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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Gnarlitch

  1. "I do not see either Imhotep or Esaneh, and have not for days. Has anyone else seen them. GUARDS! FIND THEM AND BRING THEM HERE!"
  2. Alternate scenario: Seer steps forward and tells who's been seen. The list gets much shorter. We start lynching those remaining on that very short list...like only two, maybe three, by my count. Oh, wait....hey Dean! Do you wanna join the coalition? You would be joining myself, Gryphon, and Tanny, making four of us we can be sure of. Any questions?
  3. ok, someone must be asleep at the keyboard...for the last week! *twiddles thumbs while waiting*
  4. Where is everybody?
  5. "I apologise for doubting that you were correct. Perhaps we can meet on the morrow and discuss how we can flush out the other guilty party." "Apologies are not necessary, Rahotep. You must trust your men and do your best to show your support for them. I hope there are no hard feelings over what I said. We shall meet on the morrow and discuss the situation and how best to protect the rest of us, especially the Pharoh. Good day to you."
  6. Pamiu sits stunned silence. Kha actually WAS guilty, and yet he ahd defended him yesterday, convicting not only an innocent, but their true protector, instead. He is consumed so by his feelings of guilt that he does not even make his customary report to the Pharoh before returning to his own chamber and locking the door. his sleep is even more troubled than usual that "night"...
  7. OOC: wrong or right is for the historians to decide
  8. Sorry bout the purple font. Each game I choose a color for my IC speaking. *shrugs* You know, my origional character idea was for a mostly silent character, standing back and watching. Oddly, I just can never seem to keep my mouth shut.
  9. Well, my first in char attempt at forming an alliance ended with that person as the wolves' first victim.
  10. Vahktang: :woot: :wizzie:
  11. A strong, unpleasant smell makes it's way through the room, making some gag and others grimace, especially those familiar with the source of the smell. Tanny: "Itchy, you aren't thinking of joining this rescue party...are you? I didn't know that you knew Annael that well." Gnarlitch: "Well, um, er...actually I've never even met her. But, well, since I retired from my adventuring group things have been a might boring, other than a couple of brief but overly exciting occasions." Peredhil: "Well, just don't cause any trouble, as usual..." The dwarf makes a feeble attempt to look innocent, notices its lack of effect, grumbles and then reaches out and blindly chooses a ring. He comes up with a rather plain looking silver ring that doesn't even seem to have a buterfly attached to it. He grunts and then stuffs it on his finger. "So, when do I get to fight something?"
  12. Well, let's see here. No PM alliances this game. So, how about an open alliance? Gryph, Tanny, YanYan, I am quite certain that none of you is a wolf. Would you care to form an alliance? I have no proof that I myself am not a wolf, other than giving you my word that I am not. I simply abhor shooting in the dark and not being able to trust anyone as we are doing so far this game....
  13. "Yes, Rahotep. Failed. Members of the royal entourage are missing and probably dead. That is a failure in those who are here to protect us. However, as I said, I do not place the blame for this upon your shoulders as you have served faithfully for more than two millenia. Let me convey that the Pharoh has complete faith and trust in you. He commends you for your faithfulness. Yet, it seems inconcievable that this tragedy has taken place without help from within the guards. You are commanded by the Pharoh himself to search amongst your ranks and find who is the traitor. Also, you and I must discuss what "reason" may lie behind this attack on our "unlife." I myself see no pattern in the attacks, although pattern there must be. Perhaps it will become clearer with time, time of which we may not have much remaining after all these years.... Have you found any clues here in the chamber of Moses?"
  14. The Stinky Dwarf sees YanYan with his eyes closed and all puckered up and gets an evil glint in his eyes... SPLOOT! "Gee, fianlly a good use for the mother-in-laws pecan pie!" The dwarf walks off giggling insanely while YanYan stands there pulling bits of pecan out of his eyes and nose, gagging on the putrid taste.
