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Everything posted by Gryphon
In the workshop... for Yan Yan Ganaffi Delecate tinkling sounds indicate the demise of Gryphon's latest attempt to create an item for Yan Yan Ganaffi. Frustrated, and surrounded by shards of what appear to be glass Gryphon decides to go for a break and heads out over the forest surrounding the Pen, generally riding the thermals and relaxing. As Gryphon glides on the thermals over the forest he spots Inbi far below heading for her cave and a flash of insight comes to him. Inbi looks up as she sees a shadow pass rapidly over her to see the familiar shape of Gryphon diving to land on the trail ahead of her. Spreading his wings at the last minute with a massive downdraft blowing dust and leaves everywhere Gryphon lands, posing just so in a shaft of sunlight. Inbi watches Gryphon's magnificent landing and wonders why he has returned. The item he gave her hasn't had much time yet in her cave, but as far as she can tell it has been working as intended. As he steps out of his sunbeam Inbi approaches him, curiosity registering on her face, but instead of the obvious question, asks, "How's the quest going?" Inbi watches as suprise flashes through Gryphon's eyes followed by a keen and piercing gaze. "Actually Inbi, my latest item has been giving me some minor troubles and I thought you might be able to assist me with it, if you're willing?" Suprise wars with confusion on Inbi's face and for a moment silence rules as she contemplates Gryphon's question before answering "Oh, well, of course. If you think there's anything I can do, certainly. Is it my magic that you need?" Gryphon starts to nod and smile, "Your magic, yes... Shall we find a comfortable place to sit whilst I tell you about what I've been working on?" Inbi nods with a slighty puzzled expression still on her face and says "Ok, sure. I know a good place." Then she turns from the trail and heads off towards a clearing a short distance away followed by Gryphon who walks comfortably beside her under the trees. As the two walk through the trees Gryphon begins to talk quietly. "I understand you work with ice? I'm hoping that we might be able to use that ability of yours to create my next item. All the other substances I've tried seem to shatter whenever I try to work into them the detail of magic I need." Thoughtfully Inbi nods, "Yes," she says, understanding dawning. "I can do quite a bit with ice." "Excellent," Gryphon smiles, "Please allow me to explain what I'm trying to do. I was trying to create a belt out of stone or crystal to support a set of misdirection spells. Unfortunately whenever I cast the spells into the belt, it shattered. I think if we work together we should be able to create such a belt out of your ice." Gryphon's pace stumbles to a brief halt as an idea occurs to him. "I should have thought to ask, but your ice. Since it's magical can you create it so that it doesn't melt?" "No... Um..." Inbi's denial stumbles to a brief halt. "I've never thought about it before, actually. It's always melted before, but it's probably possible to augment it somehow." Gryphon frowns and continues walking while thinking furiously. "Strange... Well I'm sure that since it's magically created ice it'll at least be able to contain the energy of my spells. If that doesn't make it stable enough not to melt then I'll worry about it later." As he speaks the two reach the clearing and Inbi takes a seat on a fallen log while Gryphon settles into a patch of soft grass nearby and looks over at Inbi. Inbi begins to smile, her eagerness to try this magical experiment with Gryphon translating it's self into her expression. "So what do you want me to try?" she says, ready to give it an immediate go. With an expansive gesture Gryphon calls up an overlaid series of spells in the air in front of him revealing a structure that resembles a fine belt of interlocking crystal scales. Each scale glitters like a tiny mirror and it looks so real that for a second Inbi can't believe it's not a solid object. "This is the spell construct. We need to link, magically and then feed your magic through me into the construct." Gryphon looks over at Inbi with a grin. "Perhaps we'd better practice linking a few times before we try this?" Inbi's eyes are wide as she sits and stares at the creation hanging in the air in front of Gryphon before she visibly catches herself and turns to Gryphon excitement in her eyes. "Um, linking? Sure... you'll have to show me how... I've never done anything like this before." Gryphon nods, "Close your eyes and imagine that surrounding you there is a shifting cloud of white mist...." Gryphon watches as his new 'student' composes herself and then closes his own eyes, reaching out mentally he takes the hand of Inbi linking gently to her through her magic. Inbi feels his steadying presence and hears his voice "Imagine that you're reaching out in the darkness to take my hand and that I reach out and grasp yours. When you've felt our hands join start feeding that white energy around you through the link between us to me..." Feeling the energy start to flow from Inbi haltingly at first but slowly with more confidence, Gryphon diverts it into the construct which begins to glow with a pale white light as each spellscale of the belt fills with ice magic. Slowly the construct takes on the properties of the power being packed into it, with layers of interlocked ice magically compressed together giving form to the underlying spell-construct and Gryphon comes to realise that this ice will never melt and the individual scales begin to blaze from within and take on a glassy sheen. An hour later, Inbi opens her eyes to see Gryphon smiling at her and holding a familiar looking belt of sparkling white scale. "We did it, and I couldn't have done it without your help." Handing the belt to Inbi she can sense that it contains her type of magic, and somehow she knows that she can learn to use her power this way too. "I don't know if it is adequate thanks for your assistance today," Gryphon says, "but I believe that over time I might be able to help you learn to use your magic better. If you are willing..." Inbi Infusco looks up at Gryphon standing before her and with new possibilities for her future opening up before her eyes she smiles and gives a nod saying "Thank you, yes, I'd like that a lot." So promises and arrangements are made and a short while later Gryphon takes to the sky to deliver another gift leaving a friend behind him watching him go from a forest clearing. ~~~
