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Everything posted by Gryphon
Sorry to be hammering this thread with so much additional info. Here are some answers or clarifications to questions I was asked: Deadline is officially in 9 and a half hours from now, making it 48 hours from the time the deadline was announced in the OOC thread. For me that's 10.30 tonight and for everyone else it should have (hopefully) given 2 nighttimes in the game. You don't have to make any accusations in the game thread. After night phase it might be nice to see some kind of finger-pointing in character, but it's not going to be insisted upon. (It would have to be suave sophisticated finger pointing unless you were sure of your position, allies and ongoing health.) Right now, being first day phase you're all doing fine with your conduct of the game. No recommendations or suggestions to be had. The feeling out of potential allies and suchlike fits what I'd envisioned for the environment perfectly. Thank you all.
For the record, if you PM me your vote and then change your mind, just PM me the updated vote making it clear who you are changing it to. It's the same as the usual voting - except that no-one know's who's being targeted. Just adds to the excitement really.
There's about 13 hours to go until the end of the first day phase and the associated assassination. So keep those votes rolling in and we'll see who's going to die first. It's not paranoia, someone really is out to have you killed. PM me your vote, and if you're feeling inspired you can include an assassination concept. If it interests me enough it might get used - if your assassin is successful of course.
Special roles have been posted in advance preparation for the night phase. If you didn't get a PM you're a "villager", which means that someone out there currently commands more political influence than your family does... If you play well this can be altered throughout the course of the game... just to add to the challenge. In the mean time, enjoy the party.
Thanks to Mynx and Cryptomancer for starting the party... sorry I harassed the two of you into it. Please everyone else join in. The conversation strikes me as being pretty much perfect for a high society party in a treacherous court... please don't let me interrupt... BTW, this day phase will be slightly longer to let everyone get into the swing of things. I get my times confused because I'm on the leading edge of the date line. Day phase will end approximately 48 hours from now, give or take a bit. If I'm right that should give pretty much everyone a couple of days to post and get the game underway. I'll post in here asking for your votes on who to lynch first when the time comes.
A brightly white Gryphon with coloured primary feathers trots into the Cabaret room and over to Tanuchan. Bowing deeply he speaks "Honours to you on your birthday Wolf-Lady. May your day be filled with music and laughter."
The game is open, day phase has begun. Either pick it up from the first assassination or later in the day. Take your pick of how you get together to interact. Either a high society party that as potential heir you just have to be at, magical communication, generic mingling in some location around the Courts of Chaos. May your allies prove trustworthy and your enemies suffer the fates they deserve. Oh, and feel free to speculate who it was that threw the dagger. ~~~ Day phase is 48 hours, nights will be 24 - unless I change it in this thread for some reason.
The gathering was subdued and small with a number of those who had been in line for the succession gathering to watch as Jerin of Sawall was confirmed as regent during the time of Merlin's absence. There had been some speculation about whether the Logrus would support a temporary person on the throne and Suhuy had been particularly quiet when asked about what support could be expected for a cantidate from the Logrus for a regent when Merlin was presumably still alive. A stir ran through the crowd as Jerin approached around the rim of the Pit of Chaos, a slight rustle of movement, a breath of sound. Faces, some human, some demon, most showing little to no interest in the proceedings watched with various emotions being reflected in their eyes. As Jerin turned from the edge of the pit and took his first step towards the podium on which he was to have the regents circlet confired upon him he staggered. Suprise and concern in various amounts flashed across the faces of the other cantidates as they realised that a dagger had bitten solidly home into Jerin's throat and they watched as one while he staggered backwards and fell into the Pit, his body returning to the chaos from where it had come. In the confusion no-one knew who started the accusations, but suddenly all knew that the prize was within their grasp once more: the Regency and the Throne. The priests shouted over the noise for silence, saying that the choice of the succession would be decided later. Some of the cantidates even heard them, most of the rest were leaving as fast as they could to lay plans or make their way to places of safety. Once again, the great game begins.
