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Everything posted by Gryphon
A gift... for Cryptomancer Gryphon goes hunting for Cryptomancer to give him his new gift, finally finding the rune mage in the courtyard writing - feverishly. Not wanting to interrupt the flow of thought when Cryptomancer was obviously working so hard Gryphon sat to wait, knowing that he'd no doubt been noticed and now was time to be patient. Surely enough, moments later Cryptomancer finishes writing and looks up with a grin to see his friend waiting for him. "Sorry about that," he says, "I just had to get it all down before the words escaped me. What's up?" Gryphon holds out a small wooden box with a hinged lid towards Cryptomancer, who with a quizzical look at the winged mage opens it, his eyes widening with suprise to see a stylish set of aviator glasses with chromed lenses sitting inside. "It's my item for you." Gryphon explains. "I know you've got a pair, but I thought you might like these ones, they've got a few... extra features built in." Cryptomancer produces an older, slightly more beat up pair of avaiators from somewhere on his person and looks at them ruefully saying "They have seen better days haven't they?" before placing them on the bench beside him and changing to raven form to try the new ones on. A couple of minor adjustments later Cryptomancer is on the bench, stylish new avaitors practically glowing in the sunlight as the chromed lenses reflect random sunbeams causing splashes of light over nearby walls. "So, what are the additional features you mentioned?" he asked turning to Gryphon, flapping up onto the winged mages' head to peer at him upside-down. "Well, the lenses should be collecting the sunlight at the moment. At night they should use the sun they've stored during the day making things clearer for you when you're flying. The leather also has a minor warding spell set into it... you'll never have to worry about your flying goggles being covered by treacle again. Of course... I cant promise anything about the rest of you." The Raven leaps airborne again going into a steep dive moments later and landing at the feet of the Gryphon. Transforming back to his human form Cryptomancer removes his hood. "My friend, these are fantastic. Thank you." Replacing his hood the runemage turns back to his table, "one question though? the stored light is just to aid clarity, It wont give me 'Headlights' will it?" Gryphon laughs as the aviators stop creating dancing sparkles all over the nearby walls and shakes his head. "Headlights? Well the lenses are supposed to collect sunlight during the day and then use that collected light at night so that you can see where you're going. I didn't design them to act as lights, but I have to admit to you that I've not actually tested them." ~~~
In the workshop... for Cryptomancer Gryphon turns to his design book trying to decide who to make an item for next when his eyes light on a small sketch in the margin. Grinning to himself he quickly reaches into one of his storage containers and takes out a pair of crystal lenses that he'd put aside for just such an occation. Grabbing a jar of clear resin from one draw set into the workbench the winged mage pours some into a bowl and sets it in a beam of sunlight coming in through the window, then he begins weaving his spell. In moments the clear paste begins to take on a silvery sheen and the sparkle produced by the sunlight seems to intensify and become more pronounced. Sparing another grin for the imagined reaction of his friend to his upcoming gift Gryphon moves the bowl out of the sunlight, reaching for a fine brush from a container on his bench. In the bowl the resin now seems to be emiting a faint glow, despite no longer sitting in the sunshine. Being careful not to splash any of the resin across his workbench Gryphon begins to paint a thin layer of the liquid onto one side of the lenses taking painstaking care not to spread it unevenly or miss spots. Slowly, the formerly clear lenses start to take on the same silvery sheen that was previously a property of the contents of the bowl. Continuing his work, but becoming aware of the phenomenon Gryphon nods slightly satisfied that the magic is taking hold as it should. Twenty minutes of careful application later Gryphon sits back to survey his work - both the lenses giving off a faint silvery glow as the resin hardens slowly to form a smooth chromed film. Turning to another part of his bench Gryphon takes up a strip of hardened leather and begins to work it making it supple and light enough to be used by the rune mage in his raven form without sacrificing the strength of the leather. Slowly the leather began to alter under his spells, beginning to closely resemble the style of aviator glasses often warn by the raven, and when the chromed lenses were added Gryphon sat back to have a look at the finished product. He hoped Cryptomancer would like them, he seemed to favour the aviator glasses in his raven form and these were much the same, just with two very important differences... ~~~
