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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Gnarlitch

  1. AAAaaaauuuuuuuuoooooooOOOOoooooo! Wolfies coming wolfies coming wolfies coming to geeet you!
  2. The stinky dwarf, seeing a new applicant entering the membership office just as he was leaving, decides to stick around to see what's new. On reading the new applicants work his violent tendencies jump to the fore. "I oughtta bust his knee caps, and then chop off 'is bloody 'ands wit me axe! Writin' lyke thet, so smooth an' finished like, makin' me look bad an all. Grrr!" He thinks, fondling his heavy, battle-scarred, double-bladed axe. He bites back the urges, make a mental note to take an extra dose of his "medication" this evening, and then extends a somewhat dirty and calloused hand... Gnarly Good job, mate. I'm sure the lizard will lyke it too. Yer writin' is much smoother in style then me own, it seems ta flow better an' such. Be seeing ye later then. *shakes Fox's hand vigorously, making him think the dwarf intended to yank his arm from its socket and then walks out the door grumbling to himself...*
  3. as Albert readies himself for sleep he worries. He worries about Kerri, and will she still want to be his girlfriend in the morning...if they both live. He worries about Terri, one of his few friends, and about Zach, her boyfriend, who he doesn't like much, but, well...*he shrugs* Then there is Timmy to worry about. Will the kid grow up scarred for life because of this? Poor kid. Then, there is everyone else...who does he and doesn't he trust? And, most importantly, when he wakes up in the morning, will he have super powers? Or will he have just started to grow and extra arm out of his butt? With all the radiation, who knows? He tosses and turns in his sleep, having horrible nightmares....
  4. Albert glares at everyone else, mumbles "I told you so," under his breath and then goes off alone, locking himself in the office space he has determined is "his."
  5. Albert Hang on a sec, okay Kerri? Please? I just gotta say something here first. *looks at Timmy* We've both know Zach for most of our lives. he and I went to kindergarten together. And, although I have never liked him, we've never been friends. He's always been too cool to hang with a nerd like me. I've seen him be cruel at times. He and his friends have picked on me. BUT I have NEVER thought him evil. He's also always treated both Kerri and Terri nicely. *includes Greta and Aidan in his look* I don't think that Zach has anything to do with this. In fact, I'd stake my life on it. Greta, I have never met you before and I also don't think that you are evil either, though I have nothing but your word and my gut instinct to base this on. Aidan, well, we've never been friends either since you and your rather interesting friends like to tease me and my friends. You are, however, the most mutant looking person here with that hair and all. But, you've looked more or less that way for a long time now. And, judging someone by their looks is just as bad as by race or religion. I have no idea who is or isn't a mutant here. As such, I refuse to vote against anyone until I see a better reason to accuse someone. Hopefully we all survive this together, without hate or anger. *walks away to find where Zach and Terri went, hoping to apologize, taking Kerri with him.* OOC: CHANGING VOTE TO NO VOTE/REFUSAL TO VOTE
  6. Terri, just because I tutor Timmy and like both you and Kerri doesn't mean that I have to like Zach. He's always been a jerk to me...condescending, rude, etc. Now he's being a bigot and I can't stand it anymore because he's going to get someone killed simply because of language and/or nationality. That's wrong, and you know it. Now, I've had enough of this for today. I'm going to go cuddle with Kerri in a quiet corner and let pretty boy there do whatever he wants.
  7. Albert *To Zach* WHAT ARE YOU DENSE OR WHAT?! ALL Germans are evil? What about all the Jews that Hitler killed. They were Germans...are you saying that THEY were evil? You can't judge an entire race or people simply because of one or two bad eggs. Are all dogs bad because once one dog bit you? That is infantile logic. It also makes you no better than Hitler himself! Zach Why I outta.... Albert What, is the truth too much for you to handle? Answer me this then, are all Russians bad simply because their government is Communist? That's what the government wants us to believe. But I refuse to think that way. I prefer to use my own brain instead! Think for yourself for once, you moron! *points finger at Zach* Keep up this behavior and I'll start thinking that YOU are the killer here!
  8. IC: I'm sorry, Kerri, but you disappoint me. I can't beleive that you would take such a dislike to someone simply because they speak a different language. I still think it must be that creepy actor guy, unless it's that crazy mean guard, or that Jamia...she gives me the willies. Or maybe even Ed for boosting that explosion. Anyways, I'm sticking with Pavlov, mainly because I hear that he was mean to his dogs, pretending that he was going to feed them and all. Also, his "props" out there in the desert douldn't have fooled anyone...space ship indeed. Everyone knows that they use either rockets or flying saucers! And that was neither! Just plain bad acting. *Walks over to Greta ans Pavlov and begins attempting to converse with them using high school German...very poor high school German.* OOC: THAT IS A VOTE FOR THE OZ MAN....
