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Everything posted by lord_nor
Adrian couldn't belive his eyes! Dennis had just walked into an empty bathroom outside the great hall. He had noticed Dennis' interested looks in the hall, as had everyone else who had at least one eye open, and wanted to know what his intentions were. Truth be told, he could quite easily guess what his intentions were. He had heard rumors about Dennis' "companions." On the other hand, if Dennis had also recieved a clue, he might have a good chance of getting it out of him, now that he and Dennis had some privacy. He walked over to the toilet next to Dennis and relieved himself. "You know, I noticed you before...and it so happens that I think we should work together," Dennis said as he was just finishing. Adrian allowed himself a slight smile. This would be easier than he thought. "I was thinking the same thing," he said, turning to face him. "I heard you tell Imar that you had some information you belive may help find our dear departed Princess? It just so happens that I have some information as well. Would you care to trade? But wait, not here. It's not a safe place to talk so openly. Why don't you come by my apartments tonight, after second watch begins?" Adrian was almost blinded by the light shining from Dennis' eyes. Dennis was just about to open his mouth to say something, but Adrian put a finger to Dennis' lips. "Shh, I'll see you tonight." And without another word, before Dennis could even turn around, he swept out of the room. Closing the door behind him, and allowing himself a quiet chuckle, he hurried down the hallway and out of sight.
Adrian watched the dwarf make his speech quietly from the right corner of the room. He liked standing here because no one ever noticed that he had a clear view of all thier faces from the shadows. Everyone thought him a simple jester, and that was the way he liked it. Well, almost everone, he thought as he fingered the letter in his pocket. He was concerned for the princenss, to be sure, but he was confident he could find her in a reasonably short time. He was more concerned that someone knew his talents went beyond acrobatics. That could be a weakness, and he had to find out who it was. As the dwarf finished his speech, small groups of talk broke out, and Adrian began making his rounds about the room. He decided on juggling for now. Quietly walking around the room, listening to see what people knew and trying to figure out who had discovered him. Dennis seemed to be trying to catch his eye, maybe it was him? Doubtful. Adrian had always thought him a bit of a simpleton, but still, he'd have to talk with him later on, alone.
lol! No problem at all. I'll have to think about what Adrian is going to do about this....
We walked west when Winter wretchedly wept water.
Adrian Bowe had been raised in the court, the child of one of the ladies-in-waiting. He had a knack for entertaining, even from a young age, so he naturally fell into the role of court jester. Tall, muscular, and athletic, with short brown hair, he was the best acrobat and juggler for three kingdoms. He has a keen mind for games of strategy, and has long been watching and learning. Some people suspected him of being a spy, but never knew who for. Besides, he always had a good reason for being found where he shouldn't be...
Ten tall tolkein-esque trees talked to thoughtless tribunals. edit: typo
Recently, regional rabbis ran racist rouges rapidly remote.
Never naysay nine naughty nations; nukes not nice.
Well, I'm still pretty new here (post count at least) but I'll give it a go. edit: typo
Every eye eulogizes Estonia's erstwhile, expired, educated emu
Very voluptuous vixens vicously villify venetian videographers
Are family members you'd normally not see coming to the event? If so, you can tell them without lying that it is just a reunion. This is why I got married at one of the local state parks. We got married in front of an amazing view of the lake, and stayed around the rest of the day in the big picnic shelter eating barbque. Lovely day....
1. fuscia 2. unholy 3. Dirk 4. wiggliest 5. skeedaddled 6. street-sweeper 7. By the purple pants of Antonio Vivaldi! 8. leathery 9. colliseum 10. tonsils 11. halberd 12. sauntered 13. making ships-in-barrles (they were out of bottles) 14. goblet 15. coalesced 16. Scary Sue 17. rabbit 18. googolplex 19. crinkly 20. historically
Yes, your youthfullness yearns yesterday's Yuletide.
