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Everything posted by Gryphon
Gryphon bounds over to the snow maze and reads the sign... A snow sculpture? Of me? He sits for an instant thinking how marvelous the sculpture is going to look once it's completed - it will be perfect and everyone will be so impressed - how could they not be? It is after all a sculpture of a Gryphon Yes! I'll do the maze in record time and afterwards I'll have to find somewhere to display the sculpture that will be worthy of it. Gryphon races into the maze and for a short while thereafter there are sounds of an enthusiastic Gryphon racing in circles around inside a giant snow sculpture. Shortly after that there is a blaze of coloured light and the maze is lit up from the inside with red, blue and green as Gryphon sends his dancing lights to bounce through the maze transforming the snow maze into a blaze of glory. Moments later Gryphon comes bursting out of the maze and sits there in a pose waiting for Venefyxatu to finish his sculpting. I'll leave the lights behind if you like. They make the maze look incredible and it'll mean that if you want to you can keep running it at night.
Good God I love Photoshop
Gryphon replied to Xaious, Master of Time's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
The image is cool... the lyrics are disturbing, but not in a scary way - just lots of darkness in them. -
Well... I did have fun, it was just a bit frustrating at times. Still thanks to everyone for a good game. I'll see if the next one turns out to be a theme I'm keen on. Puts Rahotep back in his tomb for future use if needed
WWXIV: The Valley of the Kings.
Gryphon replied to Lady Celes Crusader's topic in Conservatory Archives
Rahotep held Nehrathi as her very spirit trembles with the shock and pain of betrayed love... he could do no less and knew well that she would likely have done the same for him were their positions reversed. As the hours turned to days, the days to weeks and time passed slowly back into years Rahotep remained. The betrayal had left it's mark on him as time could not. He was less trusting, more resolute in his duty, but time passes and there were those who needed him to be strong. Particularly Nehrathi...? -
Hope it all turns out right in the end Sal. ... there's not enough sad 'smilies' on here.
With crystaline patterns, They look so nice, And cover the land, It's rain - but iced.
The rain trickled down the back of the hunters neck in icy riverlets, like skeletal fingers reaching to clutch at his heart through his spine. He grimaces, and refains from uttering the words he wants to least they betray his presence to his prey. The wind, never quiescent when you need it to be, seemed to be taking malicious pleasure at buffeting him, tugging at his tight fitting clothing and numbing his fingers and nose with it's icy kiss and he mentally cursed it too, for making a difficult job harder. Straining his ears he caught a whisper of sound, dancing through the noise of the rain to tantalise his hearing. Footsteps. The slow, steady, tired steps of prey that does not yet know it has become hunted. It was a welcome sound for the hunter, like the first strains of a fine orchestra, promising so much more. Promising the end of a job, promising satisfaction to come. Moving with the grace born from years of practice the hunter moved with stealth and speed toward the sound of his prey. As he moved he withdrew from a special pocket a small metal object, palming it against iminent need. Rounding a corner the he stops, there short steps ahead is his target, the two men stare at one another for the briefest of moments, the prey opening his mouth, perhaps to shout, perhaps to speak. The truth will never be known for with a deft flick of his wrist the hunter sends a slim metal throwing blade slicing through the air and into his victim. Then he closes his eyes and waits. Within moments it starts, like the sensation of a fine wine crossing the tounge, the smoothest brandy. Life energy began to seep from the prey into the hunter. A sigh of satisfaction escapes, the barest whisper of pleasure, and the flow thickens now being quaffed back, the heady draught of life force stolen from dying prey, ebbing, ebbing... and gone. Gone is the rich flood that so tantalised the scences. Now the hunter turns, a new vitality in his step, a muted glow in his eyes. He smiles to himself as he moves off into the night repleat with a feast of human life force. It's so good to be an assasin when your main source of norishment is the human soul in pain... The hunter vanishes into the night.
