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Everything posted by Gryphon
Terry is unhappy. Very unhappy. First someone messing with his FX set up, making the explosions not go off as planned, then that insensitive bastard Seelvergh not caring that Pete had been killed... killed for gods sake! He was one of my better assistants too, and bloody Seelvergh just worries that he cant use the footage! Terry had heard the talk about it being deliberate sabotage, but has to admit that he cant really credit that... it was more likely to be someone messing with things they shouldn't be on the set. Walking through the set again to check that no-one has been messing with the rest of his setup Terry notices the metal and rubber contraption Doug had attached to the set the other day. What was with that? The guy's supposed to be a carpenter. Maybe in his enthusiasm to play with things other than wood he'd taken the opportunity to mess with my explosives rig. ~~~ OOC: I accuse Doug / Akallabeth.
Plus you have got to realise several additional things: First up being stubborn is one of those things that Mynx just does. And in this case her stubborn-ness is aimed at getting her to her 2nd Dan black belt. If she wants it enough she'll get it, and she tells me she does, so I doubt she'll quit. Second, it is only one instructor out of several at that club. Like I said earlier, the others are willing to help her succeed. Third, I'm one of those instructors (one of the other ones who are not psycho) and I'm willing to put in as much time as she wants to in order to get her next rank. Which incidentally will put her at the same rank as the guy she's having trouble with, which'll probably solve all problems in short order.
The biggest advantage at staying at that particular Taekwon-Do club is that as an instructor Mynx doesn't need to pay tuition fees herself. Now here's a suggestion: Do your best in any session that particular instructor takes - he's not taking as many as he once did, and aside from the fact that he acts the complete butt head at times I'm sure eventually he'll go away and pick on someone else if he can see that you're trying your best. In the mean time there are several other instructors at that club, a number of them ranked higher than the one you're having a bad time with... and all of them, I'm sure, willing to help you improve and move on up through the ranks if that's what you want to do. Besides... I know you've had at least one of them offer to work with you to improve. Edit: Oh, forgot... you're only in your 2nd week at Uni.. you'll adapt, quicker than you think you will
Yeah. Gryphon hooks up with Pillow and they go grab a beer
Happy birthday! Hope you have a great one.
Reaching The Lab Terry starts working immediately. setting up a row of heads that he... borrowed... from the props department where they were never used anyway he starts moulding some of the flesh coloured putty to their faces trying to come up with a different look for the monster in this weeks show. After several minutes of enthusiastic but none too productive moulding he decides that what's really needed is something different, something new. Terry decides to talk over his ideas with Stephen later to see if he can get some additional materials to make the foam rubber masks and to get approval for the season's monster designs. Absently he picks up a pencil and a pad of paper from the bench and begins sketching down ideas and monster pictures that between a lack of polish on his drawing ability and too many comics he knows will probably never make it into the show.
With the hidden ultimatum from Stephen echoing quietly around inside his head Terry heads off towards his work area (which he calls The Lab). So... they want some boosts in ratings huh? Well I've got a few ideas for FX that'll knock 'em dead... so to speak. Visions of rubber masks using hair extensions and other stuff the big boys in movie FX dance through Terry's head as he goes to do the best he can with what he's got
Werewolf XVI: Star Wolf - Sign up and OOC
Gryphon replied to Degenero Angelus's topic in Conservatory Archives
That was a very very cool ending. I love it. It's so typically Sith to set all the students to killing one another to promote the strongest. Beautiful. Gryphon applauds Deg's ending scene -
Werewolf XVI: Star Wolf - Sign up and OOC
Gryphon replied to Degenero Angelus's topic in Conservatory Archives
Yeah, but I figured I cant post in character any more... not really. So I was just explaining how my reasoning went. After all, when you get right down to it, what you said in character was exactly what I'd been thinking out of character ever since I found out I was a 'good' guy. -
Happy Birthday you two. Hope it's turning out to be an excellent one for you both.
Sign me up... I'll be Terry Walkworth... one of the 'special fx' guys... so I help make the plastic ears / noses or the box with winking lights that goes 'bing' and pretends to be a computer console.
Congrats to all those who just got promoted
Well done on your promotion Zariah! That's so cool.
Happy Birthday Aegon. ... Gryphon looks longingly at the walker ... Do you think I could borrow that for a while?
Werewolf XVI: Star Wolf - Sign up and OOC
Gryphon replied to Degenero Angelus's topic in Conservatory Archives
No Ozy.. you're not dead. Incidently, the only thing I posted that was truely ruthless action rather than supposition or thought was the killings in the training room... Justified (if barely) by the fact that they were criminals and killers and essentially on a death sentence. At least coming from me it was a quick and painless (ish) death. Everything else Reaver did was (as much as possible) in line with the actions of Jedi in the various Star Wars movies currently out. -
Werewolf XVI: Star Wolf - Sign up and OOC
Gryphon replied to Degenero Angelus's topic in Conservatory Archives
Well... damn. For the record, I really, really really wanted to play one of the bad guys this time around. So yeah... Anyway. I'd help write a stunning death scene for Reaver, but for two things: 1, I didn't want him to die... I'd rather he got turned to the dark side properly. 2, I cant bear to write a death scene where a fully trained Jedi goes down to a Sith student... Sorry Palu / Knight, I just cant bear it. So sad. -
"Oh no, were you not listening? I'd gladly have killed them all myself, but I'd have done it blade to blade with a lightsaber. Not sneaking around, blasters, vibroblades, ships blowing up. And if it were up to me - you'd be among the dead. I rejoice in every one of the deaths as the death of a rival to my own power, but were I eliminating rivals I'd certainly not have left you alone." Reaver's eyes narrow. "Your own continued survival actually suprises me. Why are you still alive... Jedi?" ~~~ OOC: I accuse Palu / Knight.
