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Everything posted by Eirishluck
whatever you decide is fine as long as you count me in, though of those two I'm partial to the high seas one
I knew I should have baned myself last night... *sigh*
Werewolf VII: World War Toon!
Eirishluck replied to DeanTheAdequate's topic in Conservatory Archives
Chichiri has a heated discussion with the referees wether or not teleportation is allowed in competition -
Werewolf VII: World War Toon!
Eirishluck replied to DeanTheAdequate's topic in Conservatory Archives
Chichiri looks sideways at Spiderman "Do you know of any reason to trust either the robot or the boy? without more evidence I lean towards supporting the giant robot, No Da!" OOC: sorry have no reason to trust or distrust either of ya but we need to get things moving... vote for Vahtang unless Nave convinces me otherwise -
Werewolf VII: World War Toon!
Eirishluck replied to DeanTheAdequate's topic in Conservatory Archives
Chichiri walks away from the group aways encouraging Spiderman to follow him. He thinks quickly in his mind, Can I trust him, I was wrong about Amiboshi... Well nothing ventured, nothing gained "I assume you are also worried about the mad eraser who may be hiding amongst us, No Da!" Chichiri causually looks back at the group to see if they are drawing undue attention. "I was hoping that we could collaborate on trying to protect the innocent amongst us from further depradations. I am willing to take a chance on the fact that a noble soul such as yours could not possibly be corrupted by whatever evil has struck amongst us, No Da. As I have heard you state, Great Power..." -
Werewolf VII: World War Toon!
Eirishluck replied to DeanTheAdequate's topic in Conservatory Archives
Chichiri watches the strangeness flowing around him and feels a sorrow within that doesn't show on his eternally smiling face. It is unfortunate that one or more of these lively wonderful people are capable of hiding such a dastardly evil soul... the use of an eraser. Chichiri supresses a small shudder. Chichiri looks amongst those assembled and chooses to approach the strongest and most versatile among them. "Spider-san, a moment of your time, No Da!" -
Werewolf VII: World War Toon!
Eirishluck replied to DeanTheAdequate's topic in Conservatory Archives
Chichiri studies the rulebooks that have been handed to him while absently floating a set of dice in midair over his right palm. The dice start swirling in intricate patterns like the revolutions of planets around a star. Chichiri flips a page and then quietly says, "Not high enough level for that spell yet, No Da!" Upon saying that all of the dice suddenly fall to the tabletop. Chichiri smiles broadly at the others around his table, "Exciting this will be, No Da!" -
Werewolf VII: World War Toon!
Eirishluck replied to DeanTheAdequate's topic in Conservatory Archives
*watches the mounting confusion and chaos in the arena* *with his smile firmly in place walks to locker rooms to investigate the scene of the crime* "So let's look at who has been in the locker room recently... With all these cameras around something suspicious surely has been caught on tape, No Da!!!" -
when is the game starting, 'cuz I prolly won't be online agian til maybe late sunday night?
okay here is the best link I've found so far about Chichiri, you have to scroll down a way to get to him though... Suzaku Seven of Fushigi Yugi Edit: found another good character guide for Chichiri sorry about the music
I know both styles but I really want to play Chichiri, so if we can pick between the two that's prolly what I will go with
Japanese choice : Chichiri from Fushigi Yugi American choice : Baloo from Tale Spin
ooc: ummm... wow... and to think back when I decided to vote against Matthew I was just looking at how there was a 3 way tie and I just decided to vote IC against someone who hadn't been voted against yet instead of breaking the tie... I was suprised that so many people followed my lead on that... but lynching both wolves so quickly... was this because of PMs being allowed? not that I received any *grin* but then I was a social recluse
Jaime looks back and forth between Arielle and Richard absorbing the dramatic scene spinning around them. After letting the situation develop for awhile so that he can savor the energy swirling around them, Jaime finally shakes himself and steps forward to add his influence to events for better or worse. "I was the first one to bring scrutiny upon Matthew and Arielle was the first one to believe my vision... So I will support her in this, if she has strong enough convictions to bring such a charge against Richard then her will is strong enough for me" OOC: down with Gnarlitch/ Richie boy Edit:fix font issues
Jaime sits back and watches Matthew's outburst and confession, restrains from making a comment about confession being good for the soul, realizing that in order to make the return to the anonymous shadows of society that he is most comfortable in. He watches the new eddies and swirls of their closed society reform after the removal of Matthew, fascinated by observing the social dances and miscues of his fellow students. He studies them fascinated by the process of how their social structure slowly reforms and watches to see what new patterns will emerge and what insights they might provide.
