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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by HawkAngel

  1. I live there too. I cut back into irc on galaxynet and was whisked away by some evil blitz players. I've been residing with the Warriors of the True Faith until I persuade Sogrom and company to let me quit playing and help them manage the server (at least to rid the cheaters). So look me up. I'll be the blue with the bizzare stacking......mostly because I've totally forgotten how to play -H.
  2. HawkAngel....who had just stepped out from Hell for the first time in a good long time and found himself holding the Nimball, which was as usual completely idle. 'Man, first Hell for 3 years with no available exit, and now I come back into the middle of a game of Nimball[tm]?'' he groaned. Taking to his heels he sped off towards the nearest object he could see, a rather overgrown statute of a giagantic turtle. As he passed through a nearby village he was overwhelmed by a feeling of complete deja vu. Not paying any attention he tripped headlong over a very familiar looking imp. The Nimball[tm] flew forward at tremendous speed off into the woods. 'Great, Hell for 3 years, a game of Nimball[tm], where I lose the Nimball[tm] not 5 minutes after getting it, and there's no tavern in this village to quench this 3 year parched throat.....'
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