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Everything posted by Mardrax
Taking the pipes from the gnome with a grunt, Guerrero barely pays attention to what the rest of the blatter was about. He certainly wasn't in a mood to care the moment he stepped up to the platform. Moments later, with the reeds in his hand and his stage character subsiding, he still couldn't be moved to care. The moment he sees the water he takes a few steps back to lean against the trea he'd climbed. Hell no, I'm not getting wet. He'd never touched water that was more than foot deep in his life and he intends to keep it that way. Instead, with a dismissive gesture towards Nabeshin, he sits down against the tree and tentatively blows into the pipes a few times to find out their tuning.
Deuteriumhydride - 16 A deuterium-hydrogen molecule that, if it could be brought into being at all, would probably be unstable at best. The obliged chemist's word. Hypothetical at that, afaik. Have to love chemistry. Surely, there has to be a longer D word than 16 letters that's not entirely dependant on pre- and suffixes?
Two white arrows were chalked on the floor, somewhere inside the bowels of the Pen living quarters area. An intersection of paths, one arrow leading away from him, pointing into the right corridor. The other arrow its exact mirror, leading from the opposite corridor, pointing at the corridor on the left. He yawned. She hadn't been able to sleep, and ofcourse, the neighbour had had to suffer. No wonder that room was empty before. And to believe he was actually paying Wyvern rent for it. On to the matter of the day though. She had enticed him into a game of hide and seek spanning the entire keep. She would mark the way to her to make it easier. Sure. His sleepy mouth had agreed before his head could fully register the question. This wouldn't be the first time she had tried to trick him. He had to admit, there were some keen brains in that small head of hers. Then again, he really was just slow. But was she really that fast to run full circle? He shrugged and turned right. A few turns later, he noticed a scrawling on the floor. Now that was just mean. "Find Cerulean"? Now how was he supposed to do that? He barely even knew Cerulean. Sure. He had seen her on occasion, but it wasn't as if he knew her enough to know where to find her. And now he had to, just to ask her where the girl had gone. He didn't even know where to start looking. Mardrax shrugged and continued walking slowly, searching for a room with light shining from under the door to indicate another insomniac occupant. This was as good a place as any to start looking.
Is it Decaffinate or Decaffeinate? Make up your mind Gyr Dramatisation A rendition of something that is made more dramatic than it already was.
Degenerates Etymology: Middle English degenerat, from Latin degeneratus, past participle of degenerare to degenerate, from de- + gener-, genus race, kind -People that have declined or become less specialized (as in nature, character, structure, or function) from an ancestral or former state. -People that have sunk to a condition below that which is normal to a type; especially : having sunk to a lower and usually corrupt and vicious state. -Degraded.
Pressing a foot against the satyr to keep some distance between them, Guerrero uses his hand that hadn't just rushed into the red-furred wall in his way to unclasp one of the straps holding the guitar to his back. He immediately grabs the neck in the same hand, driving its body upwards towards his biggest anoyance of the moment. OOC: Satyr Ascent, Round 4 Climb d20+2=14, Attack d20+4=24, Damage d10+2=10 Satyr Ascent, Round 4 Crit Confirm d20+4=15+4=19 Making the same climb check Stick was to attack. Making the same attack roll too it seems. Crit. Seems confirmed a bit better though. Would make for 20 damage total, fully lethal, not in any mood to tone it down. Like he said: "have me".
In mid-climb, Guerrero looks up, right into the eyes of the satyr that just set his sights on him. Taking two more steps, he watches the satyr make what would probably be the least effective maneuver of the evening. So it's me you want, huh? He turns his body ninety degrees on the rope. His left shoulder facing the ground, he braces and runs straight at the the red-furred satyr. Opening his mouth, he utters another guttural cry, this one with words in it that would probably be audible to anyone used to it. "Then have me!" OOC: One charged bull rush with ofcourse, another bad roll, come on Tzim, bodge it Satyr Ascent, Round 3 Bull Rush 1d20=6 Including the charge bonus that makes 10 still :\ Provided you do roll badly, I'm taking him along the extra 5 feet
As an afterthought to Sinterklaas, and a prelude to carnaval: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ehvfi68HiWI
I have just had the best Sinterklaasavond ever, as far as gifts are concerned anyway. Nearly a kilo of chocolate, some candy and a jar of peanut butter As far as spirit was concerned, my cousin was being very very cranky, which is anoying in a 3 year old
*grin* My turn to skip some then and head straight into the interesting ones -Celembrimdor- The name of a group of cabalists (which has no ties to the Jewish at all) which has at least counted a polite ancient elder among its membership at one point in time. But to actually stay on count and prevent skipping some nice words: -Catapults- A category of ancient siege weapons, deployed in large numbers by the ancient greeks and romans in the form of scorpions and their numerous variations. The chinese developped their bigger form collectively known as the trebuchets between the 5th and 3rd centuries BC to hurl massive boulders (up to 130 lbs or 0 kg in their time, up to 3300 lbs or 1500 kg in the late middle ages) over large distances. (well over 300 feet in ancient chinese times, well over 1000 in the late middle ages) Contrary to popular belief, these could have a fairly high rate of fire. Two engines in tandem could probably fire once every 15 seconds. They were also popularily used to fling dead animals (including humans) and feces to spread disease. Popular uses for them nowadays are large tourist attractions, and machinery used in the inspirationally sounding "Punkin Chunkin'". Note that the way they are portrayed in the movie The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, on top of towers, is historically uncorrect as their recoil would actually damage the tower.