A gift... for Venefyxatu Gryphon enters the Cabaret Room looking for Venefyxatu and casting around sees the Nether Mage sitting off to one side of the room apparantly reading through a treatise of some description. Not wanting to interrupt the someone who's engrossed in a good book, Gryphon hesitates briefly before moving slowly in the Nether Mage's direction. Venefyxatu looks up from his book as he sences Gryphon approach, suprise almost making it's way across his features as he sees the small silk pouch Gryphon is carrying. "Back so soon?" He murmurs almost to himself, "Surely this can't be an item for me already?", nevertheless he sets his tome to one side and stands as Gryphon draws close, obviously heading in his direction. Seeing that he was not going to have to interrupt Venefyxatu's reading Gryphon picks up his pace coming to a halt in front of where Venefyxatu stands. He hands over a silk pouch and Venefyxatu feels something round and solid inside. Raising an eyebrow at Gryphon's smile he carefully opens the pouch and withdraws what appears to be a rounded piece of clear quartz. It is beautifully carved and on closer examination Venefyxatu can sence that it has some kind of ambient magic contained within it, but otherwise it's function remains a mystery to him. Gryphon chooses that moment to speak up. "It's not quite finished." He says before quickly continuing before Venefyxatu can say anything. "It's a memory crystal, it's designed to display a series of pictures, or memories actually, drawn from the owner's mind. Of course I don't have any memories from your mind to put in there, and I'd not even think of trying to take them without your permission, so I thought maybe if you don't mind we can work together on completing the spell I've placed inside the stone. I heard you were seeking for a way to remind you of your distant past and I thought we could capture a few of your happy memories from back then inside the crystal." Intrigued by the prospect of another sort of magic, particularly one so foreign to that of his own Venefyxatu begins to nod his agreement before hesitating. "I think you should be aware of one thing Gryphon," he says, "as much as I love your idea, I fear that those memories were lost together with Terra and whatever there was before, so I do not believe that using a device such as the one you offer me will work, but I thank you for the thought..." Seeing that Venefyxatu is about to leave Gryphon hastily speaks up. "Wait! Cant we just try it anyway? Maybe those memories are just lost to you, but that doesn't mean we cant access them magically. We lose nothing by trying anyway." Venefyxatu considers briefly before nodding his acceptance and together the two leave the Cabaret Room for Gryphon's workroom. Minutes later Venefyxatu stands holding his gift from Gryphon as the winged mage weaves a tight web of magic linking Venefyxatu and the memory crystal. Once again the crystal is pulsating in time to the magic, or the beat of a long forgotten heartbeat. Gryphon gives Venefyxatu a nod indicating that he's ready to begin the magical link and the Nether mage focusses his considerable will on the crystal, willing it to fill with images and memories of happy times, before he was an archmage of Terra, before he was Venefyxatu. There is a blinding flash as Gryphon's web snaps, Venefyxatu falls to the floor overcome for a brief instant by a rush of ancient memory, before it escapes again and he crys out in frustration. Gryphon, having caught himself on a workbench blinks furiously to clear the afterimage of the magical flashburst from his vision, and slowly the two recover, to see a series of images floating up to be displayed in the crystal, now cluched tightly in Venefyxatu's hands. Gryphon speaks quietly, "I don't know if you can remember anything, but you should be able to bend your will upon the crystal and command it to show you any image you want. The rest of the time it'll cycle randomly through what it has stored as it is now. I hope you like your gift." Venefyxatu looks at the crystal, fascinated by the sight of images he hadn't thought he'd ever remember. Just as Gryphon decides to leave the Nether mage to his memories, the latter tears his gaze away from the crystal. His already soft voice is even softer now from the bewilderment of seeing the long-lost memories again. "Gryphon, this is a wonderful gift. Already I can feel that there is so much I don't even know I've forgotten... how can I ever thank you? Gryphon faces Venefyxatu with a smile on his face at the other's obvious pleasure in his gift, "No thanks are necessary, being able to count you amongst my friends is enough." ~~~
