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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Gryphon

  1. poison mmm, tasty
  2. Sorry I'm late... It's been busy at work.
  3. A voice sounds from the shadows over near the bar carrying clearly (if slightly alcohol slurred) to those nearby. "Well done Vanessa." A few people turn to see who's doing the speaking as Seth continues. "I knew that Carrie and Kristin weren't getting along too well but I never suspected you'd actually have the guts to drop a pre-release version of Kristen's album on the market, and to frame Troy for it... Definitely a master stroke." Seth has attracted a small audience by this stage waiting to see what else he's going to reveal. "Ya know... suddenly all that time you spent asking me about how the storage and editing equipment works makes a lot more sense. I should've known you weren't really interested in helping me put together any demo tracks." Seth gestures drunkenly with his beer. "So here's to you, you... ah crap, spilled it." Vanessa is forgotten by Seth as he wipes ineffectively at the beer he's just spilled on his jeans, giving it the attention only someone who's a little too drunk can. ~~~ OOC: Accusing Tanuchan - Vanessa Lochmond.
  4. [swallowed]
  5. [swallowed]
  6. ... [swallowed]
  7. Honestly I don't know - it'd probably come down to wallet, usb key and maybe laptop or camera... and the hope that it either never happens or it doesn't happen until after I've compiled a complete list of all my books and dvd's for later recovery... and done the electronic offsite copy of all my photos.
  8. I'll give it another go I guess... yay?
  9. Glad to hear you got your computer sorted out. I know over the last few years there's been a tendancy to release machines with the OS and everything all stored in a hidden partition on the hard drive. Usually you're 'supposed' to write your own restore CD's so that you've got them if you ever need to format your hard drive... stupid idea really since half the machines I've seen set up like that don't have cd writers and the other half need the restore cds because they've had a hard drive failure and thus the restore information is inaccessable. For the record, windows upgrade CD's can be installed without installing the prior version first, usually that's actually better, you just often need to put the previous version in the drive at some point to verify that you've got a legitimate copy. Also any non-standard drivers (like video card or whatever) that are required should be available from the hardware manufacturers website if the standard ones don't work... Too little too late perhaps. I'll cross my fingers for you and hope there's not a next time. I've just had four next times in the last week on my laptop, so I know how it feels. Guess that's what I get for messing around with my settings just for fun.
  10. films
  11. trader
  12. home
  13. Gone down to a random vote again?!? I'm still as available as I was before, new game, repeat of this game, whatever. Just let me know if I need to create a new character... not gonna go with sound tech option next time tho.
  14. Seth was heading to the bar for another drink as Carrie came out of the bathrooms and he nearly tripped over her, catching himself on her arms and giving her a big smile... "Hey, didn't see you here before, want to come grab a drink?" This meant he was also close enough to hear Vanessa muttering about him being the one to release bootleg songs... Seth shot Vanessa a black look and while leading Carrie away said, loud enough for Vanessa to hear: "I mix in the sound booth, I don't store the songs afterwards... and I'd never release substandard music." ~~~ OOC: Yeah, voting for Vanessa / Tanuchan.
  15. Seth watched with no small amount of suprise as Stealth was hauled off. What was up with that? Did they really think he'd be stupid enough to cripple his own chances at an album by bootlegging his own recordings... His musings would have continued but about then Seth noticed Alexia Lee chatting to Mr Coolio and his thoughts whirlled away into chaos. really got to do something about putting some tracks down so that he takes some notice of me for a change!>
  16. Seth drifted through the party, chatting... sometimes with friends, sometimes with people he'd done work for, sometimes they were one and the same. It was a fairly tame event so far though it had attracted an incredible range of people from the industry. Seth noticed Mr Coolio enter, late as usual and let the party carry him close enough to hear what was going on as his man Charles removed the crowd of hopefuls who gathered then moved quietly off to exchange amusing anecdotes with some other friends. Hopefully the night will pick up a bit soon...
  17. gone
  18. Wetwetwet
  19. packing
  20. Seth Able: 23 Seth works at the studio as a sound tech. He can often be found hanging out chatting with various artists who record at the studio. When he's not in the recording booth he is trying to put together enough material to launch a rap career... On the plus side he's got some talent for rap, however unfortunately for him he's got more talent for comedy parodies of other artists work. Unfortunately because he's got no interest in becoming a parody artist.
  21. Mercury
  22. fire
  23. I'll give this a go. Not sure what kind of character I'll play as yet though.
  24. transient
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