A gift... for Zariah Getting up early Gryphon heads out to search for Zariah, fairly certain that she'll be litterally up with the crows at the crack of dawn. After searching the various rooms of the Pen Keep fruitlessly he chances to see Zariah heading for the Cabaret Room and hurries to catch her not wanting to call out for fear of waking other Pennites. Zariah looks around hearing someone rushing after her and pauses with a smile seeing Gryphon approach. Bounding up to the lady of crows, Gryphon bows deeply. "Zariah, I owe you an appology. You were the first one to sign up to support me in my Quill Quest and I have taken an unforgivably long time in prepairing an item for you." Zariah begins to shake her head, "It doesn't matter really, there was no rush to make me a gift." "Please lady," Gryphon says "I do feel it was wrong of me to keep you waiting so long, and I ask your forgiveness, for I have no excuse other than my own failing in coming up with an item to give you quickly. However, it has come time to fix that problem." Gryphon takes from his pouch a small silk pouch and hands it to Zariah to open. As she does so light spills out, and with curiosity and wonder in her eyes Zariah reaches into the pouch and withdraws a bracelet. To the touch it feels like slightly chill silver, but the metal it's self is ablaze with the fires of an afternoon sunset. Motes of sparkling light dance off it as if sunbeams tease the metal and tiny flamelets seem to leap and play over its surface despite not giving off any heat. Zariah gasps and her eyes widen then she begins to grin at Gryphon as the unique nature of her new shiny gift begins to appeal to her Crow side. "Thank you so much, it's truely beautiful." she says slipping it over her wrist. "You're forgiven for being late in giving it too." Gryphon smiles at her, "I'm glad you like it, now if you'll forgive me I must take my leave, there are still others to make gifts for." and waiting for a nod of acknowledgement from Zariah Gryphon disappears off to get to work on his next project. ~~~
Gryphon watches as Vlad manipulates the ambient mana in the room to call fire to his hand producing a small flame which quickly grows as the new lich gets a feel for the channelling of magical energy. "I think he's getting the hang of it." Gryphon comments to his companions waiting for Vlad to quench the flames. To his suprise instead of stopping the flames with his mind they keep growing and Vlad tries to beat them out briefly before turning to defy Minta. Hastily Gryphon summons a thread of energy, the blue stone around his neck sparking with psuedo-flame in response as he reaches out and smothers the flame before it endangers anyone leaving Vlad's hand and robe smoldering slightly as he stares at his creator determination written in his stance.
The Mighty Pen's First Invitational Poker Tourney
Gryphon replied to YanYanGanaffi's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
A pair of blazing red eyes open like twin suns in a dark corner of the Cabaret room and a shadow sweeps across the signup board. Moments later all is peaceful once more and Umbra's signature is on the signup form. ~~ ~~ -
In the workshop... for Zariah In the late afternoon Gryphon sits at his workbench looking at a thin band of silver that shines with the orange fires of the afternoon sun. The silver sparkles as reflected sunbeams dance along it's surface chasing each other through occational cascades of pseudo-fire as the sunlight seems to radiate from the thin metal band. While watching the light provide such a magical spectacle without the need for magic to be involved Gryphon slowly built an illusion. Hanging in the shadows to one side of the bench is an almost perfect replica of the sun-touched silver. Motes of magical light sparkled randomly as the illusional sunbeams touched the replica and flamelets of imagination leapt and jumped randomly, blurring the line between controlled imagery and reality. As the afternoon sun sank into oblivion still the mage concentrated, watching the pattern underlying the illusion, it's structure cycling and changing just so, no longer following the will of it's creator but more echoing the rhythm of the natural magic in the very air around it. At last satisfied with what had been wrought the mage moved the illusion to overlay the silver bracelet, once more the metal seemed to take on the kiss of the afternoon sun, but this time to the will of it's creator instead of the hand of nature. With a savage twist of his mind Gryphon bound the illusion into the silver, which blazed cherry red before cooling to a dull shine. Moments later the illusion rose to the fore, and once more the bracelet danced with the afternoon sun, sparkles of sunbeams and flickers of a fire now gone from the sky. Carefully packing the bracelet into a silk pouch Gryphon sets it aside satisfied that the work is well done. ~~~
A gift... for Epinephrine Gryphon heads for the Cabaret Room looking for Epinephrine. Discovering that he's not there he starts leaving messages and hunting through the Pen to try and find the Alchemist. Several hours pass by before Gryphon manages to track him down, just as the scientist is heading out to get some fresh potion ingredients for his lab. Seeing Gryphon approach Epinephrine gives him a big smile, welcoming his friend. "It's been a while, far too long in fact." Gryphon nods and gives his friend a quick hug in greeting. "It has been too long, your periodic absence to teach has left me sorely missing you. I'm glad I caught you before you left again - I've actually got your gift ready for you. Thanks to some help from Cryptomancer it took far less trouble than I'd anticiptated." Holding out a box that Gryphon had been carrying unobtrusively, the winged mage holds it out to Epinephrine. "Open it, tell me what you think and I'll tell you what it does." Inside the box is a quill and inkwell. The inkwell and nib of the quill are a matching shiny black substance that Epinephrine supposes to be some kind of Volcanic stone, while the quill has a silver shaft with the barbs matching the colours of Gryphon's own primaries though somewhat lighter in colour. Epinephrine's eyes open wider as he surveys his new gift and Gryphon explains it's working quietly to him. "Mostly this is just an ordinary quill, but there are one or two things you should know about it. Firstly the feather is a Gryphon feather..." Here Gryphon pauses and grins at Epinephrine, "Naturally that means that anything you write with the quill will come out as being of the highest quality. Secondly there is a magical link between the quill nib and the inkwell. As long as the inkwell has ink in it, the quill will be able to write without being dipped. I figured that occasionally filling an inkwell was significantly easier than trying to deal with constantly having to refresh the ink on the quill." With a wry smile Epinephrine thanks Gryphon. "As you well know I can never look after my quills. I am grateful for your thoughtfulness with this gift. And now I will have no excuse for not writing my friends!" With a laugh Gryphon hands the box to Epinephrine who takes the box with the care he'd use handling dangerous potions then Epinephrine thanks Gryphon once more for his gift and both friends continue on their individual ways. ~~~
Appearing out of nowhere Gryphon launches a tacklehug at Cryptomancer, almost missing before bouncing off and slamming into a wall. He stands and turns to Cryptomancer. "Congratulations my friend, may sunlight always light your path and may your pen never run dry." Gryphon then dissolves into a column of sparkly motes which dissipate into nothingness just as Gryphon can be heard to mutter "needs calibration"...