  15. "Rahotep. You and your guards are failing us at this crucial time. That is inexcusable. However, neither you nor your ancestors has ever failed my family before. As such, it must be the most recent addition to the guards that has brought this evil among us. Arrest him." OOC: Knight/Khe
  16. grrr...stupid seer and wolves. We should lynch them next!
  17. Pamiu tosses and turns, unable to sleep. Time seems to stand still. And he wonders..."Could this be the night that never ends?"
  18. Pamiu makes his way through the labrynth of tunnels between the main section of crypts and the personal and private crypt of the Pharoah. Sadly he reports on the events of the last 24 hours before returning to his own crypt, where his "sleep" is haunted by terrible dreams and is unrestful, having a guilty conscience over the banishment of Napheen. His sobs sound as the shifting of the sands...
  19. Er...sorry Gryph, guess I'm the one that missed that one...MAN I NEED SOME DECENT SLEEP!
  20. OOC: Uh, guys....Khe/Knight didn't make an accusation yet. Ya wanna kill off the new guy before he even has a chance to play? http://www.themightypen.net/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif Personally, I like Tangy's IC reasoning for accusing Napheen, so, I'll follow suit, although after working a 13 hour day today I'm too tired to RP it. So... Accuse Napheen/Ayshela
  21. "Hmph. Guards! Begin a search at once!"
  22. Pamiu watches the dancers, remaining stiff and stoic... :woot:
  23. *gasp* medic?
  24. The dwarf thinks to himself..."Sword of Light? But it's a war hammer, no edges...*shrugs* let's see what it can do." "YAAAAAARRRGH!" And with that odd battle cry the dwarf charges in, throwing his magical hammer before him, aiming at the spirit's head. The hammer hits and sparks fly, while the dwarf dodges and rolls sideways to avoid the counter attack, a dwarf-sized hole burned in the floor where he had just been. As soon as the hammer returns to his hand he throws again, and again, striking with almost every throw with spectacular results but uncertain effects, as the spirit seems just as strong as before. The mages also add to the battle, between shielding the thing so it can't escape, and raining fire and lightning down upon it. Vahktang even finds a pair of wands stuffed into his pocket with instructions for each, and participates by firing magic missiles at the thing. Somehow the evil entity not only survives this onslaught, but also seems undiminished. Sweat pours off the dwarf inside his armor, running into his eyes and making all his underclothes uncomfortably moist. His breath is becoming labored and his legs seem to be moving slower. The spirit senses this and readies itself to finish him off, puny mortal that he is. The dwarf seems to stumble and at just that moment the spirit unleashes a gout of pent up fury and rage in a single deadly blast of nether-worldly fire....which is reflected back at it by the polished inside of the dwarf's shield. KA-BLAMO! All are temporarily blinded by the pyrotechnic display, and many are knocked backwards from the blast. "NOW VAHKTANG!" Those sufficiently recovered see Vahktang step forward once more, weilding the second wand, blasting the already reeling spirit with a jet of icy cold, freezing it solid where it stands. The tip of a flaming sword appears through the thing's chest and with a horrible keening shriek, it explodes into thousands of tiny shards of ice which pepper all within range. Behind where the spirit once stood stands Merelas, holding the still burning Brillemire although his eyes seem a bit glazed as he topples over backwards, unconscious and smoking like dry ice.
  25. The stinky dwarf stands back and watches the mages do their thing, knowing that it's best for him to stay out of the way while magic is in use. While watching he begins pulling various items out of his pack, items that are impossibly large to fit into such a small pack, especially the ornately engraved breastplate. Once all the parts of his armor are out, he takes his time donning the it, still keeping an eye on the magical proceedings. When finished he steps casually up next to Tanny, thumbs hooked casually into his belt, waiting. He is resplendant in deep green and charcoal grey laquered full plate mail. Across his chest is a dragon in black and silver, and his helmet bears bronze dragons wings. Also, strangely enough, he talks into his left wrist as if he's some sort of secret service agent.
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