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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Gryphon

  1. Gryphon bounds into the Cabaret Room hot on the heals of Wyvern with a clawful of Almost Dragonic Brand Semi-Sharp Ninja Twinkle Stars™. "Wyvern! Wait, you dropped these outside..." Gryphon's voice trails off to silence as everyone turns to look at him, including the birthday celebrants, each holding a gift remarkably similar to the items being brandished by Gryphon. "Ah, heh... Never mind Wyvern." Gryphon attempts to subtly hide the Almost Dragonic Brand Semi-Sharp Ninja Twinkle Stars™ and succeeds only in scattering them randomly across the room as they slip from his grasp. He grins at those celebrating (belatedly) their birthdays... "Happy birthday, hope you've all had good ones."
  2. I'll add my belated birthday wishes. Hope you had a great one. Birthdays should be so much fun.
  3. Gryphon sneaks into the scene out of costume and starts to hammer a 'keep off the lawn' sign into the grass but takes off in a rush as the next person wanders by.
  4. Epinephrine re-read the letter again, certain that if he just viewed the words one more time they'd somehow change or alter themselves on the page. ... in recognition of your skills as an alchemist of the highest note we'd like to invite you to teach at our establishment for the period of a year. "Who'd have thought it", Epinephrine said to himself, "such recognition after all these years!", and he re-read the letter again, certain that there must be some mistake. Surely this was some kind of a trick, but no, there was the signature of the head of the school, and the wax seal indicating that the letter was genuine. "Amazing, who'd have thought it.", he said again, bemused by the shock of getting such a prestigious appointment out of nowhere. ~~~ A reply scribed with care and delivered with all haste confirmed the appointment and the enthusiasm with which the Headmaster welcomed Epinephrine's acceptance of the appointment served only to convince him that the offer of employment was real and very welcome. It took a surprisingly long time to pack for the journey, and before he knew it he'd run out of time, so he barely had a chance to say farewell to his closest friends before racing off to take charge of his new class, promising all the while that once he'd settled in he'd be back in touch, and he'd visit the Mighty Pen as often as his classes premitted. ~~~ Upon his arrival Epinephrine was greeted with cheer and smiles. Naturally eager to get to work he asked to be taken and shown his new class. Woe! As an experienced potion maker it was immediately obvious that his students were the subject of far too much poor teaching. Badly conceived potions consumed without care to self preservation had caused chaos in the classroom. Some students were obviously suffering from heavy potion overuse, some exhibiting symptoms of sever depression, others extreme violence. None of the students were prepaired to learn. In short they needed not only a good potions teacher, but someone who could fix up a cure for their troubles... And so he rose to the challenge, Epinephrine set to work... ... to be continued ... OOC: This is, after a fashion a legitimate and entirely correct reason for Epinephrine's absence here... Naturally the RL version differs, but only slightly
  5. As I read this I couldn't but help myself thinking that I'd felt this in the past, or something much like it. I don't know why because I doubt I could actually name any incidents that caused me to feel this way. I guess the best I have to offer is that you touched something in me, and I resonated to what you were writing. For what it's worth... Huggles
  6. Gwai... you don't have a computer? Or a microwave? How do you live? (For that matter how do you get on here to post?) Mynx was kind enough to leave me her PS2 while she went over to visit the sights in USA. That's an instant recipe for far far too many late nights for me.
  7. Brother Caire squinted as he pored over an ancient piece of scrollwork he was copying, thinking less than complimentary thoughts about the long ago scribe with such horrid writing who'd originally written the work. You'd think they'd have more care knowing that others had to read what they write, he thought to himselfas he finished scribing another line of his own then dusting it with sand to set the ink. Sounds from outside drifted up, voices raised in argument? no in chastising a novice, for walking on the lawns, of all things, as though lawn was not made to be walked upon. Shaking his head in silent wonder and amusement Caire turns back to his work, turning his mind from the other inhabitants of the Abbey, at least for the moment. Time enough once he's caught up with the scribing of this document to help the Dominicans better build their inquisition.
  8. I'll play Brother Caire of the Dominican Order of Friars. A scholar and ex-scribe who's made a pligramage to find and copy some information from the libraries that is supposed to help the monks back home with a major case in their inquisition.
  9. Count me in. I don't mind which theme we play so I'll come up with an idea for character once I know which one has been chosen.
