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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by BlackCagedHeart

  1. yes, i haven't been here in forever. bet you forget about me. that's normal. i'm used to it. it's alright. really. i don't mind. I am not a pretty girl I'm just a stain on your perfect world Not some toothpick on display I'm an average built being meant to decay I'm not a model I won't be sold i'm alone in this world so cold i am on a creativity drought please forgive me i know it sucks blackcagedheart
  2. Woo look it's me again..... I liked it. People always have fights on whether they've lost their faith and i think the poem is cooool. BlackCagedHeart
  3. I think it's ADORABLE. Good job. I love your writing ... I'm always looking for them and reading them. <WOO> BlackCagedheart
  4. I thought the poem rocked and I'm sorry that you have to return to H.S especially since it's super gay there and not the cooool type of gay, the really not gay gay. Anyways .... I feel your pain <sorry> BlackCagedHeart
  5. I love it but I disagree....I've waited lifetimes with nothing but pain and scars to show for it. BlackCagedHeart <3's joo
  6. " If you think you can you can't" Can you fill the void... The space inside my soul The empyness inside Which causes me to lose control? Can you warm this frigid Piece of ice inside The thing that's been this way too long I used to call a heart It's been dead and decaying Lying on the floor Just a pile of ashes My heart seems to be no more.... You broke me.... "This is all your fault" Forgotten and lonely Broken and bruised Isolated and scared This is what's came from you Nightmares, horrors Flashbacks too scratching till I bleed This is what's came from you Slitting myself open A now scar covered world I've become a cutter This is what's came from you Spinning around in circles Can't tell who's true or false I feel so goddamn hated This is all your fault Crying myself to sleep Like a lovely lullaby I wake up and can't talk This is all your fault Screaming in my sleep Pulling the slime off The monstrosities I knew That is all came from you More to come when I ain't lazy..... BlackCagedHeart
  7. I <3 Morbid Angel. BlackCagedHeart
  8. I rock....j/k. I just love that song, so I knew right away. BlackCagedHeart
  9. I'm crying....Yes, yes I actually am. And I'm trying to find out why you want to leave me here alone..... What they said... BlackCagedHeart
  10. Meow! I Love it! It's likeyou KNOW he's chaeating, yet in order to refrain from hurting the female he has an affair with, you choose to ignore it, even though it's eating you alivce inside!!!!!!!!!It's spectacular! In idea, in context. I love it! I'm totally freaking out and I don't know why!!! I'll stop before you guys think I'm insane or anything..... <love> BlackCagedHeart
  11. "Distressed" (This is a package built for the ages) Slit my wrists And watch me sit Staring at a wall Pushing me Closer to death Knowing I won't fall Look at me Stare in my eyes Put me to the test Fuck me up I know I'm wrong I'll never meet your best Listen to me Slashing my own Killing myself dear It's all you Lost and confused The voices that I drear {I tried a new ryme scheme here. Lemme know whatcha think} "Slashings of a different time" Slashings of a different time A knowing fault In which was mine Cuttings on the same old wrist A pretty picture Fucked up twist Body of a different kind All mixed up new scars from time Slitting deeper every time the cutter's worst a loss in time [i don't know....abstract poetry perhaps?] "Beautiful" Listen to your voice Tell me what you hear Tellings of a horrid past And nothing but your drear Look into the mirror Tell me what you see A body covered in scars That noone else can dream Taste your tears of plenty INside of their moist Saltiness and beauty In which you had no choice Breathe in air of which I breathe Tell me how it feels Doing things that harm not help Does anything feel real? Touch my hand please, beautiful Know you have a chance I'm always here beside you To try and make these matters end {written for a friend of mine who I want and try to help but she decided to forget me and it hurts inside} More to come when I'm at home! I'm at a friend's and alot of my poo-ems are in notey-notebooks there, so yeah. <love> BlackCagedHeart
  12. Case you haven't noticed, I'm catching up!! ::smiles:: I like the idea and concept in which was previously stated. It's like you ARE in an internal battle, which I know what is like, I have them every day. I enjoyed it. It made me think of recent events I can relate to, which is always aneat thing to be able to put across. Awesomeness! <love> BlackCagedHeart
  13. Again, b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l. I can't be in the same room as such talent! ::scurries away:: BlackCagedRunaway Haha
  14. Aw......It's pretty! I am SO GLAD to be able to read and write stuff here again! I missed reading your awesome stuff!!! Peace and Love! <love> BlackCagedHeart
  15. My morbid friend!!!!!! I love it!!!!! It reminds me of the song "Dressed to Depress" By the Murderdolls. Inspiration possibility here?? HAHA. Anyways...Lovely little poem here! <love> BlackCagedHeart
  16. I want to weep....It's SO BEAUTIFUL! ::standing ovation:: ::bows head:: You are magnificant. I'm BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK!
