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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Gryphon

  1. ducks
  2. mutant!
  3. Sav spent the rest of the day "helping" Bugs and the other toons look for clues. Sometimes he found butterflies or fireflies and sometimes he found Taz... That evening after being reminded again that there were bad toons using Dip on good toons Sav decided to stay up all night and protect everyone, cos he wasn't afraid! Those mean old Dip using toons had better watch out! Seconds later Sav was alseep with his tail wrapped tightly around him for warmth.
  4. Well done to all those promoted.
  5. telepathy
  6. Sav turned at the mention of his name and so heard every word of Alex the Sister's accusation. Giant crystaline tears began to well up in his eyes and rolled down his cheeks as his bottom lip trembled... "I'd never... never ever..." he whimpered. "Dip's bad, all toons know that. Only a mean mean toon would splash dip on another." Tears continued to roll down Sav's face as he wrung his tail in agitation at the accusation against him. "You're a mean toon Alex the sister! Mean mean to me!" ~~~ OOC: Accusing Alex the Sister / Alaeha cos she's obviously mean enough.
  7. horse
  8. Sav watched Freakazoid being zoomed away on the rocket... he wanted to chase the rocket but it got above the tallest tree too fast for him. Suddenly Sav remembered something Lupus had said and a puzzled frown settled over his features and he raced over to Bugs. "Whats a traitor Bugs? Is that some strange new kinda toon?"
  9. Apologies for my brief absence also. Between trying to look after a sick Mynx and a few work commitments I got kind of swamped. I should be back into it now though.
  10. Sav bounced wildly after Chiko, scampering in crazy patterns all over the clearing. To the horror of some of the older toons he dashed right through the puddle that was once Choc before leaping and spinning in the air, bouncing off Lupus's chest leaving painted paw prints in Choc's colours behind as he dashed off after Chiko once again.
  11. For the record - Sav's got no accusation this round. He's got no idea that something's actually going wrong yet.
  12. Sav leaps over to Alex, bushy tail now covered in glittersparkles, and hands her the slightly bedraggled butterfly while showering her in sparkly glitterbits while he's at it. "I don't know what it means, I just found it. Maybe you can figure it out!" A rustle in the bushes distracts Sav and he leaps off to investigate. "Maybe it's another clue!" Moments later there's a startled squeek and giggling sounds as Sav leaps on a suprised Chiko who was still making rustling sounds in the bushes.
  13. Sav launched himself at the sparkly butterfly catching it in mid flight amongst a shining puff of glitterdust. "A clue! A clue! I found a clue!" Sav dashed towards the other toons waving the poor bewildered butterfly showering everyone in his path with a fine cloud of sparkling glitter bits that clung to everything and everyone and wouldn't come off no matter how hard you brush at them.
  14. Sav looked solemly at the feather that was the only remaining evidence of Daffy Duck, until a passing playful breeze ruffled the leaves of some nearby bushes and Sav dashed off to investigate. Maybe it was a clue. Everyone knew that where there were mysteries there were clues... it was the Toon way. Half way to the bushes something shiny caught Sav's attention. "Ooh, shiny." Changing directions Sav bounded off to investigate the new shiny clue.
  15. Sav scampers after Bugs, Daffy and the others, leaping along energetically. He pauses to investigate the roots that Daffy tripped over but finding nothing interesting he leaps off the path to see if there's anything interesting in the nearby bushes.
  16. lofty
  17. healthy
  18. How evil are you? Mynx and I living under the same roof... much potential.
  19. vegetables
  20. sleeves
  21. Sav is a young squirrel with boundless energy a miniscule attention span and no sence of fear what so ever... all else is subject to what's going on around him at the time.
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