Blurred Dim, vague, cloud, confused or generally indistinct
Shrugging, Guerrero sat down into the harness, planting his feet against the almond tree and lifts a foot to start climbing upwards. Distracted by Xander's swing, he looks up as the student lands on the tree beside him. If that overly stuffed backpack hadn't been weighing him down, he might just as well have landed on me, and he's just as far from that horned half-man than he was before. At least that rope he's swinging from might get in the way of Blacky there. A voice tore him out of his thoughts: "You might want to start climbing, it'll only get harder!" He has no idea how hard things might become if he lands on my back next time he does that. Guerrero shrugs the words and thoughts off and resumes climbing. OOC: Two climb actions, the first probably failing. Satyr Ascent, Round 2, Climb Check #1 and 2 (1d20=6, 1d20=15) The first makes for 8, the second for 17 total. Your thinking seems accurate. 20 foot diameter means a roughly 62 foot circumference, means 12 5 foot sections.
Anonymously Without a name
Very nice indeed I'll get to posting something a bit... more later, as I've just gotten home now, it's 6.45 AM and I need sleep For now, I just want to say I have a friend who's in a relationship I would think similarly complicated, as they seem to have a bit of the same issue between them. Except for him always having said he was going to grow his hair but never actually did But all the differences between them don't seem to hinder them at all, and they've been happily together -for all I know- for well over two years now. Just remember it's all a game of give and take And wether you have a girlfriend who's into Justin Timberlake and 50 Cent, or one who falls asleep to Cannibal Corpse and Zyklon, there's bound to be differences between you anyhow
True, true. You know me too well On that note, I'll have to let birthdays (and especially my own) replace new year's as my favourite celebration. It's a day I see my friends, and possibly make new ones. My friends mean a whole lot more to me than my family, which, with two exceptions, I have no connection with. It's also one of the few celebrations I could actually call a party.
Once in, always in
Actually, that's alot more similar to St Nick than you'd probably expect. I've named Nikolaus as a source for St Nick's cellebration before. Actually, St Nick is more or less the same as Nikolaus, but converted in both meaning and execution by the catholic church ('round the 14th century?). St Nick has the same book, but instead of the demons, he has black helpers (Zwarte Pieten, or Black Pete's) who perform basically the same task, except they carry around big sacks of candy they deal out, and when the sacks are empty, they're supposed to take the naughty kids back to Spain (more to do with historical mash-ups, Nick was a turk, but turkey was Moorish country in the 1400's, his bones had been taken to italy then, where a church still exists in his honour, they were supposed to have been taken to spain after that) with them. On a sidenote, who wouldn't want to spend those dreary wintermonths in the sunny mediteranean? The origin of these followers is discussed by less historically aware persons. Their being black would suggest Moores, which would suggest them being slaves, however a story exists where nick helped a Moorish boy out, who stuck around to help him. Wether or not this is evading the issue of slavery, I won't go into guessing. That issue is avoided however, by what is supposed to be the original story nowadays, where they have become black from going up and down chimneys all the time. For anyone with german roots, a knowledge of germanic culture and knowledge of christian "habits" though, their source is obvious. I should get less verbal someday
A small, red piece of plastic twirls to the floor as Guerrero sticks whatever candy was in there in his mouth with his lefthand. His right hand working deliberately to tie himself into the only leftover harness without entangling it with the few straps holding his guitar to his back. Waiting for the other two to finish, he takes a few steps back and looks up at the two satyrs hanging there, on oppsite ends op the plastic and wooden cylinder. As if two of those tricksters could prove any obstacle to his reaching that platfom. Especially with these ropes they so conveniently draped down for them. He took a quick look around, finding a camera that was currently on-screen and flashing a wide smile into it from beneath his jade coloured jaguar fangs before turning his attention back to the satyrs. Stuffing the hard bit of candy