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Everything posted by Gryphon
No, no... sorry... I was just making an OOC statement that Rahotep was planning to see the map that was found in Khe's tomb destroyed. I'm sure that there are one (or two?) people who'd rather not see it go, but the rest of us are likely to be suspicious of anyone trying to get their hands on a map of the tomb complex. I figured that if I announce my decision to destroy it then those who choose to say something about the destruction in character can.
Welcome back... Gryphon surveys the remains of the EBoS... Nice daggerwork.
??? sigh Gryphon's outline becomes hazy and indistinct as shadows gather around him. Soon all that can be seen is a pair of glowing red eyes which soon close and the shadows melt away leaving nothing but a vague sence of disappointment hanging in the air.
WWXIV: The Valley of the Kings.
Gryphon replied to Lady Celes Crusader's topic in Conservatory Archives
Walking with his remaining friends back towards the tombs for the day Rahotep stops and announces, "My friends, before we all retire I suggest we stop by the traitor's tomb and see that map showing our hiding places destroyed." "It is unsafe knowledge and should not be left where it can fall into the hands of our enemies, those from within or from without. Let those who will come with me and we shall see it gone before this night ends. It may not help us if a copy exists, but it will stop anyone from outside finding and exploiting information that we don't want them to have." ~~~ Rahotep takes a route that will pass the traitor's tomb and stops in long enough to remove what evidence he can of the group's existance. OOC: Anyone who can come up with a way of destroying this feel free to speak up. In character I want it done in such a way that we can all be certain it is not going to fall into the wrong hands. -
Just so you're aware, I believe that it would be a good idea for that map showing the location of our characters various tombs to be destroyed. It's not the sort of thing that Rahotep will leave where it can be found.
Looks around and then whispers in Riven's ear... I think everyone's just watching in silence to see how our very own Almost Dragon responds. I found the story to be a little overly compressed in the middle. Possibly this could be because you felt (as you said) the story was getting a bit long? The build up was ok, but killing 2 dragons in one paragraph (which could have been turned into an epic battle all on it's own) seemed a bit too easy. Everyone knows unless you're dealing with really really little dragons they're a little harder to kill than that. Then when you wipe out the remaining 50 and 1/2 dragons in the next paragraph it almost seems irreverant. Still, that's just my thoughts. We'll wait for Wyvern.
WWXIV: The Valley of the Kings.
Gryphon replied to Lady Celes Crusader's topic in Conservatory Archives
Betrayed. By one of the guard no less. Who then had the tenacity to plead innocence and ignorance of what was happening. At least he was... 'kind' enough to tell us that he wasn't working alone. Rahotep hurries to catch Pamiu before they both depart for their tomb's. "You were correct in stating that a guard was one of those behind these attacks. I apologise for doubting that you were correct. Perhaps we can meet on the morrow and discuss how we can flush out the other guilty party." -
... re-reads Venefyxatu's offering... a vaguely puzzled and somewhat amused expression crosses my face You're offering to light a church for Salinye? I know how to light a candle, but lighting a church could be more... difficult and interesting.
Gryphon hands Lady Celes Crusader an electric people prodder to prod the lazy people who've not posted yet. There you go, that should speed them up a bit next time.
Tree, confessional and attatched caverns search
Gryphon replied to Salinye's topic in Conservatory Archives
As Salinye leaves to search for Annael she finds Gryphon waiting for her just outside. "I said I'd like to start my search outside rather than in caverns. While there may not be many traces of her from the air, it can't hurt to look. Who knows I might be able to come up with some magic that'll help out... Besides, you know your way around here much better than I do, may I join you?" -
That was, of course, my second guess. Good luck Salinye.
this is my application if i got it all right...