Reaver continues to circle Palu carefully, alert for any sign of impending attack and very much aware of the eyes of the other students on them. "Believe me Jedi, if I were your hunter in the night going around killing off the other students, you'd have been right up the top of my list. Yet here you are, somehow managing to survive all this time... pitty." "As you pointed out, Zarek was xenophobic... perhaps one of the non-human students decided it was time to be rid of him?"
"Like I care about the death of Zarek. He was nothing more to me than a potential rival for the promotion still on offer. I'd love to lay claim to his death but sabotage and blowing up of ships is more Klen's style than mine... oh, but that was never proven was it?" Reaver's eyes narrow, "If I were going to arrange someone's death, believe me, it'd be yours...", his eyes flick briefly to Palu's lightsaber and back, "definitely yours... As little as I care for Zarek, were it up to me I'd trade his death for your own in an instant." ~~~ OOC: supposed to be working, will post more activly in character later. Sorry if it causes any delays.
Werewolf XVI: Star Wolf - Sign up and OOC
Gryphon replied to Degenero Angelus's topic in Conservatory Archives
I do? Oh... ok.. yeah, I do... he said "... the force" then he died. I guess. -
Lightsabers flash and hiss as Palu and Reaver strike at each other. Ducking, parrying and spinning. Blows directed through the force are sometimes deflected, sometimes not, but both keep on fighting, superb fighting skills letting them keep their mind on the battle despite distractions. Reaver becomes aware of Palu almost on a subconsious level through his connection to the force and he feels sure that Palu sences it also as both struggle for an opening, any advantage will do. A flicker in the force is all the warning, as both fighters spin a perfectly timed half circle, simultaneously cutting the air with their lightsabers. There are two clatters as each fighter cuts from the air the vibroblade that was aimed at him by an unknown assailiant. Both Reaver and Palu maintain their stance, neither one willing to turn away long enough to try and detect who threw the weapons. Baring his teeth in a snarl Reaver risks a quick glance to the end of the corridor, saved from needing to defend himself only because Palu is doing the same. With a silent curse that he missed the opportunity to attack both are suprised to see Rukmini come walking around the corner. She stops, suprised to find both combaticants actually looking at her. Reaver spits a curse, unwilling to take on two opponents at one time, even ones so poorly trained as Rukmini, when the other one of them is Palu. "This isn't over Jedi", Reaver snarles at Palu as a group of other students round the corner drawn by the sounds of combat. Judging the risk of being attacked while distracted by Palu as too high Reaver spins and turning off his lightsaber vanishes into the crowd of students. "When we next meet... Jedi.. you will die."
Reaver looks at Palu, coldness in his eyes. "Who are you to be calling me Jedi? I know your past Palu, and I begin to wonder if you've not turned as much away from your Jedi heritage as you claim you have..." "After all, if you're not Jedi, then you've certainly been doing the Jedi's work for them." Palu looks almost surprised at the accusation and starts to point out that he could not very well have fooled Revan and Reaver cuts him off. "Save it for the others Jedi", the mockery and scorn in his voice unmistakable, "we all know the way they work - 'turn away from the dark side' - well... maybe you have. Now get out of my way, or I'll cut you down... and I think you'll not find me so easy to defeat as you did Klen." It is a measure of his combat confidence that Reaver doesn't even bother to take up his own lightsabre in response to Palu's threat.
"Rukmini" Reaver snarled the name through clenched teeth. To think he'd thought her harmless, what with her vapid looks and apparantly no mastery of the Force, how wrong he'd been. First she tries to ensnare him with some kind of mind attack with the full power of the force behind it, then he finds out she's spreading rumors about him being the Jedi. Interesting though... particularly that Force charm ability - that's new, and worrying. Not to mention a useful ability for a Jedi trying to gain access to a Sith academy. Imagine the ability to make someone like you... a useful ability for a first year student to have indeed. And it's easy enough to fake having no other abilities so as to not betray yourself. ~~~ OOC: I accuse Rukmini / Sweetcherrie.
I've a feeling that this probably would be easy... if you were a history student or lived in the right part of the world. But I'm neither of those, and so I know very very well that if I dont research the answers I'm going to get none of them. (no, I'm not blonde either)
Werewolf XVI: Star Wolf - Sign up and OOC
Gryphon replied to Degenero Angelus's topic in Conservatory Archives
Oooh really? Hadn't thought of that... would they be armed with lightsabers tho? Cos I just had this beautiful combat scene in mind that I wanted to post and that was the only way I could think of to put it in. If they'd actually be armed then I can modify my post to suit. ~~~ Edit: I was thinking of the droid armies in Star Wars Episode 1 and 2 - but given lightsabres rather than blasters.