I fear I never really new you, but happy birthday none the less.
Gryphon stops his pounding of the keyboard and brain long enough to applaud Cryptomancer and his heroic poetic effort.
Count me in. I'm thinking Zak Doyle He's the surfer dude, the one who always seems to be wearing shorts and no shirt. He's bronzed from the sun, loves the physical challenges and looks like he spends all his time stoned or drinking... which he doesn't, but it's a look you know. Generally easy to get along with though that fact alone is sometimes enough to really aggrovate some of the more competetive people on the show. He's more in it for the fun than the money, though the money would be good fun too.
Gryphon nods his acceptance of Dana's assistance and the two move to the side of the room over towards the remains of Vlad. "First," Gryphon says, "I need to know, who are you and what happened here." Moments later Dana has introduced herself and is giving Gryphon a brief but clear explanation of what happened in his absence. "Of all the times to step away from The Pen" Gryphon mutters to himself, interrupting Dana who gives him a smile before saying "You think it's bad for you, I just arrived here to find myself in the middle of a battle." Together the two turn to look at the remains of Vlad, taking in the scorch marks and ash that remains from the manner of his demise. "First order of business is to gather the remains I guess," Gryphon says. "I'm sure someone here can restore his unlife, Venefyxatu or Minta both have relevant magic that can help, but we'll need to collect the remains. You were here, the memory of what happened is locked in your head. If you'll permit me to link to you mind to mind while you contentrate on the scene of the battle it will make this task somewhat easier." With uncertainty in the gesture Dana nods cautiously and Gryphon gathers his magic, the sapphire focus at his neck beginning to burn from within with a blue fire as the mage draws his magic through it. Reaching out gently with his mind Gryphon encounters Dana's thoughts and with the sensation of mentally taking her hand links to her and lifts the vivid battle scene from her mind. With an exercise of will Gryphon calls a miniature whirlwind into being, feeding it power to survive in the motionless air of the Cabaret Room it begins to move cautiously around gathering up the specks of ash that were once the Pennite vampire Vlad.
In the brief moment of silence following the banishment of the Dreamer a pinhole of intensely blue light appeared in one corner of the Cabaret Room. The light flickered, as the essence that was Peredhil and the wards surrounding The Pen tasted the magic and found it to be familiar, moments later flaring to reveal a portal of silver and blue magics. Prepairing to combat yet more trouble those Pennites who were capable of doing so turned to face whatever new danger appeared through the portal only to relax as the familiar figure of Gryphon appeared, the portal closing behind him. Taking in the scene before him with suprise Gryphon rapidly assessed the situation, and deciding to get explanations later moved past Yui-chan and an unfamiliar newcomer towards what appeared on first (and second) glance to be the remains of Vlad to see what assistance could be rendered, if any.
