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ok, since I can't get a link to music to work, I'm going to torture you by getting the theme song to "Bonanza" sutck in your heads! Come on, you know you know it....
My apologies to MeThinksYouFoolish, as he never even got a vision as the seer.
As the pioneers continue their journey, there is some sadness at the loss of another of their number, especially in such a violent manner as the shooting. However, those feelings are soon buried in the day to day toils of travelling by covered wagon. The only break in the monotony is their first exposure to the vast herds of buffalo. (MMM! Gotta love them ribs!) The rolling plains seems endless, and the sun seems pitiless...until one morning they are awoken by thunder and lightning. A violent thunderstorm ensues, providing an absolute deluge of fresh water. Water barrels are left open to catch the blessed moisture. At least, it seems blessed at first. But, after three days of being stuck in mud where a horse could sink to it's knees, the rain seems more of a curse. The travelers start to get restless, trapped in their wagons most of the day and unable to travel. Many worry about having enough provisions to last the trip if the delay continues. Jeb and the scouts spend much of their time moving from wagon to wagon and attempting to lift the spirits of the travellers with tales of when times were much worse. "Why, this is nothing compared to the summer of '42!" Or, "This reminds me of the time when we were surronded by hostile savages..." The reminder that things could always be worse has some effect on morale, even more so when the scouts bring in a couple of buffalo for diner one night and then announce that it appears as if the trail will be dry enough for travel on the morrow. Everyone goes to bed full and happy that night. And, in the morning everyone cheerfully does what is needed to get everyone back on the road as quickly as possible. By the end of that day all are exhausted from toiling through mud, but are happy to be moving again. That night Jeb announces that they will reach the crossing of the Platte River sometime before non the next day. He warns them of the dangers and cautions them on how to handle this difficult and perilous task. The morning dawns bright and cheerful with birds chittering away in the trees and bushes. Little Cat shows up for breakfast at the Cartwright wagon with a freshly killed rabbit. The Cartwrights are more than happy to accept her generous offering. After giving them the rabbit she scampers off, not even waiting for it to be cooked, returning to Nate and Amanda's wagon carrying two more rabbits. This has become a morning ritual. The single men all take a hand in helping those with families and or larger wagons to prepare for the days ordeal. Axles recieve an extra helping of grease, possessions are tied down tightly, and seals are checked. Soon all is ready and they set off. Just as Jeb predicted, the arrive at the river crossing just before noon. The river looks a little higher than would be preferred but still looks safe enough for a crossing. Swede mentions the trail man's motto of always crossing a river when you get there, as, you never know how bad conditions will be on the morrow. With that, the first wagon starts across. The Cartwrights go first, testing the waters, so to speak. And, with only a little difficulty they make it across. Then they tie a heavy rope off to a stout tree and carry the other end back across as a safety line for the others. Charlotte, with Cat riding beside her, goes next, followed by some other families. Then comes the Bluetts turn. Their wagon, apparently heavier tahn the previous ones, gets stuck in a sinkhole, taking much effort by all to get them free. The following wagons are careful to avoid that spot and are able to cross safely. The McAllisters cross with the help of Blondie and Jack Burrow, while Marcus Black helps Gunther with his wagon. Then, with most of the wagons across, the Jones family's wagon gets stuck in the deepest part of the river. With a loud CRACK! one of the rear wheels breaks, mnaking the wagon tilt and lean in the current. The Cartwrights, Jake and Marcus all react rapidly, tossing out many heavy ropes to pull the wagon across and out of danger. They ferry the women and children across on foot. Blondie, having just brought the youngest son across safely, turns to go back to help the oldest son and father wrestle with the animals and urge them to pull. Suddenly a child screams! Isaiah McAllister has been watching upstream and has seen danger approaching. A large tree, apparently uprooted by the storm, is floating rapidly towards the stuck wagon. Jake, still out in the river and seeing the danger, struggles to help the Joneses clear of the wagon. Meanwhile, the other men urge their animals to pull with all their might. But, it is all for naught. The giant tree trunk smashes into the wagon, turning it over and throwing the remaining occupants into the river. Mr. Jones is immediately swallowed by the river. But, miraculously, Jake made it to the wagon in time to grab the son and begins to pull him to safety. But, the strain of tree and wagon is too much for the ropes, and they snap one by one. One of them catches Jake across the head, opening his scalp and knocking him back into the water. He comes to his feet, thrashing with his arms to regain his balance. Then, he realizes that he lost the son and stops to look. At just that moment the entire contraption gives way, the wagon breaking in half under the weight of the tree and the tree spinning and rolling the the pressure built up behind it. Jake is once again swept from his feet as branches and broken ropes sweep across him, dragging him under. His body, and that of Mr. Jones and his son, is never recovered. Blue Eagle and Mr. Cartwright take a moment to examine the ropes and both come to the same conclusion. They show the ends of the ropes to the others. the knife cuts are obvious. Someone partially cut the ropes so that they would hold some strain, but so they would give out under alot of presure. But who would do such a thing? MTYFoolish/Jake Burrow has been slaughtered by the wolves. Congratulations, Wolves, you've killed the seer. Did he taste yummy? LET THE ACCUSATIONS BEGIN!YOU HAVE 48 HOURS, use them wisely.
