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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Mardrax

  1. Every reply (directed at me anyways) is an appreciated one Buddha, and if you think something longer is called for than what you can do at the time, you can always post that in bits... the art of patience is a fair one For this though, thanks
  2. Read my latest post in the banquet room. No suction though, but my bathtub does double as a shower basin, however sitting in it with just the shower running is quite awkward at times 0_o Have you ever had a rabbit stand on it's hind-legs, to be able to reach over your hips when you're standing up? Have you ever been ~6'4" when that happened?
  3. ofcourse, as gyr pointed out, that's the way it works for Invision software. Other pieces of forum software need not necesarilly support this, so if you still can't find it, find out what software you're using. Or, if you're really the programming guy and just running home-scripted PHP, typed entirely in notepad, I can probably just wish you luck, as I doubt there are much people here who can help you then, apart from Patrick, I suspect
  4. Have you ever sat on the beach, looking at the blue sky with a searing sun looking back at you, wishing you could be in an airconditioned office?
  5. *hops up and down* yepyep
  6. Not entirely happy with it myself, but as always, comments are welcome, and enjoy. Sitting in my bathtub all alone watching the showerhead spew down luke but not seeing Seeing you me Our mutual idioglossia in mute or is it? Am I just seeing things? wishfully thinking? Heard your silent screams suppressed sobs years of cropping up emotions raging on Saw your every scar or probably not but heard some nonetheless felt some Are we really that much the same you and I that you would let me in through your drug-built wall Could you trust me? Would you do the same tomorrow? "Ceea ce am fost, esti tu acum quod mille anni passi sunt" my voices drone on Sitting in my bathtub all alone watching the water cascading down my leg tracing patterns of hair through my thoughts Time to get out edit: horrible language error
  7. clothes
  8. chains
  9. "Señorita? Señorita? Tres pelotas por favor." The man who had walked up beside the couple rapped his fingers on the large wooden box he'd set down by his right leg. The couple turned their heads toward the newcomer as he tossed a few coins on the counter separating the customers from the gnome, who didn't really pay attention to the man up to the moment she'd heard the coins ringing, but was paying full attention now. She cocked an eyebrow in wonder as she first saw him, but that look turned into recognition after a second or so more. She was a rough feet away from him another second later, and probably would have been against him had that same counter not been separating them. "Guer... Guer... Señor?" A rapid conversation in spanish shot between the two as the half-elven couple just wondered where this next stranger had come crawling from. His outfit wasn't remarkable at all. In fact, he was just wearing a pair of plain black jeans over standard issue army boots, with a black t-shirt covering his chest. His face however, was obscured by a greenish, jaguar-shaped mask, followed by a hood that seemed to be made entirely of jaguarfur, reaching to just below his shoulders. A mouth in a wide smile was just visible below the mask. He had a large wooden case beside him, reaching from the ground to just above his hip. The chest was about as wide as his chest, and was painted all black apart from the corners which had a coating of metal on them. The paintjob however was barely visible through the ammount of stickers and written "I love you"'s and "te queiro"'s on it. "Here!" The couple looked up from their gazing as two balls came flying toward them. The girl picked up the ball that was directed at her from the ground and stood up, then looked at her date, who had firmly caught his. The balls had an autograph on them, unintelligible apart from the first and last letters, G and O. They looked at the gnome girl who had a simmilarly autographed ball in hand and looked a million times happier than before. The man, in the meantime, had walked away from the stand and headed for the registration table, the case carried along with him. The elven couple just saw his back dissapearing in the crowd, as the letters "Aeon" which were printed on the back of his shirt was obscured by someone walking by. He walked up to the registration table and tossed a small folder on it, then walked up to the stocky man beside it, set his case down and rapped his fingers on his head. "Wakey wakey mister. It's no fun being that silent when there's introductions to make" He stuck out his hand in greeting. "You can call me Guerrero, and I guess we're in this together."
  10. dictionary
  11. pirates!
  12. Banquet flying through the air Foodstuffs thrown at dragon's wrath All to save the maidens fair Slaying wyrmkind through obesity or was it Just to scare your roommate? in any case Shawns, pipers, drummers Providing the festive background And a praise to raven's words
  13. Nice one rev, though I'm a bit too hungover to go into God's grace right now, you might see it appended here tomorrow or so, but here comes the other: I know, you know I know what you've been up to / I know, you know I know what you know and I know, you know that this is when it ends now I know, you know I love you with my all but I know, you know that you will let me fall / You think, I know I want naught but lose you You think, I know I no longer care You think, I know we are naught but through You think, I think "How much can I bear?" but I know, I know I don't want to lose you I know, I know I don't want you there I know, I know I want you here with me I know, I think Alrighty, thinking of the next line, the hardest bit How about: That old mentality, of "We can take it all" hmmm... or how about Tomatoes and eggs aren't fit to throw now don't know where those came from
  14. It could be. That thought is at least something to hold on to, because mostly, it IS better to have a bird in the hand, even though the bird you're looking for might still be in the bush -or, like that proverbial bush translates into Dutch: in the sky- I'll give you a few more birds to hold on to though. Does the bird grant you its presence because it wants to be with you, or because you need the company? Out of admiration, out of pity, out of something else? If you'd try to seduce that bird into staying, into coming closer, would that work? In any case? Metaphores and proverbs go hand in hand, and will turn up at alot more corners you pass than those where you will be looking for them. I try to avoid them like the plague, try to chase them off, but sometimes they just won't listen
  15. little
  16. cereal
  17. string
  18. tie
  19. "Read the post above for a line" Or will I just use this one? I never was one to settle. Will I use the other this time? But I have just begun trying to get this one to show its mettle. The other'd probably do fine, but this for now has won, and for this I will now settle. Endlessly the trails entwine, weaving paths of wit and rhyme. The lines of coal and metal influenced by beer and wine. Now I think for me it's time to get out of this nettle; this nettle of worldplay entwined in a scheme so rigged with rhyme. So for this I'll settle. *grin* "I'm at the line (I'm never crossing that line)"
  20. France
  21. entertainment
  22. time
  23. Knievo
  24. four
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