After watching the back and forth and bickering for awhile, Arielle deceides to try and draw out some of the silent ones in the room to try and at least break the three way tie. Looking around the room and mentally assessing who has spoken and who hasn't, she sighs and decides to get the worst out of the way first. Mentally crossing her fingers, she walks over to Jaime who has given up all pretenses of paying attention to something other than the drama unfolding around him. "So, Jaime who do you think is behind the beating" When Jaime realizes that Arielle is approaching him, he does a quick double take and is obviously taken off guard. The walls he has placed around himself to keep people from getting to close have been so effective in the past that it is a compete shock to see her approach him, so much so that when she speaks to him he drops his usual calculated manner and responds openly. "It was Matthew and his posse" Shock, suprise and even some outrage appeared on the faces that were listening to this exchange. Jamie looked around and realized he needed to explain his reasoning. "Billy is a member of my gaming group and as such I know he is a practicing buddhist and also that he has a big crush on Richard over there and used to date Lia. So there we have 3 strikes against him as far as Mr HolierthanEveryone and his group is concerned... he's gay, he's non-christian and firmly non-convertable, and he's a gamer so therefore worshipping satan..." Jamie looks over at Matthew and the anger on his face. "I bet you believe Papa Smurf was Satan himself, dontchya" and then after too brief a pause for Matthew do do much more than open his mouth. "Now tell the room why you were the last one to class? Were you out 'spreading the word' having 'fellowship with the unbelievers'? When the English were bring the word of the Lord to the Africans they also brought chains, or how about when the Spanish Christians brought converstion by the Sword to the Native Americans, pick any point in history after 200 A.D. and I will show you where Christians used force in their spreading the 'Word'" Jaime suddenly realized that he had just spoken more in public and more openly than he ever has before. Suddenly slightly uncomfortable he lets his diatribe fade away and allows the room to return to its bickering. OOC:sorry Vahktang, but you get the animosity of this social outcast
Jaime strolls into the homeroom classroom and takes his seat at the rear of the room. Out of his backpack he pulls out a small battered notebook and large black softcover book with white block lettering that states 'Anarchist Cookbook' on the cover. He opens the book up and appears to be prepared to make notes in his cryptic handwriting. However anyone who bothers paying close attention may notice that he spends more time watching the people come into the room and mill about than he actually does bother looking at the book before him,
actually in all honesty except for the name and physical description, this is pretty much verbatim someone I went to high school with and my perceptions of why he acted the way he did... the company his father created is a company called Intergraph which with good detective skills could allow someone to find out the real person I based this on, but through actual RP there will be enough divergences from the source material (so to speak) that it would be difficult or nigh impossible to accuse me of doing more than basing the premise on him. He really did accidently set off one of his pipe bombs in the back yard and he and his friends had to dive into the pool, no one got injured and only my version received scarring
okay no negatives so here is the rough sketch: Jamie Medler, curly head hair usually in a frumpled mess, fairly average build. active but with no interest in organized athleticism (paintball and such preferred). Veritable genius but no interest in applying himself to his studies. To begin to make sense of how Jamie's personality developed as he grew into his teenage years, it helps to understand about his home life. He is the son of owner creator of an computer electronics firm that went from a home based operation to an international company, not quite as large as Intel and/or Microsoft but a very respectable home town boy makes good. As such Jamie grew up in a life of luxury and pampering as he was showered with all the things his parents never had when they were growing up but unfortunately the process of turning a small company into an international corporation made it such that he rarely if ever spent and real quality time with his parents. He never developed and real desire to succeed or better himself, amusing himself with his chemical experiments most notably building his own pipe bombs. He still has a small scar on his right forehead from when one of his pipe bombs exploded in his back yard and he was unable to dive into his pool quick enough. He delights in shocking those around him as a means to try and get attention. occasionally he will bring a dangerous toy to school with the intent of showing off and trying to make himself feel bigger. He has also been known to hack into the system code of the computer network his father donated to the school to code some elaborate pranks on his fellow students.
I am toying with the idea of playing a creepy kid, but want to make sure that no one on the board will be offended if the character has a fascination with making his own explosives and such... I ask because this is post-columbine, but I'm basing it on someone I knew ages back when I was in high school (which was very pre-columbine). more details later as long as no one is bothered by the concept.