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Everything posted by Gnarlitch
yep... however, tanny, you now have the record for most pm's sent in a single round to influence the game...beating me, unless someone else already did in secret and I never heard of it...
question: why limit it? Sure, the two styles don't exactly fit, but it appears as if more than half of us only know one or the other...
tactics? who had time for tactics? well....someone certainly had time to set up an ambush! am actually trying very hard not to have hard feelings over it. the way it happened seemed way out of character for the games here at the pen. I mean, heck, even my girlfriend turned on me...the dumb blonde. Sorry, but the mass avalanche of everyone voting in the first 24 hours and all for one person.... and him the "nice guy"? and that after all the freaking whining and crying over me saying that for ONE ROUND no null votes. Hard feelings? I'll get back to you later on that....
mmm, I would disagree with that. More of a stampede by a herd of milling cattle. Sure am glad almost no one believed me a couple of games ago when I claimed to be the seer.
When no one else move to attack Rich, he releases Meat and walks out of the gym, then stops and looks at Ari... Rich So, you coming? Not waiting tor a reply, he walks off....
well, I was hoping to turn some votes away from me when I started writing that...but I kinda got caught up in it. Oh, and btw, this is the first time I've ver lost a game as a wolf.
Rich grabs the hand on his shoulder and twists...hard. Suddenly, Meat is on the floor crying out in pain with tears running down his cheeks. Rich stands above him, holding Meat's hand/wrist locked in place with one hand. He looks around at the others, glaring. Rich Next? Anyone else want to attack me? No? You are a sad bunch of people, you know that? All I've ever done is try to be nice to you and this is how you say thanks. Unbeleivable. Walter, do you have any idea how many times I've kept Meat here off your back? And the rest of you, I've helped with homework, walked girls home from school so they wouldn't be bothered by Meat and his friends. I've never in my life done anything to harm any of you. And Ari, you know my sister Beth, right? Ever wonder why you haen't seen her in school for a couple of days? No? And to think I once thought so much more of you. Beth and Billy went out on a date last saturday night. We got kinda worried when she didn't come home until 10 am Sunday morning, and then she was in quite a state. Billy, poor innocent Billy, had drugged her and raped her, and beat her for resisting. She's in the hospital right now. So, Monday morning, before school I had a little "chat" with Billy, found out exactly what happened...and where he got the drugs. Poor blind Jaquie gave them to him. Apparently Jaquie was offended by something that Beth did trying to be nice to her, and so decided to be nice back. It appears as if Billy isn't the only one that Jaquie gave those drugs to, either. She's been distributing them through Meat and his gang. And, no, I didn't push Jaquie down the stairs. I saw her sneaking out of the locker room and up the stairs, she could actually see apparently, just not very well. So I followed to see what she was up to. She was selling drugs to Chandler, as well as waiting for Meat to show up. I confronted her about it, after Chandler left, and we argued. She pushed past me on the stairs but tripped and fell, hurting herself. I'm even the one who called an ambulance for her, though I don't know why it's not here yet. So, fine. You've caught me. Turn me in. I'll even go quietly. But anyone else tries to touch me and they lose an appendage!
Uh, Walter, you are imagining things if you think you hit me. Maybe I threw you to the floor too hard with that wrestling move or something, but yer crayz man. Just don't bleed on Tiff's clothes, okay?
Sure, why not. Let's go!
Rich Well, Eric, IF I had done it I might be able to nswer you. But, as it is I think that Arielle is halucinating again. She does that occasionally, as we all know. She says that it has something to do with her traumatic childhood. She's on medications for it but she occasionally "forgets" to take them and has these episodes. I've never known her to get violent before though. But I think her jealousy and her delusions have combined here to make her accuse me when it was her. OOC Accuse Tanny/Arielle
Rich It looks like it, Eric. There seems to be another one.
Rich Ari, is that what this is all about? You think you "love" me? Come on. Sure, we've known eachother for a long time, since kindergarten. And I've always suspected that you liked me. Don't let this get carried away. If you are feeling jealous, fine. Just say so. But accusing me of THIS! That's taking it a bit too far. Have you been taking your meds lately? I know that you are bi-polar. You've got to take your medication every day or weird things can happen...
Rich puts an arm around Chandler's shoulders while still holding Tiff tight with the other arm. The three of them just stand there, silently, other than the occasional whimper... Added edit... At leat until Arielle starts shouting at Rich and accusing him of this heinous act... Ari I SAW Rich tripping someone at the stairs. Rich http://www.themightypen.net/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif Ari *starts crying soflty again* Believe me... Richard did this... Rich Ari...uh..what are you saying? And more importantly, WHY? All I've ever done is be nice to you, be your friend. I just don't understand... :erm:
Into the chaos and destruction left behind by the torrent of frogs stumbles a very short and very unkempt-looking man with a very bushy beard... Gnarly Ach! Them froogs nigh on kilt me! Jus' look at me bloody cloose wilya! Theyr ruint. I barely escaped wit me life! I think it's time ta eat some frog legs! With that he draws a huge battle axe in one had and a talking dagger in the other and runs after the frogs, stomping, hacking, and stabbing every from he can find.