Find the Almost Cork in the Three Booze Mugs
Gryphon replied to Wyvern's topic in Conservatory Archives
A gryphonic shadow passes over the top of the booth and Wyvern glances up just in time to see Gryphon fly directly through the alcohol fumes and go into a tail spin from the strength of them. With a struggle he rights himself and comes to an unsteady landing just a short way from the Almost Venerable Almost Dragon. Shaking his head (gently) to clear it, and breathing deeply to clear the dizzyness from the fumes Gryphon walks back over to Wyvern's mug game. Surveying the scene Gryphon notices the muddy alcoholic pool and the smears of mud streaking Wyvern, the mugs and some of the booth. ~~~ How's business this early in the season? It looks like you've had a few customers already... rough crowd? ~~~ Gryphon reaches into a pouch slung around his neck and drops the 5 geld onto the tabletop. ~~~ It looks like fun, lets have a go. -
So here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to hope, very very much hope, that this is a strange coincidence brought on by the season and the fact that everyone gets busy around xmas time. Since the alternative is that any WW game I join is cursed to have inactive wolves and dribble on into infinity.
WWXIV: The Valley of the Kings.
Gryphon replied to Lady Celes Crusader's topic in Conservatory Archives
Rahotep looks in amazement at Nehrathi. "You... you suspect that Esaneh might be the one behind this?" He watches Nehrathi nod and the pain inside him echos that of her. "I had hoped it was not so, but I cannot be less than a true friend. I will support you in your ... accusation ... of Esaneh. May the gods have mercy on his soul, and ours. ~~~ OOC: I'm changing my vote to Esaneh / Merelas. Partly because it's the in character thing to do, partly because I too have trouble believing that it's Cryptomancer again and partly because I'm feeling fickle today. -
WWXIV: The Valley of the Kings.
Gryphon replied to Lady Celes Crusader's topic in Conservatory Archives
Rahotep's face goes stony as Nehrathi reminds him of Benny Sandpounder's recent absence. "Should it turn out that one of the Pharoh's personal bodyguards is a trator to us things are more serious than I thought. Not only are we in danger but the pharoh is also." "Still I find it hard to believe that two guards could have been involved in this conspiracy and have me not know about it." "No my dear friend, I fear that most of the evidence seems to point towards either Imhotep or Esaneh as the other culprit of our troubles. I shall pray to Ra that it does not turn out to be Esaneh. I know the love you feel for him and I fear that has he turned traitor, that might destroy you also. Imhotep on the other hand. Not only has he been avoiding us, but he now also has full access to the protective scrolls that Napheen had in her tomb. I fear we may have given our only hope of protection to our enemy." ~~~ OOC: Have I left anyone off our suspect list? I dont really think it can have happened three games in a row, but I accuse Cryptomancer / Imhotep. -
My feeling about Cryptomancer being the wolf is this: It's unlikely, but not impossible. Personally I'd vote for taking down someone else first, but once again, with the lack of information and evidence, I've no clue as to who... I'm trying to come up with a good 'reason' in game, but it's bloody hard. If anyone else posts an accusation I'll come up with a way to support it. As long as you're not accusing me of course.
Gryphon slips into the air gracefully after the passing of the storm. The wind caresses his feathers with gentle hands welcoming him back to the skys that he loves so much. Taking a deep breath of the air he is treated to a symphony of scents, fresh and intense after the rain, all laiden with the smell of rain just past. Turning in the air to watch the clouds vanishing into the distance the mighty thunderheads fare him well with a low roll of thunder, pulsating and throbing in the air before fading, just as the clouds do, into the middle distance.
Right... Update time. While I'm absolutely certain it'll be fun to slaughter people randomly in hopes of finding a wolf I'm feeling sorry for the 'innocents' who are going to bite the dust while the rest of us wildly flail around. I don't know if he's a wolf or not, but I do know that Cryptomancer is unable to post because of a combination of computer problems at home and work problems (at work suprisingly enough). I'll try have a word with him to see if we can get him on at least long enough to proclaim his innocence or guilt. From YanYanGanaffi's recent post I'd say he's had a handful of problems that would keep him offline in a very forgivable way. Does anyone know what excuses the other missing persons might have?
Did you do something to p*ss off the karma police? Or did the gods just decide this was a good week to pull some rather nasty jokes at the expense of a poor mortal (that'd be you)?
In most places your rank is whatever you've earnt, no matter what you wear. But if you dont have the correct uniform then you take the appropriate place in the line up. There have been times when I ended up last below all the beginers despite holding the second highest rank in my old club. The thing is that no-one minds that much. After all - you know what rank you are and so does everyone else. The place you stand in line is just protocol.
Thank you Lady. As much as I prefer the game to be ticking along even if it means skipping the wolf's go, I wonder how I'm going to feel afterwards if the villagers win by default. <_<
WWXIV: The Valley of the Kings.