In the workshop... for Venefyxatu Settling back at his workbench Gryphon glances at the list of names signed up against his Quill Quest. He stares in suprise that the numbers have grown so quickly, then smiles to himself, glad that the other pennites are willing to support the Quest for his Quill in this matter. Reaching into one of the many containers surrounding his workbench Gryphon pulls forth a medium sized piece of quartz. Rough and unpolished it didn't look like much sitting on his bench but it was exactly what was required for the next item in Gryphon's list. Taking up his stone-shaping tools once again Gryphon began to shave strips of rough quartz off the stone. The magical implements made the stone peel back cleanly as though the mage was working with slightly warmed wax instead of a chunk of clear quartz. Slowly but surely a shape began taking place out of the rock, rounded and smooth, the quartz began to act as a lens, distorting the light passing through it. As his creation began to take shape Gryphon started intoning a quiet spell. The liquid syllables dropping from his mouth in a counterpoint to the steady movements of the shaping tools across the now egg shaped piece of crystal quartz. Slowly, in perfect rhythm to the magic a light began to glow in the middle of the crystal, a heartbeat of Gryphon's desire as he worked his will on what was to become a gift for Venefyxatu. Maintaining his steady pace Gryphon worked a spell of light and communication into the rock, willing it to conform to his will. The chant grew quieter, introspective as the winged mage took up another tool using it to polish the surface of the crystal creation to a smooth finish. Motes of light danced inside the quartz as the spell web took hold and solidified, creating a crystalline structure contained inside the stone. Reaching for one last tool, Gryphon slowly and carefully so as not to damage his spell, sliced a thin sliver off one side of the item, which now strongly resembled a crystal egg sitting on one flattened end. Slice by slice, sliver by sliver a flat section began to take form on the egg's rounded surface and as the last piece fell with a musical sound to the workbench Gryphon ceased his chant and sat examining his work. In the very center of the crystal a tiny patch of darkness could be seen, possibly a flaw in the stone or an intrusion of some description. Peering closely at his finished piece Gryphon noticed the flaw and with a small - almost happy sound sat back satisfied. His work done until it came time to give the gift to Venefyxatu. ~~~
A gift... for Gwaihir After flying back to Pen Keep to fetch something to carry Gwaihir's item in Gryphon chances to see the verdant mage far below him heading for the forest. With a cry Gryphon folds his wings diving to catch up to the elf before he vanishes under cover knowing that once in the forest Gwai would be very difficult to find. Nearing the ground Gryphon cries out "Gwai, wait!" Gwaihir, hearing his name called unexpectedly turns, almost tripping over his own feet as he looks around trying to see who called him before he notices Gryphon approaching in a smooth glide. Cupping his wings Gryphon comes to a light landing next to Gwai, holding what appears to be a box full of leaves. "I've got your item ready for you from my Quill Quest! I know it's early, but I had an idea for you and just couldn't wait to try it out." Gryphon holds the box out to Gwaihir and he peers in crying out as he notices it's full of leaves. Sorrow and just a touch of anger cross his face. "Think of the trees! If they don't let go of the leaves before hand it really hurts to have them pulled off! You can't just pick leaves like that...Umm, I guess I sound ungrateful, I don't mean to, but..." Gryphon notices the pain and sadness in Gwaihir's voice and realising the path of the verdant mages thoughts, he hastens to explain what he did. "No! Gwaihir, it's not what you think! I spoke to the trees and asked them to donate leaves so that I could make this for you. Feel them - they're all still alive. It was part of the magic, in fact, I want you to... meet your gift." Gryphon places the box on the ground and reaches into it. Taking hold of a handful of leaves he draws them forth and to Gwaihir's suprise the whole lot of them come out of the box together and they hang in Gryphon's hands like a cloak. "It's a cloak, made of living leaves. The trees helped me to make it, it'll recognise you, and if you forget it somewhere it'll find you again - like leaves being blown by the wind." As Gryphon says this the cloak ripples as though caught by a strong wind and flies out of Gryphon's hands straight at Gwaihir. Gryphon lets out an exclamation in suprise as the cloak wraps it's self around Gwaihir as though welcoming him, letting him know that the trees were not harmed by what they gave in order to make this little bit of magic possible. Gwaihir looks at Gryphon with a grin on his face and says "Thank you so much for your gift, I couldn't think of anything better. A cloak to comfort me and talk to me and watch my back--it'll be like having a familiar but better!" With that the elf turns and begins stroking and talking to each of the leaves in his cloak. It is fortunate that Gryphon was good natured and knew his friend or otherwise he might have been offended to have Gwaihir completely ignoring him to talk to a cloak. Gryphon watched Gwaihir with his cloak for a few moments, glad that the elf obviously really likes his new cloak... at least as much as the cloak likes him. Quietly Gryphon speaks "I'll see you later Gwaihir, take care.", then he takes to the air knowing that he's still got lots of work to do. ~~~
