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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Gryphon

  1. Hope you had a great birthday.
  2. Thank you all for the well wishing and presents. They quite nicely match the ones I got given in RL. (Well wishes and presents ) I cant thank you all enough for this thread. Knowing I've got so many friends out there really means a lot to me.
  3. I can see that this is going to be a lot of fun. Masculine head-butting... Feminine cat fighting... all in the worship of the gods of popularity. Can you imagine what it'll be like once the game is in progress and everyone turns on their personality amplifiers? The allmighty clash as the very worst characteristics of the popular sect become blown all out of proportion as those with a bit of creative license get their hands on the controls? It'll be carnage... I cant wait.
  4. I'm in... I'm going to play Bobby Jones - one of the football team. Not too bright a spark is this lad and on the surface all he's interested in is drinking like a fish and getting with the next girl... Despite his known vices he seems to play a decent game of football and in his defence he's not been known in the past for beating on the nerds like some of the more violent members of the team have done in the past. Edit: (because I should've mentioned it earlier but I was in a rush to go home) Bobby drives an early model Mustang which his parents bought him after Bobby boy wrapped his late model trans-am around a tree while out drag racing with his mates. It nearly cost him his place on the team, but somehow (probably with a lot of cash greasing the way) he managed to keep playing so as not to ruin his season.
  5. The shadows in the corner of the Cabaret room swirl and thicken and Mynx and Ayshela turn expecting Yui-chan to step forth. Instead two golden points of light fly down from their concealment in a nearby beam of sunlight and take up residence as eyes revealing Umbra's attention. A chill whisper tickles the inside of the mind as he speaks... "I would not forsake thee in the time of thy Quill Quest. Count me in also." With that the glowing eyes take on the appearance of golden fireflys and they zoom off back to their disguising sunbeam. ~~~ OOC: I'm in as Gryphon or Umbra, or even both. Depends how many volunteers you need.
  6. I've been playing D&D for years on and off... No reason to stop now. I'll be keeping my eyes open for the recruitment post to see what develops.
  7. Seth makes a mental note to keep Aimo away from the rum should it be necessary to have him as a crew member.
  8. Seth turned away from the scene of The Hammer's death a snarl on his face. "Damnit - I could've used a good man like him to crew for me when I got off this rock!" Despite the lack of signs it was pretty obvious that there were at least two involved in the killing - there was no way that one person would have been able to immobilise The Hammer and cut him up like that - Seth'd seen it tried once so he knew. Two people... two. Two damn guards left for the small group of prisoners too, maybe they want to cut their time on the island short by killing off the prisoners. Had Bartholomew been looking a bit too pleased with himself lately? Hard to say... but that's ok - Seth didn't want a damned guard to be in his crew anyway. ~~~ OOC: Accusing Bartholomew Jamison / Ozy... Guards are the enemy.
  9. Seth briefly considers taking 'ownership' of the kill balancing the merits of extra respect or fear from his fellow inmates against the extra watchfulness of the guards when a question from one of the inmates breaks through his musing. "So, who do you think did it?" With an almost cheerful grin Seth slaps William heartily on the back managing to stagger him, deciding in that moment how to handle the situation... "I don't know laddie, but I can tell you this - damn fine job - couldn't have done better myself. I'd be happy to have someone who could kill like that crew for me when I get off this rock." Once again whistling a tune, all be it badly, Seth strides away into the heat of the night to try and get some sleep. Maybe if we get lucky we'll get a breeze off the ocean tonight to cool things down a bit. Seth thinks to himself... and the night moves on.
  10. Sweet! This is what happens when I'm away from a computer for a day?!? Happy birthday Wyven, hope it's a super cool one for you. Thanks for all the laughs since I joined and here's to hoping that I get to write with you again soonish.