Gryphon replied to Lady Celes Crusader's topic in Conservatory Archives
I suspect that Esaneh is to be found with Nehrathi as he always is. Likely she will know where he can be found if he is not. We shall summon them. Imhotep is a much different story. I assumed he was off communing with the gods and maybe studying the scrolls of protection that Napheen left in his care, but perhaps his absence is more sinister than that. I hope it's not true, for I fear we may bring forth the wrath of the gods and destroy Nehrathi and Esaneh's hopes of ever being married... but could it be possible that he who should be caring for our spiritual wellbeing is more interested in seeing us all stolen away while we sleep? I do not want to violate the sanctity of anyones tomb, but perhaps we should seek out Imhotep's location together. -
I still think we should find reasons in game for our coalition. It just seems better that way. And lets face it. Should the wolf be the busy one who's not coming online to post/read this/ be made aware of his impending slaughter... well it's not like we're being sneaky and secretive. I'd call that a self inflicted death.
Scenario: Game has one missing special vote: Missing vote is from werewolf. Moderator gets tired of waiting (rightly so) for said special to post their vote and continues the game. The active players conclude (rightly so) that the special must be someone who has little to no activity in the game since they cannot even manage the time to vote for a kill. A few moments of analysis quickly expose a potential list for ongoing lynchings and in-game excuses are found, an order of execution is drawn up, and we begin to kill. Active players make a mistake, or maybe two or even three, but that's ok, because with the werewolf being MIA game continues to role and they continue to miss chances at voting in their absence. Eventually active players either wipe each other out or kill the wolf. Game over. ~~~ Alternatively ~~~ Game has one missing special vote: Missing vote is from the seer. Moderator gets tired of waiting (rightly so) for said special to post their vote and continues the game. The active players conclude (rightly so) that the special must be someone who has little to no activity in the game, but (wrongly so) that the missing vote is that of the werewolf - note a smart wolf would probably encourage this assumption. A few moments of analysis quickly expose a potential list for ongoing lynchings and in-game excuses are found, an order of execution is drawn up, and we begin to kill. Active players make a mistake, or maybe two or even three, but that's ok, because with the werewolf guiding us carefully eventually we'll take out the seer and our last hope of self defense will be gone up in smoke.. or perhaps sand. Eventually active players wipe each other out leaving the wolf to stroll off with all the loot. Lucky wolf. Game over.
My future holds a bright tower of dreams. Gleaming bright in the golden light of day. Shining in the muted glow of the moon. A fragile tower made of spun glass and light. The tower lies shattered. Darkness blights where once brightness ruled. Ruined plans, built on an unstable foundation of hope. Destroyed in an instant by the actions of others. A single bead remains, brightly shining. Lying in a nest of shards. Insulated by my long suffering hope. Waiting for the new year to pass so the dreams can be born again.
Tree, confessional and attatched caverns search
Gryphon replied to Salinye's topic in Conservatory Archives
Gryphon lands a short distance away from where Salinye is standing to make conversation with this newcomer a little easier. We are searching for one who was known to spend some time out here. You might have seen her, an angel with a butterfly swarm? She has recently gone missing, perhaps that is somehow linked to the disturbance you felt? Should our travels take us in the same direction we can check out this disturbance with you, likewise if you are happy to help us search for our friend Annael we'll welcome your company. You should be aware that we bear magical rings to aid us in our search - many of those searching have other calls on their time and these rings are supposed to help us return to the group should our other duties call us away. If you want to come with us to search for the angel it might be a good idea if we wait while you retrieve a ring from Elrohir back in the Conservatory. That way should you get called away to other duties you'll at least come back to one of the search groups. -
Tree, confessional and attatched caverns search
Gryphon replied to Salinye's topic in Conservatory Archives
Being in the air and therefore immersed in his chosen element it is the work of a moment to gather some energy and create a basic shield against magical attack in case the newcomer proves to be hostile. While Salinye hails the stranger in the woods Gryphon continues to circle ready to fly in and attack should it become necessary. -
So true... I guess this means that one of the 'specials' that we're waiting on (either the other wolf or the seer) must be one of those people who's not been on here much for posting. Let the hunt begin!
I don't want to hijack the tread, but while we're searching for a maternity gi for Sal, what martial arts do you others do? I didn't realise there were so many people on here who train in something. I'm not practicing much at the moment, but I've been doing ITF Tae kwon do for years.