Gryphon replied to Wavechild's topic in Recruitment Applications Archive
A set of glowing lights come bobbing in to Wyvern's office circling around Wavechild and HappyBuddha before settling to the floor next to the applicant easychair. Slowly their brightness increases until it becomes painful to look at, before with a sudden flare they go out leaving Gryphon sitting in their place on a drift of old paperwork and potentially lost applications. Glancing over at Wyven's desk Gryphon reads quickly over Wavechild's application before turning to her and smiling. ~~~ That's an interesting piece you've written. I'm not much one for poetry analysis, I get lost in the symbolism. You might as well make yourself comfortable, you could be waiting for a while for Wyvern. He was last seen heading out of the keep at speed clutching something shiny. -
The line for the bus is disorganised and in disarray. I know where to stand, I'm a veteran bus rider, That gets me on first, Though I arrived last. Walk to my seat, No stopping, No hesitation, Unless it's taken, No matter, Sit one seat back. There's a plan, So I don't have to share, The too narrow seats, Unless I choose to. Drop my bag beside me, It likes the window seat, I bury my nose in a book, And the journey passes, Unnoticed.
Soaring in the air far above Pen Keep Gryphon sees Wyvern come racing out of the Conservatory clutching something shiny that sparkles in the sun with a butterfly trailing after him. Curious he flies down, alighting on the ground with so much finesse that barely a breeze is stirred by his wings, Gryphon flips his feathers to settle them and enters the gathering inside... ~~~ "Hey everyone, I just saw Wyven racing out with a nice shiny ring in his hand... who did he ... acquire it from?" ~~~ Seeing the box of rings, butterflies and the expressions on the faces of those in the room he pauses, before walking over towards Salinye to get a run down of what's going on... ~~~ "Annael? Missing? Who's Annael? Oh, the angel? I think I saw her once at the summer carnival - lots of butterflies... that explains where these ones came from. Take a ring? Join the search? Sure, why not? Caves? No thanks... I prefer open sky generally. Ah, right. Of course hiding outside wouldn't make it that hard for the butterflies to find her... Well I'll enter the caves if that's what it takes, but I'll do an outside search first if nobody minds." ~~~ Gryphon then separates from Sal and wonders over to where the box of butterfly rings sits near Peredhil. Bowing to the respected elder Gryphon chooses a ring and a butterfly in colours of black and silver with speckles of light blue flutters down to rest on it. Sliding the ring over a talon-tip Gryphon moves off to find anyone else who's looking to search outside, just to ensure that possibility is covered.
Or perhaps there is an impending arrival of a new and much anticipated toy... Samurai swords for Salinye?
This feels so real. I'm also sad to say that some of it I've heard before... aimed at me when I was younger. Thankfully I seem to have grown up a little since then, but your poem evokes the memories. May others learn from reading this rather than having to experience it themselves.
Just a note for Knight with regards to my last post. If we're all wrong, and your a villager then you know it's nothing personal. I just needed something in character for a post and as I said just before, I'm finding it damn hard with so few people posting in character. Unfortunately for you, and possibly due to the same lack of Werewolf experience as I'm experiencing, one of your early posts just sounded suspicious... On the other hand, should you be innocent then I've a nasty feeling that I'm pretty much throwing both of our characters to the wolves anyway. I'd say live and learn, but as mummies at least half of that statement is redundant.
I'm happy with that proposed alliance Gnarlitch, at least until any of you do something in character to bring my suspicion onto yourselves... It could be because I'm new at this method of RPG but I'm finding this bloody hard to pick out the 'guilty' parties mostly because of the few people who seem to be saying anything in character. It seems to me that those who are guilty might be getting by saying little to nothing and letting those of us who do make in character posts slay each other in our own time! Alliance accepted and aside do you know how hard it can be to read that purple font you're using in the game?
WWXIV: The Valley of the Kings.
Gryphon replied to Lady Celes Crusader's topic in Conservatory Archives
Rahotep keeps his gaze on Khe while listening to his empassioned plea. "Khe, indeed you did speak hastily, and without thought. Not at all fitting for guards such as ourselves, and certainly not during times of such dangerous stress. You say you wish it were you rather than Napheen? Very well. I accuse you not, but lay this charge upon you should you be taken. Go where Napheen, Moses and Hemahibe have been taken, protect them there as best you can. I fear that should you go I'll be joining you all too soon. In the mean time find those who have been taken from us and defend them with the honour due a true member of the guard." OOC: It's not an accusation as such but my vote is for Khe/Knight. He's on a mission now. Kind of. -
WWXIV: The Valley of the Kings.