After more than a week on the trail the weary group of travelers nears their first major milestone, Fort Kearny, Nebraska. The majority of the trip so far has been uneventful, other than the Widow's death. One of the men was driving her wagon now. They had made a search for her missing jewels but nothing had been found. The only other excitement in the long, weary march across the mostly flat and empty plains had been when one of the Cartwrights horses had stepped in a gopher hole, breaking the horses leg and throwing it's rider, Little Joe. Luckily, Joe escaped without serious injury, maybe a cracked rib. Of course, not even that would have happened if he hadn't been racing across the plains chasing an antelope like some half crazed mad man! He now had the onerous duty of driving the family wagon as his punishment, plus he had to care for his brothers' horses. He stared out at the plains glumly while he drove. It is late in the afternoon as the first wagon crests the rise and sees Fort Kearney in the distance. On the north side there is even a small indian village, which excites the young ones and worries the parents. A small detachment from the fort approaches the group and speaks to Jebediah Morgan. Sgt. Pierce Greetings. Jebediah! Is that you? I figured that you'd had enough of this trail after you last trip. Jeb A man has to earn his keep as best he knows how. And this trail is about all I know at this point in my life. What else am I to do? Pierce Well, Jeb, I hope this trip goes better'n the last, I shorely do. Jeb I appreciate thet, Pierce, you know I do. Where would you like us to set up camp? Pierce Well, that is what I am here about, Jeb. There's been some trouble in these parts of late, and as such the Major wanted me to invite you to pull your wagons inside the fort tonite. Jeb Thet's mighty nice o' the man. Thankee! With that the detachment of soldiers leads the wagons into the fort and directs them to set up on the west end of the parade ground. Jeb tells everyone that they will rest here a day and then get a fresh start day after tomorrow. This news is met with much excitement. The women, those that can afford it anyways, go off to the fort sutlers store to see what he has to offer. Meanwhile, the men set up camp and tend to the animals. There is a sense of festiveness in the air which is soon felt by all. Jeb decides to pull out his fiddle and plays a jig. Soon, those others that have instruments join in by turns inbetween fixing dinner. Then, some of the soldiers show up with instruments as well and a good old fashioned hoe down ensues. The women dance with their men and then begin dancing with the soldiers and single men as well, so that all can enjoy themselves. The only downside of the evening's festivities was when a fight broke out between Adam Cartwritght and one of the soldiers, apparently over who's turn it was to dance with Polly. Mrs. McAllister and a stick of firewood soon sorted them out, however. Not long after full dark things began to wind down as the travelers' exhaustion took over and the soldiers began thinking of their next day's duties. The next day dawned bright and sunny, with a beautiful blue spring sky. Birds were chirping and bugles were blaring as life at the fort went about its usual buisness. Sometime in the early afternoon Eric Smith stepped from the sutlers, chewing on a fresh plug of tobacco he had just bought. He looked up just in time to see a group of five civilians ride in through the gates on lathered and tired looking horses. Controlling the urge to wet himself he quickly steps back into the store, pretending he'd forgotten something. The strangers split into two groups, one of which rides up to the Major's office while the other begins checking out the wagons. Major's Aide Can I help you gentlemen? Jon Stark Yes. What can you tell me about this group of pioneers? How long have they been here? I'm looking... Major Cavenaugh Yes, I'm sure you are. But who are you and what buisness is it of yours, sir. *flatly* Stark My name, sir, is Jon Stark. I have been hired by one Wil Gearing of New York City to track down one Eric Strauss, also known as Eric Smith. I beleive