In the workshop... for Gwaihir Gryphon and Tanny head into the forest, Gryphon talking animatedly about what he's planning to make for Gwaihir, Tanny nodding as she listens... "... I heard that when Gwai went on his date with Zariah he had to borrow some nice clothes of Peredhil and I know that he was worried that he'd lose whatever I gave him because he said so. So anyway, I was thinking about how I could help him out a bit, and ensure that he got something that he could not only wear for special occasions, but something he couldn't lose, you see?" Tanny nod, smiling in agreement with Gryphon. "I think he'll really appreciate something good to wear that couldn't be lost. So what did you have in mind?" Gryphon organises his thoughts then forges ahead... "I wanted to make him a cloak out of living leaves. I'm sure that the trees around here will co-operate after we tell them who it's for, and the leaves will need to be given freely for what I have in mind... The problem is that I can't really communicate with trees, that's more an earth magic skill and I have precious little of that." As Gryphon finishes speaking the pair of mages slow their walk to a halt. Tanny looks at him pensively, and keeps silent for so long that he starts worrying whether she has changed her mind. "Communicate with the trees.... yes, it's possible... but I hope you understand that this is really Gwai's magic, not mine...?" Seeing the puzzled look in his eyes, Tanny goes to the biggest tree nearby and rests a hand on its huge trunk. "Gwaihir is a Verdant Mage. He can actually speak to plants. While I'm a shapechanger who channels the energy that earth has. Elemental energy... as you do with air. While there is a kind of communication with all living beings that share a natural link to earth, it's nothing like being able to talk to them. I can sense the trees, and I'm sure they sense me and my need... but I can't put words on that. I can convey purpose and need, and then manipulate the energy to get what I have in mind." She turns to Gryphon with a smile, "If you want to try it even so... that sounds like an excellent test of the power focus you gave me." Sitting comfortably by the tree, with Gryphon at her side, Tanny wills the focus stone to her hand so that it is clearly visible to both of them. She reaches for her magic through the stone, and immediately the warm golden glow of the amber in the jewel starts to increase in strength as sparkling light seems to flow through the amber part of the spiral down to infinity. The warm strength of earth magic floods into her, smooth and powerful and with so little effort that Tanny almost loses her connection to the flow in suprise. Even as Tanny marvels at the feel of the magic coursing through the focus at her call, Gryphon bends his own mind to calling a thread of air magic through the silver shot side of the gem. The flow is slow at first, as though the power is reluctant to flow to him, recognising that he's not the one the focus was attuned to, but moments later the trickle strengthens to a flood as Tanny bends her will in support of his effort. The cascade of sparkling energy that began when Tanuchan started pulling earth magic through the stone flares, as suddenly the two types of energy support and amplify one another. Both mages are caught by suprise as the torrent of magical energy courses through them and they simultaneously drop the flow in suprise. Tanny turns to Gryphon, and sees her suprise mirrored on his face. "I... I guess you were not expecting that to happen either?" Gryphon shakes his head in bewilderment. "I guessed that the two types of magic might support one another, but to amplify each other? That's... " he trails off shaking his head. "Maybe if we both draw more lightly on the power - we don't need enough to set up a shield over the Pen Keep and surrounding regions after all - just talk to a few trees." She chuckles, and once again, Tanny and Gryphon start to draw magic through the focus stone, this time taking only the slightest trickle each. The flows amplify one another again, and soon the two are weaving a web of magic between themselves and the trees. When it is done Tanny holds the magic in place and gives Gryphon a nod. ::Think to them, with all your heart and purpose... I'm not sure if this will work, but we're linked and your power will reach them.:: In an odd way, Gryphon can sense the smile in Tanny's mental voice. ::You are a Mage. Your power will do it.:: Composing