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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Gryphon

  1. Gryphon pounces on Mynx and there is for a moment a whirling ball of feathers and fur as she is enthusiastiacally snuggled. Welcome back!
  2. I feel a need, To run and shout, And tell the world, What love's about. I've had love, I set her free, Now my love's, Come back to me. She's back, she's back, I want to cry, Shout to the world, Shout to the sky. Instead I hold it, Deep in my heart, The way I feel now, Is just the start!
  3. Is it me or are there some people who have not posted much in the game? For the record my next accusation is the same as my last one Brother Philips Hue. I'll try find time before the deadline to post an in character confirmation of that, but it depends on how busy my day gets and whether or not my muse goes on holiday as to if I'll have time. As far as reason goes, I've outlined it in my other posts since the Day phase started and no reasons have come up to change my vote from last time around.
  4. Actually I feel that exact way... and have done the few other times I've joined in a WW game. I hate doing things that I cannot justify in character... which is why I usually manage not to vote during the first day phase. I'm loving the role playing that's developing in this game though... it adds so much to the game with the characters interweaving this way. I feel it'd be a pleasure to read even were I a lurker here and uninvolved.
  5. While Brother Caire strolls back through the gardens to the scriptorium he overhears part of a conversation taking place... "Not one person could have taken Rabano and Francis on his own, they were too strong. Plus the fact that Brother Adrian has escaped from the smithy, he must have had help with that..." Brother Rhys looked him in the eyes. "But who? Do you think it has been Brother Philips Hue? He has the keys of the basement..." He continues walking and the voices fade to a mumble behind him, but the words stick in his mind, "Brother Philips Hue? He has the keys of the basement..." Brother Caire resolves to contemplate the implications of that which he overheard very carefully, for though they echo the doubts that he'd had not 24 hours before regarding Brother Philips Hue, he had no desire to expose himself to sin by accusing another without proof... "God guide us all." Brother Caire prays as his feet take him to his daily tasks.
  6. Gryphon bounds into the Cabaret Room and paints in huge, somewhat off-center, but none the less very sparkly magical letters a birthday greeting: Happy Birthday Rhapsody Then he bounds off to find her and bring her back before the letters fade away.
  7. Katz... you really should sit down and work out some stats on your death rates in WW games... Then post them in the next WW OOC tread before we get started. It could actually be quite entertaining. Maybe your deoderant does for wolves what catnip does for cats?
  8. Despite the grim news of the death of poor Francis and Brother Rabano Brother Caire notices a strange silence about the Abbey. It is almost un-nerving, and certainly unusual, almost as if all those who remain have elected to take vows of silence... or at least vows to talk only in whispers and only when spoken to. Content to leave others to their thoughts Brother Caire entertains musings of his own. Perhaps it's the presence in the Abbey of renowned Inquisitor, Bernard Gui, or perhaps it's something else... the silence pervails. After morning prayer seconds before leaving the chapel a question comes unbidden to Brother Caire's lips and he whispers it for all those with sharp ears nearby to hear... "Who let him out?" Suprised by the utterance from his own lips Brother Caire turns before he leaves to gaze upon the representation of the Lord at the front of the chapel for several long moments before he turns to leave for his duties and the day ahead. None the less, the question sticks to the minds of those who heard it, and of those who hear it repeated... "Who let him out? Who let Brother Adrian out of his confinement? Who indeed?" Aside from that one utterance Brother Caire keeps his own counsel on the matter saying no more, but throughout the day his mind works on the question with the feeling that the answer might be very important indeed. ~~~ OOC: No accusation as yet, just starting the ball rolling again.
  9. Thankyou, I do miss her... so close now, 3 days and she'll be back with me. ~~~ One call from you, The other day, Just stole from me, My breath away, I closed my eyes, And saw you there, Reached out a hand, Stroked your hair, Alas my dream, Vanished away, Can't wait my love, 'Til you're back, To stay.
  10. It started with some whispers, voices carrying down dark corridors, overheard conversations that should never have passed the lips. No-one knew quite why, when or how it had unfolded, but all seemed to know that Brother Adrian was being held for questioning by the inquisitor on his arrival... Some Brothers walked around looking ill, almost like corpses themselves, some servants only interrupted their almost gleeful whispers when someone walked by who might overhear them. Brother Caire looked sick, his mind playing again and again the words that he'd overheard. "Brother Adrian... imprisoned... heretic... strange, talks to bees...", Brother Caire takes refuge in that which is familiar, shortly thereafter Brother Caire joined several of his fellow, like minded Monks in the chapel in prayer for Poor Brother Adrian's soul, and in hope, that this should bring the end to the devil's interferance in the life of the Abbey.
  11. Fire in the sky, Burning the clouds, Electric orange, As the sun kisses, The clouds goodbye, Bringing to a close, Another day missing you. ~~~ If I cannot hold you in my arms, Then I shall hold you in my heart. Forever. *** I always feel I'm not good at writing poetry, or even quasi-poetry, but hopefully this isn't too bad an offering.
  12. 9 hours from when you posted puts it... Gryphon in RL can be seen at a desk counting on fingers... sometime this afternoon... yay. Gives me something to look forward to as my day drags on into infinity.
  13. Hugs to Peredhil for being so nice and letting others play with his shiny xmas presents
  14. And while the thanks are going on I'd like to thank those who got this place up and running... As one of those members who came along afterwards I can say you've done a mighty good job... I love this place. Happy Birthday www.themightypen.net indeed.