  11. Seth whistles a cheerful sea shanty as he hammers a wooden spike into the ground to be used as part of the barracks construction. Sweat pouring off his shirtless torso so that he's cooler in the heat. Muscles flex rhythmicaly as he pounds the spike deeper into the earth. Pausing, he wipes the sweat off his brow and glances around to see how many guards are watching him, and gives a humourless grin he sees two paying him close attention, ready to swing into attack should he show the slightest sign of disobedience. As one of the guards takes a step in his direction Seth goes back to working and whistling his sea shanty. He is totally unsurprised that they're watching him - after the time he got his hands on a saw and tried to take off that guards arm the surprising part is that they let him use a hammer at all. Still, the bruises heal with time and the guard, unfortunately, was not badly injured so there'll be another chance to escape.. eventually. The tune goes on, sprightly if out of tune, conjuring memories of the ocean waves.
  12. Gryphon approaches and picks up the instruction sheets, studying them intently. As he begins to nod thoughtfully to himself a small flicker of hope begins to blossom in Cerulean's heart. Moments later Gryphon lowers the plans and turns to Cerulean saying, "Yep, I see your problem - plain as day right here. These plans were written in swiss by a chinese man who only spoke arabic. It appears he was using a maori to nigerian dictionary to aid in his translation." Placing the instruction sheets back down Gryphon turns to leave only to be stopped short by Cerulean asking "You figured it out? So you can help me assemble my new bed?" Shaking his head, Gryphon cheerfully tells Cerulean "Sorry mate, I don't understand a single word of it. But at least you now know what the problem is." ~~~ Seriously though, I know what you mean - last time I assembled something from an exploded diagram I got half way through before I had to take it all appart again since the plans didn't show that you needed to do the setting up in the reverse order from what I'd done it... so frustrating. I share your pain.
  13. huggles Mynx I was going to pounce on you whenever I next saw you and give it to you in person.
  14. Take 1 Mynx and 1 steel box containing a vial containing an insidious dose of addictive 1950s personality. There is, in the chamber, a very small amount of a radioactive substance. If even a single atom of the substance decays during the test period, a relay mechanism will trip a hammer, which will, in turn, break the vial and turn the Mynx into the perfect 1950s housewife... Place the Mynx inside the steel box and close it, sealing her inside. The observer cannot know whether or not an atom of the substance has decayed, and consequently, cannot know whether the vial has been broken, the 1950's personality released, and the Mynx turned into a mindless 1950's drone woman. Because we cannot know the state of the Mynx, she is according to quantum law both the perfect 1950's housewife and the strong modern woman, both at the same time! It is only in the moment when we open the box and observe the Mynx that she stops being in both states simultaneously and normally becomes one or the other. However, any actual attempt to preform such an experiment outside of the strictest laboritory conditions would inevitably introduce random factors that the experimenter is unaware of at this point in time. It is strongly hypothesised that there is a strong chance that the Mynx will not be in either of the previously mentioned states, and instead will have defaulted to a third state all together, specifically that of absolute rage. Should this be the case she will no doubt emerge from the steel box with the primary goal of killing whoever was silly enough to put her in there in the first place with the prevailing attitude that this kind of behaviour is not only socially acceptable but fully justified. ~~~ Appologies to both Mr Pratchett and Mr Schrodinger.
  15. Introducing... Seth Millar. Pirate (retired?). Seth was, until his capture, a genuine pirate sailing the high seas looking for adventure, loot, rapine and the chance to murder pretty much anyone who annoyed him. Since most of the people he murdered ended up as sharkbait not too many people found out about that part of his career, consequently when the British government finally caught up with him and charged him with piracy Seth was sent to this Penal Colony rather than finding himself up on additional charges for murder and simlar inconveniences. To be fair it is a life sentence, and Seth doesn't mind that much... but he misses the ocean life and you can bet that if he gets his hands on a ship he'll be back to piracy in a second. He might even take a few of his nautically inclined inmates with him as crew.
  16. I... ah. Over already? Damn... Oh well... Gryphon waits for the signup for the next one.
  17. During one of Marisa's rather loud claims about being offered money but not being a saboteur Terry interjects one question: "If you're not the other one then do you know who it is?" Suddenly a number of eyes are riveted on Marisa waiting for an answer.