I'm still kinda new here, but I've decided to set myself a long term project that I can work on and try to improve my skills. I guess if this ever goes anywhere, this would be a prolouge of sorts. I'm asking for maybe level 2, 2.5 feedback. Feel free to PM me if you want to. ~Thanks! The rain poured down as Marc slowly climbed the stairs to his bedroom. It had been a long day of practicing his art, and he could feel the fatigue in his limbs and his mind. He reached the landing and as he turned, his eye caught on the portrait of King Andrew, hanging over to his left. Andrew was a tall man, with dark brown hair, penetrating eyes of clear blue, like the sea, and a firm, square face. You always could see the king in him, even as a child. If you only casually glanced, you might think he was wearing a set of common leather armor, but this was his heirloom dragon skin armor, which opened at the edges just enough to show the elven worked mail underneath. His sword was at his side, as always, and his left hand rested on the hilt. He wore gloves of the same make as the armor, and a crimson cloak covered his broad shoulders, fastened at the throat with a large ruby, the stone of the Sun. "Andrew, I just don't know what to do," sighed Marc. "Wacian is growing in power, and even now I could do little against him. People seem to want to give in to him, when once they spoke so strongly against him. If this keeps up, we won't be able to hold out much longer, and all lands will become his." Marc brushed his long gray hair out of his eyes and continued, "If only you had lived, we might have stood a chance, but now I fear…." Marc's face froze in a surprised stare, and his breath left him. His body froze in place. Suddenly, he flew back down the stairs he had just climbed, as if a giant hammer had struck him squarely on the chest, and landed in a pile on the stone floor. When Marc woke, he was sore and his mind was cloudy. He couldn't remember how he had landed here, but he could feel that his leg was broken. However, there was no one for miles, and no one would come help the crazy old man anyway. Straining up onto one elbow, he surveyed the damage. It wasn't too bad; he could set it anyway. "Lucky for me that I landed where I did," Marc grunted, as he reached up to the cabinet and pulled down a large glass bottle, half full of amber liquid. Marc took a long pull from the bottle and bit down hard as he steeled himself for what he was about to do. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Marc had set and splinted his leg with a poker from the fireplace, and he crawled onto the couch to sleep. He slid, face down, onto the couch, but when his chest felt the pressure from the cushions below, a new, searing pain shot across his breast, from his shoulders to his waist. Looking down, he noticed that some blood had worked through his shirt. "Must've cut myself on the floor," he thought as he turned over onto his back and slowly unbuttoned his shirt to clean off the new wound. He looked down to see how bad this new injury was. "That's odd, " he thought. These didn't look like random cuts. As a matter of fact, it looked as if there was some pattern to them. Marc lifted himself up and half walked, half hobbled over to the mirror behind him, leaning on the furniture as he went. When he looked at his chest, his face looked almost as scared and surprised as it had on the stairs. Carved into his chest was the following message: When darkness reigns, and evil prowls, Seizing minds with intentions foul. When dark the Sun circles overhead, And one and all's lives are filled with dread. A hero will rise to repair all. And make the mighty fall.
This is going to be a part of a story I'm working on. I'm still in the initial phases of rounding out the characters, but this is what I have written so far. What do you think? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When darkness reigns, and evil prowls, Seizing minds with intentions foul. When dark the Sun circles overhead, And one and all's lives are filled with dread. A hero will rise to repair all. And make the mighty fall.
Thanks! Perl is a language especially suited to working with text, doing things like searching for certain words, or replacing text, etc. Actually, that's just about .0001% of what it's good for, but that's what I'm working with right now, anyway.. Unfortunately, the inspiration is broken right now, so I'm beating my head out over it
slowly, line by line it takes form, gains in power syntax is vital ooc: I wrote this while on a break from writing a computer program. Strange when the muse stikes, and no, it's not a coincidence. Finnius and I went to high school together
Woot! Love it. What more is there to say?
Ash liked the mountain. He would come here often, when he was upset, or when he was feeling happy and free. He came here because he felt alone, or because he felt surrounded. Ash liked the mountain. Today Ash was here because of what had happened in the village. He had been coming in from haying fields with the other peasants, and he saw her. The princess Alana was riding though the village in a carriage pulled by six pure white horses. She was announced by four ladies in waiting, riding their own white ponies, and there were guards walking outside the carriage. After her came several courtiers, resplendent in their glittering silk robes. However, Ash saw none of these. When the ladies in waiting passed him, he nodded his head politely and gave them a wide berth on the narrow road. He stepped fully off the road to let the carriage go past, but even then, there was little room. One of the guards roughly pushed him aside into the ditch as he passed, and Ash looked up just in time to see Alana, as she had leaned out the window for a breath of fresh air. Their eyes locked, though just a moment, and Ash was sure that she had felt it too. Then she was gone, and he was coughing in the dust of the feet and horses. "Why did I have to be born a peasant's son?" he demanded of a tree as he worked slowly up the West side of the mountain. "If I were anyone else, I might have had a chance to go to the court, and maybe even become a knight!" As he made it up past the tree line, the path became smoother, and the incline wasn't as bad as it was below. Ash watched his shadow getting longer and longer, as the sun slid down the dome of the sky. "Ah, I suppose it wouldn't have worked out anyway," he said to himself, as he paused by a stream and refilled his leather canteen. He sat down to rest on a large stone and watched the sun setting down for the night. He wasn't afraid of being left on the mountain for the night. He had done it before, and would do it again. He sat there and watched the sunset, and listened to the wind in the pines for what seemed like hours, thinking. His dusty leather jerkin matched the stone he was perched on almost exactly, and if you came up behind him, you might have not noticed he was there until he spoke to you. A small doe did exactly that, and he smiled as he watched her white tail flashing back into the trees away to his left. He was hungry, but Ash never killed on the mountain. It was just so peaceful here, he felt that it was somehow sacrilegious. He pulled out the remains of a small loaf of bread his mother had baked the day before, and chewed thoughtfully. Ash got up, stepped forward a couple paces, and then lay back with his head on the stone, where he had been sitting, and watched the stars begin circling overhead, and slowly began drifting off into the darkness. Just before sleep took him, Ash realized that in a way, he was glad that he was the son of a simple peasant, and not noble. True, he would never get to know Alana, or any other royalty better than he knew them now. But then again, would he really enjoy living in a cold, damp castle? Would he enjoy being dressed in stiff, starchy clothes, and being waited on? No, he wouldn't like that. Ash liked the mountain.