I've been asked about the whole private voting thing: Assassins are not something that you can negotiate with. You don't know when they'll come for you. Thats just the way it works. You have 2 choices - be so likable in the game that no-one wants you dead, or be so cunning in the game that you influence everyone against another person. You can vote the same way in private that you accuse in the game thread, you just don't have to. It depends on how deep a game you're going to play.
This thread is now for the OOC part of the game. This means anything from in the game that you need an OOC post to explain more clearly. At this point there are a couple of very important things you need to remember: * All voting gets done via PM to me - this keeps your private agendas plots and plans private. * There are to be NO alliances via PM. * All alliances, and accusations of assassination are to be made in character in the game thread. The first and only goal for every one of you is to take the throne and the regency that goes with it. You will need to influence others to vote how you want them to, while protecting yourself and your allies. Who you try to have assassinated via your private vote to me is your own choice. If you do your job well you will survive to assassinate someone else. If you don't then no-one will trust you and you'll probably die. Some of the players in this political struggle will have more power than you. They will be the wolves. If you manage to remove them, you'll just increase the chances of your surviving to be the one who survives to take the throne. The game will continue until only one of you remains. Specials - you'll recieve some special instructions via PM. Any questions? Post them here.
Signup is closed - I'll be posting some info vital to the game and an opening to the game thread shortly... watch this space. Final list of players: Mynx - Samantha of Aldwin Akallabeth - Ciroth of Hendrake Gwaihir - Choseyre of House Aricline Tanuchan - Katelyn of House Minobee Venefyxatu - Karen of House Minobee Patrick Durham - Johann of House Wererathe JDRollins - Denor of House Helgram MeThinksUFoolish - Duke of the house Munich Vahktang - The General of the House of War Quincunx - Cid of Tarquin Azuran - Sol of House Sepharis Cryptomancer - Sabastian of house Sawall Cryptomancer, post your character here when you're ready.
The first wave of bugs rushes from the darkness without warning - there's barely even a sound accompanying their rush, excluding the shouts of suprise from the other marines. ~~~ Chad looks away from the darkness for an instant as his eyes track onto a sudden movement from one of the other marines, unfortunately an instant is too long in this case. From out of nowhere a solid seeming wall of bugs races forward to the attack startling a curse from the marine as he struggles to bring his weapon into line to fire. Even as Chad squeezes the trigger the first in the wave of bugs is rushing past him, and attacking those around him, curses and the occational scream come from those around him. Aiming and firing at a particularly nasty looking bug with a massive maw and spikes at the end of each of its long legs Chad grunts with satisfaction as it drops and lays twitching, putting a few more rounds of ammo into it. From somewhere nearby comes a shout, bitten off, followed by the words "Fire in the hole!" and Chad turns, just in time to catch a face full of bug and shrapnel as a nearby monster of a bug explodes. Pain blossoms in his chest and he feels one leg starting to give way as slowly the world seems to drift away. Somewhere deep inside his mind a sound registered - "That's funny, that sounds like a flamethrower winding up... Chad thinks no more as a stream of white hot plasma burns the last of his consiousness along with the bugs around him... he doesn't even have the strength left to scream.
Happy Birthday Rev. I hope yours ends up at least as good as mine did.
Of course you can Cryptomancer... join and be welcome! Signup doesn't close for another couple of days anyway. ~~~ Current players: Mynx - Samantha of Aldwin Akallabeth - Ciroth of Hendrake Gwaihir - Choseyre of House Aricline Tanuchan - Katelyn of House Minobee Venefyxatu - Karen of House Minobee Patrick Durham - Johann of House Wererathe JDRollins - Denor of House Helgram MeThinksUFoolish - Duke of the house Munich Vahktang - The General of the House of War Quincunx - Cid of Tarquin Azuran - Sol of House Sepharis Cryptomancer - Character to come
Not too late at all Azuran, the game will start after the weekend, so with a little allowance for time zones that's somewhere about 4 days from now? Or on the 4th day, or something. I'll work it out in the end. PM me if you have any questions about a character for the game, I'll do my best to be around at the appropriate times. ~~~ Current players: Mynx - Samantha of Aldwin Akallabeth - Ciroth of Hendrake Gwaihir - Choseyre of House Aricline Tanuchan - Katelyn of House Minobee Venefyxatu - Karen of House Minobee Patrick Durham - Johann of House Wererathe JDRollins - Denor of House Helgram MeThinksUFoolish - Duke of the house Munich Vahktang - The General of the House of War Quincunx - Cid of Tarquin Azuran - Character to come Any others who still want to join in are welcome. For those that missed what the game is, the short version is that you're all sons and daughters of Chaos - pretty much the best, strongest, most cunning etc of your house and in the line of succession to the throne. A throne which may have become available with the current absence of the king - Merlin. So the battle is on to take the regency, which may well lead to being confirmed king in the end. More details on the plot twists and turns when the actual game starts.
