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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Gnarlitch

  1. well, let's see. He either stole their plane/boat/whatever and left on his own, or, he found the "good life" he had been looking for all along and lived there happily ever after...with Johnnys bones to keep him company. No "Wilson" for me!
  2. Strangely, johnny never made it to the final contest.... He never made it to dinner with Jessica either.
  3. Watching Jessica stomp away Dan begins to laugh uncontrollably. About ten minutes later, feeling like he may have ruptured his spleen or some such, he regains control of himself long enough to go and find that cameraman and ask for his own copy of that tape.
  4. The next time Johnny returns to his tent he finds it missing, along with everything else of his. the only thing left where the tent once stood is Jessica's poor forlorn hairdryer left hanging by its cord from a tree branch. Meanwhile, during the scavenger hunt, Zak comes across a flask (which, oddly enough, looks exactly like Johnnys). The flask contains a different liquid than whiskey though. Brianna happens to find a couple pairs of Johnny's underwear tied to a long stick and planted in the ground like a flag. She was so disgusted that she left them there. Eventually, most of his stuff is found, scattered around the island here and there...all but the tent pieces. "They sure do make a nice cozy little tent," Dan thinks to himself. "Sure wish I'd known that Jessica wasn't in that tent anymore though. It was her I wanted to mess with. Guess she'll just have to enjoy the snakes I left in her new hut!"
  5. Dan stands off to the side, laughing openly at the other contestants while the voting takes place. In one hand he hold what appears to be a leg from some sort of bird he has apparently caught and cooked. He takes an occasional bite and continues to laugh and then finaly disappears into the jungle once again. A few short minutes later screams are heard in the direction he went. When everyone rushes off to find out what is happening they find one of the cameramen hanging upside down from a tree, a rope tied around one of his ankles. His camera lies on the ground under him, the tape missing, and a note stuck to the side of the camera. "Next person who tries to follow me will get worse." The cameraman admits to trying to follow Dan off into the jungle and was led into this trap. A brief arguement ensues between him and the producer about whether or not he has been fired or if he quit first.
  6. After he reaches the shore Dan gets out of the canoe and looks more closely at the broken seat. After close inspection he stands up straight and glares at the entire cast and production crew. "This was rigged. I don't know who did it but everyone will end up paying the price as ya'll just lost yer best hunter/gatherer. I'll be watching closely. Whoever it was, you'll pay." *evil grin* With that Dan grabs his bag and heads off into the jungle alone, stopping just inside the bushes and bending down for a second. In one smooth motion he both stands up and tosses a snake at Jessica, causing the snake to land draped across her shoulders. "There ya go, Barbie, a more trustworthy companion than any of these others." He then turns and disappears into the jungle.
  7. Dan watches the scene with Jessica with some amusement before walking over and dropping his mostly empty military style duffle bag next to her. He looks at her and smiles, "Fill'er up, ma'am! Plenty o' space here." And with that he winks. Having been through this type of thing before in the Corps he is wearing all his heavy gear (hiking boots, heavy duty canvas pants and shirt, cameraman's vest, and floppy hat) so that nothing in his bag is heavier than a couple of old novels he has sealed in a zip-lock bag. Oddly, everything in his bag is sealed in individual zip-lock bags which are then sealed in larger bags and then the entire bunch is inside a kitchen size garbage bag. Noticing the odd looks he gets he just winks and smiles knowing full well that his stuff will be nice and dry when everyone else's is soaking wet.
  8. Dan carefully reads his letter and then goes and collects his things. He hides several survival neccessities about his person. To find them they'll have to strip him naked...