  9. Gee, Kerri, you really think that Pavlov actor guy is a mutant? I could beleive it with some of the stupid movies he's been in. I don't like the guard guy much either. And, no secret here, Jamia has ALWAYS given me the willies! But, *pauses to drool while looking at his beautiful new girlfriend* I think I'll agree with you here 'cause you're so smart. PAVLOV is evil! Sooo, uh, what say we go check out the theater here...it's supposed to be way keen! (and empty! )
  10. Oh, uh, hi! Uh, I guess I'm doing ok. I keep checking myself for signs of mutation from the radiation but I haven't found any yet...other than my zits cleared up. How bout you? Growing any extra apendages yet? How bout x-ray vision? That would be sooo keen. I could even see into...erm, never mind. Anyways, hows Timmy?
  11. Albert raises his hand sheepishly....
  12. gee...uh...did someone mention that Ihave the strange body odor flaw? I mean, really now...*shrugs* :wizzie: :woot: :dragon4:
  13. OOOOOO! *starts snapping pictures*
  14. Albert offers to hold Kerri instead of Zach, only to get rudely rebuffed and kicked in the shin by her. :erm:
  15. Gee, I wonder if we've just been exposed to radiation. We probalby were. Do you think that maybe we'll all become mutants then?! I hope I get a neat superpower! :woot:
  16. The messenger arrives at Laranta's accomodations and knocks on the door. When no one answers after almost a minute, he knocks again, this time more forcefully. The door opens slightly under the bombardment, arounsing his curiousity. He enters to find Laranta lying in a pool of blood, a dagger sticking from her back.
  17. On seeing the girls, Timmy, and ...that other guy arrive, Albert sets his stuff down and goes over to say, "Hi," but then holds off a bit until the crying, bleeding, and tormenting eachother stops for a moment. Then... Albert Terri, Kerri uh..er..hi...uh...this place is keen huh? Hi Timmy. How's your science homework coming along? We should take a look at that tonite before bed you know. *starts rambling about protrons, neutrons and electrons and how they interact to create nuclear energy....*
  18. Yeah, I started off as if I were writing it for a game thread and not as a "normal" piece of writing. Most of the writing I do anymore is in the werewolf games where it is a bit more free form. I forget to use the proper rules, etc. outside of the gmaes. *shrugs*
  19. Just to make life easier, let us pretend that I was. well, you are actually quite lucky not to know who they are. Anyways...I was only joking with you about the telescope.
  20. The sounds of tramping feet and the clink of armor awakens him from his meditative state and alerts him to the approaching dawn. He gets to his feet and makes a final check of his gear and weapons. Unsurprizingly, the sounds of soldiers starts to come closer to his position...but it is coming from the wrong direction! he looks back the way he came, trying to see through the dark and the swirling mist. Soon he is able to discern the outline of a battle standard he recognizes, that of the Iron Legion. Never the pride of the kingdom, the approaching troops were even more ragged looking than normal. The Iron Legion historically was not a unit full of pride and esprit de corps. Instead it contained the dregs of humanity. In exchange for a commitment to two years of enlisted service, any mans previous crimes were forgiven, no questions asked. Discipline had been overly harsh and as such morlae horribly low. Men joined the Legion only as a last resort, know full well that it might not be a death sentence, but almost. But that was before. In the little over a year that he had held command things had changed. Instead of the men spending their days in mainly hard labor, he had instituted a training regimen/ One that actually prepared the enlisted soldiers for actual battle. They now spent the majority of their time training and preparing for the role for which they were used, as shock troops. In time of war the dungeons would always be cleard and the prisoners added to the ranks of the Legion, willing or not. Even those taken for petty thievery would be forced into the Legion. Then, where ever the battle raged the hottest, when ever the need was desperate, the Legion was sent in. the intent was not for them to defeat the enemy, simply to either slow them down or stop them by sheer weight of numbers. Casualties would usually be between eighty and ninety percent of the unit sent. At least that is how it had been. Now these men, having a hope of survival, fought more willingly and with greater enthusiasm. Now, instead of merely being meat thrown into the grinder they did some grinding of their own. He was proud of how well they had acquitted themselves in the war thus far. The approach of the senior sergeant broke him from hs reverie. "Your orders, sir?" "Return to your defensive positions, Sergeant, this spot is mine alone." "Begging your pardon, sir, but the men would refuse to turn back sir." Just then, the units remaining officers rode up as a group. "Captain Gormonth, what is the meaning of this?" "Sergeant, see