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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Gryphon

  1. Travis sat and slowly fed his brother, spooning the gruel into Terry's mouth with a care that might have surprised any who were around to see. All the people so willing to kill, but none of them willing to fight back against the Wolves... Roland and his ka-tet seeming to do nothing to stop the madness that was plaguing the town. Everyone too shocked at the killings to accuse any more... Except, maybe one or two. Perhaps those who make accusations now are those who do so for their own purposes. ~~~ OOC: Voting for Zeldon Clearwater/ Mithrandin because he threw the first stone.
  2. All the best to you on your birthday Wyvern. May the presents be shiny and your day be excellent.
  3. Travis hacked inexpertly at the hard ground with a hoe, trying to loosen the sod in the small vegetable patch behind the main farm house. It was happening again, the same way it had happened through his whole life. The pain, the soul chilling agony when Terry was taken by the Wolves that no-one seemed to understand, then the dark looks and the mutterings and the fights. Now this Roland, refusing to help him learn the skills he'd need to fight the wolves, the only fight that ever really mattered. Travis closed his eyes and turned his head to the ground as he hacked at the soil, so that no-one would see the tears. ~~~ OOC: Voting Panther / Freedrick.
  4. Travis watched from the edge of the crowd, his eyes most often coming to rest on Roland. Forgotten the face of my father? What does he mean? I know my fathers face all too well... Travis cast his eyes over the rest of the crowd looking for his fathers' unmistakeable figure when he noticed Taleena watching him with almost the same intensity that he'd been watching Roland. Why would she be watching him so? He'd no quarrel with any of her family and he didn't think she'd be the traitor type. On the oter hand, a man would do much to protect his family... or maybe the family of his sister. Where was Luke anyway? No-one had seen him in hours. ~~~ OOC: Finnius/Luke: Nowhere to be found? Presumably off cutting deals with the Wolves.
  5. Can't help you there - this is one of those series that (to be honest) never made my 'must read' list. :s
  6. If I've got the timing correct, the end of the current (first) day phase will be about 48 hours from the time of Mynx's last post, or if you prefer approximately 30 hours from the time of this one. Give or take a little bit to allow for me rounding hours up or down randomly. Hope that helps Merelas.
  7. Travis scowled and rubbed his aching hand as he forced his way deeper into the wooded area around the farm he was supposed to be tending. A sharp jolt of pain made him curse quietly, though even Travis didn't know whom he was cussing at more. Was it himself for being goaded into fighting again? Or was it at the fool who'd first mocked him about his parents loving Terry better, but who'd then turned out to have such a very hard head? Despite the pain Travis smiled to himself at the memory of seeing the fool measure his length in the dust, the smile turning to a grimace as he realised that once again he'd have to face the consequences of letting his temper go and his fists fly. Lost in contemplation Travis stumbled into the gathering of others before he even realised they were there. With a start he looked around seeing a number of unfamiliar faces, faces all looking at him with a range of expressions from amusement to speculation, and maybe something darker. One of the strangers, a man without the first two fingers on his right hand, was also armed with a pistol at his side... His eyes flicking between the weapon and it's owner, trying not to betray the nervousness boiling in his gut Travis strode over to kneel before the man. "Hile gunslinger. My name is Travis and I wish to join you and your ka-tet."
  8. Last night Mynx and I went to see "Weird Al" Yankovic in concert. Personally I was thrilled at the chance to go, I've been a fan for years but I'd never seen him preform live. It turns out that there was a reason for that... Last night I was lucky enough to go to the first show in Al's first ever world tour! (Mynx looked it up, this is apparently the first time he's ever toured outside of the US.) The concert was really great fun, I'd had a pretty horrific week and within minutes of it's start I'd gone from a very low emotional place to smiling, then laughing. The atmosphere was sensational. Technically there were a few hitches, once or twice we could see Al's lips moving but we couldn't hear anything. I'm not sure if the mic that Al was using was just not set up for properly or if he just got too far away from it in his enthusiasm - and boy was he being enthusiastic - either way it was sorted out smoothly and the show went on. As far as the actual content of the concert went, although I was highly entertained I was sometimes a fraction disappointed that Al often didn't do many 'complete' songs. I know from his albums that he'll often put segments of songs into a medley, I was just a little suprised that he did it to his own songs. I suppose it was a good way to cover off a large range of his older material, bearing in mind that this was his first time touring outside USA, but it did mean that we sometimes got a segment of one of the old favourites instead of being treated to the full song. Don't get me wrong he did do complete songs, usually the ones that were big hits, and he did them in full costume for the song, up to and including the fat suit from the Michael Jackson parody Fat, it's just that there were some songs he's done that I love which didn't make the playlist. The flip side of that coin is that we were actually treated to yet another first. We got to see Al perform Albuquerque in concert. Now I can't vouch for this, but Wikipedia tells us that because of the length of that song (a massive 11 minutes 23 seconds) he's never played it in concert other than one time when he was actually doing a concert in Albuquerque. He played it last night as his encore, and it was incredible. Overall the evening was awesome, Al's stage presence was incredible, the audience were engaged, and I somehow lost two and a half hours into thin air - and if I could sacrifice another two and a half to get Al back here I'd do it in a second. If you get a chance to see Weird Al Yankovic in concert, take it. It's certainly a night to remember. Edit: Correction - turns out that Al did tour outside the US/Canada in 2003 for his album Poodle Hat - never mind, it's still his first time in New Zealand - hope he comes back one day.