  10. Pack me in your bag and take me with you? Pleeeeaasee?
  11. Were I a ninja, about to engage in a one on one fight with a pirate I'd make sure that there were some small amount of distance between us before we started and I'd put a throwing star or three... or maybe some poison darts... in the pirate before we started. In short I'd "cheat". Perhaps thats just me. But I'd cheat to win. Considering what I know of real life however, it's likely that in some cases the ninja would kill the pirate, and in some the pirate would kill the ninja, and in all cases the winner would then go on to find someone who's better able at killing than they are later and probably not survive the experience.
  12. I love this. When I read it, I see in it's simplest form the progression of a relationship from it's earliest stages into the blossoming of a solid love. What I like most about it is the way it implies a degree of realism and being true to life by indicating the conflict that tends to happen in relationships as both people grow. It is from this that lasting togetherness is made. Of course, that's just my reading.
  13. Pounces on Mynx and administers many snuggles and kisses before bounding back to work Well done kitten, I wont say I told you so... but I did tell you not to worry because everything would turn out well in the end... so... I told ya so.
  14. They start training ninjas young these days grasshopper.
  15. I once saw this really really cool picture of a ninja doing a river crossing... it was almost impossible to see him - almost like he was a rock in the stream. Methinks there is no fear of water for ninjas. I'd say that unless you've got a Captain Jack Sparrow on your hands mostly pirates are cutthroat brawlers - one short step above the unwashed masses because they can sail... or at least do what they're told on a boat. Ninjas even without mystic powers are highly trained (once their training has finished) effecient killers. In fact the only real difference between Ninja and Samurai was that ninja could be hired as killers, where samurai couldn't (damn honour systems). Ninjas win in my opinion.
  16. Happy Birthday (belated) Sal... I hope you had a really good day.
  17. I have on occation managed to remember and provide some pretty strange words in the midst of a scrabble game... but that's just ... wow. I love it, and I'm going to copy it down somewhere so that I can go through the dictionary looking up each of those words in my own time and figure out exactly what it was that you just wrote... Then I'm going to try and use as many of those words as I can to confuse the hell out of someone else.
  18. I dont have any mighty words of wisdom to go with this - but then I so rarely do. Nor do I have a dazzling critique - but on thinking about it, I never have... What I do have is four little words: I know, thank you. And a hug. Because I know what you mean by what you've written, or at least I think I do, and I've felt that way enough that it's nice that you managed to put it into words. Thanks Peredhil.
  19. Happy New Year everyone... I meant to post something like this minutes after my midnight and beat you all there. That was 3 days ago, so my new year has been shaping up nicely. All the best to everyone for this year. May all turn out right in the end for everyone no matter how your year has started.
  20. Obviously some parts of the world are affected more by this than others, but it's good to see that most places are offering their support. The other day I noticed a stall selling goods, all proceeds to the Tsunami relief. On another sadder note, I don't know how many of you all come from places that lost people to this tragic occurance, but I'd like to let at least this small corner of the world know that it has been confirmed that there were some people from New Zealand lost to the tsunami. Most sad was that two of those lost were a young married couple who'd just arrived on their honeymoon. Apparantly they'd just finished sending a message home that they had arrived safely and were visiting the beach to look at the beautiful view. (Sad as this is - I find myself wondering at the potential irony of that particular situation)
  21. OOC: Welcome along I was trying to come up with an in character way to say it but like the rest of me my muse is on holiday... however: BIC: No sooner do these words escape Stropha's lips, or rather whatever passes as his lips in raven form, but a dry chuckle seems to come from nowhere and a voice speaks directly into Stropha and Equester's mind... "Wyvern has no need for security... few but applicants and those greeting them are brave enough to enter the Elder of Initiates office.. for fear of being crushed to death by toppling piles of ancient paper." Then there is silence, and the voice speaks no more.
  22. Good to see you happy again Sal'
  23. Add me to the list too Zariah.
  24. I loved this story. It came across very well. In particular I loved the interaction with the cop - the way that the leader of the Dali Llamas kept trying to stall and hope that she wouldn't give them a ticket was very amusing and realistic in it's portrail. Well done.
  25. Gotcha... thanks for helping me out of my clouds Sal', that is pretty damn horrific. It's strange that living in Auckland, New Zealand as I do I've never really thought of tsunami as a danger despite being not that far above sea level. Probably this lack of thought is contributed to by the fact that the island we live on is part of the "Ring of Fire" - a circle of still active volcanos and if they go boom then the tsunami's produced will be the least of our problems. Ring of Fire But getting back to the point, eep. That's bad bad stuff. I daresay that those in my country who have not been living in ignorance like myself will be sending some support. I hope everyone's families are safe.
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