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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Gnarlitch

  1. did somedone say Hand-To-Hand? As in fighting? FIANLLY, something the stinkyu dwarf is good at other than smelling bad.
  2. Dude! I'm away for a coupla days and a whole lot takes place. Sheesh! There has been so much new posting that I can't even read it now as I should be in bed already. Working LOTS of overtime at the moment, which kinda kills the puter time but hte ol' wallet sure loves it!
  3. Well, I have no skill in magic, only at breaking things and being sneaky. I could pulp his head for you?
  4. ok, I'm in. I'll play Pamiu, the Pharoh's older cousin and one of his chief advisors. *note* Pamiu means "old tom cat" in ancient egyptian. Meow!
  5. "Aye, now. I be the first ta admit thet I not be knowin' much. But there is summat here thet I do know. Vahktang was our protector, and was revealed as such mere minutes ago. I have known since we entered this accursed place thet he was protecting us, as he told me about it. He also told me that he had protected me and was now protecting Merelas, for some reason he wouldn't say. Now I know why. Merlas, you and I have had differing opinions in the past, yet I trust you in this. Gwaihir, you and I have never before spoken more than in passing. However, the pranks that have been happening do not fit into your normal nature. As such, I make you this offer. Surrender yourself and we will see that you get whatever treatment you need, be it medical, magical, or an exorcism. But, if ye choose to fight, there will be no quarter given. We will destroy you if we must in order to destroy the thing that possesses you. Either way, know this. It ends here and now!" OOC: Gwaihir, of course
  6. Just as the dwarf was about to descend the stairs he heard Tanny's cries of alarm. Responding, he accompanied her and the others out into the garden to find The Ex-Candidate unconscious in a hole. While others help her with the unconscious form, he decides to find out where Vahktang's so-called security detail has gone, ready to give them a stiff reprimand. It is during this search that he notices the yellow smoke seeping out from under the library door and Celes' muffled cries for help. trying the door knob, he finds that the door has been locked. Quickly he pulls out his lock pick set and goes to work, only to be blasted backward by a large jolt of electricity from a trap. As he pulls himself out of the dwarf shaped hole he has made in the wall opposite the door, he grumbles and growls. This looks especially comical as small blue lightning bolts still dance across his armor and his hair and beard are smoking. At least it looks comical until you notice the look in his eyes...all Cheer is gone. Instead his eyes are filled with and almost indescribable intensity that would make stones cry and dragons flee in terror. Taking his hammer in two hands he raises it over his head and brings it down on the door knob will all the force he can muster. Lightning seems to explode in every direction, accompanied by shards of metal and slivers of wood. The dwarf steps through the swirling wreakage and into the choking yellow smoke to find Celes barely conscious on the floor. He picks her up and carries her out the gaping hole where the door once stood and down the hall to where Tanny and others have come running due to the explosion. After handing Celes off to those who can help he stands off to the side glaring, studying each "person" in turn, trying to decide who could have done this.... "I know not who it is that be behind all this. But his I know. Ye 'ave pissed me off! First ye targets innocents who 'ave done nothing to ye, young girls an' the like. But now ye be getting bolder. Ye have taken down one that was protecting others, who saved me own life just after we came to this accursed house! Vengeance shall be MINE, sayeth this dwarf! I be calling ye out, yeh mangy cur! Yer pranks be harmful an' I done had enough! Iffn ye got the courage ta face someone in open combat I'll be waiting for ye in the dining hall. One o' us shant be leavin' alive!"
  7. I'M HERE!! I'M HERE!!
  8. The Stinky Cheer-y Dwarf dances and sings his way joyfully down the hall, headed for the back stairs to the basement. Along the way he is joined by a band of also-short people (munchkins), who sing with him: DING DONG THE WOLF IS DEAD! THE EVIL WOLF THE WICKED WOLF! DING DONG THE WICKED WOLF IS DEAD! Follow the yellow brick road!