Gryphon replied to Lady Celes Crusader's topic in Conservatory Archives
Rahotep stiffens at Pamiu's words. "Failed? These disappearances all seem to be happening when the bright light of day scours the land and we are all one as vulnerable as the other during that time. It was not I who accused Napheen who was trying to protect us, though sadly you were quick enough to add your voice to those who ensured her downfall. The only true failure here is our failed ability to trust each other and none are more to blame for that than those who have brought this terror upon us all." Turning to the others, Rahotep continues. "Some of the rest of you accused Napheen also, and worse yet, some of you must have known she was innocent of wanting to cause harm. Those of you who accused without evidence are almost as guilty as those who have caused this harm to the innocent amongst us all." Turning to Imhotep Rahotep asks, "Can you not seek guidance from the gods? Perhaps they will grant you some insight to who might be causing this grief to us." With a heavy heart Rahotep turns at last to Khe. "And you, you were the first to voice an unfounded suspicion claiming impulsiveness and speaking without thinking. Perhaps this is true... perhaps, but in times such as these those are not traits you can afford to have. Now these others accuse you, and I still have trouble believing that another guard could so betray our sacred trust to protect... but if a guard did betray that trust it would be my duty to see to their punishment. What say you in your defence in the face of those who accuse you?" OOC: Again, just so you know I'm not withholding an accusation to be annoying I'm giving those I've addressed in character a chance to answer for themselves. It's pretty sucky pointing fingers when it feels like half the people still in the game either are not joining in or not saying anything in character. No accusation yet, patience patience. -
WWXIV: The Valley of the Kings.
Gryphon replied to Lady Celes Crusader's topic in Conservatory Archives
Rahotep feels a dark despair settling over him as waves of numbed shock course through his body. A cold darkness creeps over him and his thoughts become sluggish like the waters of the mighty nile river. "Moses? Gone?" He staggers slightly as the feelings overwhelm him and a strange kind of pained keen emerges from his dried throat. "Again I fail to protect those around me! An outsider he may have been, but no-one deserves this kind of terror that is being visited upon us all. Moses is no exception." Stumbling slightly Rahotep moves to the side of the group knowing for sure now that which his soul had been trying to tell him earlier. Not only were some amongst those he'd counted as friends for so long turning traitor, but evidence suggested that they'd stop at nothing to see all his other friends stolen away during the hostile hours of the day. -
So... clears throat in the uncomfortable silence of the game Ummm... Any chance we're going to be moving the game right along sometime soon? Maybe? Everybody turns to stare at he who was impolite enough to speak Blushes and shuffles back to seat.
Thanks Sal I see where you're coming from since I left out all other 'line termination' punctuation. That particular full stop ended up in place just because in my mind without it the whole poem seemed incomplete, where the absence of other line end punctuation didn't seem necessary - the layout of the poem its self was successful in indicating where a pause should be. I tried removing it, and it just looked like I stopped in the middle of a sentence. I think next time I write something like this I'll see about getting the punctuation the whole way through. I think I normally manage to do that.
watches, waits alone, forlorn seek the coming of the dawn seek to fight the dark of night with lonely thoughts prepared to bite when by one's self with time to bide and no loved one by my side my wish for now future and past wanting you here in your presence I'll bask.
Gryphon surveys the shambles that is his own mind: To the left are the shards of a shattered story, left where they fell in the hope they might one day reassemble themselves into a story worth telling. Under the bed a dusty pile of dates that should be pinned to the calendar... The calendar still showing a date 3 months ago because it's got a pretty picture. A jumble of memories and feelings litter various shelves. Quotes in a hat in the corner, ready to be drawn out at random... very, very random. The maid refuses to dust claiming "This place is a bio-hazard." The dustbunnies turned feral and ate the vaccum. Small wonder I have such a time getting things done. <_<