him to be hiding in this bunch of sod busters. Major New York City you say? This is Nebraska, sir. What buisness might you have here? Stark Strauss/Smith is a lawbreaker, sir, and a thief. There is a price on his head. Major A law braker? he has broken no laws that I know of here. And this is MY jurisdiction. I would know if he were committing crimes here. Stark But.... Major You, sir, are not a lawman, and have no rights here as such. However, I will look into this matter. You and your men will not molest these travellers. Is that clear? Stark But... Major I said, IS THAT CLEAR, SIR? If not I can just as easily detain you in the brig for the next month if you would like. Stark No sir. I will await your investigation. *slinks out of the ofice* Meanwhile... Eric Smith is getting nervous waiting in the store, more so because the sutler is giving him strange looks. Smith Um, excuse me. But is there a back door I could use? Sutler Jim Sure, right this way... *shoves him out a rear door which he then promptly bars from the inside* Crazy bastard... Smith sneaks along behind the various buildings, avoiding the men who have just rode in. Finally he makes his way around the fort to the back side of the wagon encampment, where his horse and posessions are at. He quickly gathers his things and makes to leave... Jake Burrow Smith! Careful, there are some men here looking for you! Smith I know, I'm leaving as quickly as I can. Jake Why don't you hide here? We'll take care of things... Ben Stark I don't think that would be a very good idea, Strauss, or should I call you "Smith?" hahaha Eric Smith turns to flee, finding the way blocked by a man holding a pistol. Then, when another pistol is pressed into the small of his back, he raises his hands. His captors begin to march him out of the wagon encampment, but suddenly bullets start flying from all directions. When the smoke finally clears no one is sure who fired the first shot, or why. All that is certain is that three of the five stranges are dead, as well as Smith, and a one of the travellers are wounded. Jake Burrow got a nasty "burn" across his shoulder from a close miss. Apparently most of the travellers are handy with guns of some sort and these strangers picked the wrong group to mess with. Of the two survivors of the strangers, one is shot so full of holes no one is sure if he will live, and Jon Stark was shot in the leg as he dove behind a water trough. He was found there wimpering after it was over. Major Mr. Morgan, I don't beleive it was your people who started the troupble, but you sure finished it. I'm asking you to be out the gates by sunrise tomorrow. Jeb Yes, sir, and thankyou.[/b] Major And, Mr. Morgan? Make this your last trip through here. There's been enough trouble in this territory. And this isn't the first time it wasn't you who started it but you were in the middle of it somewhere. I'll hold Stark until long after you're gone. The last wagon is just a shadow as it rolls out of the fort's gates while the merest hint of the dawn is showing at the edges of the plains. Eyremon was an innocent pioneer, although someone didn't like him much. Now is night phase, which also will last a week or so game time. Wolves, Seer, Hunter...you have 24 hours to make your choices known to me by pm. Have fun Rping the trip from Fort Kearney to the Platte Crossing.
Still trying to get a music link to work here. If anyone has any suggestions I'm listening...
OOPS! Sorry, forgot to write about the wagon train finding you. You've already been found, 2 days ago... Four days out from St. Louis, just before noon, Swede spies a small figure walking acros the Kansas prarie. He signals for a halt and spurs his horse forward for a better look. Blue Eagle rides forward as well and circles the girl from a distance, rifle ready, searching for a trap, but finding tracks from only the girl. He eyes her back trail suspiciously but signals Swede that he can continue to approach the girl. Swede then approaches the girl and.... Ok, Katz, the rest of this story is up to you. Tell it as you will, just remember that the morning of the Widow's death would be your third day with the wagon train.