  9. As the dwarf wanders down the hallway searching for something new to fight some strange force overwhelms his short, stocky body. It stretches and twists, colors swirl and brighten. Suddenly, the funky form of Tony Manero is dancing down the hallways in full rhinestone bedecked regalia with the BeeGees playing loudly in the background... Well, you can tell by the way I use my walk, I'm a woman's man, no time to talk. Music loud and women warm. I've been kicked around since I was born. And now it's all right, it's O.K. And you may look the other way. We can try to understand The New York Times' effect on man. Whether you're a brother Or whether you're a mother, You're stayin' alive, stayin' alive. Feel the city breakin' And ev'rybody shakin' And we're stayin' alive, stayin' alive. Ah, ha, ha, ha, Stayin' alive. Stayin' alive. Ah, ha, ha, ha, Stayin' alive. Well now, I get low and I get high And if I can't get either I really try. Got the wings of heaven on my shoes I'm a dancin' man and I just can't lose. You know it's all right, it's O.K. I'll live to see another day.... The dwarf stops suddenly in his tracks, scared beyond belief. "WHOA! DUDE! that was, like, totally freaky! But DUUUUDE! I never knew that I could move like that!! I wonder who did that to me?" OOC: Finnius is evil. Finnius must die....
  10. Yes...but I AM A CHEER-DWARF! You ever SEE the cheerleaders at dwarf sporting events? It's not a pretty sight I tell you. Especially cause you can't hardly tell the men folk from the women folk. But, that's besides the point. Much ot the time the event is decided by the brawl between the teams cheerleaders more than by the actual contestants. Rough and tumble fighting is just in our nature. But, thing is here, see, is that I am CHEERFULLY going off to fight, where as normally I am a rather grumpy old fellow, prone to grumble and argue, etc. Not now! Now I am singing a dwarven fighting song, although a might off-key, and doing so with enthusiasm. And, uh, er, Mr. Gryphon, sir. You just gotta put the posts in the proper order for them to make sense. Ya see, I works long hours during the day most times and so much has happened since I was able to post last. So, I sometimes pick something a few posts back to respond to. And it was in character. See! Now you guys are making the cheer infection wear off! *grumble grumble*
  11. Yeah, I know. It was her idea all along. OOC I knew that anyways. IC I had to play it like I saw it though, misguided as it might have been. Oh, and for those of you worried that we're spending too much time in the one room. Not anymore! With Mynx and Crypto gone I've gotta go search for loot now! And something to fight!
  12. The dwarf sees the red, malevolent eyes as well, and screeches like a banshee while at the same time hurling his magic war-hammer at the eyes at the same time. *sound of rolling dice....A NATURAL 20 TO HIT!....more dice rolling....WOW! Max damage!! HOODY-FREAKIN-HOO!* The glowing, rune carved hammer strikes directly between the eyes, causing a bright flash and explosion, the concussion of which knocks nearly everyone off their feet... The dwarf catches the hammer as it magically returns to his hand, giggling with glee at his success. He then begins singing a dwarven fighting song at the top of his lungs and wanders off in search of something else to fight. WHAT FUN! Too bad the CheerKitty is gone....
  13. Ok, as a matter of clarification for Gnarlitch's continued accusation of Cryptomancer; it all began at the party before we ever came to the haunted house. Mynx was getting all drunk, and myself, being a non-drinker, tried to save her from herself by giving her a potion to cure intoxication. Crypto immediately responded by making his magic bar appear and giving Mynx a drink that made her magically and continually drunk until either he decided to stop it or some other powerful magical means was used. Hence, Gnarlitch took that as an "evil" act. So, when it was time to vote for prankters, that was what stuck in his mind, Crypto's actions back at the party. Plus, it had turned into a competition for CheerMynx's affections, at least in the dwarf's eyes... oddly, since he was just a wolf in the Mafia game that was still running when this one started, I didn't really suspect him of being a wolf. *shrug*