this thoughts, the winged mage sends out a questing thought, the equivalent of clearing his throat and politely saying "Excuse me". He feels suprise, curiousity, and a mixture of interest and dis-interest that this strange being should want to talk to the trees. Carefully framing his thoughts Gryphon speaks mentally: "I am sorry to interrupt you all, but I've come to ask your help in a small undertaking. You see I told Gwaihir that I'd make him an item of some magic..." At the mention of Gwaihir's name, Gryphon feels the full attention of the trees swing to him, nervous he clears his thoat and continues. "I was going to make him a cloak, but he was afraid that he'd lose it you see..." Gryphon pauses again, as he feels a strange kind of amusement along with the regard now. He has the feeling that there are a number of cloaks scattered throughout the forest that once belonged to the elf. "So I was going to make him a cloak that was linked to him, and the forest that he loves so much and I was hoping that you would consider donating some leaves for the purpose. They'd need to be living leaves or I couldn't get them to remember him, and I wouldn't want more than one from each of you, but if you wouldn't mind I'd be really really greatful, and I know Gwaihir is sure to treasure it even more for your contribution." Gryphon waits in an agony of anticipation, hoping for the co-operation of the trees while Tanny looks on. Suddenly there is a rippling sound, as the leaves of the trees move as though in a breeze and the sound forms a pair of words: "Yes.... when?" Turning and flashing Tanny a relieved grin Gryphon again speaks to the trees, "Well, now... or any time that suits you really, and thank you all so much." Releasing his hold on the magic and feeling Tanny do the same Gryphon turns and his eyes widen, as he beholds the strangest scene. From every tree around, a single leaf, glowing green with life energy floats gently to the ground. Swiftly Gryphon spins a spell and the leaves are caught up in a small breeze which brings them tumbling to land at his feet. "Well, that's the hard part done." Gryphon says, "Now I just need to link the life forces all together so that this is one item instead of a pile of leaves". Working together Gryphon and Tanny lay out the leaves into the rough resemblance of a cloak, then with the familarity of a little practice the two link magic again and lay a web of power over the pile of leaves on the ground. Using Tanny's earth magic to feed his will back through the life force of the leaves, Gryphon gives a mental twist, binding each leaf firmly to those around it. Moments later Gryphon carefully picks up what appears to be a green cloak with leaf patterns all over it. It rustles gently as he folds it and he turns to give Tanuchan a quick hug. "Thank you so much, I... well.. I probably couldn't have done it without your help. I don't think I can ever truely thank you enough." Tanny smiles back warmly. "No need to thank me, Gryphon... there is a tiny bit of me in that gift to Gwai, and for that I thank you. Letting me share your work in one of your gifts is another precious gift you gave me, and I'll treasure both of them." She looks at him for a moment before giving him a quick and light peck on his cheek, merry laughter and mischief coming to her eyes as he blushes. "Well... thanks, so much... I'd better be getting back to give this to Gwai." With a grin and a wave, Gryphon spreads his wings and with a wave to Tanny takes to the air - well aware that he's still got a lot of work ahead of him and he's only finished the second item! ~~~
A gift... for Tanuchan Starting early Gryphon seeks out Tanny. It takes some time to locate her, but moments after he has Gryphon glides in to a soft landing beside the sunning wolf. Tanny looks at Gryphon and grins, standing up and stretching before shimmering into her human form. "Good morning, Gryphon. What brings you here, besides the beautiful morning?" She smiles and invites him to seat in a rocky ledge overhanging the lake, a soft breeze keeping the air pleasantly humid. "You signed up for my Quill Quest..." He produces a small silk pouch from the carry pouch around his neck, and Tanny looks at him in surprise. "But... so soon, Gryphon? I wasn't nowhere near the first to sign up your list... " Gryphon grins. "You were among the first to sign up and one of the easiest since I already had an idea of what I could make you." "Well, thank you..." Her smile is somewhat embarrassed as she continues, "It makes me feel special to be among the first to receive a gift from you... " Gryphon hands Tanny the silk pouch. "Have a look inside and tell me what you think first - then I'll explain what it is you've got." Gryphon says with a grin. Curious, Tanny opens the pouch and tips the content carefully into her palm. It is a strange looking gemstone set in silver. Half the stone is the clearest amber that glows gently in the morning sunlight while the other half