Let the accusations begin!You have until Sunday night to find the killer Of note, we do have a Hunter instead of a Baneer. The hunter may choose to protect someone each night. If that person is attacked, the hunter dies in their place but kills a wolf in the process. (only one wolf means there is a 50/50 chance of survival for the hunter) However, if the hunter chooses to protect a wolf, the hunter is dead and the wolves all survive. The effects of the wolves choosing to attack the hunter are the same as if they attacked someone being protected; a wolf dies and the hunter as well, unless there is only one remaining wolf, then the wolf is dead and the hunter has a 50/50 chance of survival.
The group of you is assembled at a wagon yard just on the outskirts of St. Loius, Missouri. A older but robust looking man steps onto a podium before you. Good morning, folks and welcome to the Oregon Trail Guide company. My name is Jebediah Morgan and I will be your trail guide. I have been with the company for over 10 years and this will be my 14th trip along the trail, my fourth time as lead guide. Standing beside me are John "Spud" McNiel, Tom "Blue Eagle", and Sven "Swede" Svenson, my fellow guides and scouts. If you listen to us we should all make it to the west coast safely. However, as explained to you when you signed on for this trip, disobedience can have severe repercussions, including the death of yourself, your loved ones, or any and all of the members of this expedition. Potentially dangerous behavious is strictly prohibited and is grounds for expulsion from our group, to make your way on your own as you are able. Any company provided equipment will be withdrawn from your possession at that time. Any questions? Then let's get started. With that you all assemble your families and animals and get into line on the trail. You travel west for some days without incident. Then, one morning, Widow Barnabus does not rise early as is her usual and is still in her wagon when the train begins forming for the day. Jebediah sends Spud to check on her. He knocks of the rear of her wagon, and, getting no response, peeks in. Hastliy he whistles for Jebs attention. Jeb goes over, accompanied by Blue Eagle. After looking inside the wagon Jeb directs Blue Eagle to search for tracks in the area, in a vain attempt to discover the "perpetrators" of this supposed crime. He then approaches the group. Well folks, it looks as if we aint a going no where for a bit. Widow Barnabus seems to have died in her sleep. We need to dig a grave and have a prayer before we move on. If some of you women folk could see to the preparations of the body? *After the women have gone...* Gentlemen, she appears to have been murdered. This *holds out a bright silk handkerchief embroidered with a wolf motif* was stuffed in her mouth and her jewelry box is missing. Any of you recognize this? We should make it to Fort Kearny bout the middle of next week. If we find who did this we'll apprehend them and turn them in to the authorities there. If we don't find them, well....
gee, that sounds much like I've felt all week. sorry that you've felt that way...it sucks dirty socks!
okee dokee. Keep on introducin yer characters fer the next 24 hours and then I'll give the "official" start post. Hopefully more will join us in that time as well!