Once the feather dye had dried and his feathers were back in an unruffled state Gryphon sat and considered the gifts from everyone and his own new appearance. "If I get Evangaline to dye my wingtips in some bright colour patterns this could actually look rather good! And then if I add the mythril fighting claws..." With a fierce grin Gryphon decides to remain in whites at least until his next moult. The grin lasts until he remembers the 'gift' from Wyvern, then it faulters. "What'm I going to do with a goblin lawyer?!? Maybe if I release it into the wild I can tell him that I put it somewhere for safe keeping." Not wanting to let the puzzle ruin what had otherwise been a brilliant day Gryphon bounced off to show off his shinies to everyone and get himself decorated up. ~~~ Thanks everyone for the birthday gifts. I ended up having a fairly undemanding day at work followed by a family dinner and an evening with Mynx which rounded off the day really well. It's the small things that count for so much in my life, and knowing you all care enough to wish me happy birthday is really awesome. Thanks again everyone.
Yes Ayshela, read. Read them all... You've resisted long enough, you've proven your strenght, now give in to the Harry Potter (read Dark) side and join us in waiting breathlessly for the next and last book in the set. ... Shortly I too will have some ponderings on books to post here, just need to finish reading them all first.
I wonder if the initial set of replies traumatized wanderingcamel into becoming a lurker who doesn't actually log in. Being the mildly curious type that I am I took a peek at the last logon date in wanderingcamel's profile. Unless he/she is lurking without the benefit of logging in every wonderful post in this thread after the 29th of September 2005 was probably never read by the original poster as that was the one and only time wanderingcamel logged in. So... I'm kind of hoping that we didn't manage to traumatize someone to the point where one login was enough for a lifetime. Taking that a step further the 'last active time' of wanderingcamel matches the time of the original post to the second, so it would appear that he/she logged on, posted, logged off. The question becomes did he/she log off to lurk and wait for answers? Or did he/she log off to never come back and appreciate the wide variety of posts that their original post generated. Only a fresh post from the wanderingcamel is likely to be able to answer that question.
For those that are wondering about these links that are being posted: As far as I can tell they draw their information from a combination of the Amber RPG game, ongoing online games set in the Amber universe and some from the story books. My information is drawn almost exclusively from the stories written by Roger Zelazny, however in order to free you from some of the restrictions that come with making up characters from a 'known' universe I'm not only allowing (encouraging even) this additional source material, I'm also setting the game far enough in the future after Merlin's ascention to the throne that some of the minor house names (maybe even some of the major house names) can be altered. In short, feel free to take 'official' house names from these links, but don't feel obliged to. The political structure of the Courts of Chaos is... well... chaotic. House names that don't match the list can be from a House newly risen into the list of 13 greater and lesser houses. Current players: Mynx - Samantha of Aldwin Akallabeth - Ciroth of Hendrake Gwaihir - Choseyre of House Aricline Tanuchan - Katelyn of House Minobee Venefyxatu - Karen of House Minobee Patrick Durham - Johann of House Wererathe JDRollins - Denor of House Helgram MeThinksUFoolish - Duke of the house Munich Vahktang - The General of the House of War Quincunx - Cid of Tarquin Signup ends after this weekend, anyone else who wants to play is still welcome.