to the positioning of the men, on the double. Defensive ring centered on the standard. The standard shall not fall!" "The standard shall not fall, aye sir!" The sergeant walked off, leaving the captain and lieutenants to deal with the general. "Captain?" "Well, sir, it's like this. When we explained to the men what was happening, they wanted to stand by you, sir. All of the loyal men are here with us. We have just over two fists, plus officers." "I can't allow you men to do this. You were given the opportunity to start over. I order you to take it!" "Excuse me, sir. But we can't do that. You see, when the men began striking camp this 'ere major comes storming up and orders us to fall in with his unit. Says we are ordered to follow him now. Well, sir, the lieutenant got a might upset at some o' the things he said and how he said 'em. When the major demanded that I take the Lieutenant itno custody to be tried as a traitor we told him he could go bugger himself. He didn't take that very well. I ordered the lads to stop what they were doing and form up. We marched them out that very moment, leaving behind everything but weapons and armor. Figured we didn't need any o' the rest anymore." "We're here to make a stand with you, sir. The Standard has been planted, the Legion will live or die on this spot, sir!" Moved by this response, the general aquiesced and began overseeing troop placement and hasty defensive positions. Much too soon the sound of pipes and drums came from farther down the canyon, rapidly followed by the sound of many marching feet. Just as the sun was cresting the ridge to their left the enemy charged. The Legion did not try to block the entire width of the canyoun, their numbers were too few for such tactics. Instead they formed a ring of interlocking shields with pikes sticking out in all directions. The enemy cavalry charge crashed over their formation, with a mighty crash and a great rending of metal accompanied by the screams of both men and horses. Again and again they came, like great waves washing over a rock in the surf, wearing it down. Soon, the cavalry was called back as the foot had arrived. The men of the Legion, having started the morning with 237 men and officers, now numbered less than one hundred and fifty. Surrounding them was an army so vast as it was not numbered. The enemy soldiers moved past the embattled position much like a river flowing around an island. But, like an island is often flooded over in the spring rains, so it appeared that the Legion was drowned in that tide of onrushing steel and flesh. Two days later when the enemy commander rode through that same canyon he paused on seeing the Legion's position. He questioned a sub-officer as to why this unit was here so far in advance of the main defensve positions. As the officer did not know he was ordered to find out. the commander then moved on, more pressing issues of the ongoing campaign on his troubled mind. Behind him a tattered blue standard fluttered in the slight breeze, revealing the sigil of a clenched iron fist. Around this standard were the bodies of some two hundred men, and around those bodies was a veritable wall of more than a fifteen hundred dead stacked like cordwood. At the end they had had to climb over the bodies of their fallen comrades to reach their foe. Years later a monument was erected on that spot, comemorating the last stand of some dedicated men. This story is an excerpt from a story I have been trying to assemble in my head. I see the scenery and hear the clash of arms...in my head. Yet, when it comes to putting it all into words and thence into a coherent and cohesive story, the task overwhelms me. I hope that this is at least satisfactory for the application however.
  21. Albert WE'RE HERE! WE'RE HERE! :woot: Jamia! Wake up or you'll miss it! Al then gets up and runs off the bus goggling at all of the "sights." He is so excited he forgets his suitcase in the overhead bin on the bus and his half finished lunch he left on the seat. He runs over to the "friendly" guard and shakes his hand energetically. He then starts shaking hands with the two scientists and asking rapidfire, innane questions. Albert So, what's your name? What do you do here?Do you know Dr. Eistien How well Are you a geniusHowlonghaveyoubeenworkinghereHowlonghaveyoubeenascientistDoyoulikeitisitfu nWhatsitlikeDoesitpaywellIbetitdoesIthinkitwouldbefunIwantoteitherbeascientistor asciencefictionwriterIcan'tseemtomakeupmymind....
  22. Uh...who? er...a very childish and poorly drawn cartoon done by MTV about 10 years ago that was full of stupid, gross, teenage boy type humor. If you couldn't tell, I didn't like it, but I tend to quote it occassionally. Maybe it's because one of those joke once in a while is ok, but an entire 1/2 hour show devoted to that humor is way too much...at least for me. (of course, I hope you weren't kidding asking who Beavis and Butthead are....really )
  23. what? You don't like my Beavis and Butthead impersonation?
  24. uh.huhuhhhuh...uhhuhuh...Yer-anus! uhuhuhhhuuuhuh
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