  17. You guys.......::blushes:: My writing's SUCk stop complimenting my shit! lol. Whatever. You guys are too nice to me..... BlackCagedHeart
  18. You all are too kind to meh. I am not worthy.... BlackCagedHeart
  19. Today I had realized That I had lied To myself About your love I knew I wasn't right I admit to this alright? I broke up with you For what you put me through But it is now I know I can never let you go I found out something else BEing alone is hell I found out that I love you And you do love me too I can't stand not to see you Alone I am see-through You get to my heart You can't stand to see my scars You can't because you love You might be 'the one' ....I know
  20. I terribly enjoyed it , but It makes me want to cry, as it seems I too, know how it feels to be in this Dave's situation. I, unfortunetly, was having chunks of harshly packed ice balls flung at me from behind when I was tormented like that. People are so mean to people they don't understand. They start acting inhumane. I can calmly agree this is a terrific story, as Dave is personified to a tee in which I can agree with, as that IS how people treat "schizoids". I know all of this because I am this. I congratulate you. Not many can detail something about a certain type of person and get it exactly right. You did. Great job..... BlackCagedHeart
  21. I thought it was neat. You write stories like I do. Same type of plot too. ^-^ Yay. Morbidity fuels what might as well be a dull plain world. Keep it up. Drop me a line sometime. BlackCagedHeart
  22. This is my first story I've written and posted. I hope you all enjoy it. It's about vampires, but it's gonna be short. I love me some vampires. Alone, in a corner she had sat. Elena knew she had done wrong. Nothing physically had happened yet. She had never done this type of thing before. Her host, the one that made her a vampire child, was nowhere to be reached. He was gone, doing his own line of work. What she had known about him was far and few between. She knew little or nothing at all about him. She knew little about herself. She had known his name....it was Josalyn. He had gone by his middle name instead of his first. That's almost all she knew. She had known he was a young man when he had made "the change". The change is the time in which the person is killed in body and then relives to become a vampire. The change happens overnight, yet you never ever stop living or learning. There are very minimal ways to kill a vampire. You mortally can't wound the immortal, unless you are smart. Josalyn came to her when she had just turned 16 years of age. She was just getting ready to learn about the mortal her, until she was born again as the immortal child of her host. She was now trembling. What if he had to come home? Where was he? Had anyone heard the news yet? She was shocked herself at what she had done. Had anyone else done this? Is it deadly? "Oh god!" she exclaimed out of terror. "What are they going to do to me?? How is Josalyn going to react? If only I knew better...." Elena knew what had to be done. She had to punish herself for what she had done. ::To be continued:: Haha. I'll get around to ending in it time enough. I know the story, but have to get time to finish typing it. As I said, it's not going to be as long as I'd like, but still. BlackCagedHEart
  23. Ay, it's been a while since I posted..... Wonder if I still have my ways with words....? Anyways......This is my 1st try at this kind of rythm scheme, so please....I am weary. Chaotic (more parts to arrive) A strong feeling from my heart which it came It amerged from the depths like a piercing black flame Out of my body, into mind it had crept Leaving behind it both madnesss and death Piercing their bodies and minds none the less Thinking they're crazy and wishing for sense Jesus won't save you from whom that destroys Snapping your bodies like old and worn toys It screams like a banshee; is covered in blood Ripping your insides and licking your guts He came to ME looking for a place to stay He said he'd keep all of the bad things away I listened to the beast in hopes for the best But all I'd been given was chaos but yet.... I felt of it best BlackCagedHeart
  24. I enjoyed it. Quite frankly, I don't understand why I'm first to say so! You did well, and I should expect more from you! ^-^ BlackCagedHeart
  25. I like it. I'll often write poems like this for the sheer feelings they stir up. Well Done, my purple-y friend BlackCagedHEart
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