OOC: How the heck do you guys find so much time to post during the day??? When I log of at night, not much is happening, but the next time I log on when I get home from work there are a million new posts! IC: Rich is beyond stunned. He would never in his life have beleived that Matthew was capable of the. How could he? It didn't make sense. Then there was Tiff, beautiful, naive, loving and trusting Tiff. How to keep her safe? He mulled that over as he watched her BOUNCE down the hallway. AND BOY COULD SHE BOUNCE! He hung bck a bit, just to be able to get a better look, until Ari caught him looking....
gee, we could be strating a new trend here...lynch the birthday boy/girl! hehe. Just kidding. It wasn't your birthday yet when I changed my vote to you, and then it was out of desperation for an IC reason to accuse at this point...Hoppy Barfday anyways, Dean, and Semper Suficio!
OOC: Uh, oops. It was just pointed out to me that part of what I was using as IC info was a misunderstanding on my part. I misread some of one of Budda's earlier posts and was saying that he got violent when he was stoned, when in fact he said the opposite, and had even passes that around in a note. As such, and in apology to him, I will withdraw my vote and change it to Meat/Dean IC: The note that has been circulating the room finally makes it to Rich. He reads it and just stares, unable to comprehend the anguish that must have prompted that note. He feels he has been given a deeper look into Chandler's soul. But, if it wasn't Chandler, and Joe and Rupert were also innocent, at least at the moment, then it must be that Meat has gotten more violent. He writes his suspicions down on the note paper and then gets Tif's atention again... Rich Psst! Ari, Tiff, Walter! I just got this note! Have you seen it? It's from Chandler. I don't think he did it after all. Must be that Meat has gotten more violent recently. We should turn him in! Here pass this note back around...
Rich looks at his fellow class mates and is filled with disgust and disbelief. He doesn't know why he is so surprized, but he is surprized by how quickly they all begin to point fingers. Then he realizes that he had ben thinking of doing the same thing. But then, well...nevermind. Some one in this room was acting like a predator and beating up the others in the school. But why? What had Billy done to anyone? Or maybe he had seen or heard something he wasn't supposed to...but what? In Rich's mind the most suspicious looking people were Joe, who had left the room, Eric, who also had been gone, but he had photo evidence of what he had been doing, Chandler was late, and Meat hadn't even bohtered to come to class today, although he was sure he had seen him in the hall. But this didn't fit Meat's M O. Chandler was, however, known to act violent at times when on drugs, which he always was, so it definitely could be him. But then, Joe and Eric could be working together as well. Well, had was gong to have to go with his gut instinct here then. He would beleive Joe and Eric, for now, but he would want a closer look at those fotos Eric took. Rich PSST! Hey, Tiff, Ari! Whatchadoing accusing Bina? She's a nice girl, and she was here, not out there. I think that it was one or more of four people. Joe and Rupert were both out there, but they did "help" Billy, so they are probably innocent, but I'll look into it. Rupert took a bunch of pictures. After class let's go and get a look at them, see if there is any evidence there. In the meantime, Meat is still out there somewhere, but this is a bit too violent for even him. So, I think it must be Chandler on a bad drug trip. I bet he doesn't even remember how he got to school this morning! And he was late, giving him plenty of time to mess up Billy. And you've seen how he gets when he's on drugs! He can just flip ot over nothing! Remember last week.... Vote for HappyBuddah/Chandler Edited because I got a couple of names mixed up ...
But Kat, I thought that you would try out for the lead role in "Cats"....
I think that we should do either "Chicago" or "Cats." But that's just me.
Rich thinks to himself, "Hmm, who could have done this. It definitely fits Meat's MO, and I haven't seen him here in class yet. But then Joe was gone and didn't come bck until after the guy was found, so he's suspicious looking too. And our druggie friend Chandler came in late, as usual, so it could have been him. The rest of us were in here. But which one of thsoe three did it...or was it all of them together? Naw, couldn't be. Maybe one or two, but not all three...." He stays lost in thought until near the end of class....
Rich shakes his head at Tiffany and glares a bit at Chandler, as he was the one who had come in late....He finds it hard to concentrate on the lecture the rest of class.
I was hoping, with the giant "X" on my jacket, it would suddenly become "Xavier's School for Gifted Children."
Rich looks down at his lettermans jacket and sees a great big "X" on it, but has no idea what it stands for...
Rich just kind of lays back and takes it all in. When walking down the halls, he seems cool, calm, and collected, and there is just something about him that the bullies in the hall just kind of quit tormenting their most recent prey as he approaches and they slink off out of sight. As such, he rarely sees any of the cruel teasing or tormenting that goes on. If he did he'd put a stop to it, pronto. But, as it is, he simply walks through the halls in that confident way of his, as if he knows that all is right in his world. As he sees people he knows, which is almost everyone in the school, he smiles or nods to each in turn. Some he stops and has a quick chat with, others he pats on the shoulder as he walks by. He considers almost all of them his friends and almost no one his enemy, at least not here. Once in class he spends time chatting with Tiffany and her air head friends. As often as possible he includes others who are not "IN" in the conversation, making an effort to include everyone possible. After choosing a seat, a different one every day, he shrugs out of his blue and white letterman jacket and hangs it from the back of his chair. He then pulls out his homework assignment and waits patiently for class to begin, occasionally smiling and nodding at something Tiff and her friends are saying. He hopes Mr. Blackburn is better prepared for todays class than he was yesterday. It might make the class more interesting....