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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Mynx

  1. *rushes in to deliver hugs* Happy birthday! *frazzled smile* *runs off again in a mild panic about workload*
  2. *sighs ruefully* I really REALLY want to play... But I have a ton of assignments coming up and should probably behave Sowwee
  3. Welcome to the Pen *smiles and bows head in greeting* I hope you like it here, and look forward to seeing your work
  4. While Phoenix was distracted by Wyvern, Mynx snuck up behind her friend and pounced, pulling the firebird to the ground in a tumble of fur and flaming feathers. With an indignant squawk, Phoenix flared, only to have Mynx grin toothily in her direction. "I fireproofed my fur long ago, Nix," the cat grinned, before licking Nix on the forehead and handing her a ceramic gift box. Inside were a set of three throwing knives, designed to be held by talon or hand. "I fireproofed them too," Mynx said with a smile. "Happy birthday, hun." Huggling her friend again, the feline stood up and wandered back to her tasks, a kitten minion scampering a few feet ahead of her like a miniature leashless seeing eye....dog... OOC: Happy birthday! Hope your day (and the tasks it contained) went and ended well.
  5. The white was everywhere The world was lost We stood and watched The coming frost We'd fought the beasts For many a year They preyed on our children Preyed on our fear The bomb had been Our last defence Not ours? Not theirs! Was the consent They drew the line We stood in the tower Pushed the button Our finest hour? The white was everywhere The world was lost We'd won the war But at what cost? New line - A reference for the rest of us
  6. TMNT When I was a kid, the turtles was my favorite cartoon. Hell, it's probably (almost definitely) because of Raphael that I came to love the sai. I have to admit though, after the shocking remake cartoons, and the weird CGI used for this film that makes them look more like frogs in shells than turtles, I initially wasn't too keen about seeing this flick. But to my pleasant surprise, it actually wasn't that bad at all. Granted it was very kids aimed, full of cheesy morality lessons, and there were a few continuity errors that rankled me. But other than that, I really enjoyed myself. There was a nice level of darkness to it, what with the brotherhood less than friendly for most of the film, and the fight scenes were entertaining. All in all, while I'm sure this won't be everyone's cup of tea, for those who loved the original series it's a nice little nostalgic look to the past. Maybe not worth the movie money, but certainly worth the DVD hire. Cowabunga dudes!
  7. It's about time I gave this a go, methinks... I'm going to try using Madlib Formula #563 Green - 'Radlib' 1) [A Vehicle] Time travelling telephone box 2) [Verb, Past Tense] Crashed and burned 3) [Plural Noun] Dudes 4) [Verb, Past Tense] Kicked butt 5) [Adjective Ending in “-like”] Awesomelike 6) [A Number] 69 Dudes! 7) [Plural Noun] Dudettes [Feature of Said Plural Noun (7)] Hardbody 9) [Article of Clothing] Band jacket 10) [Adverb] Righteously 11) [Adjective] Bogus 12) [A Hair Accessory] Backwards baseball cap 13) [Adjective] Cool 14) [Part of Body] Feet 15) [An Artifact] Air guitar 16) [Noun] Turtle 17) [Plural Noun] Ninjas 18) [superlative Adjective (i.e longest, lowest, etc.)] Most excellent 19) [Formal Title for a Person] Royal Ugly Dude 20) [Adjective Ending in “-like”] Ratlike Heh...This will be interesting
  8. *doubles over laughing* Brilliant! I'm really enjoying these plays of yours Mylo Please don't stop *kitten eyes* As for a title, how about 'Back Seat Fliers'? Only thing I can come up with right now... Regardless, love the play I wish I could find a way to fly over and see it performed Hmm... *wanders off to plot*
  9. Blushing slightly beneath her pelt, Mynx smiled and bowed her head in thanks, before turning her attention to the rest of the promotees to congratulate them, plucking a kitten minion out of the reach of Norman's knife as she went, much to the orc's annoyance. OOC: Thank you for the honour. I'll try not to disappoint. And congratulations to everyone else!
