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Everything posted by Mardrax
Oh how I like when random encounters turn worthwhile like this In the last one, I like how you switch between imperative and implication all the way through, without really changing tone. One thing I ran into which you might look at yourself -if you ever look back - is that when you stick to very short lines, longer lines mess up implied rythm rather fast, like here, I trip over the two four-syllable lines at the end. Might just be me though Overall very nice work indeed Kee
been there
A stick figure hopped onto the doorstep, and off it on the other end. The pen slung over its shoulder like a dwarven soldier would a giant rifle. Jungle surrounded it. Huge trees, seemingly made of single, razorsharp leaves jutted from the ground millionfold around it. It hadn't been able to see much more than ten. If it had had any eyes to see with. Sadly, the figure was as featureless as the trees, and it swiftly collapsed onto the soil and an ant carried it off. The ant would probably cry in its bed that night, for finding its prize missing when it got home. Yet like the figure had no eyes to see, the ant had no tears to shed, nor a bed to wet with them. The pen, meanwhile, had floated up to a higher perch, a couple feet above the field. It awaited what would come in solemn silence. For it had no noise to make.
A tiny reflection catches the eyes of the bystanders, bounced off the tip of what seems to be a very thin thread, originating from the pen, but speeding toward and around Wyvliam. It zigzags back and forth behind his back, sewing the tear shut with some quick strokes and a tiny knot. While the needle separates from the string and falls away, the pitch black zigzag is still clearly visible, together with some text: "I gladly give to the poor" The pen itself -now also separated from the thread- wiggles in place a bit, then tilts to horizontal and back towards Stick in mock-answer to his greeting.
The choice to format this into three columns was actually just made to have the second stanza-column make more sense. Also, 18 one-or-two-word lines, separated into 3 stanzas, all below eachother would have just have been hell to read if you ask me, next to looking bad at first glance. I'm a visual guy At any rate, you have me interested now. Do see what you can dig up, by all means
*poke poke* *zip woosh slalom woosh curl curl curl wavy wavy curl curlycircle poke halt* It didn't like being poked. It might just be an object, but it was an object with feeling. An object not just with feeling, with emotion, but an object of Limbo made solid. Not that anyone here could care about that. No in-betweens among these. Although that girl... Something was odd about her. The pen shifted, positioning itself horizontally while flying toward Minta, maneuvering itself around several objects in its way. Not least of which avoiding to impale Loki, and just barely missing a bouncing skeleton's collarbone. It came to an abrubt stop in front of Minta, back into a vertical, after some twirling around in the air, some armspans from her face. "Hiya!" it said in big, curly letters, the pen itself functioning as the exclamation mark's upright.
If it had been lead We would have collapsed then Our burden was much lighter, much clearer then, much brighter As when it all began, the day we found it dead. If it had been lead Away, far from our eyes It might have lived another day yet all of us were led astray Still it was no surprise when we found its severed head. If it had been lead It wouldn't have been eaten The butcher's son did eat it whole -Everything but the gumdrop skull- So now he has been beaten and he is far from glad. Yet the gingerman is dead. _______________ RSS feeds nourish us
Just a quick idea that popped up. Comments welcome indeed as always Volve Involve Revolve Dissolve Involve Revolve Dissolve Everything Everything Everything Everyone Revolves Dis No choice Around sol No option Everything Involved
And I totally forgot to include a new line ____ Prophets preaching to pharaos
"What's new at the Very Merry Seamstress' Shop?" We used to shop and eat and drop and pop. 1815, oh if time could stop, it should have stopped there, yes I would swap those days for this these, these are a flop. With screaming death metal and fast hip hop, when there were no taxis or motorbike cops. We used to sit sowing or play with spin tops. But gone are those days, now I can but sob: "My friends all died but remember that line What's new at the Very Merry Seamstress' Shop?" This grew a bit too much for this section, so the complete version can be found here in the Scarlett Pen
There is no place like fair Burbank Where all the films that ever stank were all produced, it seems Where all the men of general's rank in aircraft hangars cold and dank heeded Locks with gleams on Cali sunshine faces In Toyon shadows grow strange places, and legless farmers too have aspirations and walk the Walk of Fame - So if you want these kind of dreams it's Californication. ___________ Codebox spoiler acronym (and yay for randomness! )
believe in hope out there it dangles don't grasp it, clutch it get entangled let it shine and let it spangle for it will be there always ~ A new entry on the playlist
that's because of all those bad quality Irish greens mate
Everything has a meaning, Wyv mate. Here, everything continues on the latter and the title is a timestamp
love hate juxtapose those not opposed the first behind the latter enclosed Fabergé in cast yellow plastic shell within a shell taken away on the full moon tide Rachmaninov on a one octave xylophone a tool not easily wielded by those unproficient
May 27th, 7 AM The sun had climbed the sky already. All of our master's kind were fast asleep. Not us. We were in the car. Three black SUVs riding in column. Armored to the point of being tanks without tracks. Armed to the point of being tanks without tracks. The house on the hill would be an easy target. - She threw the blankets off her in a centuries old reflex. It was too hot. Hrm? Too hot. I'm cold to the bone. Have been for ages. She peaked a drowsy look towards the window. Fire. Four broken bottles lay between the bed and the window. Flames were already licking the bedpost. She jumped up and threw open the door towards the first floor walkway. An inferno greeted her. As the morning's numbness subsided to give way to Rötschreck, she caught a glimpse of the men gathered in the courtyard, through the two story window. It had always allowed her to see so clearly, and it did for one last time. Their attire was a telltale sign of whom had set this on her, and just confirmed her earlier suspicion. She had chosen the worst of allies. - [7:16] * Angeli has quit IRC (Ping timeout for Angeli[517.624.2.142])
[20:28] * Connecting to goldendown.uglytruth.org (8883) - [20:28] -goldendown.uglytruth.org- *** Looking up your hostname - [20:28] -goldendown.uglytruth.org- *** Checking for ident server - [20:28] -goldendown.uglytruth.org- *** Found your hostname - Sylas no such nickname - Sylas end of /WHOIS list - Bigears is bigears@517.625.8.181 * Bigears using sewergrate1.gd.uglytruth.org [517.625.8.181] Goldendown Shadowdwellers Bigears End of /WHOIS list. - [23:29] -> *Bigears* Good morning. [23:29] <Bigears> Ey. Dya hear? [23:30] <Angeli> What, exactly? [23:30] <Bigears> Sylas. [23:30] <Angeli> ... [23:30] <Angeli> Where? [23:31] <Bigears> Sewers. Kine. Two down. Mercs, probably. No IDs on em. [23:31] <Angeli> Morte. [23:31] <Angeli> No one showed for Elysium tonight. [23:31] <Bigears> The kine might have hit again. Taken us all down in one blow. [23:32] <Angeli> True. [23:32] <Angeli> There's one person I would have expected to show though. [23:32] <Angeli> Right, I'm off. Getting hungry, and I have some calls to make. [23:32] <Angeli> Let me know when you hear something, as always. [23:34] <Bigears> Right. Cya. - Quit OOC: Voting for Andreas/Venefyxatu. I hate having to break ties on myself :\
In the following hours, this letter is left where it in locations where it may be found by all whom it concerns. In letterboxes, e-mail accounts and dumpsters. Clean, corporate paper, with a rainbow logo printed on the envelope.