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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Elvina

  1. core
  2. fibre
  3. Sew
  4. tip
  5. sharp
  6. Shadows chase the errant clouds, ushering in the dark. With blackness do our urban shrouds' shadows chase the errant clouds of frightened, scattered, angry crowds. Like a frenzied, hungry shark, shadows chase the errant clouds, ushering in the dark. That was a triolet, which is why it might seem a bit repetitive. New line: Graceful, slender lines and form
  7. reef
  8. dynamite
  9. whip
  10. burst
  11. holiday
  12. fruits
  13. mother
  14. Wow, got it in one, Zool! I do have all five seasons of Babylon 5. Your description of "epic" matched it exactly. In no other series have I seen such incredible characterisation (G'Kar!) and plot foreshadowing (Valen!!! w00t!!). Mira Furlan did a great job as Deelen, as well. When it was on TV I never had much interest in it, but there came a time I worked late shifts and was awake all through the night with nothing to do, so I rented every single Bab 5 video from the video store and would watch something like four a night. Needless to say, I got sucked in, as did my husband who only came in halfway through! Anyway... I'm supposed to be reviewing here... Aeon Flux When this first came out, the previews they showed looked really stupid (basically, just Charlize Theron flipping around all over the place), and I'd heard weird things about the animation it was based on, so I didn't see it in cinema. After hearing so-so reviews from relatives, though, I thought maybe it wasn't that bad, so I rented it on DVD. Having never read the comics or seen the cartoon, Aeon Flux came across as a very self-contained story. The twist, for me, was quite surprising, and the mystery of it all certainly kept me interested throughout. The technology I found really intriguing as well. In watching the extras, I saw interviews where someone (the director?) talked about wanting all the technology to be very naturalistic, so you get images in puddles of water instead of great big sci-fi-ish viewscreens and so forth. Overall, I was satisfactorily surprised with this movie. It wasn't amazingly good, but nor was it really bad. Somewhere in between, but enjoyable if you're after some light entertainment. Elvina
  15. Squash
  16. Arnold Schwarzenegger
  17. German
  18. Happy birthday!
  19. Pirates of the Carribean: Dead Man's Chest. Man, that was a bit disappointing for me. I had hoped for so much more... Not that I didn't laugh in bits - that scene with the crow and the coffin was funny, as were others. But I'm afraid that I'll have to agree with Mynx on this one. The major issue for me was the length - it seemed to draw on for quite a bit, and that one of the main characters in the end does something I saw as completely out of character for all their previous toting of honour and all that. From the ending we see that this out of character act only seems to be there as a plot device so they have something to do in the next movie. I don't think good writers/directors should need to resort to something like that; it always ruins the movie for me. Final verdict: If you're tight on money, maybe wait until it comes out on DVD. Two-three stars.
  20. Cat (Off topic - that's such a cute picture in your avatar, NightFae! *goes "Awww."*)
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