In the workshop... for Epinephrine Pausing to pick up some materials for his next item from his workshop Gryphon heads for the Banquet Room to find Cryptomancer pacing and muttering something about turtle soup. Gryphon hesitates, unsure of his friend's mood and not wanting to interrupt the rune mage but decides to risk it in the hopes of de-stressing his friend a little bit. "Crypt?" Gryphon begins, "I don't mean to interrupt, but..." With a frustrated noise that is almost a growl Cryptomancer pauses in his pacing. "It's nothing, I need something to take my mind off... things anyway." Wishing there were a way he could help, but willing to let it wait Gryphon smiles at his friend. "I know you've been busy lately, and if there's anything further I can do to help you out, just let me know. I actually came down here to see if you'd like to take a break and maybe share a small bit of magic with me." There is a brief silence as with a grin Gryphon holds up a lump of silver and a feather which appears to be one of his own. "I was trying to figure out a way to combine the silver with the feather without sacrificing the delicacy of the feather. I know you've got some interesting skills when it comes to working with metal magically and I thought you might have a few ideas. I thought perhaps we could combine some magic and create something truely fantastic." Cryptomancer's reply starts with silence before he gives a quick nod. "Let's do it, what did you have in mind?" Handing Cryptomancer the feather and the silver so that he can examine them for the working of his magic Gryphon links to one of the weaker lines of power above the Pen Keep. Once the power is flowing to him in a cool gentle stream Gryphon starts to build a detailed illusion of the feather in Cryptomancers hand. "What I wanted to do was to make a special type of quill for Epinephrine." Gryphon says. "This is just the first part of it, but essentially what I was thinking was to encase the feather in the silver." As Gryphon speaks the feather illusion turns a fine silver colour all over. "The problem I keep running in to is how to stop it looking like one whole piece of silver that happens to be generally feather shaped." Cryptomancer considered his friend's idea while observing the illusion. "I believe what I could do," he says, "is to fuse the silver into the main shaft of the feather, then feed it through the inner part of the rest of the feather to give it strength. If you hold the illusion steady for me so that I know how you want it shaped I'll give it a go now." Moments later Gryphon watched as Cryptomancer drew a pair of runes in the air leaving trails of blue ghost-fire behind as his power took hold. The rune mage carefully merged the two runes and the silver flowed up the shaft of the feather and out into the barbs which lightened in colour as the silver ran through them. A slight exercise of will shaped the silver shaft of the pen to the strange shape shown in Gryphon's illusion and the silver feather was ready. Letting the illusion evaporate Gryphon takes the silvered feather from Cryptomancer "thank you so much for your assistance my friend, I'd never have thought to do it like that without your assistance. I shall be sure to show you the finished product on my way to give it to Epinephrine. Cryptomancer acknowledges the thanks with a grin and a nod of his head as Gryphon offers, "If you can think of any way I can help you out just be sure to let me know." before heading back to finish the work on Epinephrine's gift. Minutes later back in his workshop Gryphon contemplates a fresh piece of obsidian as he carves two shapes out of the stone. Quickly he fashions an inkwell and a nib to attach to the shaft of the quill before prepairing to imbue the two items with magic. Drawing on a primal form of contamination magic Gryphon pours power into the two tiny items, feeling the raw current of magic from an air ley line burn a path of cold fire through his mind. Forcing the magic into the quill tip he reminds it that it was once part of the same stone as the newly fashioned ink well and he burns open a magical path between the two, locking it into place using the original link between the two bits of stone as his channel. Laying the inkwell on the bench and considering it a job well done, Gryphon slides the nib of the new quill into place on the end of the feather shaft hearing a faint click as it locks into place. Then wasting no time he sets off to find Epinephrine to give him his gift. ~~~
What's cool about Peredhil is...
Gryphon replied to The Portrait of Zool's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
He's always got a kind word and good advice, seemingly no matter what the situation is. -
A gift... for Sweetcherrie Gryphon enters the Cabaret Room with something of the old energy coming back into his step looking around for Sweetcherrie, and he sees her in one corner frowning at her laptop but she looks up at his approach. Realising what he must be here for Sweetcherrie feels her curiosity begin to run rampant and as Gryphon lifts the box that he carries Sweetcherrie struggles to keep her curiousity in check. "Hi Sweetcherrie, sorry it took so long to make this for you, I ran into a few problems when trying to make it." Opening the box he reveals a shining silver figurine. "It's a type of golem - a magical robot. It'll do little tasks you set it but you'll need to make sure it's nothing too difficult because it's not that smart." Sweetcherrie watches the golem stand up and walk over the table towards her and laughs as it executes a neat little bow. "What makes it go?" she asks. Gryphon smiles. "It's got some magic smoke inside it that makes it go. You have tobe careful not to try and take it appart, because if you do the magic smoke will escape and it'll stop working." Sweetcherrie nods absently fascinated with her new toy as Gryphon excuses himself. "Sorry to run, but I've had a brilliant idea for the next item I'm going to make and I need to go and catch up with Cryptomancer to talk to him about it." As Gryphon gets up to leave Sweetcherrie stops examining the golem briefly and says "Thank you so much for the gift, I absolutely love it." Pausing Gryphon says "I'm glad you like it. I'd better get going, I've still got so much to do." Then with a smile and a wave Gryphon bounces off glad to once again be making progress on his Quill Quest. ~~~
Gryphon bounds up to Mynx and she turns in time to see him come flying through the air at her. There is a brief almost 'eep' sound from her followed by one from him as she gets her claws into auto-defensive position just as he hits her and they both go rolling in a ball of congratulatory fur and feathers. Laughingly Gryphon nibbles gently on Mynx's ear before whispering "Congratulations kitten"... then he leaves her to the congratulations of the others and bounds off to work on a project of his own.
