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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Gryphon

  1. It's a funny old world at times... On my way to work today I saw something interesting, the morning paper had a huge, beautiful, picture of a whale on the front cover. It was quite an outstanding bit of photography, it really was. I of course didn't bother to buy a paper, why bother when I can go up the street a couple of hundred meters, log on to the paper's website and read the same article for free? One thing led to another and more than half my day has gone by without me getting a chance to read that article but I just got a chance now, the link can be found below: News Story Anyway, here's the funny thing... I was reading about the guy in the story who was out kayaking and had these whales come and visit him surfacing all around his kayak, where he just happened to be sitting testing his brand new digital camera - who's mad enough to have a brand new digital camera out on a kayak for gods sake? I happened to notice in passing that the name of the photographer/kayaker happened to be the same as one of my old programming lecturers when I went to University... who incidentally happens to be one of the few people I know who might be mad enough to take a brand new digital camera out in a kayak, though I didn't know he even knew what a kayak was. Less than half an article later I see that this madman is a computer science lecturer... MY old computer science lecturer in fact! Now I never claimed to be close to the guy, but man, the things you find out people do in their spare time... I never picked him for being a kayaking whale photographer. A brillant programmer yes, but a kayaking whale photographer? Funny world we live in. (I wish I were a kayaking whale photographer too.)
  2. In my defence... I completed my date... quite some time ago I might add. And my lady seemed more than a little happy with it. I'm beggin ya here Sal, don't set her on me.. I'm innocent
  3. Terrified by the thought of Salinye's muse being let lose to terrorise Gryphon hastily takes to the skys and goes looking for somewhere to hide in relative safety.
  4. As usual you've employed your gift to good measure. When I read this work of yours it generates in my mind echos of people and places, memories out of my own experience. Well done wordsmith, it's amasing how you manage to touch the heart so masterfully when you write. Had I a tenth of your skill with words I'd count myself a talented Gryphon.
  5. Quoting Star Trek while trying to simulate a language barrier... "We come in peaces"
  6. I actually missed that clue Still... Reaches for a dial marked "Paranoia" and turns it up to "full" then flips two switches labelled "Mistrust" and "Suspicion" into the "On" position. There we go. All set to continue playing now.
  7. Oooh goodie... Takes me back to the good old D&D days where the PC's killed off, lost or destroyed the artifact that they needed to save the universe... Oh well. On to the game. This is fun
  8. Rahotep's shock and confusion over the false accusation of Napheen becomes something akin to fear and paranoia on his way back to his tomb at the end of the night. The dark which had long since lost it's ability to cause fear seemed to conceal shapes and shadows. Was that someone following me? Seeking the entrance to my tomb? Rahotep doubles back trying to see if he's being followed, and when he finds no-one he takes a torturous twisting route back trying to disguise where he rests during the day from anyone who might be watching. As he does so suspicions begin to rotate in his mind, those that accused Napheen when she'd clearly been protecting us all... Surely at least some of them were behind the disappearance of Hemahibe also. Finally reaching the entry to his tomb with enough time to put a comfortable margin before daybreak Rahotep pauses and listens for any sign that he may have been followed before slipping inside. Surely I took enough precautions to keep myself safe? He settles in, hoping to last the day in the safety that has eluded so many of his friends of late.
  9. Happy Birthday Appy. Hope it rocked... sorry I missed it.
  10. Specifically I was referring to the in character accusation made by Khe in the quote below. As I said I didn't want to accuse anyone, but that's as suspicious a reaction as anyone who's actually been posting has made. I think Khe can still survive if he gets in quick with a good explanation and shifts the blame elsewhere soon. There's still a few people who've not posted / voted so Khe just has to get nice and convincing and convince them all to vote for someone else, and hope like hell that they're not all too lazy to post before the deadline.
  11. You are missed Sal. I'm hoping that you'll make it back to us for longer than a quick hello someday.
  12. Rahotep turns his gaze from Moses to Khe, "For that matter the ladies are quite correct. You too bring suspicion on your self by your quick accusation of others. Not only that, but unlike Ambassador Moses you don't even have the excuse of having your thinking influenced by association with foreigners. In fact you accuse without any evidence or reasoning to support your accusation." Rahotep has an amusing thought and chuckles in the dry kind of way that only a Mummy can. "The speed with which you both started pointing fingers elsewhere almost make it seem like the two of you could be in this together!" The possibility indicated by his words sends a chill through those gathered and Rahotep levels a truely disturbed gaze at Khe "No, it could not be, a guard would not, could not do such a thing!" There is as much plea as accusation in his words "Perhaps you'd better explain your own whereabouts last night Khe, to reassure us all." ___________________________________________________ OOC: Ok, I didn't want to do this so soon, but I find myself agreeing with Napheen and Nehrathi. I accuse Khe/Knight. For fear that my thoughts outlined above are a portent of nightmares to come.