  18. Terry checks over his rig up of the explosives again, always checking and double checking that nothing has been altered, added or otherwise changed. If there are going to be any more accidents, they're not going to be caused by his setup if he can help it! While working Emmett's words roll through his head. "... Seelvergh's the only one who even thought about hiring me and actually did, all the others had to be carried out of the room after my application!" It was true that Emmett's reputation proceeded him around most of the other studios. That didn't mean it wasn't him behind the accidents, but it did reduce the possibility... besides, Terry grinned to himself, if it had been Emmett's doing someone would've probably noticed he was sneaking around just by the constant stream of chatter. Whispers from above broke Terry's chain of thought the words hard to make out over the bustle on the set with only some snatches coming through clearly: "Doug is dead... Mr. Cornelius is dead... the saboteur... Twelve years I've waited for this..." any remaining words being lost in the general noise of Seelvergh yelling at some poor unfortunate nearby. Shortly thereafter the familiar smell of the cigarettes that Marisa smokes began to drift down from above. Hastily Terry moves away, a whole new set of speculations opening up in his mind. ~~~ OOC: Ok, I'm temporarily convinced of Emmett's innocence. Change my vote to Marisa / Quincunx.
  19. Terry hooked up the final wires at the front of the set and pushed the on button. With a quiet belch and whirring sound a thin layer of dry-ice induced mist starts to flow across the floor. Satisfied that it's working and should look good for the show Terry turns the mist maker off and looks around the set. Who else could be behind the trouble here? he wondered to himself, musing quietly on the different members on the cast and crew when he notices that it is quiet... almost too quiet. Emmet has been suspiciously silent today. Maybe he has something to hide. ~~~ OOC: I accuse Venefyxatu / Emmet.
  20. Terry's side throbs gently where Doug had hit him with the metal bar the previous day and he rubs it absently with one hand while he considers the events of the previous day. Doug a saboteur working for another studio... Ha. I knew he was up to something. Shouts attract his attention and he races to find out what's going on in time to see Don's body being carried from the sound room, dead and looking as if he died in a lot of pain. No! Not Don. I thought it had to be over with Doug. It must be an accident. Then the voices of the others begin to reach him. "... poison.' "... more sabotage." "Poison? Don was poisoned? Who could do something like that?" Profoundly disturbed that there is obviously more than one person working against the show Terry heads back to his equipment to think about who might have been working with Doug. To help his concentration he begins working on one of the SFX groups new toys - a machine to evenly blow 'smoke' around the stage. It'll make a good addition to the explosions for the snow scene.
  21. Awesome. Al the best for the day (and the leadup to it for that matter). Sorry Mynx and I can't be there to see it happen, but Vegas is just a little bit far away. We'll be there in our hearts since we cant be there in person. Hope that helps.
  22. Happy birthday Merelas. Hope you had a good one.
  23. I've got to say, I love reading how these things shape up - we create a beautiful web of intrigue and counter intrigue between us. I'm unsure if I like it because I'm involved or if it's because I can see it unfold as the story goes on, but honestly, it's as good as many short story books I've read, if a trifle less organised all up.
  24. Actually it was me who said that. And you'd have to know her to understand.
  25. Or you could try thinking of it as asking Mynx to abandon a personal goal leaving her without means to personally confirm the validity of her personal rank and ability in her own eyes. Also having 'shopped around' the martial arts in the area that we live, my personal opinion is that many of them are: a) Overpriced b ) Instructed by people that are worse bastards than the one Mynx is talking about here. There are exceptions, some of our friends do other styles that might be enjoyable to her (or me even ) but that would mean walking away from those goals that Mynx has set, and that's not the type of person she is. And with the hours she's putting in at uni and the adaption that's involved in that she doesn't have time to take up a second art, not at this stage anyway. ~~~ Incidentally Knight, the main problem with the guy Mynx is talking about is that he tries to run a Taekwon-Do class like it's a military boot camp. Now I grant that it did come out of the military. He just seems to forget that it isn't still there. With help, and I'm more than willing to help her, Mynx will overcome. ~~~ Peredhil... I love the way you look at things, thank you from me, if not from Mynx. Gryphon animates Peredhil's stuffed Griffon briefly and it hugs him
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