In the workshop... for Sweetcherrie Dull thumping sounds come from within Gryphon's chamber. Occational passers by consider knocking to see what the matter is but are unwilling to interrupt what could be the creative process of a Quill Quest in full swing. Inside Gryphon hammers a fist into the unco-operative piece of clay again... ... and again... ... and again... . Grinding his teeth together so hard his jaw muscles ache the mage sat back and picking up the un-cooperative piece of earth hurled it as hard as he could toward the nearby wall. Snarling his frustration to no-one in general Gryphon stalks out of his room heading for the Cabaret Room to spend some time in more relaxing company. No one was really paying attention to Mynx sitting in one of the darker corners of the room, carving away at a chunk of wood with methodical strokes of her knife. Sensing the turmoil of emotions from her partner through the Tiara that Mynx now wore on her head, she looked up from her work to see Gryphon enter the room, grumbling and muttering to himself. She sent out a gentle touch through the bond of the silver, enough for Gryphon to lift his head in her direction and move over to join her. He opened his mouth to speak before he notied the wood carving in his feline's paws. "What are you doing?" he asked, his annoyances briefly forgotten. Mynx managed a small smile. "Carving some memories. Passing the time." "I didn't know you could carve," Gryphon said as he sat down at the table with his partner. "I learnt a lot as a human, and even more after I changed." Mynx put the wood and knife aside on the table and tilted her head. "So what's with the emotion cocktail? Do you always feel like this? Or is something bothering you?" "I didn't think it would be this hard to create a set of molds for some metal work." Gryphon sighs and Mynx can feel the frustration seething inside him. "I've been working for hours and it always turns out wrong." Mynx leans in to look Gryphon in the eyes. "I'd be glad to help you with it," she says, "if you want me to..." Gryphons eyes drop to rest on the carving that Mynx was working on. "Maybe... maybe you can. I need to make a miniture figurine with moving parts. I was trying to make each part in clay and then layer it in metal, but if you can think of another way I'm happy to give anything a go." Mynx considers carefully for a short moment before asking "Have you tried making the whole thing? You could make a front and a back half and use those as the molds." Gryphon sighs as he nods sadly, and Mynx feels the resignation well up inside him as he says "I tried it - I feel like I've tried everything, I just cant get the hang of sculpting the clay into a realistic figure." Mynx's eyes light up with interest. "Want some help? It's been a long time since I did any fancy work like that." Gryphon looks up, something akin to relief showing in his expression. "Please." is all he says and the two head up together to his workroom. Minutes later the pair are collecting flattened lumps of clay from around Gryphon's work room and off the walls, a mute testiment to how frustrating an unsuccessful project can be, the Mynx starts to compact the whole lot into a large compact lump while Gryphon explains what he had in mind. As Gryphon watches Mynx starts using a blade to shear away pieces of clay, and his jaw drops further as he watches the clay smooth its self into a realistic rendition of a humanoid figure in the knife's wake. As Gryphon's mouth drops open in shock, Mynx looks over at him and laughs. "Don't be so suprised," she says "it's not like I've never done any work like this before, and it's so much easier with a little application of magic than having to do the whole thing by hand." Stunned Gryphon just sits and nods, shocked suprise turning to happiness as he continues to watch Mynx work. "Thank you so much for this kitten," he says as he watches Mynx put the fine touches on the figurine to make it look more realistic, "you've no idea how much difference this is going to make. Would you like to say and watch while I finish it?" Mynx gives a half nod, her concentration now mostly on her work and Gryphon remains silent while she finishes up the figurine. Once it's done he reaches into one of his storage containers for some more silver while it's Mynx's turn to look confused. "I thought you were going to half it and make a hollow figure." she says as Gryphon uses a small exercise of power to cover the surface of the figurine with a thin layer of silver. "I was, but I've come up with a new idea - a much easier way to do this." Carefully Gryphon removes the clay from inside the figurine and then concentrates. Slowly and carefully he builds an image of Sweetcherrie in his mind, trying to hold a feeling for the essence of who she is before he collapses that image down and into his palm. Opening his hand carefully Gryphon reveals what appears to be a small ball of silvery smoke coiling endlessly back on it's self in his hand. Noticing Mynx looking at it in confusion Gryphon grins at her. "I once heard an artificer explaining to one of his students, who'd just broken a very expensive piece of mechanical equipment, that the reason it didn't work anymore was that they'd just released the magic smoke that made it work. I assumed at the time that the student was not very gifted intellectually, however it gave me an idea. Sweetcherrie once told me that she's got a habit of taking things appart to see what makes them work. I'm going to gift this golem with a very keen sence of self preservation to prevent that because if she does, she will in fact release the magic smoke that makes it work." That said Gryphon blows gently on the misty substance in his hand and the two mages watch it float over the statuette obscuring it briefly before there is a shimmer in the air and the smoke is gone. The statuette obligingly turns to face Gryphon, excecuting a little bow. "You know who you serve?" Gryphon asked the statuette and it nods gravely. "Then step into the box and I will take you to her." Gryphon and Mynx watch as the silver figure steps into a wooden box waiting in one corner of his workbench and Gryphon turns to Mynx. "Thank you for your help on this one... Believe me, I honestly think there is no way I could have done it without your help." Mynx smiles softly. "No problem, you should go find Sweetcherrie, she's been waiting long enough for her gift from you. I'll find you later." Gryphon nods, sparing a look at his list of names which Sweetcherrie signed up for so long ago before giving Mynx a quick hug then hastening out of the room to give his next gift away. Mynx watched him go with a strange expression on her face, before she picked up her carving and headed off, once more working away at it with her knife. ~~~
