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Everything posted by disizmrkent
It's been a while since I have posted on here. And my last post definitely had a little bit of opinion that came with it. But I have had a good time with life, and I've gone back to my more romantic side. I hope you enjoy it. Post a comment, and let me know....... My mind had kept me captive. My dreams had me locked up inside. I felt helpless, left breathless, and drowning below the rising tide. Until you came into my life with love, and gave me what I was trying to find. So now my tears are gone; not a single, salty one, exsists. And now I chase you through those dreams while you smile and laugh as I persist. And we laugh and fall into each other's arms, Lost in our love, and sealed with a kiss.
HAHAHAHA!! Soft spots was funnier when you said, "pun not intended..." I like that (and the monty python thing was good too.....)
I didn't even notice the "east" and "est" sounding words in the same line.. That kinda IS weird when I read it. Thanks a load, I'll look out for that from now on...
Don't ask me if I'll ever be yours you already know I never will be and I would be honest and up-front with you if the tears you cry wouldn't kill me ________________________________________________ Every word I told you that night was the truth, I promised you I would never be false and the kiss you left only further made it true it made my body shake, and my heart cease its pulse Your kiss was so much more than I expected but I felt the feelings, and I longed to have them proved And the kiss you left only shook my soul it captured my heart, and it caused the earth to move So do not take your body out of my arms and do not take your kiss from my lips Do not take your eyes down from mine and come closer to me than my fingertips I need to know if you really mean those things but do not touch my body unless its true Because right now, if it is, I'll give up all everything I've known of love, just for you
The funny part is how this poem came to happen. I had a woman of "considerable size" that called me a "skinny b*tch" and said my girlfriend was somethign I won't say... funny how it now goes both ways. So, in response to watching "Shallow Hal" I have seen it, and I thoguht the story was very appropriate. My mother is a woman who's pretty large, and I have some friends who aren't exactly thin. But I figure this isn't for everyone, and I will not apologize for the poem. It's not to you, or your friends, but rather to dumb people who aren't understanding that people come in all shapes and sizes. It was good opportunity to let the world know that the skinny people won't take it either! Take a joke, realize I'm mocking people, and have some fun. I wouldn't have done or said anything if I hadn't been inspired anyway. Besides, we all need to laugh once in a while....
I need not a lady whose person is rare, or someone who may accomplish the earth. I just need a lady who can always be there... and who doesn't have too much girth. I need not a woman whose face is the sun, or whose eyes are the moon and stars. I only request a woman with beauty... who can actually fit into my car. I am not a picky man in the least, but I have just one very simple request; That the lady I have is not a beast... and I do not suffocate with my head on her breast.
Give me your feedback, please. I just wrote this right now. I have never written like this. I usually only write poems with a simplistic flow... Please, tell me if I should give this style up, or explore it a little bit more: Your burden is your own I can only stand by and hope that someday someway somehow, hopefully now you come to realize you did this to yourself. Your loss is just that it's yours not mine not now or anytime but in time you'll see your love for me still lingers, while my love for you is gone And I stand here looking into your soul shattered broken apart I give back your heart only for your life no longer a wife and your only memory is what could have been
Alaeha had it right... the rhyme scheme just throws you off a bit as you read it. The creation of imagery through words is spectacular, and it's a very well-written poem... the only thing I would wonder is what the thinking behind the rhyming was, because it's odd as you read it... almost distracting. Other than that, a wonderful poem. We've all felt like that when we've lost someone we love....
The first stanza outlines the way the man should be, what a father is meant to be. The second stanza is the reality of what he is, and what he means (or doesn't, in this case) to the writer...
A provider, someone to love someone to provide a hug A man to teach you and give you tips A man who knows his place at the table a man who is strong and loving generous, willing, and stable. A man who knows no boundaries of love someone with opem arms to shelter you from harm and who knows your pains and joys as a man, and from a boy But my father is hard and cruel I'm a kicking post, he's the mule not because I feel steadfast or because he's the ass but more because he's the torment now as they were in my past With every drink he takes, and joke he makes Is another time I wish my mom had said "no" But again we'd be on welfare and survival I'd have everything to steal, and nowhere to go So now as a man, I know I turned out the best in spite of a father, who was only a "step"....
Yes, the "5 dollar" words were mockingly put in there on purpose... a little bit of a trick, but not too hard to notice. Maybe it would make better sense without them, but I thought it mocked them even further to put them in there. Thanks for the support of any of my work tough!
If I took my love, and hid it away, would you notice that it was gone? If I took my love, and gave yours back, would you care that we were done? Would you bat an eye, would you cry for me? Or would your tears be none would you even shed just one?