  10. *pounces Gwai and huggles tightly* Happy birthday! *gets dragged back to work* (*sigh*)
  11. Right Brain |||||||||||||| 60% Left Brain |||||||||||||| 56% Huh...go figure... *lurches off* Braaaaaaaaains...
  12. *pounces on Wuffie, and casts a spell to fill the air with glitter* Happy Happy Birthday!!!
  13. Glad you liked it Pat There's plenty more in the works, I just have assignments that need to be done first *sigh* Hopefully I'll find time in the hols...
  14. *tacklehugs the birthday folken* Happy Birthday!!!
  15. Don't slap yourself Pat I have to pull out I'm afraid I thought the fact that I'm on holiday next week meant I'd have plenty of time but I have too much work due in Sorry
  16. Would like to play just need to read up on things and figure out if I have time so... Application pending
  17. Final Scorecard: Panther - Freedrick of the Manni - Twin: Samual, alive. Lynched. Villager. Tanny - Taleena Clearwater - Twin: Taleah, dead. Wolfed. Villager. Finnius - Luke Carpenter - Twin: Duke, alive. Lynched. Baner. Savage Dragon - Johnny Drumwoode - Twin: James, dead Mithrandin - Zeldon Clearwater - Twin: Zelda, dead. Wolfed. Villager. Ozy - Tam Cardeen - Twin: Shelly, dead? Patrick - Joshua Oldwind - Twin: Tania, dead. Lynched. Wolf. Gryphon - Travis Reid - Twin: Terry, alive. Lynched. Wolf. Phoenix - Sialla Reblen - Twin: Sial, alive Mardrax - Bill Marsh - Twin: Henry, dead Merelas - Benedict Burnheart - Twin: Unknown. Wolfed. Seer. Villagers win.Thanks to all for playing
  18. Roland closed his eyes and holstered his gun. Too much worthless blood had been spilt. They did not belong here. "To me, gunslingers," he said, not bothering to check that the ka-tet was behind him before he turned to leave. Eddie opened his mouth to protest, but stopped at Susannah's touch on his arm. Callahan waited for Roland at the edge of the town, disbelief sketched on his face. "You leave us now?" he asked incredulously. "After all this, now you leave?" "We cannot offer help to a town so full of mistrust and corruption," Roland spoke levelly. "If I were you, I'd work on taking that messenger robot out. But we are not longer bound to help these folken." The gunslinger raised his fist to his forhead and bowed, before moving past the former priest and leaving the town, both him and his ka-tet more relieved to be gone than they really wanted to express... OOC: Patrick was the second wolf. Congratulations villagers! Sorry to end it on such a somber note, but it hardly followed the story by this point...
  19. Update Panther - Freedrick of the Manni - Twin: Samual, alive. Lynched. Villager. Tanny - Taleena Clearwater - Twin: Taleah, dead. Wolfed. Villager. Finnius - Luke Carpenter - Twin: Duke, alive. Lynched. Baner. Savage Dragon - Johnny Drumwoode - Twin: James, dead Mithrandin - Zeldon Clearwater - Twin: Zelda, dead. Wolfed. Villager. Ozy - Tam Cardeen - Twin: Shelly, dead? Patrick - Joshua Oldwind - Twin: Tania, dead Gryphon - Travis Reid - Twin: Terry, alive. Lynched. Wolf. Phoenix - Sialla Reblen - Twin: Sial, alive Mardrax - Bill Marsh - Twin: Henry, dead Merelas - Benedict Burnheart - Twin: Unknown. Wolfed. Seer. Day phase for 48 hours. Or until I get enough votes. One of the other, really
  20. Roland paced through the town, watching the folken as they went about their necessary morning chores. Travis' body had been covered and left for the gravedigger to deal with. The life of a Calla-folken could not be interrupted by mourning over such a traitor. But there was still at least one more... Roland's frown deepened as he thought through the list of deaths. There seemed to be no pattern in who the wolves attacked...for what reason did Travis feel the need to sell his folken out? The sound of hoofbeats snapped the gunslinger's head up. He noted dimly that he had walked to the end of the Calla. Less than fifty feet away from him, was a wolf on a horse. The horse was the colour of steel, the wolf covered in a green robe, its hood pulled up to rest over a wolf's mask caught in a frozen snarl. With a yell, Roland pulled his gun and fired - a fraction too late. The horse reared and spun, and the wolf galloped off as the folken began to gather. When they recognised the form of the wolf, they began to panic, calling their family to them to make sure none of their brood had been harmed. Spotting on of Zeldon and Taleena's triplets wandering through the mingle alone, Roland set off at a run for their house. Deep down, he already knew he'd be too late, but one had to allow for at least some hope. Hope that was rapidly dissipated when Zeldon's body was found decapitated in Travis' backyard. OOC: Zeldon/Mithrandin was a villager. Day Phase for 48 hours. Come on all you quiet ones! Let's see some votes!