A gift... for Vlad Waking very much later, cold stiff and sore from a night spent on a hard floor Gryphon hazily wonders what happened. Turning to look at his workbench he sees the silver-banded onyx sitting where he'd placed it the night before. As he watches the surface of the stone seems to ripple slightly and the warding runes glow faintly with a light that has nothing to do with the sun. Moments later the effect is gone without trace. Seeing that it's still morning and knowing that Vlad is unlikely to be around for hours, Gryphon spends some time examining his latest creation. Periodically he notices the rippling effect accompanied by the glow from the warding runes in an irregular rhythm but is unable to tell what it signifies. Several hours of observation later Gryphon sits back frustrated. Having confirmed that the portal is contained and not about to go rogue he decides to go and find Vlad and discuss it with him so he slips the portal into a silk pouch and heads down to the Cabaret room, trying to figure out who else could be consulted about the strange nature of the miniature portal. Several people look up as Gryphon enters the Cabaret Room interested to see who Gryphon is here to see this time. Looking around he spots Vlad at a table by himself, and strolls over to where the vampiric pennite is seated. As Gryphon approaches, he finds no reaction from Vlad. Instead, the vampire continues looking distantly, not touching the full goblet of wine in front of him. Seating himself at the table, Gryphon decides to not disturb the poet lest he break a verse in two. Eventually, Vlad looks down at the alcohol, and up at his visitor. "Yes?" "Something important on your mind?" Gryphon made small talk to make sure he wasn't interrupting. "Thoughts. Words. Life. In short, no," came the terse reply. Handing the pouch to Vlad, Gryphon watches as he takes the onyx disk out before starting to explain... "It's a portal to another place where it's always night... but there's something you need to know about it." Gryphon sees Vlad's eyes light up on hearing the words 'portal' and 'always night' and his heart sinks as the light is replaced by a cold waryness when the winged mage completes his sentence. "Something when wrong while I was creating the spells in the portal and I don't think it went where I intended it to. I was trying to link to a safe place on the plain where you could come and go in your bat form with security, but the magic did... something strange... and I don't know what." Vlad's eyebrows creep up as Gryphon complete's his explanation and in a dry voice he interjects "Your magic failed? I've been told that doesn't happen to your kind?" "It happens sometimes," Gryphon said with a tired smile, "I was able to verify that the portal does link to where I thought it should and that the destination is a safe one, but that's all I can tell. The only way to tell what's on the other side is to go and look." Vlad absorbs this without a word being spoken, sitting in silence for several minutes thinking about what he's been told. Finally he looks up at Gryphon and says "Another day..." "Another tale," Gryphon finishes with a smile. ~~~
In the workshop... for Vlad Picking up his tools Gryphon sat wearily at his workbench. He'd never thought it would be this tiring to create gifts for the others at the Pen. He'd known that item creation was draining on the mage, even when the items being made were minor, he'd just never considered what the additional effort to make so many of them in a short period of time really meant. Fatigue seeming to plague his every move Gryphon tried to shake off the lethargy and reached for a band of black onyx from a draw, only to have everything go black on him. Some hours later Gryphon surfaced into consciousness once more trying to figure out what had happened. Am I getting sick? he thought to himself, "I've not got time for that kind of thing, I've got work to do!" Feeling groggy but trying to ignore it Gryphon reaches again for the onyx and some silver intent on continuing the creation of Vlad's item. Reaching for power Gryphon tries to melt the silver, feeling it respond slowly to his manipulations Gryphon paints the outside of the onyx with the melted silver, encasing the dark stone in a bright silver band, insulating it magically so that it would not leak magic outward before scribing a spell of warding into the silver coating. Checking the position of the sun Gryphon realises with suprise that he's got about an hour before sunset and the casting of the spells into the stone which can only be done at night. Deciding to get some rest the winged mage sits back to recharge and wait... until nighttime. Slowly the sun sets, and the moon rises to take it's place. Gryphon sets the silver banded onyx in a moonbeam on his bench and begins to lay the foundations of the magic to be laid into it. Drawing on his own power and feeling the energy flow out of him with a rush Gryphon begins to weave a web of power into the stone, anchoring it ner the silver rim to link the warding spell into the magic flow. The moonlight seems to twist as the mage watches, creating a hypnotic pattern of twisting light dancing with the energy being woven into the onyx band. The web of magic seems to flicker and flare as Gryphon calls on the portal to open and too late the mage realises that the flares might not have been a trick of the light. Seconds later there is a thud as Gryphon drops to the floor leaving the newly formed portal sitting like a black doorway to infinity on his workbench, the moonlight still dancing in twisting patterns over it's surface. ~~~