I once looked inside myself I turned away from the lids and lashes but all I saw were hurts inside me the scars and bruises, cuts and gashes I tried to lose myself in my thoughts to escape the world, and it's canopy but then in trying to get back I got lost in my insanity So now I sit here, insane and blind no world except what's within myself and I am trapped, I can't speak out to you and you can't hear my cries for help
I don't need no education I speak in my own words and ways and the higher levels you have achieved don't speak as loud as the things I says I don't need no schooling, I'm doin fine there's no institutions for me to go to And if there are barriers that I am trapped behind I'll wind up, yell out, and blow through So you can take the higher learning system and you can kick it to the moon and back here cause your education don't mean nuffin to me and I speaks fine and clear
My lips are curled my teeth begin to grind and hate sweels within it fills my heart and mind My hands crack and clench fist are held so tight that knuckles stretch the skin and the skin is turning white My eyes grow narrow my vision is getting red and all I imagine within is the violence inside my head I envison your tears your cries for mercy and how hell hath no fury that's close to worse than me This anger works for me as though I've just employed it But as you fight for the breath of life I don't care, in fact, I enjoy it...
If I had dreams come true to me my world would not be this empty my life would have direction and meaning and death would not be tempting If I had love inside my heart my world would glow and shine but now I sit in the shadows of truth and the only fault there is, is mine I sit and wonder, lay back and ponder was there more I missed along the way? Could life have passed me by so fast that I didn't see it run away? I throw back my head, and look to God and wonder who is now forsaken why does he tempt me so much, so hard and why have I not been taken Why do I sit on an earth I don't belong to why can't I leave and find my place But as I ask the questions I have I'm interrupted by rain on my face So still I sit, and I cry, for I'm lost but I can't let the world see my tear Because so long they've taken advantage of me and of all the times they've seen my fear....
The depths of shadows swell like an ocean I sense my own movement, but nothing's in motion I try to say something, but I'm too humbled to speak I'm more scared than ever, I feel feeble and week I feel stepped on and in pain I feel small and meek. I look over the horizon, looking to the end I only wish I were there with you, my dying friend I now you're weak, I know it's hard But I'll see you there, when it gets dark I'll hold your hand through it all and play the friend's part.
Don't take my hand, don't look to me I have no answers, only lies. Don't ask me why I cannot help you I'm lost in myself, trapped on my inside Yet still I deeply sigh I shout a deeper cry I ask my soul to pull me to safety, but I mockingly reply I don't see why.....
Why do you torture me why must my soul and yours stay separated why can we not be together why is it we both hesitated why must you keep me alone why can't you fill this empty space why can't I kiss your lips why can I not touch your face why is it you're not with me why do I cry myself to sleep why can't we have each other's love to hold, to cherish, to keep why is it you torture me so deep.
First we were nieve and young, we were simply friends without a thought. And we've both searched endlessly for love, but each search has been for not. I knew we would grow past adolesence; you would go your way, and I'd go mine. But now I question one thing to myself: is your love what I'm trying to find? Is it your kisses at night I dream about, and is it your hand I want on my chest? Is it your cheek I wish to gently stroke, and your skin I long to caress? Are you still simply my friend at best, or a figment of my heart's own dream? Are you forever made to be my friend, or are there lines we forgot to read between?
You are deeply hated, just as I am deeply jaded. Why is it your love is gone? Why has all of it now faded? Why am I now forsaken? My heart stomped, after taken. Why do I fell so empty? My heart is broken, yet still breaking. You were something special to me, but never took the time to see; That I did love you, just as I said, insanley, madly, deeply. Now our hearts are all out, love wasted. I know you're gone forever, I've faced it. But the one thing I miss above all, Is your kiss, and how it tasted. So now I leave you, so deep in sorrow. I may seek your love, today or tomorrow. But the last thing I say to you in parting; give me back the heart you borrowed.
I wonder if love know's my name, if she knows my one and only dream; Is to find love in a woman that's worth it, who's everything as wonderful as she seems. I wonder if love is mocking me laughing at me from her place of exsistence. I question if I will ever find my love, through hardships, turmoil, and distance. Is love a beautiful woman's face, Or is it just a mystery? I wonder if love knows I exsist, and if she would blow a kiss to me...
If tomorrow couldn't get here and today was made to be the end I'd know our love was great and true and I'd hope to see you in heaven again If tomorrow got lost along the way and today I took my very last breath I'd only hope to end this life with you in my arms, and my head on your breast If today was the last of our lives and we were forced to forever be apart I'd search heaven far and wide for you The very owner of my soul and heart And if tomorrow shunned us tonight and this day was made to be our last I'll know my eternity will be great Because I loved you in my past