  9. The receptioninst looks up as a large-looking bald man enters and walks towards his desk. "Here we go again!" he thinks. "Uh, I'm here to apply to be on that Survival show?" The receptionist hands over the proper forms and a pen and the bald guy takes a seat to fill them out. The next several minutes are spent reading the form and writing answers...long answers. The guy even writes in his own answers on the multiple choice sections. What a nut. Just another aging, overweight guy trying to relive his youth. The producers probably wouldn't even take the time to talk to him. When the guy was done writing his "essay" he brought the forms back up. The receptionist went into his well practiced spiel about how grateful the station was that he'd taken the time to come by and that they would call him if they wanted an interview. his well-rehearsed speech trailed off as he noticed the look in the bald man's eyes... "I was told that there would be personal interviews today." "Yes...well...er...you see...we already have had many applicants and I am not sure that you are qualified...and...um...gulp..." "Are you even going to look at my application before sending me away?" This delivered in a menacing tone. Thankfully, his phone rang at just that moment, saving him from responding. Then, a smiling producer's assistant appeared as if by magic to escort the large bald menace back to the producers office, congratulating him on being chosen for the show. What the Firk?! "Oh, sorry sir. I missed what you said. Yes, your assistant was just here. Yes, I'll send his app back to you immediately. But, sir...Ohhh, I see. he's a catalyst for dissension and angst. Gotcha. Thankyousir." The receptionist took a moment to scan the application as he walked it back to the producers office, almost choking on what he read. Ex-marine, Gulf War vet, black belt, over twenty different jobs in the last ten years, and Bi-polar?!?! Holy freaking crap! This guy was scary! "Sure hope you know what you're doing," he muters as he hands over the app. before slinking away.
  10. Ok, I'm in as myself: mentally imbalanced combat vet who's just looking for something outside the day-to-day grind of life. This guy is the "loose cannon" who you never know how he'll react to any given situation. However, he also seems to be closely related to "McGyver," as he seems able to do almost anything and make do with few supplies.
  11. IF no one else steps up to mod, I guess I'll give it another go.
  12. I vote we play HackMaster. It's what D&D was meant to be.
  13. "Aw bloody hell. Do I have to explain it to you again?" *points at self* VAMPIRE. Not wolf, or werewolf. That was Oz. I'm a bloody vampire. Have been for a long time now. Get it? Now sod off mate. It's light outside I and needs me beauty rest."
  14. Yes! Feed me a wolf!!
  15. Spike looks at his new cell mate and smiles...an evil smile. "Bout bloody time those sodding guards brought me my lunch! I haven't eaten in almost two weeks, and that last fella was kinda scrawny. So your a "seer" eh? Wot's a seer anyway? You have visions? Mate, I think you've been drinking a bit too much of late. Well, as for me, I could use a good drink..." AAAARRRGHHHhhaaaaaaaaa... "MMM! Yummy! I've never tasted seer before, had me a slayer once, but not a seer. Thye taste great!" *sluuurrp*
  16. Spike screams and rattles the bars of his cage, trying to get someone to give him some information on what was going on. Finally, a guard came, smacked Spike with a rifle butt, told him to, "Shut the hell up!" and then walked away, closing the outer door behing him. Spike sat the alone in the dark, cursing the world, and waiting... Some time later he overhears the guards talking outside, something about a fat arab and killing, blood everywhere. Spike feels hungry at the thought. OOC: Accusing SweetCheerrie/Aimo Why? well, he did kill that other guy, not that I can hold that against him. Wait! I can! He should have brought the guy to me to kill so I could feed! Damn him!! He should die. Can I eat him? Please?
  17. OOC: Why am I there? Simple. It's because I have this tendency to EAT the other prisoners when left in the general population. Spike is a character from "Buffy the Vampire Slayer." He's a vampire who is a couple of hundred years old. I didn't get overly specific with my back story simply because I didn't want to be automatically lynched the first round. Pretty much, my idea was that the British governemnt had finally gotten their hands on him but for some reason was keeping him alive yet out of the way. he can't be part of the daily work details here on the island because he would burst into flame...which also tends to keeps him more easily confined on the island until the higher ups decide what to do with him. This is even plausible with the TV story because in one episode Angel was forced to work for the US governemnt during WWII and ran into Spike working for the Nazis, also more or less against his will. But, it would probably be rather hush hush on the island why Spike is in solitary, yet rumors would abound.