we be takin the Or-ee-gone trail, runnin frum Misery, throo Nebrasky, an' Wyomin, the top o' Utah territoyr (gotta watch out fer them dang blastid Mormons yonder *wink wink*) and inta the north part o' Californiay. Mister, I do believe thet you be thinkin o' the Sonorra trail mebbe, thet heds more south like. It's a bit more dangerous thet way, more injuns an outlaws, an such, an a mite less water an feed fer the animals. Mainly, those thet go thet way are headed fer the silver mines like ye sed, or plan on going further south into Texass or Old Mexico. I dun went thet way a time or two, but I dun got shot at too many times. I prefer this here northern root meownself. Now, iffn ya wants ta go to Nevada, ye kin go with us about half way, ta Fort Laramie, and then hed south. Problem is tho, thet thet takes ya right through the middle of some of the most dangerous injun and outlaw country in the west an there aint much fer roads. Why both Robbers' Roost and The Hole-in-the-Wall are in thet area and ol' Butch an Sundance have been rather active lately. You an yer boys look mighty handy, but I don' recommend it nohow. OOC: Just going with the standard Oregon Trail route that was most used by wagon trains of settlers headed for "greener pastures" is all. Nothing personal at all. But, as I said IC, if Nevada is your stated destination, you could stick with us at least until Laramie. *shrugs*
I do not know those crazy singing folks waiting impatiently until poor Charles croaks! I find them rude unseemly and innane and also I feel that my rhyming is in vain. I am a neighbor but not a friend I sit, I watch I await this story's bitter end. I hear them fight, Martha is so shrill Then there's poor Charles always editing his will. The vultures circle they watch and they wait with hopes and dreams of being given silver plate; or perhaps stock in Cousin Edward's bank but he lost it for playing a small prank. Still there's a house in some wooded hills with fish swimming in the brooks and rills. He also has money and piles and piles of gold franks, pounds and Euros from all that stuff he sold. Maybe I'll stop by and have a little chat get to know him I'll even pet his cat! A friend I'll be to ease his misery and when he dies inheritance there for me! *er...this kinda sucks, but it's kinda fun too
Players: Tanny~~Amanda Tanisson~~Grew up on a farm, oldest of 5 girls. She's a very determined young womanand is newly married to Nathaniel Bluett (Merelas). Elwen~~Rosalie Tanisson~~Amanda's sister, Second-oldest of the five sisters, she was always somewhat of a dreamer, and not very practical. Vahktang~~Abraham Cartwright~~He's taking his boys, Adam, Eric, and Joseph, to Nevada to start a ranch, mining, and farming empire. Three times a widower. Jammeez~~Gertrude "Trudy" Young McAllister~~She's a recent widow and a handsome woman. They tried to keep her off this wagon train, but she's got her shotgun holstered on the wagon-seat and some fine strong children to help with the livestock. MeThinksYouFoolish~~ Jake Burrow~~He comes with nothing more than an old friend, his horse, a blanket, and a six-shooter. The gun carries but one bullet, no one but Jake knows why. Now is he's headed west with this wagon train. Merelas~~Nathaniel Bluett~~(pron. blew-it). Studied in law school back east, and is aiming to become a judge. He has a slight temper, and it's best not to cross him. He makes friends slowly and is slow to doubt them because of the loyalty he exerts and expects in return. Lady Celes Crusader~~Charlotte Gainsbourg~~She's a Cajun in her late teens, nothing else is known about her. Eyremon~~Eric Smith~~He's headed west fleeing some creditors...and a woman, not that he'd ever admit it.... DeantheAdequate~~"Blondie"~~AKA "The Man With No Name" Degenero~~Markus Black~~He's a lone drifter from the city who's Coming out west to try to get away from some of the more notorious people he's had dealings with in his random driftings. Kind of a bad boy. Solivagus~~Gunther~~A German blacksmith and inventor. The genius of the group. Katzaniel~~Cat~~Little white girl raised by indians until the age of 12. Watching from the sidelines: Nave too stinkin busy Ozymandious taint heerd nutin yet
Ok, it appears as if everyone but MeThinks would be quite happy with either, and him only because of the Peter Pan thing... Anyways, I'm thinking it's time for the western theme, as the Mutiny on the Bounty isn't truely a pirates theme for MeThinks. But hey! You can still play a pirate character dude! As far as the two games at once idea. Well, I know that I could handle it. I've even sugested it in the past (like about 7 or 8 months ago at KenzerCo. but no one was very interested) I think it would be a heck of alot of fun to mod. :woot: If we EVERYONE in the game wants to try it we'll do it. Otherwise it wouldn't work. So, western unless it's both. Oh, and uh, Mr. Cartwright, sir? You are heading the wrong way for Nevada, sir. There here wagon train is headed for the gold strikes near Frisco, and then north to the Oregon farm country. Yer welcome ta come along though!
