clan's varying areas of skill, Yan Yan being the only one to enter the Scout Corps. Personally trained by Dravic, then-leader of the Scout Corps at an early age, Yan Yan developed his skills quickly. After proving himself on the battle fields of Scolf, he earn his way to Chief Scout of the Red Wolf Clan, the youngest ever to abtain that rank. Currently, Yan Yan resides at the Pen in the Temple of Shards, which contains a gateway between Scolf and the Pen.
  13. I love how you capture the virtual prison of daily route so very well. I like it.
  14. I blew you up...Awesome.
  15. Understandable.
  16. Due to RL, I'm going to have to excuse myself from most Pen activities for now, including the Yan Yan story line. i apologize for the inconvenince, but right now, I'm not doing very well. Jason
  17. Holy crap! That sucks. I'm glad I don't live there, I'd be too tempted to put land mines in their yard or set off a pipe bomb in their septic tank (makes everything that normally goes down the drain come up, and I mean everything).
  18. *Across the street in a room overlooking the cafe, the Gator places the crosshairs of a silenced SVD sniper rifle on the Lotus' chest. Just as Saria sits down, the Gator fires a paint bullet at the Lotus through an open cafe window, hitting her square in the chest. Pressing a remote control device, a tape recorder that was taped underneath the table plays," Neener-neener-neener!" When the tape finished, Gator pressed another button on the control, setting off the flash bang and the smoke grenade that was rigged under the Lotus' chair. Moving quickly, the Gator runs to a fire escape on the back side of the building, down to a waiting car. Hearing police sirens in the background, he's genuinely impressed at how fast the police reacted to the false bomb threat he called into them involving the cafe right before he shot the Lotus. After calling into his contacts and men, he constructed an alibi that would keep the cops off of him.*
  19. Yeah. Tell Wyv he shouldn't have. I mean really, he shouldn't have. Aside from that, thank you, all. I wish I didn't have to work on my b-day today, but what the hell? *passes out alcoholic beverages of everyone's liking to the assembled group.* Cheers!
  20. Yea! I'm 26! Where's my cake and beer? Yan Yan
  21. *Dooker McStinky, a ghost that used to live in the house, floats down around Nave's shoulders, releasing a stench that would make maggots gag* Mwahahahah....*Dooker then flies through a nearby wall and disappears, leaving Nave very foul smelling*
  22. Funny thing is, I'm the only person on my street that celebrates Halloween and I live on the FL-GA border.
  23. OOC Accusing The Opium Lotus/Lady Celes Crusader
  24. Yeah, with a couple snipers, a HIND E gunship, and a few former SAS guys with Swiss Ks...
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