in the inside of his cheek, he shouted: "Hey you guys! Yeah! That's right! You, and you. If you to give us a hard time climbing up that platform, you should try stopping me down here!" And he took a few steps forward again. OOC: Guerrero is using a diplomacy check to try to get the satyrs headed towards the ground. Ofcourse, I roll a 1 for that, so blame Fortuna for that, and having a high charisma to hopefully soften that a bit. Otherwise, he is waiting to see if there is any response from them. If there isn't, he stays on the spot until next round, to probably climb up then. If they respond the way he's hoping, (faint hope at best, but roll low tzim, roll low ) and they move down, he'll wait for them to hit the ground, then start climbing up himself. (readied climb action in case they touch the ground) If that's the case, but they don't touch the ground until the next round, he'll use the second climb roll as well and that'll be his second round then as well If they respond otherwise, there's always IRC. 1d20-> [13] = (13) Initiative 1d20-> [1] = (1) Diplomacy <- w00t! I have the first 1! 1d20-> [4] = (4) Climb 1d20-> [16] = (16) Climb2 totals: Initiative 16 Diplomacy 12 Climb 6 Climb2 18
1. Name of Female Pennite - Ptraci 2. Name of Male Pennite - the Portrait of Zool 3. A Mythical Title - The Great All-Devourer 4. Noun - picture frame 5. Verb, past tense - threatened 6. Name of Another Pennite - Panther (panther seems a popular on-the-side figure, when I posted, I hadn't seen Tany's ) 7. Adjective - yellow 8. Verb ending in “ing” - pouncing 9. A Liquid - Coca Cola vanilla (oh, the disgustingness of it all) 10. Adverb - happily 11. A Time of Day - midnight 12. Noun - paintbrush 13. A Weapon - razor blade 14. An Exotic Article of Clothing - full-leather dominatrix outfit 15. Verb - carress 16. A Piece of Furniture - chair 17. Plural Noun - feathers 18. Part of Body, plural - eyes
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mole_Day *grin*
I'm getting 9.05 billion.... Google has its flaws as an adjucator
To think a latin word would be so widely spread through websites. I wonder where all those classical language lovers are hiding.
The screens turn white for a split second as the first spotlight flashes on. A portion of the crowd that was looking at the live figures from the wrong angle is temporarily blinded, staring straight into the thousands of watts of light being reflected straight at them. A second later, the figure had spotted the camera and turned his masked face straight into it. A brilliant smile visible on the part of his face that wasn't covered. He carried a guitar on his back, which was barely recognisable as such because of its bizarre shape. It had things jutting out of it that some might call spikes, apeared to be made of metal, and polished to an extremely high shine for the occasion. He lifted the guitar into the air by the neck and just threw his other arm up with it. He bellowed a guttural cry, which was lost in the uproar of the audience but clearly audible from where he was standing, which was enough. He wasn't performing for them. He never had. The fans though, loved him for it, as this crowd's reaction proved yet again. They knew him as Guerrero. Lead vocalist and guitar player for Miknemi. A band wildly popular among parts of the youth, especially the spanish speaking parts. A band avidly despised by the vast majority of adulthood for the sheer ammount of noise they brought to stage. Anyone coming to their shows however, soon forgot about the noise as the first "sacrifices" to Bacchus were called upon. He stands there, revelling in the attention from the crowd for those few short seconds before the spotlights mercilessly would swing to his neighbour. He wonders why the crowd loves him. Was it his way of playing? Was it the image of upholding ancestral traditions? Was it just the booze? How would he fare tonight? Would he even step out alive? He scans the crowd, trying to look for a familiar face. Trying to look for that familiar face. Rows upon rows of madly cheering people. A group of calmly sitting ones. Must be part of his party. Some party that would be. But suddenly he spots them, right in front of the monks. Four people sitting next to eachother, equally calm as the monks, but starkly contrasting with their white robes. All clad in black, one with a face equally white as the robes behind him. Did that person just raise a hand at me? Could that be her? He hangs on to the thought, answering it positively in his mind, and waiting for the spotlight to swivel to his side to shake off what little stagefright he seemed to be experiencing.