is a pale blue clear gem shot through with silver. Where the two colours meet there is a vortex shaped swirl that seems to lead from the base of the stone to the top without causing a flaw in the gem it's self. As the silver setting warms to her hand it seems to shimmer almost like it was moving, despite obviously being solid silver. Tanny starts in surprise at the warming, and senses some subtle magic woven into the jewel. She calls to herself the energy of the water just below them, instinctively wary of alien energies, and Gryphon senses it. "Just wait, and... try to remain calm, it wont hurt you." Gryphon says, watching the gem carefully. Moments later the silver is crawling up Tanny's arm, extending tendrils of its substance to simulate legs. Suprise flashes across her face as the stone makes its way to her neck and settles there like a pendant on a thin silver necklace. "It's a focus for your mage powers. You draw your energy through the stone instead of directly from the raw source, the stone smooths the energy making it easier for you to control so you use less of your personal energy taming the raw magic, because of this you can either draw more, or use it longer with less cost to yourself. I thought of it after the battle we fought together under Salinye's mansion. The amber side is for earth magic, the silvered side for air." Gryphon can see from Tanny's open smile how she values the gift, and she examines the gem with her inner senses. Tentatively, she reaches through it and feels a smooth flow of energy with the typical "taste" of the most stable sources of earth energy flooding into her without expending more than a trickle of personal power to control and direct it. "I know you don't use air magic, but it needs to be there to control the magic in the silver. There's a little bit of wind in it - that's what makes it look alive... that'll let it resize it's self to either of your forms so you can use the focus at all times. If you want it off, just will it off - it'll obey." Tanny shimmers into her wolf form, and the necklace resizes to be a comfortable collar; as a tanuki, the collar becomes smaller, and then it crawls down her arm to settle into her paw as she wills it off. Changing again into her human shape, she looks at Gryphon with a bright smile. "It's a wonderful gift, Gryphon... thank you so much! It will help me quite a lot." She wills the gem back to her neck, then asks, "Tell me... I can feel that while I'm wearing it, no one else can use the earth side. But what about the air side? Could you, for example, use it at the same time, drawing from air?" Gryphon pauses for a moment, pondering. "The focus is like a funnel rather than a power source feeding the user who pulled power through it a clean, smoothly flowing stream of energy. Someone else could use it with you on a shared project, but no-one could use it against you. Of course I've noticed that none of the others here use focuses of this kind, and few use air magics. Most of the others may not actually know what it is unless you tell them. I'm not sure what would happen if we both tried to draw through the stone at once if we had another situation like under Salinye's mansion, but I'm fairly sure it would be spectacular and probably powerful too." Tanny nods, touching the air side and feeling again the swirls of alien energy that bring the signature of an element that's not hers. With a somewhat mischievous smile, she looks into Gryphon's eyes. "I wonder if you have the time to try?" Gryphon looks slightly embarrassed, his feathers ruffling slightly as he clears his throat. "Actually, I wasn't sure how to ask, but I do have a shared project in mind... I need the help of someone versed in earth magics to create the item I've got in mind for Gwaihir." Gryphon stumbles into silence for a moment, before the rest of the words come in a rush, "I know it's my Quill Quest, and I should do this on my own, but I had a really great idea, and I could probably do it without earth magic, but then it wouldn't be so good and Gwai probably wouldn't accept it and then what would I do?" The words continue, falling over themselves, as Gryphon explains to Tanny what he had in mind and why he needs some help. The curioustity in Tannys' eyes gives way to interest then slowly to enthusiasm as he lays out his idea for her. Shortly thereafter they are heading off into the forest to both experiment with Tannys' new gift and to talk to the trees... ~~~
