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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Gryphon

  1. Forgive me, but I'm about to reveal that I've had my head in the sand... or clouds actually... lately and admit that I've actually got no clue what tsunami you're talking about.
  2. It's interesting, but really just another logic puzzle. I cant say I buy into that 'more intelligent people take longer to get it' though. That sounds like something that an intelligent person would say to make themselves feel better about being unable to think laterally enough to get the answer.
  3. My friends, Pennites, thank you all... Salinye, Thank you for your friendship when I first arrived here, for making this place feel like somewhere I could call home. Ayshela, Thank you for your patience during my introduction to WereWolf. It was lots of fun gaming with you, long may it continue. Epinephrine, I count you as one of my closest friends in RL, to say nothing of here. I know you've just set off on an adventure that takes you away from all you've ever known. May it work out brilliantly. Come back to us safely my friend. I know you'll probably still be here but I shall miss you none the less. Cryptomancer, My long time friend. Thank you for your time, your friendship, your patience and humor. Your writing that always makes me jealous and your photography which makes me wish I could do the same. Words often fail me, may they never fail you. My friend, thank you. Mynx, Thank you, for everything. You've given me so much over the last couple of years, much of which you probably dont even realise you've given. Thank you my love for your time, patience, support, smile, hugs, writing, laughter and tears. Thank you, thank you, thank you. There's so much more, but I hope we've got all the time in the world for it to be said. To everyone else who I've become friends with on here, to all those I've RPG'd with, written with, interacted with or otherwise had touch my life on The Might Pen. Thank you all. Seasons greetings to everyone, and though I know it's early and there'll be plenty of posts to come (maybe a Pen New Year Party)... Have a safe and happy new year to all.
  4. Merry christmas everyone... For those of you who are still there I hope it's a great one, and for those who missed it by a day like I did because you were too busy running around to go online I hope you had a brilliant one.
  5. Gryphon emerges from the crowds that are beginning to populate the carnival as always happens during the day. Pausing he reads the sign carefully and grins. "I've done a bit of adventuring in my time... and I'm about keen for some more. Sign me up." He grins, looking fierce and maybe a little feral as only a large preditor can, looking forward to the prospect of some excitement.
  6. I love the way you're writing this. Most fascinating watching the interactions of the 4 'voices'. Settles back to watch and read with interest.
  7. For what it's worth sorry for cluttering up your main thread the way I did. I dont think I can move / delete posts the way Peredhil can, but I can promise to not post any more that'll get in the way in there. Edit: Turns out I can delete my own posts - or I've got a delete button anyway. I'll remove my comment from there and re-post it here if it lets me.
  8. Happy birthday Finnius!
  9. This is so good. It puts me in mind of either an Ode to Food or something that should be sold to the company that makes these to be used in their advertising campaign... It also makes me hungry. Now I wish I'd gone to more effort to find some breakfast as I ran out of the house this morning.
  10. Rev: That's exactly what I was talking about - it fits better with the timing of the original xmas tale... but today's not a good creative day for coming up with alternatives like that.
  11. Hey, I think I went for that job! I guess they didn't like my interview technique or references. I loved the portrail of the interviewee - so realistic. I know, having been there a number of times in my past. Very nice.
  12. Mostly this is a brilliant piece. By and large it fits very well to the time and metre of the original xmas story. I did find that the timing was slightly off on some phrases compared to the traditional xmas story in a number of places which I have to admit threw me slightly. However having said this you were obviously staying true to the nature of your telling rather than the layout of the original tale and I cant suggest alternative wording that would fit better so fair enough. All up well done and entertaining in its own rather macabre way. I echo Mynx's question, have you ever seen Tim Burton's A nightmare before christmas? Less gory buy far but it is definitely brought to mind by your tale.
  13. Thanks for feeding the addiction. Just for the record, that painted one isn't nearly as bad as you seem to think it is. Dragons are so cool.
  14. It's great to hear that things are looking better for you Sal. I hope that everything keeps on shaping up and that all works out for you.
  15. Just out of curiousity, (forgive me, I seem to ask this of many of the talented artists that I 'meet'), do you draw dragons? Or have you drawn dragons? I know that many fantasy artists don't or prefer not to, but if you do I'd love to see one. It's kind of an addiciton.
  16. These are so cool... I'd love to be able to draw like that, but at the same time I'm regretfully not patient enough to learn. I love the way you've drawn the faerie - the sad one - and your D&D character.. very nice.
  17. Thank you... It's not so much that I'm lost for words, its more that I just dont know what to say. Thank you for thinking I'm (we're) worth it.
  18. Blue mage stand-in on wings of light, Flitting around left and right. Creating items with a flick of the wrist, Inspiring poetry, not to be missed.
  19. Gryphon drops from the sky to make a perfect landing in front of the guards... one of them slightly twitches an eyebrow as the only sign that they might have been impressed with the fancy flying. Grinning at them Gryphon hands over the entry fee from his pouch and bounds into the tent looking for entertainment. With a brief glance he takes in the spindle for the random name draw and the dance floor before his eyes settle on the chef's table... and Wyvern sitting in front of it ordering. Gryphon laughs to himself and sits back to watch the pre-concert entertainment while waiting for the chef to be free(ish) so that he can order a haunch of venison.
  20. Doctors... it'd be nice if they'd managed to mention this to you the first time you visited the doctor... or maybe the second even... Hugs Hope you get better soon Ayshela.
  21. Little body, mostly tail, Killing fury in this tale, They bounce like a spring, and it might be absurd, But they eat small children too... or so I've heard.
  22. OOC: It's hard for a gryphon to join a conga line, we're just not built for it... but: BIC: Gryphon sees the conga line approach with it's snappy and somewhat traditional beat to it, dut-dut-dut-dut. dut. KICK! The rhythm carries with it suggestions of fun and a bit of 'that time of the year' spirit and so even as he shakes his head with regret at being physically unsuited to join the line the gryphonic outline begins to fade and another personality starts to come to the fore. Moments later Gryphon is gone... but Peredhil seems to have gained a second shadow, one with red eyes burning in the darkness, mimicing his moves.. almost perfectly. dut-dut-dut-dut. dut. KICK!
  23. Shining dust upon the curtain of the night, One speck shines brighter than the rest, Burning above us in a pale reflection, Of the beautiful godess whos name thou bear.
  24. As exsanguis exits Wyvern's office and moves towards the exit the shadows seem to deepen and the air becomes thicker making it difficult for even a mist to pass. From somewhere unseen two points of light appear, looking uncannily like eyes and the mist is forced to coalesce into a recognisable shape where it is held, gently, but firmly for a brief instant before the pressure is released. A voice out of the darkness is heard: ~~~ "Sorry to detain you like that friend. You should just know that it's better to wait in the easy chair in Wyvern's office. If you miss him... well let's just say it's easier to get your application approved if you're there when he looks it over." ~~~ With that the points of light vanish as if the darkness had closed it's eyes and the shadows dissipate leaving exsanguis to decide what to do next. ~umbra~ OOC: I don't know who invited you, but you're welcome I'm sure. Stick around the recruitment office and you'll soon have company as you wait for Wyvern.
  25. The ink of my blood, Flows forth on the page. A tool for immortality, In this day and age.
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