A gift... for Inbi Infusco Knowing how difficult it can be to find Inbi during the day Gryphon makes an effort to rise early the next morning and fly out to her cave so that he can catch her before she vanishes into the forest in the morning. Before the sun is barely over the horizon Gryphon is in the sky, flying out to Inbi's cave just in time to catch her as she leaves in the morning. Calling to attract her attention as he's landing Gryphon shouts, "Inbi! I've got a gift for you from my Quill Quest." while reaching into his pouch to produce his creation. Inbi looks at the smooth black cone of what appears to be glass, an excited but curious look crossing over her face until Gryphon begins his explanation. "This is a ward-stone. I wasn't sure what to make for you so I thought I'd create something to make your life a little easier and maybe more comfortable. If you place this stone in the center of your dwelling it'll provide a layer of magical protection keeping out small pests and bad weather as well as keeping the whole place at a comfortable temperature all year round. To a limited degree it will also protect against unwanted visitors or thieves unless they're very determined. I hope you find it useful." Inbi reaches out and carefully takes the wardstone from Gryphons hands. "It's amazing, Gryphon. Thank you. I've always had a soft spot for magical items, and this will be really useful for me. Imagine! No more bugs, no more rain... I'll go set it up right now!" Gryphon watches her go with a wave before taking off and heading back to the Keep to work on the crafting of the next gift. ~~~
In the workshop... for Inbi Infusco Back at his workbench Gryphon turns the page in his item design book to reveal who he'll be creating a gift for next. Seeing the fine clear lines and the straight-forward notes on his next piece Gryphon smiles, happy that it's going to be a fairly easy one to craft. Getting up and walking over to one of the larger storage lockers, Gryphon reaches inside and removes a medium sized piece of black volcanic glass which he carries back to his workbench and places it there. Pausing a moment to focus himself Gryphon takes up some tools for working stone and starts to carve and shape the black glassy substance, thin slivers of the volcanic rock soon litter the bench and floor around where he works. Gryphon lets his mind wander momentarily before bringing his mind back to the job at hand. Time disappears into the smooth steady rhythm of work with Gryphon's tools shaving the stone. Slowly the winged mage watches as a smooth cone shape begins to emerge out of the angular piece of obsidian. Gryphon continues to shape and polish the glassy stone until it reflects everything around it in it's black surface before he begins to prepare the spells to be cast into it. A string of liquid syllables roll of Gryphon's tounge and he feels power draining from himself into the obsidian cone. Reflections in the stone seem to spiral down into oblivion and a dark light briefly radiates from the core of the rock as the chant is completed and the magic is set. ~~~
A gift... for Degenero Angelus Gryphon approaches Degenero carrying a plain wooden box and as the dark angel sees him coming the memory of signing up for an item of magic floats into his mind. Briefly greed and interest flash across his face before he schools himself to not give his desire away. "I wanted you to know that your item is almost finished," Gryphon started before Degenero cut him off. "Almost? You bother me and you've not even finished the creation process? Do you think I have time to waste somehow?" Degenero sneers at Gryphon letting his frustration at not being given a new magical item right now show as derision. "Well actually," Gryphon says, ignoring the sneer, "it is completed, I just need something from you to lock the magic to you so that no-one else can use it. If I could just have one of your feathers..." "What?" Degenero almost explodes and starts reaching for his blade. "You think you can trick me into giving you one of my feathers? Running short on spell components are you mage?" Hastily Gryphon interrupts "No, no, nothing like that. Really. We can even complete the procedure right here so that you can see I don't misuse what you give me. I promise, one feather and that's it - nothing more. The item will be locked to you forever." Degenero pauses, knowing that Gryphon probably wasn't really after his feathers for spell components, and the desire of getting his item immediately warring with the idea of needing to give up a feather. Moments later the greed won out and he plucked a feather from his back, handing it to Gryphon before laying his hand on his blade in obvious threat. "Try anything funny mage, and you will regret it, I promise you." Reaching into his pouch Gryphon retrieves a mortar and pestle and quickly with no wasted motion sets to powdering the feather as Degenero watches on with interest. Shortly thereafter the job is done and Gryphon turns back to Degenero now sure that the best way to avert trouble is to explain what he's going to do next. "All I need to do now, is dust the powder over your item and intone the final part of the spell - it's tonal, no words - and should only take a minute." Degenero nods curtly, fascinated but unwilling to show more courtesy than what is implied by saying nothing at all, as Gryphon opens the wooden box giving a glimpse of what is inside. Intoning a small series of notes to complete the spell Gryphon sprinkles the entire remains of the angel feather over the cloth in his box. There is the suggestion of a sparkle as the powder touches but it is gone in an instant and Gryphon picks the box up once more and offers the contents to Degenero who snatches at the cloth inside. As Degenero surveys the tunic in suprise Gryphon explains, "It will alter it's self to fit your desire - whatever you want it to look like it will, although it will remain a piece of clothing only. It means that when you become ascendant you'll no longer have to alter your clothing from whatever Angelus was wearing - it'll just be an exercise of will. Call it with your mind." The cloth blurs as Gryphon watches and seems to flow over Degenero's arms and torso, leaving his tattoo clearly displayed on his back while taking on the appearance of pitted black leather on the front. Not expecting any thanks, Gryphon turns to leave Degenero Angelus alone with his new gift. ~~~