In the workshop... for Tanuchan Sitting at his workbench with the design tome open beside him Gryphon pulls from various containers the components of his item for Tanuchan. Taking a chip of amber Gryphon picks up some (mostly mundane) cutting and polishing tools and starts shaping the chip of amber polishing it and shaping it sculpting the form into a quarter globe slightly elongated. The work is soothing and easy, so time passes quickly as Gryphon works, soon he is left with a flawless quarter of a globe shape. The amber seems to glow faintly from within in the light of the workroom, providing a directionless ethereal light. Gryphon holds the first piece up and examines it closely to verify that it is without flaw. Satisfied with the quality of the workmanship and the materials he sets it carefully aside and picks up another chip of stone. This time it is a light blue stone, possibly semi-precious in nature, shot through with lines of silver, like a spiderweb of silvered thread. Repeating the process he followed for the amber Gryphon starts to mold the chip of stone into a quarter globe, slightly elongated on it's flat side, being careful to match it perfectly to the first one created. Again, on finishing, Gryphon examines the chip of shaped stone minutely for flaws and quality, knowing that the slightest imperfection in the stone could cause problems at a later stage. Sitting the two quarter-globes on the bench in front of him, Gryphon accesses a pure thread of energy from an overhead line of power and focuses. Using the thread of power the mage heats the two chips of material on their flat edges as he pushes them gently together. Ever so slowly the amber begins to melt into the skystone and vice versa, merging their substances at the deepest level. The excess material from each is gently re-directed to the base of what becomes the half-globe, providing a slight rim around the bottom. What seemed like hours later, though it was probably only minutes Gryphon released the thread of power and sat back, to survey his work... Sitting before him on the bench was a perfect flawless half globe slightly glowing from the effect of having an intense thread of magical energy run through it. One side was a deep amber in color and the other the clearest blue with a mingled spiral of both in the center making it impossible to tell where one began and the other left off. Tired but satisfied at the quality of the work Gryphon turns to the small metal forge in the corner of the work area and uses a touch of magic to heat the ingot of silver contained within it. Once again reaching for the lines of power outside Gryphon summons a small, playful gust of wind. Carefully, so as not to cool the silver too quickly Gryphon feeds the breeze into the silver causing it to blur and dance slightly then, as he can feel the heat of the liquid metal cooling, he dips the created stone into the liquid just enough so that the metal covers the rim, where he holds it, as the silver cools then solidifies holding the stone firmly in place. Exhausted, but finally finished Gryphon slips the item carefully into a silk pouch, ready to present it to it's new owner. Glancing outside he's surprised to see that night is about to fall, and rather than go seeking Tanuchan he decides to leave the giving until the next day. As he sits contemplating his work the winged mage smiles, hoping that the item works as it should... "If it does", he thinks quietly to himself, "I might create one of my own." Inside the silk pouch the silver stirs slightly as though it were a pond rippled by a breeze. ~~~
Gryphon enters the lab attached to his room having pitched his Quill Quest to the other pennites, satisfied that he'd stated his case well. Passing by his worktable his eyes flicker over a parchment tacked there. Twin to the one in the Cabaret Room the parchment would mirror the names signed to the one downstairs. Gryphons eyes open wide in surprise - five signups already and barely more than an hour had passed since attaching the original signup sheet to the wall! And some of the people signed... "I certainly have my research cut out for me." he said to himself even as Gwaihir's name scribed it's self helpfully across the scroll. Taking down a spare book from a nearby shelf Gryphon exercises a moment of magic to shift to a form that is better for the crafting of items and the writing of notes. Ideas already begining to flow freely in his mind (and ignoring the order the names appeared on the list) Gryphon opens the book and begins to scribe ideas and diagrams to aid and focus the creation of the items... ~~~
Ok everyone, time to get underway... The following list shows the official participants in my Quill Quest, thank you all for your support. I'll be linking your names to the creation of each item as I write them up and post them. At some point following the creation of each item there will be a follow up post, probably written as a collaborative effort between myself and the person receiving the gift. This will explain what each item does as it is given in character and will be located directly below the creation post. If the collaboration is incomplete there will be a placeholder post... The Signup List: Salinye Venefyxatu Sweetcherrie Zariah Tanuchan Mynx Gwaihir Yan Yan Ganaffi Degenero Angelus Elrohir Cryptomancer Inbi Infusco Ayshela Helga Hurtle Gyrfalcon Daryl Vlad Reverie Kasmandre Wyvern - (under a number of names) Epinephrine The Portrait of Zool ~~~ And away we go.