  9. Travis Reid - once a bright playful youngster brother of Terry Reid who was the quiet, less reliable twin. When Terry was taken their parents guiltily breathed a sigh of relief, but they did so too soon. Travis changed, almost from the moment his twin was taken, a change that only turned to the worse when Terry was returned. Now years later, Travis has a poor reputation around the farmstead - sullen, typically late to work, argumentative even when given the simplest jobs to do with a violent streak that has earned him more than his fair share of unwarranted fights with other locals. These days those that know the Travis and Terry whisper that it would have been better if it were Travis that had been taken, including their parents - but only in guilty whispers...
  10. ... wanted to leap out the window to get away or just make it all stop - even though you're on the 16th floor?
  11. I am so sick of this week! Actually, I'm sick of this month... Any chance we can boycott and just move on to April?
  12. I'm in. I'll post a character either after seeing some of the others or after discussions with someone who's read the books.
  13. There is a crackling sound and a flash of electrical discharge followed by a thud as a stressed bedraggled looking Gryphon crashes to the ground amidst the welter of items being left by various Pennites. With a groan Gryphon pulls himself painfully to his feet and begins to slowly walk around trying to decide what he should contribute. Shortly thereafter there was a startled squawk as the poor bewildered Gryphon stumbled into a fresh work-wormhole and disappeared leaving a few stray feathers floating to the ground.
  14. I've just survived my first week at a 'new job'... well... technically same job, just at a new client location. I've come through pretty much un-scarred and now I wonder if I'm being lulled into a false sense of security just so I can get hammered next week. But for now it's Friday! Yeah! My week's about over. I'm not that far off going home. I'm 10 working days (and about 30 minutes ish) away from my end of year holiday. All up things right now are looking pretty darn good.
  15. Seth sat outside the party trying to regain control of his stomach as his brain slowly swam it's way out of alcoholic oblivion and the cold realization of what he'd done set in. "Oh gods... Did I really accuse Coolio, The Coolio of bootlegging albums? And alienate almost every single other artist and manager on the label?" The last traces of booze were stripped away by the cold air and horrific recollection... "Might be time for me to find a new job... or at least give up on ever getting out my own album." Seth pushed himself to his feet and staggered off homeward bound to sleep off the aftereffects of the party, each step taking him towards a very uncertain future.
  16. Heh, yeah, go me... only surviving villager and ex-wolf... And on top of that I called every single lynching throughout the game - essentially doing the wolf's. A villager in wolf's clothing. I'll post a finish to Seth's involvement in the party later today - gotta go out now.
  17. As the party rapidly descends into small groups all discussing the evening's events in quiet tones sounds of an argument outside drift in to penetrate the party... "Why the hell you throwing me out? Hey? Don't give me that! Why don't you get your worthless corpse back in there and ask her why she was late huh? Probably out delivering some more bootleg albums made by her friends or something." There are some sounds of a low voice speaking intently then a scuffle, shortly thereafter Coolio's bouncer re-enters the party straightening his tie, there is no sign of Seth. ~~~ OOC: Accusing dragonqueen / Charmaine Meeks as her late arrival at the party is highly suspicious.
  18. Throughout the world we have such an incredibly wide range of holidays that we celebrate and reasons for celebrating them. Official holidays are recognised for so many different reasons: historical, religious, institutional, even commercial show's up now and again. Please let me know what your favourite holiday (or celebration) is and why it's special to you. Also if your country has any special days that you believe are (fairly) unique please, share those with us too. Personally I'd have to go with Guy Fawkes as my favourite. I think it's fairly universal, but in case you're not familiar with it there's a Wiki Link that tells you all about it. Here in New Zealand we get together and set off fireworks on or around the 5th of November to remember the treasonous plot to blow up British parliment. Mostly it's enjoyed here because it's the only time we ever get to set off fireworks - they're not sold at any other time of year because that's illegal, and our government is currently discussing banning the sale of fireworks all together. Personally I've got pretty poor memories or reasons to dislike almost every holiday we celebrate here. Some of them are getting better for me as time goes on with the help of my friends, however the only times I've ever not enjoyed Guy Fawkes night is when I've been utterly alone without friends or family around to celebrate it with... and I really love those sparkly bangy fireworks. What's your favourite?