In the workshop... for Degenero Angelus Gryphon sat at his workbench contemplating the challenge of his next item... To create an item that might suit Degenero or Angelus individually possibly wouldn't be that difficult. To create something that they would both accept. That was a different story all together. Reaching with one hand for some canvas to act as a raw material Gryphon leafs through his design book with the other hand turning to the page dedicated to his designs for Degenero Angelus. After carefully re-reading his design notes Gryphon sets to work. Laying the canvas out on his workbench he reaches for some shears and starts cutting shapes out, working to a rough pattern held in his mind. As he works Gryphon begins to draw on power from the air outside. Rather than taking strong power from the ley line Gryphon draws his energy from a lower level - from the air it's self. Slowly, gently Gryphon feeds the air magic into the canvas, saturating it with low level power. As he does so the canvas begins to take on a slightly electric feel causing static to arc along it's surface then settling leaving the previously coarse material feeling lighter and smoother somehow. With a brief feeling of elation for his partial success Gryphon takes up the lengths of cloth and some sewing materials. Framing his desire in mind, Gryphon prepares a complicated spell and begins chanting it as he stitches the pieces of material together. With an almost glacial slowness the nature of the magic in the material changes to reflect Gryphon's will and the winged mage can feel the material grow slippery under his fingertips as he sews, falling into almost a trance state where nothing exists but the chant and the creation of a very special item for a most unique pennite. An unknown length of time later Gryphon's chant ends and he emerges to full wakefulness and looks down on what he has created. Lying on the bench in front of him is a tunic made of an unrecognisable material. It is obviously created to be worn by a being in humanoid form with wings. Reaching out a hand Gryphon extends his mage sences towards the tunic and feels the carefully contained and restless power contained in the cloth... waiting to be given direction, even as the clothing awaits a new owner. ~~~
A gift... for Mynx Gryphon enters the Cabaret Room searching for Mynx not seeing her perched up in the rafters reading a book. Fortunately she does see him and calling his name she drops to the ground and runs over to give him a hug. "I've got something for you." Gryphon says reaching carefully into the pouch around his neck and withdrawing something made of silver. "I hope you like it." So saying Gryphon holds out what appears to be a tiara of silver with two small Gryphon feathers attached by clasps somehow melded to the metal. Mynx catches her breath, "It's beautiful" she says in a whisper. "From your Quill Quest?" Gryphon nods in response to her question before speaking further. "Let me explain what it does. When you're wearing it, if you choose to do so, it will enable you to talk to me mind to mind. In theory it wont matter how far appart we are. It will also open an emapthic bond between us, not a major one, but you never know when something like that is going to come in useful." Gryphon reaches up and places the tiara around Mynx's head, adjusting it sligtly so that the feathers lay back along the sides of her face, slanting back from her temples. Briefly Mynx hears a slight humming sound, as though a tune were being murmered in her ear but it fades even as she realises the Tiara is now a perfect fit for her head. Smiling Gryphon says, "Oh, I forgot - it'll also adjust its self to fit you no matter what situation you may find yourself in." Looking up at Gryphon, Mynx smiles and traces her paw along the silver, feeling the way the feathers tilt back beneath her feline ears and savouring the gentle touch of the metal. "This is incredible, Ashke. Thank you so much!" Hugging Gryphon tightly, she smiled up at him, before frowning slightly in concentration. :Does this work?: Gryphon beamed at his partner. :That's it, Kitten. See? Easy to use!: Hugging Mynx again, Gryphon nibbles her ear gently before turning to return to his work. As he left the Cabaret Room, Gryphon suddenly felt the empathic bond with his feline partner open as a wash of love embraced his mind, leaving two words lingering as he continued on his way: :Thank you: ~~~
In the workshop... for Mynx Turning to the next page in his design book Gryphon comes across the item he had planned to make for Mynx. Reading over his notes he decides to make it straight away even though she is not the next on the list of names on his scroll, after all, 'no-one else has been given theirs in order either', he thinks to himself. From one container on his workbench Gryphon removes the silver ingot and a pair of clasps that the item calls for, then griping the silver between two talons he gently boosts its temperature until it can be manipulated then he draws out a thin thread of silver using the tips of two claws. Tapping into the nearest line of power, hanging in the air nearby Gryphon draws on it and it's energy shoots through him down into the silver thread which begins to glow with a blue light briefly before coming alive with a crackle of barely controlled lightning. As the powerful electrical charge runs up and down the silver thread Gryphon manipulates the remainder of the silver ingot up to meet it, humming a sprightly tune as he does so to link the magic into his creation. Slowly the magically heated metal flows up the silver thread eventually coming to meet at the top where Gryphon still holds the tip of the silver thread gently in his claws. At the last moment, just before the silver flows up his hand, the winged mage lies the quietly humming silver bar down on his benchtop and contemplates it. Carefully listening he can detect a sizzling hiss coming from inside the bar as the miniature lightning bolt claws it's way around inside the spell searching for a way to escape. Gryphon grins to himself as it spits with undisguised rage at being confined inside the silver. "Lightning - never knows when it's on to a good thing or an easy deal." he says to himself with a chuckle. "There's just no reasoning with some forces of nature... the two will be perfectly matched." Reaching to his chest Gryphon plucks forth two small feathers from over his heart, a single drop of blood can be seen on the tip of each one as he fastens them in the clasps he'd prepaired earlier, then he starts chanting in a low, soothing tone, bending his will upon the silvered bar. At first the lightning spits a faint dissonance to the chant, refusing to accept it's new position, but after several minutes the tone begins to change, falling into a strange wild harmony with Gryphon's chant and his will. Without looking Gryphon picks up the twin clasps, now holding a feather of his each and he holds them over the silver bar which twitches in response, as though alive both ends of the silver bar curve upwards to meet the clasps. A short burst of power and Gryphons chant of power finishes leaving the clasps fused to the thin silver bar creating a tiara with a slight ruby sheen at where it would meet the wearers temples from two drops of Gryphon's blood. ~~~