  21. Update Panther - Freedrick of the Manni - Twin: Samual, alive. Lynched. Villager. Tanny - Taleena Clearwater - Twin: Taleah, dead. Wolfed. Villager. Finnius - Luke Carpenter - Twin: Duke, alive. Lynched. Baner. Savage Dragon - Johnny Drumwoode - Twin: James, dead Mithrandin - Zeldon Clearwater - Twin: Zelda, dead Ozy - Tam Cardeen - Twin: Shelly, dead? Patrick - Joshua Oldwind - Twin: Tania, dead Gryphon - Travis Reid - Twin: Terry, alive. Lynched. Wolf. Phoenix - Sialla Reblen - Twin: Sial, alive Mardrax - Bill Marsh - Twin: Henry, dead Merelas - Benedict Burnheart - Twin: Unknown. Wolfed. Seer. Night phase for 24 hours give or take
  22. Travis stared down Zeldon, the two of them saying nothing for a long time until the silence became stifling. Eventually, Travis began to move slowly towards Zeldon, his expression blank and unreadable. Zeldon shifted uncomfortably, but didn't move. It wasn't until Travis was within a foot of the widower that Zeldon spoke up again. "Why did you do it, Travis?" Travis stared at Zeldon a moment longer, a strange hollow look on his face with a wild fire welling up behind his eyes. Without warning Travis lashed out at Zeldon, the hollowness masked then consumed by rage. Words spilled from his lips, each one underscoring and punctuating a solid blow: "Why do you always blame me!?" He stared at the now fallen form of Zeldon - unconscious but still breathing - and realised what he'd been doing. Racing out of his backyard, Travis paid a visit to another Calla-folken. The sun was beginning to set, distorting and shadowing the land. Roland frowned as he stared down at the field he'd been staking out. He had a feeling that there was something close by...something that was being used by the traitors among the Calla-folken to alert the wolves. Something that - he was almost certain - had something to do with Andy the Messenger Robot. But he needed proof. And so, while the rest of the tet watched and made their inquiries throughout the town, Roland sat here, his gun ready at his hip. Tonight, his patience paid off. Too rushed to worry about sneaking, two figures raced across the field. Roland tried to make them out, but the setting sun glared against him. "Halt!" the gunslinger cried, drawing his gun and taking aim. The figures froze and looked back at him. They seemed to confer, then one of them bolted for the woods while the other ran straight for Roland. The gunslinger kept his aim at the figure running towards him, but it wasn't until the figure pulled a knife from his belt that he fired. And he fired true. As the other figure escaped into the woods, Roland approached the fallen body of Travis, frowning down at the now lifeless body as various Calla-folken arrived from all sides, making it impossible to tell which one had been with Travis, especially as only the folken who resided close enough to hear the gunfire had come running. "You got him!" someone in the crowd shouted triumphantly, bringing a cheer from the rest. A cheer that was soon silenced by Roland's quiet voice. "There's another." OOC: Congratulations! Travis/Gryphon was a wolf! One more wolf to go, and now it's Night Phase. Wolf, PM me.
  23. Delaying Day Phase another 24 hours. I'm not rolling a dice on a 1:1 vote when there are still 7 players
  24. That's truly awesome Well done
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