  14. IC: "TOLDYASO!" OOC: Toldyaso! Edit because posted in wrong thread...
  15. The dwarf looks at Finnius like he's lost his marbles completely. *giggle* Maybe it has something to do with blue skin! That other blue guy is just plain wacko too! *giggle giggle* But silly and crazy are not the same as being an evil prankster. The dwarf stands in the middle of the group, looking this way and that, noticing different odd things about each person. But none strike him as evil pranksterish, some evil and some pranksters, but none evil pranksters....except for that Crypt guy, again. He was just plain mean, tricking poor Mynx that way and drugging her. THAT WAS AN EVIL PRANK IF HE'D EVER SEEN ONE! But hadn't he said something about this before? Maybe someone would listen THIS time. Having made that decision he moves about the room giggling and telling all about the evils of the evil mage Crypto-whatever. "Hey! Like, you know, that Crypto dude? Yeah, the mage guy. Uh huh, yep! HIM! He's gotta be the evil prankster, I just know he's bad..." [funky music beat][singing][dancing] "Ya know he's bad bad bad, he's really really bad. *grab crotch* WAO!! *pelvic thrust* [/funky music beat][/singing][/dancing] OOC:Vote for CRYPTOMANCER
  16. The dwarf gets to his feet again, giggling, again. "Oooh! That hurt my tushie!" He looks around at the startled/scared looks he is getting and giggles again. "I tawt I taw a putty tat!" *Looks up (down) at Mynx* "I DID! I did taw a putty tat. And she's cute too!" *wink wink*
  17. The Dwarf, getting bored, removes his pack and sits down. fishing inside his pack he removes a set of red velvet slippers, removes his boots, and puts on the slippers instead. The boots he stuffs back in his pack, which he re-dons, and then stands up. Very non-chalantly he walks straight over to the closest wall...and keeps on walking, right up the wall and then across the cieling as if this is normal. Reaching the screeching and crying CheerMynx he sits down next to her and puts his arm around her, trying to console her (as well as saving everyone else's ears and frayed nerves!). She rapidly calms down and rests her head on his shoulder, or at lest tries to, until she realizes that his shoulder is not high enough. So, she contents herself with leaning against him, not even noticing the smell at the moment.
  18. "Quiet people don't worry me anywhere near so much as mages. I hate mages, and elves, although my best friend and traveling companion is both. But, that is beside the point. the only person here that I've seen do anything "evil" is also a mage. My vote stays with him. Cryptomage, one of us aint gonna come out of this alive...and my money says IT'S YOU!" OOC:vote for Cryptomancer, evil mage extraordinaire
  19. gah! I'm dead!! Edit (now that I actually read the IC thread) : Well, technically I'm not dead...yet. Since my organization specializes in hunting and killing "rats" (informants) and I am now pegged as an informant, my own people will be hunting me. So, yes, I am very dead, my body just doesn't know it yet. I just wanna kill Clouseau before I die!
  20. !lla su fo niur eht si ti erofeb ,won koob live eth yortsed dluohs ew knith I With that said the dwarf hefts his warhammer and glares at both Cryptomancer and the book, looking ready to kill something.
  21. I like the way you think! But heck, might as well throw in a company of Marine Corps infantry, reinforced by a heavy weapons platoon, a squad of Armored Cavalry, and an aircraft carrier. In otherwords "superiority of firepower" is always nice to have in your back pocket! :dragon4:
  22. Heck. I figure never show up to a knife fight with only a knife. Ya gotta have at least 2 or 3, or better yet a 12 gauge shotgun, or, even better, an M-60 machine gun!
  23. "X" does a dance for joy at his survival.
  24. "X" stumbles to his feet, bleeding profusely where he has pulled Mickey's knife from his chest. He looks down at his opponent who is still struggling for life as his lungs fill with blood. He looks at one of his men and holds out a hand, which is quickly filled with a semi-auto pistol. Looking back at Mickey, he fires two quick shots into his head at point blank range and then waits to make sure the body stops moving. He then tosses the gun back to its owner and walks out the back door, knodding towards Sariah on the way out.
  25. Mickey gets thrown against a wall before he goes three steps, and a fist planted into his ribs with a resounding *crack* "Well, Mick me boyo, here's the rub. If yer innocent an I kill ye here openly fer yer slander, the other bosses'll likely look th' other way as they'd kill ye too fer the personal attacks ye've made aginst me. However, if yer the connivin' scum we believe ye ta be, then they'll thank me takin' ye down. And, as fer attacking yer men, none o' them has been harmed, 'ceptin fer the one out back who fought back a bit too hard. He'll need some time in a cast I'm thinkin'. Otherwise, no blood no foul. You know the rules. I aint here ta start a blod feud between our factions. I'm only here ta settle sumptin', man ta man. An iffn ya aint got the balls, ye's can just say so, an' we'll letcha beg fer mercy on yer knees after yer confession."
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