*bump* Come on guys give me some more players, please. Think on it, high court, treachery, deceit, cunning and back stabbing potential. Survive by the strength of your wits and take down your enemies by misdirection or a good sharp blade... or poison, or an enslaved demon, or whatever other nasty method you can come up with. Even if you've never played before and you want to give it a go, jump on in and try! The more players the better the game will be.
A short way down the corridor the tunnel opens out into a large cavern. Lights carried by the marines fail to illuminate the edges and top leaving a large portion of the cavern shrouded by darkness. Entering cautiously the small squad of marines fans out slightly, their weapons pointing out into the darkness that seems to somehow move... but surely that's just a trick that your eyes are playing on you. The small sounds of movement coming from the marines and their equipment cover any other sounds coming from out in the darkness.
That's almost a "Back to the Future" comment really isn't it? See you all back in WW XXIII. Now that the game is over I'd also like to say thanks to everyone involved. Also, for what it's worth I never suspected Akallabeth as a wolf... although I did comment to Mynx that with my luck he'd be the wolf because I didn't suspect him. What're the chances of that eh?
With regards to previous PM dealings: If they'll add usefully to your characters back-story, and will give you a better grasp of your character then treat them like a reference to the past. Any in-game plotting should be ignored because of the revised rules of the game. ~~~ So far we have confirmed back in the game: Mynx - Samantha of Aldwin Akallabeth - Ciroth of Hendrake Gwaihir - Choseyre of House Aricline Tanuchan - Katelyn of House Minobee Venefyxatu - Karen of House Minobee Patrick Durham - Johann of House Wererathe JDRollins - Character to come MeThinksUFoolish - Duke of the house Munich Vahktang - Character to come Thank you all, as I said before, new players are welcome and those who had signed up before are welcome back if you choose to play.
Important update: Thanks to Akallabeth for finding this... Here is a link to some background information on how the political situation in the Courts of Chaos works, and also a list of the 12 major house names of the more powerful houses of Chaos. It specifically mentions that it's not usual for a series of assassinations to be the way a new person gets to the throne. I am (of course) trying to cause that exact situation to take place. http://www.all-roads-lead.net/jvstin/stran...haoshouses.html Please note, this site also lists the names of the 13 major houses of Chaos - you don't have to be from one of these, but if you see one that fit's well with your character concept then please feel free to be a member of an 'official' major house of Chaos.
Welcome back and sorry for the interruption... we will now return you to your regularly scheduled Werewolf game. Due to technical problems the nature of this game has had to be altered slightly from the original although the original setting remains unchanged... The nature of these changes are as follows: There are no PM alliances in this game. The objective of the game is not so much to kill the wolves - it's more to survive long enough to take the throne. All alliances / slander attempts / accusations and attempts to discredit your rivals are to take place in RP within the game. You are in a (non-inbred) royal court where treachery and politics are a way of life and you all live to play the game. How well you play it will directly influence the chances of your survival. To keep it fun and because all accusations etc are to be done in character all voting is to be via PM, this means for 'lynchings' as well as wolf kills. Essentially you're not to know if your ally is planning to stab you in the back... the exceptions being the wolves, because they know they're working together. ~~~ I'd like those who're already signed up to please confirm your willingness to play, and I welcome any new signups. For those who're not familiar with Roger Zelazny's books and the Courts of Chaos where this game is set, don't worry about it - just treat it like a cut-throat 19th century court where assassination and intrigue are a way of life... then add magic. For those of you who are familiar with the environment, you can consider yourselves as initiates of the Logrus and able to walk in Shadow. If you don't know what I'm on about - put yourself in the first category. Post any questions here and I'll answer them as they come. New signups and confirmations will be closed one week after Mynx officially finishes her current WW game. Important!: Please remember that you're the best of the best of the greatest houses of Chaos. This is not some inbred court society, this is the embodyment of power. If your character is too much the weakling or outsider either you'll be first to die in the game, or your family will have you killed so you don't embarrass them. Life can be cheap here.