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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Gryphon

  1. A sudden billow of smoke explodes in the middle of the room and as it clears another black clad shape is revealed... Tian Chen bows then moves off to stand near the other ninja whilst studying his opponent for any weakness.
  2. Karma "Karma is a funny thing." from the TV show "My Name Is Earl"
  3. Mercedes (Lackey that is)
  4. I can't believe it. Two (apparantly) random votes and one from the person I suspect and I'm gone, so soon... and I had so many hopes and plans for this game too. Oh well.
  5. Highlands
  6. At Rootmakers words Mattias laughs, a weight partially lifted from his heart. "An accident of fate, nothing more. I could feel suspicion and anger growing amongst us and yet somehow I find myself still fearing odd looks from others least I wind up dead myself."
  7. As the Fellowship marched it became obvious that some had taken Rootmakers comment very much to heart and Mattias began to notice a few dark stares in his direction. Mattias seemed to recall that not so long ago there were mutterings about the guilt of other members of the Fellowship with Megwyn and Yeager both being accused of dark deeds... and strangely enough it was often Turin doing the muttering. Striking up a quiet conversation with Yeager and Megwyn both Mattias quietly comments, "Is it just me or is Turin often one of the first to point fingers and claim other people's guilt?" ~~~ OOC: Accusing Akallabeth / Turin of Dol Amroth for pointing out other people's supposed guilt just a little too quickly.
  8. The interaction between Mattias and Rootmaker is just that. Not any kind of accusation. I'm still deciding who I suspect enough to vote about at this stage.
  9. Mattias heard Rootmakers voice rumble out alerting everyone in the Fellowship of his suspicions and a puzzled frown settled over his usually smiling features. It was, he felt, unusual for Rootmaker to make a hasty judgement over someones guild or innocence, but he couldn't figure out how the Ent had made the decision that he looked suspicious... Surely actions spoke louder than words? There were a score of dead wargs and goblins that would give mute testiment to Mattias's efforts to keep everyone in the Fellowship alive. Mattias let the others in the Fellowship slip past him as he fell back from his place behind Turin to walk in silence beside the great Ent. "I have no wish to cause strife within our Fellowship Rootmaker, and in a place such as this we can see all kinds of things that do not exist. I don't know what I did to bring about your suspicion, but I do know I want nothing but peace between us and the success of the Fellowship in our mission."
  10. A piece of shadow in the corner of the room ripples and suddenly appears to be human-shaped as another figure steps forward. Gotta be a Ninja.
  11. I thought it was goblins and it wasn't a battle from the books, it was an extra fight that had been started because Vahktang? missed writing in the last one. And suddenly we're in a chamber, and all the enemy are gone... and can someone please tell me what point we can't go beyond without messing up the scene for the next lynching? Sorry, my brain is tired.
  12. Mattias stood slightly beyond many of the Fellowship staring into the darkness beyond. The darkness of the mines sent shivers down his spine and he suddenly missed the open sky. It's one thing to want to leave the forests and roam where the humans go, it's something else again to want to travel under the ground with the dwarves... and orcs. Mattias shuddered suddenly turning back to join the others in the Fellowship, needing to talk. Mattias approached Jin and seeing him preoccupied, possibly talking to Garnorn and Filk he veered off to approach Frerin instead. "This place is unnerving to me, so unlike the forests and plains that I am used to. With the loss of Stoomp fresh in my mind I find myself fearing that we've somehow taken a turn for the worst. Talk to me friend Frerin. Tell me of the history of this place..." Mattias and Frerin talked in low tones for some time while they and the rest of the Fellowship prepaired themselves to move on into the Mines of Moria. In low tones Frerin talked of the history of the mines and of the fate that befell them with the dwarves being driven forth and the darker races that took up residence once the dwarves had left. Finally when both had fallen silent Mattias asked another question. "With so many looking out for the wellbeing of Stoomp, how could it be that he was the one taken by the creature in the lake? Am I alone fearing that someone amongst us has started falling to the darkness of... our fellowships burden?" While waiting for Frerin's reply Mattias looked into the shadows beyond the Fellowships torches, trying to convince himself that the shadows moving out in the darkness was only his imagination at work. ~~~ OOC: No vote this round (unless I change my mind later). At this stage I honestly have no clue who to vote for.
  13. I was going to throw in a small nod to the movies and have Mattias counting off his kills the way that Legolas and Gimli were, but I realised too late that I'd not set up any close in character ties with one of the dwarf players to make the interaction work. Blast!
  14. Mattias stood calmly on a slight rise aiming and loosing arrows as quickly as he could. Often a warg fell for each arrow loosed. A snarl from behind him was all the warning he had that his secure position had suddenly become dangerous and briefly Mattias cursed himself for not finding someone else to stand back to back with to protect himself better. As the warg leapt Mattias loosed one final arrow taking the giant wolf high in the chest and it coughed in pain then as it landed on him he dropped his bow and drew a dagger, somehow miraculously managing to avoid being torn apart by the sharp claws of the beast. Grabbing a handful of fur Mattias managed to slash his dagger firmly across the throat of the warg and it rolled, dying, coughing on its own blood. Springing free to avoid being crushed Mattias caught up his bow and nocked another arrow, aiming and letting it go at a warg that was about to leap on Stoomp from behind while the battle continued around them...
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