Werewolf IV: Attack of the Atomic Space Werewolves
Gnarlitch replied to Vahktang's topic in Conservatory Archives
I requested not to come back, as I was working with the wolf at that point. You see...well, I er.... "intercepted" a PM from Vahktang to Jammeez notifying her that she was a wolf and who her partner was. Stupid pop-up pm notices anyways. She had just joined the pen at that time and I was used to it only being me and so being logged in automatically...so I read the pm before realizing that it wasn't for me. So I asked to be the first kill and initially meant to not participate in the voting at all. But then I decided to follow my "girlfriend" in char. anyways...would have enjoyed being able to play, but had fun instead being an "honorary wolf" instead and planning behind the scenes. We had no clue as to who the seer was, sadly enough. -
well, except that I was one of the five, and my vote doesn't count, so...6-4 at the moment...
ok, as for the start date....er, let's go with the opening post to start the game being Friday evening. I'm going to be rather busy between now and then with some buisness details (Working on getting "The Stinky Dwarf" up and running. Tonite is the first person to person sales test and tomorrow is a meet with the artist for the logo. More info will be forthcoming....) So, for tonite let's make a final decision on setting. The Mutiny on the Bounty has the most votes by far, but let me explain the stories a bit better and then let you finalize your votes. Then, tomorrow I will start the new thread and let you intorduce your characters to eachother and build your backstories as much as you want. OK? Mutiny on the Bounty Much like the book/movie. You are all sailors on an English vessel serving under a horribly cruel Captain. You may choose any role on the ship you would like and I will build the story to suit. The only restriction is no officers, as the officers are the bad guys this game. The ship's crew is on the edge of open revolt and is in the midst of organizing. the Captain has heard whispers and has bribed two of the crewmembers to spy for him. The seer is the mutiny leader, with the baneer his bodyguard. Westward HO! Stereotypical western setting. A wagon train has formed to cross the open plains. Any role other than American Indian is allowed. Instead of days, the time frame will be weeks instead. The wolves are actually spies working with an outlaw gang looking to ambush the wagon train. The seer is the normal role, while the baneer is an undercover US Marshall. Will most likely be trying out a different variation of the baneer role this game, an experimental one. Instead of a baneer, they will be a "Hunter." In other words, they kill a wolf if they are attacked. If attacked by both wolves, the hunter and one randomly chosen wolf dies. If only one wolf remains when the hunter is attacked, the wolf dies and there is a 50/50 chance that the hunter survives. I am still thining about this role, however, so nothing is definite yet.
well, gee, it would seem that I am going to have to find links to songs from "Master and Commander" and such for background music. I had already planned providing one to Wil Smith's version of "Wild Wild West" for the intro to the western game...
While wondering what to write for my app...
Gnarlitch replied to Jammeez's topic in Recruitment Applications Archive
Suddenly a smelly dwarf comes stomping in the side door and then out the front door of the recruiters office. STOMP STOMP STOMP STOMP STOMP STOMP (That would be the Dwarven "Stamp of Approval.") -
Either of these sounds fun to me. Make your choice and start developing a character for either....we'll start as soon as possible after the current game gets wrapped up. edit: firk ding blast! stupid poll can't be edited...grrr!
Konnichiwa. *bows deeply* (I'd try a little more Japanese, but it's been 15 years since I studied it for a year in high school. So..... )
Werewolf IV: Attack of the Atomic Space Werewolves
Gnarlitch replied to Vahktang's topic in Conservatory Archives
Werewolf IV: Attack of the Atomic Space Werewolves
Gnarlitch replied to Vahktang's topic in Conservatory Archives
[Jeopardy theme] The ghosts watch and wait, patiently...... -
well, the current brand is prescription Effexor XR, 150 mg, but I'm sure a stun gun of a phazer set on stun would be helpful too!
Werewolf IV: Attack of the Atomic Space Werewolves
Gnarlitch replied to Vahktang's topic in Conservatory Archives
Albert's ghost laughs himself silly watching BRAVE, STRONG ZACH broken and weeping like a little girl! Then, he realizes that he seems to be rejoicing in the death of his twin love...Terri. Hmm, now that she's dead maybe she'd go out with him? *wanders off to find Terri's ghost and ask her out*