  15. I get the feeling that the day and night cycles are controlled more by whether or not Tanny can get to a computer and whether or not the wolves, seer and baner make their posts to Tanny quickly... I know the other game I played in it sometimes took forever to go from one day to the next.
  16. Time passes swiftly in an Abbey when there is much to do. Brother Caire buries himself in his appointed work, copying information from the Abbey archives. Word of a second death shakes him to the core and after praying for the departed Brother Caire returns to his work alongside Brother Alcott. It is not until that evening that the stories and rumours of who the killer must be reach him, and each one is felt like a blow to the soul that fellow monks should learn distrust so rapidly. As Brother Caire prays and considers the sad events that have been occuring at the Abbey he wonders what these deaths have in common... precious little other than perhaps both needing significant strength of arms to accomplish, and so Brother Caire waits and watches to see who might have done these evil acts. As he muses on this Brother Caire idley watches Brother Thibault walk off towards the vellum workshops with Brother Phillips the burley blacksmith... and he wonders. OOC: Accuse Brother Phillips Hue / MTUFoolish because his character is big enough and strong enough to do it... and with lack of other evidence.
  17. Prayer for guidance had left Brother Caire without answers, but with a sence of peace, an inner sence that the rumors particularly regarding Brother Benedicte were unfounded. It is therefore with some shock and great sadness that he watches Brother Benedicte riding from the Abbey with the Abbot's announcement. As the day moves on in the Abbey and the whispers and rumours return with a vengance, and through it all Brother Caire listens with a very heavy heart and he fears that the devil is not through with this Abbey yet.
  18. Brother Caire pauses in his trip to the chapel as his name is called from behind him. Turning he sees Brother Alcott who catches up, even as the words leave his mouth... "If I may ask, do you truly think it was...murder?" Brother Caire's face grows troubled. "This... death worries me, truely it does. I hear everyone, even Brothers who should know better spouting suspicion and speculation. I greatly fear the hand of the devil has been laid on this abbey and we are going to face much darkness in the coming days. Walk with me?" As Brother Alcott nods his agreement Brother Caire sets off on his interrupted journey to the chapel and he continues to speak. "As to the possibility that poor Brother Adelmo was indeed murdered. I fear that he was. I have not heard that it was his practice to take walks along the cliffs at night so I fear he had help in his demise. I am afraid that I am without direction and not wanting to be influenced unduely by the rumors circulating I have decided to go to the chapel to pray for guidance. Will you join me?"
  19. Sweetcherrie... I hate accusing without reason also, so I'm looking for someone to influence my vote. I'm not sure if I can justify an in character switch to Brother Benedicte based on the out of character knowledge that the accusation was made because the bees told someone to do it. ~~~ I hope I'm not too far off the mark with my character portrail. I've not read the book this is based on, I'm not religious by nature and I've never played a cleric in D&D so I'm having a hard time getting my posts sounding right compared to everyone elses. Edit: Looking again at that timetable I'm so glad I'm not a monk in real life.
  20. Brother Caire watches Brother Thibault march off and carefully consider's his accusation before speaking his thoughts quietly to the rest of those gathered. "There is... possibly some truth to the words of Brother Thibault. We do have many outsiders amongst us who might have done this evil deed, yet I am fearful that we may fall to sin should we accuse without proof. The teachings of my own order tell us that it is evil's way to create mistrust hoping to set the forces of good off against one another, and this must not be. Perhaps... perhaps we should all pray for guidance in this matter, that the truth shall be revealed." With that Brother Caire moves off towards the chapel, clearly intending to take his own suggestion literally. On his way, he hears other whispers, some servants accusing Brother Benedicte of falling to do evil's work and a sadness settles on his soul that mistrust should come so quickly to the Abbey. He hurries on to pray. OOC: Still no accusation. I was hoping someone would post something that would influence me and my vote more strongly I'll wait for a few more posts to come in I think.
  21. Ah, ok Tanny, thanks for the reply. I'll do my accusations there, when I have any.
  22. I believe we're posting our accusations in this thread this game? No accusation yet. It's impossible to judge when so few have posted. I hate the way the first one is always complete guesswork.
  23. After a restless night sleep filled with dreams of winds howling and snow fit to chill the very soul Brother Caire wakes early to pray and prepair for the long day ahead. Upon finishing morning prayer the sounds of servants voices raised in alarm causes Brother Caire to rush to the chapter house where he is in time to see several brothers removing the battered mortal remains of Adelmo of Otranto. After a moment's consideration Brother Caire can recall seeing Adelmo doing some illustration work on one of the library manuscripts the previous day. Saying a quick prayer to the grace of the departed's immortal soul Brother Caire moves in closer to those talking trying to discover what befell the poor soul.
  24. Would that be ninja's that have turned pirate? Or pirates who went and got trained as ninja? Certainly with the squid-faces it'd be better for them to wear those cool black face masks that ninja have because the tentacles would stand out a bit in a crowded room otherwise... Then again, a pirate could probably get away with having a squid face just because he's a pirate. Mmmm, alien brains.
  25. There are times, when I clumsily flail around in the world of poetry. Usually I manage to do this without any significant rhythm or style, often for no better reason than to try and communicate a feeling, or something I saw that I wish the world, or at least my friends here could share with me... There have been times when I've written for someone special. I wish that I could produce material like this instead of the clumsy ramblings that I do. Thankyou for sharing.
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