Hope you both had an awesome time on your birthdays.
The Cabaret Room is quiet, silence rules the Pen as the world sleeps. Here and there whispers of sound come from those who have passed beyond the need for slumber, the scratching sound of quill to parchment, the dry rasp of a books page being turned or the rustle of cloth as one of the nocturnal pennites goes for a walk. In one corner of the Cabaret Room, over near the Quill Quest signup sheets there is another noise, a quiet drip, drip, drip. So quiet that during the day it would be unnoticeable, at night it is just the thinnest whisper of noise... Drip, drip, drip... Un-noticed by anyone, but sure to be noticed by the owner of the signature, the name Major Wyvernesh which was written boldly in Almost Draconic Brand Ink slips off the signup scroll creating a tiny red puddle on the floor. Beneath it another name is revealed, shimmering slightly as though it had just floated to the surface of a potion instead of a page of scrollwork, Epinephrine's signature slowly becomes clear.
Thanks in no small part to a number of oversized signatures splashed across the signup sheet the original piece of paper is almost completely full, particularly since it contains a copy of Gryphon's original proclamation at the top of it. The space at the bottom of the sheet while wide enough for a signature or maybe two is proving to be less than co-operative and ink is just sliding off it as random pennites come to sign their names up to take part in Gryphons Quill Quest. At the very bottom of the parchment a small line of text appears: Signups on hold, further interest should be directed to Gryphon in person or held until existing jobs are partially cleared. Thankyou for your patience. ~~~ OOC: I'm not closing signups - and there is still space on this parchment for at least one more signup for those who approached me on IRC... However I need to catch up a little before I consider taking more applicants since there are a few already there who are a challenge in their own right. Please PM me if you feel you missed out and I'll arrange something.
I know the show runs for a couple of hours - by my calculations it shouldn't be over yet... You can always try calling in later.
Happy birthday - hope you both had great ones.
Gryphon waves a hello at JaZzMaN251 Welcome along - I really do recommend the FAQ's when you've started to make yourself at home and you're starting to build up a set of questions. Otherwise all I can say is dive right in and enjoy yourself.
And what is the duck going to do to cover it's nudity?
Hope you had the coolest birthday Mira.
I cant say that I know you - in fact I've not heard of you before your arrival here... But these, my friends, seem to know you well and that's good enough for me. Welcome ~O~. I cant wait to see some examples of your work.
Be welcome and feel free to join in the writing - that's what makes The Pen the wonderful place that it is.
I found this easy to read. Sometimes longer or more 'complex' works (for want of a better term) leave me feeling bogged down because they're difficult to get into. This was a pleasure for me to read. Thanks.
There is a faint rustling sound and a name begins to scribe it's self slowly across the parchment. The script is slow and methodical with a suggested tortise shell motif to it. Minutes thereafter the parchment also displays the name Helga Hurtle.
Gwaihir's name appears in a leafy script that appears to wiggle faintly, scribed neatly on the scroll
The scroll obligingly has Tanny's name accompanied by a paw print symbol appear on it
Gryphon bounds into the Cabaret Room racing over to the wall where various sheets of Quill Quest signups hang, indicating either Quests in progress or Quests awaiting participants. Moving to a clear patch of wallspace next to the parchments for Mynx and Cryptomancer's Quests Gryphon takes a carefully scribed scroll from his pouch and reverently he attaches it to the wall beside the others. Turning to survey what crowd exists inside the room, noting a few curious glances, Gryphon gestures to the parchment and announces: "Recent efforts and encouragments from some very good friends have convinced me that it is time for me to enter into a quest for a quill of my own." "With that in mind I have undertaken to create a number of minor magical items or spells, each uniquely suited to individual members of Pen Keep. They will be minor, they will also be taylored specially for those that request them within the abilities of my magic and free of cost to those wanting them." "Please sign on the parchment I have attached to the wall behind me so I have a record of those who have joined to support me in my undertaking." "Thank you." Announcement complete Gryphon leaves the room, more sedately than he entered so that those who want to can sign up without pressure. ~~~ OOC: No limit at this stage on how many can sign up as the only restricitons for me are time and imagination.