  18. Unpleasant sounds echo from the solitary confinement block, also known as "The Cooler"... "Aw bloody hell! You mean to tell me that some bloke went and did fer the cap'n and I didn't get no part of it! I don't know if I likes that, no I don't. Part o' me wants ta buy the sod a drink a' the pub...but most o' me wants ta rip his bloomin' throat out fernot waitin' til I could get in on the fun!" *bars shake and rattle* "OY! LET ME OUTTA HERE! There's a killer on the loose an' I wann do fer him afore he does fer me! OY! I'm in 'ere all alone! 'Ey! Mister Tremaine, or do you prefer Guard Tremaine? Get yer bledin' arse in 'ere and let me out!" Guard Tremaine "SHUT YER YAP! Keep thet up an' I'll throw ya out into the sun! See 'ow ye like thet. hehe" "GAH! You must be the killer then! Man after me own heart OY! A LITTLE HELP 'ERE! GUARD TREMAINE SEEMS TA 'AVE GONE CRAZY!! HE'S TRYING TA KILL ME HE IS!" OOC: vote for Akallabeth/Guard Corwin Tremain Mainly because he needs to go see his sweetie and let her move on!
  19. William the Bloody, aka "Spike" His tale is a sad one indeed. He was born into a moderately wealthy family, but his father died before he ever got to know him. Raised by his doting yet sickly mother, William never became very "manly," instead being more interested in books and poetry. The poems he wrote, mostly filled with love and yearning, were also very poorly written and overly sappy. In his early twenties he was still struggling for acceptance and fell in with the "wrong crowd." Deluded into beleiving that he'd found a cure for his mother's illness, he made the wrong choice and formally joined the bloodthirsty group only to find that it wasn't what he'd thought yet now he was stuck. Being basically good at heart but having thrown his lot in with pure evil he did what he had to do to find acceptance and became known for his violently bloody escapades. Strangely, even though he earned the moniker "William the Bloody," he never truely lost the good inside his heart. Finally, the authorities gathered enough evidence to capture and incarcerate him, for a time, but they still can't seem to prove that he really killed anyone. So, he has been sent to rot on this island pending trial while the authorities try to assemble enough evidence for a conviction and execution.
  20. DA-YUM! I get too busy to check in for a couple of days and it's over already...Ok...next?
  21. Voting so far: * Deggy => Ezekiel "Zeke" Thompson 3 * Akallabeth => Doug Matthews 3 * Quincunx => Marisa Hawkins 1 * Knight => Bernie Frankowitz 1 * dragonqueen => Debra Thompson 2 * Vahktang => Isaac Heinlein 1 * Gnarlitch => Buzz Beckenstien 1
  22. Buzz while walking the set, stops and whispers in various ears: "I think that Doug may have had something to do with that explosion. He was lurking over there not too long before it happened, talking with Pete. We should keep a close eye on him." OOC: vote for Doug/Akallabeth why? well, er, because! That's how the game is played.
  23. Buzz mentally groans as he reads this weeks script. WHO WROTE THESE FIRKING LINES?!?! A TODDLER? His career was going no where doing this show. But then, at least he still had a career because of it. Better yet, there was even a scene where his evil alien character got to grab Debra's character and kiss her, trying to make her love him. That had potential... He wanders off to makeup/costumes wondering if this weeks alien would even BE ABLE to kiss a human female.
  24. Meet Buzz Beckenstien, actor. Buzz is tall, muscualr, and would be thought quite attractive in a rough-hewn sort of way...if it weren't for his horrible disfigurement in a car accident three years ago. Now, the once leading man is relegated to roles as "the Monster" or as a villain, due to the sever facial scar/burns he recieved when he wrapped his car around a telephone pole one night in a drunken stupor. He can appear affable and charming at will, but usually is aloof and disdainfull, using his acerbic wit to revile and diminish those around him.
  25. Pamui is tired. He has served his Pharoh faithfully for more than two thousand years in any capacity that was required of him. It was time for sleep, a TRUE sleep, with no cumbersome visions to disturb his rest. Finally, the last of rebels was gone and he could lay down his burden. Or could he....
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