  13. Sad... humans can be so silly at times.
  14. "Moses, that you could even think such a thing of Napheen... it is below you. Perhaps you have indeed spent too much time alone in both your first and second lives. It may be that your perception has been poorly influenced by those from beyond the Two Kingdoms that you spent so much of your time with. I have seen you keeping to the shadows on the outside of our gatherings it makes me wonder if you yourself might not be to blame and trying to shift that blame elsewhere. ________________________________________ OOC: Ok, I don't really want to vote yet since so few of us have actually written more than a paragraph in character. I'm going to hold off my vote until later today (my time) unless things liven up around here. No accusation yet. Expect something within the next 8 hours - I will post my decision before I go home from work today.
  15. Funny thought occured to me regarding the whole US election thing... well, funny to me. With all the noise being made by both major camps pre-election it's funny that I'm now hearing so very little noise from those who support (read: vote) George Bush. It's probably unfair to them, but I couldn't help think 'are they sitting back and cruising having proven that they are "right", or have they suddenly in the aftermath gone "oh dear, what have we done?"' I only hope you'll forgive me for having a sence of humor that finds this kind of thought funny if you're an avid supporter of GWB... I've said before and I'll say again, I pretty much view politics as a funny kind of weird soap opera that's vaguely entertaining to watch on TV but I'd not want to live there.
  16. Sorry, I need to clarify something here... Do we all know where the entry to each others crypts are? I'm not too sure if they're hidden from outsiders only or if we hide from each other too. And do we do all voting as an OOC statement in the game thread?
  17. Rahotep looks at Khe and shakes his head, the confusion and distress he feels radiating from every inch of his bearing and posture for all to see I cannot believe that it was one our own that did this, ones such as we have become are hard to kill and what would it gain anyone? A simple glance in our tombs would show who had come into possession of her items and... remains. Rahotep shudders at this thought. If Hemahibe is not still here somewhere I know not where she might have gone, and if she is I know not who might have caused an end to her un-life so that we cannot hear her calling... who other than Anubis himself could command that kind of power over the dead?
  18. Thats brilliant Vahktang... Tomb Raiders indeed. From a Mummy's point of view that Lara Croft woman is a nasty piece of work.
  19. We are going to miss you. I'm luckier than most in that I'll still get the pleasure of some of your company. Dont worry everyone, I'll try tempt her onto the Pen using my net connection whenever Mynx comes over to visit, at least until her own PC is alive once more.
  20. "Who in Amun's name would do such a thing?". Rahotep has a decidedly shocked air about him, after so many years of existance it has obviously thrown him that one of the group arrayed before him could do such a thing to Hemahibe. Desperate to regain some hold on what he considers to be 'normal' in his 'life' Rahotep steps back and tries to observe the others to see if anyone seems, maybe a little less surprised than the others. I'm a guard, not an investigator! he thinks to himself.
  21. Launches a gentle huggle attack on Ayshela We understand... take care, heal, we'll manage (barely) until your return. Just you concentrate on getting better ok?
  22. I found it quite fascinating to be honest... some of the picture entries I saw before I gave up looking at them were entertaining to say the least. Personally I never really got into politics and those who do are a total mystery to me... I just cannot bring myself to see what is so fascinating about it. But I know it takes all kinds to make the world go around. There's even an entry from New Zealand in one of the galeries I (sp?) saw! Yay! Go New Zealand.
  23. It's barely related to the questions I asked when I first asked when I opened this thread, but it is related and interesting too. Someone sent one of my workmates a weblink the other day to this website: Interesting Website I find it exceedingly interesting that a portion of the american population actually feel it's necessary to apologise for the political choices of the rest of the american population. It's an interesting method of interaction and I'm still trying to decide if it's a subtle method of insult to those who did vote for the new President. Whatever it is I'm curious if anyone else has stumbled across this website and if you have what your thoughts on it are. Edit: I forgot to say the pictures etc that make it interesting are under the Gallery section - last time I looked there were something like 420 galleries and rising.
  24. A flicker of movement from the corner of Rahotep's eye draws his attention into the shadows, movement where it shouldn't be... old guard instincts die hard, especially after so many years. He relaxes as he recognises Moses keeping to the edge of the gathering not mixing with the group as usual. Rahotep had never been sure how to take the Ambassador to Israƫl. It's hard to know what someone is thinking when theykeep to themselves so much, and Moses was a strange one anyway... But then so were so many of the other Ambassador's of the Two Kingdoms. Still, you never can tell with outlanders and those that associate closly with them. Rahotep turns most of his attention back to the dancers, keeping a basic awareness of the rest of the group.
  25. Rahotep watches the dancers move and listens to the chanting, for the moment at peace. He casually glances over at his long time friend Nehrathi who is once again making eyes at Esaneh who in turn is making eyes back... Smiling to himself he wonders if they're going to ever get around to asking permission of Imhotep to see them finally wed. He turns back to watch the dancers with Khe, once the 'new guy' of the guard, now a long, long, long time companion.
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