  19. [swallowed]
  20. I decided that after round 1's dismal result if I wasn't going to change the character I'd change the way he's being played... Why let the facts get in the way of a good story. Besides, I'm usually the quiet one at parties... figuring out how to play the loud obnoxious one is an interesting challenge for me.
  21. [swallowed]
  22. Thought it might be something like that. Gee, I wonder if everyone else is having as much fun at this party as Seth is.
  23. Seth had watched Vanessa be removed from the party with a certain degree of satisfaction, knowing that even if she were not guilty of releasing Kristen's album illegally, then she was guilty of something else for sure. He let Carrie's tirade wash over him and ignored her for the most part. Too stupid to think of taking down her rival by releasing a bootleg album herself and not good enough an actor to fake innocence convincingly... especially in that skirt. Casting an eye around the party he noticed another prime cantidate for dupious dealings and staggered off to confront someone else, alcohol providing courage, or perhaps an unhealthy dose of stupidity. "Coolio, hey Coolio, yeah, I'm talking to you... Mr Man, think your too good for the starting artists eh?" Seth ignored the looks of disgust or... something... that the DJ and others were giving him and continued shouting in Mr Coolio's direction. "As if Vanessa weren't enough, boy do you got it made! I heard them, offering you favours. Some people would do anything to get you to pick them as the next big thing wouldn't they? See at first I thought it was sex they were offering you, both the boys and girls but then I realised, they were offering you other stuff weren't they? Like system access? Betcha think your so smart dontcha? Huh? You access the system and download pre-release music to mess with the careers of whomever you want to make your clients look sooo good and someone else takes the rap cos you don't have any access of your own." Coolio's bouncer, slow off the mark, finishes forcing his way through to Seth and begins guiding him away as Seth yells back over his shoulder. "Yeah, that's right. Get your goon to remove me just cos I'm telling the truth!" Seth then turns his attention to the bouncer, "Bastard, get off me!", and gets firmly removed to the outskirts of the room where some effort is made to explain how he should be acting though there's a good chance none of it penetrates Seth's alcohol soaked brain. ~~~ OOC: Accusing Savage Dragon / Coolio. Could be alcohol induced angst about not being tapped as the next big thing, but then again, maybe Seth might just be on to something. Who knows.
  24. Usual reason for an NPC kill would be that the Wolf didn't get a vote in in time... at least, that's what I'd do if I were running the game - either NPC kill or no kill.
  25. Last Night Mynx and I watched Panic Room on TV. This one's been around long enough that I suspect anyone who wants to see it already has, however while we were watching I was trying to work out why some segments of the movie felt really entertaining, realistic and drew me in while other segments of it made me want to leap up and down and yell about how stupid and fake the movie was. I think I've got it sorted out now so let me share this with you all. The movie portrays Jodie Foster as Meg Altman, a recently divorced mother who's looking at spending a sizable chunk of her ex-husbands money on a place for her and her daughter (Sarah) to move into. The beginning of the movie leaves me thinking of Meg as a quiet and fairly mousy type of person who doesn't really have much going for her in the way of strength or Self. These impressions are reinforced left right and centre by Jodie Foster's rendition of the character, quiet, subdued... she's essentially playing a mouse in human clothing. As the movie progresses the character develops into a proverbial lioness, particularly when it comes down to the defence of her daughter however I'm getting distracted from the main point of this which is why I consistently the conflicting impressions through the course of the movie. My conclusion is that while there is a fairly smooth transition between the mousy mother and the defending lioness with Jodie's character, at times there are random regressions into stupidity. My personal favourite is the bit where Meg and Sarah are trapped in the Panic Room by the Bad Guys and they use a small battery powered torch to signal SOS out an air vent to the neighbours across the street. That's the sane part - if you can ignore the fact that the small battery powered torch is putting out enough candlepower to light up an entire room on the other side of a street and wake up it's occupants and cause them to draw the blinds. To be honest I usually can't suspend my belief long enough to deal with that inconsistency, but it gets worse. Having woken up the person across the street, instead of continuing the signalling with the super-torch to get them to investigate, they turn the torch off, and start screaming through the tiny air vent... At the person who's in another house... About 100 meters away. Stupid. Despite moments like these I do admit that this movie never fails to draw me in and entertain me and for the most part Jodie's transformation into the strong parent defending her daughter and fighting back against the Bad Guys does a mighty fine job at taking me along for the ride. If you've never watched this movie and you're bored one night I'd suggest a trip to your local video hire store to pick it up as a good way to kill just under a couple of hours.
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